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3 SPH PV Students become Winners in Renowned International Children's Art Competition in Japan

The 13th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest

Division 3 | CMIC Awards

Edward Franklin


Congratulations to 3 of our students for winning the 13th Nakamura Keith Haring Collection International Children’s Drawing Contest!

The International Children’s Drawing Contest has brought students from all over the world to submit their best works each year. This year, the competition chose "From Now On" as the theme and the contest received 1,708 entries from all over the world, resulting in 27 winners. Three of our students entered their best artwork and came out as winners in the competition; they are Edward Franklin (Gr.10), Darlene Faith Hope (Gr. 7), and Andrea Jane Caja (Gr. 3). Their artworks are more than just drawings. Each of them portrays stories about our society, the world, and the future. We hope that our students will continue to flourish, influence, and engage with the world around them.

Division 2 | Keith Haring Foundation Awards

Darlene Faith Hope

Division 1 | Keith Haring Foundation Awards

Andrea Jane Caja

Live Streaming Award Ceremony

Every year, the Nakamura Keith Haring Art Winners will be invited to Japan to attend the Award Ceremony and workshop to display their artworks.

Unfortunately, due to the pandemic this year, our students could not join the awarding ceremony & workshop in Japan in person. However, the Award Ceremony will be live streamed on Saturday, Oct 30, 2021.

Parents and PV community can watch the live ceremony where you will see the whole ceremony and our students video message being broadcasted live from Japan.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony will be held in Yamanashi on Saturday, Oct 30th, 2021 at 9.30 AM WIB (GMT+7).

Live Streaming : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBFgsepOj80

(The live stream will be private, only those who know the URL will be able to watch it. Feel free to share the link with your family and friends.)

If you are not able to watch it live, the ceremony will be officially uploaded in the Nakamura Keith Haring Youtube Channel in December.

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