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First Applied Geophysics Summer School SEGCICESE 2021

By Ana Lucía Ramos Barreto


The 2020 Student Chapter SEG-CICESE General Committee applied to the SEG Field Camp Program with the project titled “Applied Geophysics Summer School SEG-CICESE 2021”. As a team, our dream started back in the last months of 2020 when we were working on the project proposal beside the Christmas celebrations. After several modifications, the project was finally submitted, which would be evaluated along with other projects around the world. After a short wait, early in April of 2021, we received the results: Our project was selected, and the dream came true!

The Applied Geophysics Summer School SEGCICESE 2021, considered the first Summer School of Geophysics in Mexico, was held in Ensenada, Baja California, between the 23rd of August and 3th of September. The purpose was to obtain an updated subsoil model using different geophysical techniques to assess the current groundwater availability in the Ojos Negros Valley (located at 40 km of Ensenada City), which has been affected in the last decades by over-irrigation of crops and human consumption.

The Summer School accepted twelve students, three graduate students from the Earth Science Graduate Program at CICESE. The remaining nine were undergraduate students. They belong to universities from different states of Mexico (Chiapas, Veracruz, Puebla, Mexico City, Tamaulipas, and Tabasco) that do not have the geophysical equipment to complement their degree studies related to geosciences, allowing students to learn geophysical


During those eleven days, participants received hands-on experience with theoretical background, acquiring, processing, and analyzing the three geophysical methods; electrical, electromagnetic, and seismic. For students, this experience beyond regular indoor class reinforces their scientific knowledge and the sense that science results from a sum of both individual and team efforts. Efforts that must continue to expand in order to satisfy and benefit our society.

The success of this Summer School is the result of the effort of an incredible team: the Ph.D. students Beatriz Valdés Moreno, Ana L. Ramos Barreto, and Juan G. Peña Dominguez. Also we thank Dr. Diego Ruiz Aguilar (leader of the project); Lecturers, Dr. Carlos F. Flores Luna, Dr. Jose Manuel Romo Jones, Dr. Mario Gonźalez Escobar, Dr. Marco A. Pérez Flores, Dr. Luis A. Gallardo Delgado, and all staff members to make this project possible.

Dr. Diego Ruiz and students acquiring an AMT sounding. Visualization of 2D seismic data model for the study area.

Participants of Applied Geophysics Summer School SEGCICESE 2021 (The face-mask was only removed for the photo)

Finally, for the SEG-CICESE Student Chapter, this experience was enriching and fulfilling. The General Committee is grateful to the SEG Foundation for making this possible and is encouraging other student chapters to apply and live this experience.

SEG Women’s Network Argentina Community

By Sofia Pannuzio

The latest activities organized by the SEG WN Argentina Community are:

Passport in Geosciences

On September 13th, we have held our third activity called Passport in Geosciences in which the invited panelists María Johanna Diácono (UBA) and Agostina Causino (UNS), shared their experiences studying and working abroad.

María Johanna Diácono went to Germany to do some Geology courses in Pötsdam and to work in two internships in the meanwhile. In her second experience, she traveled to USA with the Friends of Fulbright scholarship to take geology courses and expand her knowledge and culture.

Agostina Caucino had the likelihood to be part of two grants. The first one was in Germany with IAESTE scholarship and the second in Canada with a scholarship awarded by the Canada Government. In both of them, she could be part of geology courses and other external activities, such as sport teams and internships.

The event was mediated by Constanza Santori (Geophysics student at UNSJ) and Ariana Vidal (Geology student at UNC), both of them members of the SEG WN Argentina Student Chapter.

Personal Branding

On September 22nd, we have held our fourth activity with part of the Pan American Energy´s work team. The activity was called Personal Branding and the invited professionals were Débora Colombino (Talent Analyst) and Ailen Dimitroff, Geologist from UBA, and Junior Development Geologist (PAE). They gave advices related to selection processes and job interviews. Furthermore, Ailen shared her experience in her young professional path, and in her academic career.

During the activity, Débora shared examples to develop an effective CV and what they should know before applying in a selection process. Ailen told assistants about each part of the processes in where she was part, this involved interviews and assesments as well.

This event was mediated by the SEG WN Argentina Student Chapter Leaders: Fernanda Graneros (Geophysics and Geodesic Engineering student at UNT) and Sofia Pannunzio (Geology student at UBA).

The event recording is available on the SEG Women's Network Students channel. More information about our events can be found on our Instagram profile.

SEG Women’s Network Brazil Community

By Isabela Albuquerque

In August and September, the SEG WN Brazilian Student Community organized, in partnership with the National Observatory’s student chapter, the event Artificial Intelligence applied to Geosciences, which featured six weekly lectures on AI and its applications in potential methods, seismic interpretation, Petrophysics, Seismology, and Astronomy. The lectures were given by experienced women professionals in each area.

The recording of some lectures from the event is available on the National Observatory Student Chapter YouTube channel.

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