October 2019
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Volume 54, Number 211 830-379-2234
T h e Vo i c e of Seguin To d a y
Seguin invited to pour some support into creation of new tequila product with the culture and celebrations of the city of San Antonio and surrounding area.
By Cindy Aguirre-Herrera (Seguin) -- A pair of entrepreneurs from Seguin need your help as they race against the clock in their efforts to craft and launch the latest blend and bottle of organic Tequila named VICE. 2011 Seguin High School graduates Zacharee Ramirez and Jay Torrez are hoping to reach their Kickstarter campaign goal of $7,500 by 10 p.m. this Wednesday. As of late Monday, the pair along with a third business partner Jordan Simmons, were about $1,000 shy of meeting their mark. The money raised will go to help support the trio's initial investment to produce VICE Tequila. Ramirez says the idea for VICE started just over a year ago. He says what began as only as an interest for the taste buds has now become a business venture - a business venture that also looks to tie in the bottle of spirits
Zacharee Ramirez, Jordan Simmons and Jay Torrez, left to right, want to put a bottle of their organic VICE Tequila into the hands of everyone this coming spring. This Wednesday is the deadline for their Kickstarter campaign. The young entrepreneurs are still hundreds of dollars shy of reaching their goal, all in hopes of moving forward with production. Courtesy photo.
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See TEQUILA, page 3
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Let RED,WHITE & BLUE work for you! 230 Turtle Lane--Reduced!! Wonderful Lake Placid Waterfront in Pecan Cove Estates. This lot has some Mature Trees and you can pick where to put your Dream Home out of the 100 year Flood Plain. There is a full Concrete retaining wall with an opening for a slip to be added. $299000 #378416
"I guess it originally started by all of us just kind of liking Tequila really in the beginning and then we started kind of expanding our taste a little bit just realizing that there is a lot of different varieties and different brands out there of Tequila and so once we started realizing that, there wasn't a Tequila that was branded as a San Antonio product and as a hometown kind of product and so that's when we realized the opportunity to do something like that and so, once we realized the opportunity, what we really did was looked at different Tequilas based out of Texas and this kind of reversed, engineered the whole process of how they did it and kind of put our own little tweak on it and that's how we came up with our product," said Ramirez.
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