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Affiliated Societies Activities

 Forum AGEOCOL - Geothermal, oil and gas: synergies and prospects for the energy future.  2 courses - ACGGP Technical Course: Seismic Interpretation and Structural Modelling. - Remote sensors applied to oil Exploration.  First week of UIS Geophysics - In person event.


 Present your thesis at the ACGGP - On four ocasions the event “Present your thesis at the ACGGP” was held.  Workshop for student chapters - Meeting of leaders

AMGE Mexico, some relevant activities

AMGE (Spanish acronym for the Mexican Association of Exploration Geophysicists) organized colloquiums and talks on several topics during this year. Details and recordings can be found at the following YouTube links:

Campo de Acción al Egresar de Geofísica; de la

Academia a la Industria (Str eamed live on Mar ch 3, 2021; in Spanish). Watch it here.

Servicio y Desarrollo Profesional en Geofísica

de Exploración (Str eamed live on J une 30, 2021; in Spanish). Watch it here.

¿Hay plutonismo reciente en aguas profundas

de las cordilleras mexicanas? (Str eamed live on August 24, 2021; in Spanish). Watch it here.

Una visión Realista de la Transición Energética, ¿Qué perspectivas para las Geociencias?

(Streamed live on September 23, 2021; in Spanish). Watch it here.

Surface-Wave Surveys Building a Community Seismic Velocity Model for Nevada, USA for Physics-Based 3D Earthquake Ground-Motion Predic-

tion (Str eamed live on October 14, 2021; in English). Watch it here.

On the other hand, AMGE was one of the organizers of the Mexican Petroleum Congress (https:// congresomexicanodelpetroleo.com/ index_ingles.html) held last November 17-20 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.

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