Case Study Pandora Australia

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Case Study

Pandora Jewelry - The Business Pandora Jewelry is a fast growing and unique jewellery company which offers consumers the opportunity to design their own distinctive fashion creations. Originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, Pandora Jewelry has quickly spread across the globe to become one of the most well-known and popular contemporary jewellery designs. Inspired by Greek mythology Pandora uses hope and inspiration as the basis for their characteristic style. The key to Pandora’s success has been the innovative bracelet design, which allows the wearer to select beads from a large collection and decide on their arrangement of beads on the bracelet. Each bracelet is a unique expression of the wearer that can be changed to suit mood or occasion. The product has been embraced by Australian consumers with numerous jewellery stores requesting to be authorised Pandora Jewelry sellers. There are also plans to create an exclusive Pandora Jewelry store in Sydney which will deal solely in Pandora products, incorporating the distinctive retail fit out used in European stores, along with the establishment of a retail franchise network.

The Challenge Approached by Pandora to review and advise in respect of their distribution model and exclusive distribution agreement with Denmark, we were inundated with numerous documents to review. The biggest challenge was to understand and map out Pandora Australia’s future direction which would include establishing a more structured distribution network. This required that all structures and systems work within the terms of the distribution agreement with Denmark but also still placed their own limits on authorised Pandora Jewelry sellers in Australia. Strict supervision and full use of legal controls and limitations would be central to the maintenance of the brand’s distinguished reputation.

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Case Study Pandora Australia by SeiShonagon - Issuu