SEKEM Call for Donations

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Thank you for your interest in helping the SEKEM Initiative! SEKEM values financial donations made through any of its European support associations. Please choose the appropriate organisation below. Mark your donation “DONATION SDF”! If you have any questions concerning your donation, please also contact the association directly.

Germany Verein zur Förderung kultureller Entwicklung in Ägypten e.V. Sparkasse Pforzheim Account: 87 00 13 Bank Identification Code: 666 500 85 IBAN: DE 53 6665 0000 8700 13 BIC: PZHSDE666XXX or GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Account: 716 68 200 Bank Identification Code: 430 609 67 IBAN: DE27430609670071668200 BIC: GENODEMIGLS Austria Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Förderung des SEKEM-Impulses in Ägypten und Österreich Bank für Kärnten und Steiermark Account: 181 000 341 Bank Identification Code: 17000 IBAN: AT 171700000181000341 BIC: BFKKAT2K Switzerland Förderverein SEKEM Schweiz Herr Daniel Baumgartner [] oder Ernst Bürgin [] CH-4132 Muttenz Postscheckkonto Nr. 40-517104-1 IBAN: CH5109000000405171041 BIC: POFICHBEXXX Norway SEKEM Scandinavia

Cultura Bank Box 6800 St.Olavsplass 0130 Oslo Account: 1254 20 47125 IBAN: NO8912542047125 BIC: CULTNOK1 The Netherlands Vriendenkring SEKEM Triodos Bank Account: 212488422 tnv Vriendenkring Sekem IBAN: NL76 TRIO 0212 4884 22 BIC: TRIONL2U or ING bank Bankaccount 8072506 t.n.v. Vriendenkring Sekem IBAN number: NL35INGB0008072506 BIC: INGBNL2A

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