==== ==== Self Defense Moves you can do at Home, Work or School. Fast, Easy and Fun! http://tinyurl.com/SimpleSelfDefenseMoves ==== ====
People spend thousands of dollars each year on nutrition, body sculpting, and beauty enhancements to build healthy, attractive bodies. Unfortunately, benefits that take years to achieve and keep up could disappear instantly due to unexpected physical violence. Concerned parents take family safety very important, and they buy insurance, smoke detectors, intruder alerts, and monitoring services to protect their ways of life. Consider the benefits of a self defense DVD to learn how to respond to physical confrontations. Most opportunistic attackers pick on people they perceive as weak or convenient for their goals, which could be jealousy, robbery or hatred. Training helps make people faster, stronger, healthier, and balanced, helping remove the stresses of sedentary lifestyles. Many people take personal safety precautions by learning how to protect themselves. Interactive self defense DVDs offer people the ability to train at their own pace in many disciplines and get the following benefits. Senior citizens can learn how to protect themselves with basic techniques and proper use of pepper spray. Courses of study include learning how to survive attacks with handguns, knives, or rifles. Self Defense DVD - for corporate training to protect themselves in the workplace. Regular self-protection training improves health and builds better bodies. People increase their agility, improve their balance, and ignite faster automatic responses to physical threats. The cardiovascular system becomes healthier. You also get many psychological benefits from self defense DVD training videos including better concentration, improved focus, better self-awareness, and greater respect for themselves and others. Self-defense videos help people learn to focus their attention and make every part of their bodies weapons for protection. Good courses teach dynamic motion, which requires moving in every direction, and taking advantage of momentum. Small people can learn to disable and neutralize bullies with speed and accuracy. Many disciplines focus on variations of how to disable opponents quickly, use their weight against them, and explode with power to counter unexpected threats in any environment. Good selfdefense training improves physiques, helps people lose weight, and gives circulatory and digestive system benefits. People can prepare to meet any eventuality by training with a self defense DVD. The choice of programs gives both young and old people the techniques they need to protect themselves in a dangerous world. The best training programs are programs that are easy to learn, simple to implement and usable to