“The Storyteller” Trauma and the Soul, Kalsched, D. (2013)

“The Storyteller” Trauma and the Soul, Kalsched, D. (2013)
Safety Social Engagement system
VentralVagal, Oxytocin (Cranial nerves V,VII, IX, X, XI)
• Vocalization, intonation, expression
• Facial expression
• Easeful smile (& with the eyes)
• Eye contact
• Optimal relaxation and activation
• Present and engaged
Danger Sympathetic nervous system
Mobilization/ fight or flight
Adrenaline then cortisol
Stereotypical Imprecise action patterns
Muscle tension up
Libido, Growth Immune system
Repair all down
• Dry mouth
Digestion down
• Narrow focus
• fixed thinking • going quickly
Jane Shaw Natural Health ©
Breathing up
Heart rate up
Cold hands and feet
Lose voice
Voice one tone
Dissociation – spin off
Jane Shaw Natural Health ©
Numbing Feeling of collapse Feeling of not being able to move
Startle response –rabbit in headlights
omatic awareness Intuitive Inquiry Mindful movement
Play and creative practice
Listening with whole body Effortless Action
“When we feel safe and connected, we embody a deep security that allows us to respond from a deeper place of knowing, of ease, and of understanding.”
SHAW, J. (2024)
At birth the human nervous system needs a caregiver to survive so it signals to the caregiver via the muscles of the face and head.
“Human survival is dependent on coregulating our neurophysiological state via social interaction”
PORGES, S. (2020)
“The way never acts yet nothing is left undone”
Lao Tzu