Self Starter Magazine May 2018

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Marvelous May

* johanna harpur- the master of beauty * taking the emotion out of business * Paul Dunphy esquire-a gentle giant in social media

 Looking Beyond , Noticing The Good Things And Taking Toll. Much too often, we forget all the good things we have caused to occur, or created or achieved... Our minds are somehow frustratingly hell-bent on making us feel as insignificant as possible, that our efforts of bringing joy and happiness to the people around us are in vain and that we don`t make much of an impact on the worldSERIOUSLY, WHAT`S THAT ALL ABOUT!? Every single thing you do has an impact on your fellow human beings and although you often won`t see the ripple effect of the joy you caused, it still happens! So, from now on, let`s wake up in the morning with a smile on our faces, because this life of ours is good to have, it is ours to shape as we please, and, more to the point, it is our only one so let`s make it count!

"In a world where you can be anything you wish to be, be kind" P 03


Wendy Merrigan

Paul Dunphy

Lynsey Hanratty

Johanna Harpur

Melissa Curley

Fiona Staunton

**Cover Page Photo Credits** Paul Dunphy Esquire-Marie-Clare Byard Johanna Harpur-Anthony Woods

Publisher & Editor-In-Chief Kajsa Kinsella Arklow County Wicklow Ireland

Emma Dàrcy

"Dreams And Dedications Are A Powerful Combination!" P1 P


May Moods

Editors Welcome BY KAJSA KINSELLA Hi Everyone & All. I hope you all are well and that you are sharing my hope for a bright, sunny and warm spring. As a foreigner, I must say, keeping the spirit up, when the Irish rain is washing my windows away is sometimes not as easy as I`d like it to be..! But, sure, what can you do about it anyway, as the Irish say.

This month, we will learn to tackle the daunting prospect of speaking in public-yes, I know, but don`t panic just yet, read the article, practise and take it step by step and you are on your way to representing your business in one of the most effective ways you can imagine. It`s a subject which I, myself have to get to grips with, and altough I used to be on stage as a young one, singing in bands and having no trouble doing so, since I had children 20 years ago, the old confidence has gone south, and it`s high time to fish it back up to the surface again! Also, we have an exciting new competition for you-Grab Yourself A Mentor! Win a 30 minute SKYPE consultation with one of our three experts to get feedback, advice or simply brainstorm. Learn how social media guru Paul Dunphy Esquire found his ultimate calling and has created a very strong platform for himself; how leading Irish jewellery designer Johanna Harpur is on her way to the stars and how TV chef Fiona Staunton can help you cook, eat and nourish in next to no time through her intimate and friendly courses.

P1 P


For You This Month

P 9. Learn to enjoy

P 14. Public Speaking Panic

P 22. The Cream Of The

conversing again with

Station!Learn how to get

Crop, showcasing

Melissa and a nice cup of

your nerves under control.

Ireland`s best produce, design and craftsmanship.

tea! P 12. Take the emotion out of

P 16. Lunchtime!

P 24. Wanting to do

business-ing. Lynsey

Vegetarian, or Carnivore,

business, but not knowing

Hanratty tells you how.

these wraps are delicious.

where to start? Wendy tells you what to do next.



For You This Month

P 27. Social Media Curator

P 34. Low calorie oatflake

P 40. Be in with the chance

Paul Dunphy Esquire gives

snacks with fresh berries-

of winning a 30 minute

his most revealing interview


consultation with one of our three experts!

yet. P 30. TV chef Fiona

P 37. Jewellery designer

P 42. Emma DĂ€rcy will tell

Staunton is here to help you

extraordinaire Johanna

you how your customer

"Cook, Eat & Nourish".

Harpur tells the secrets of

sees you.

her success.







By Melissa Curley

My name, Melissa, actually means honeybee in Greek, and some would say that I was annoyingly chatty as a child, so maybe it was always meant to be, that I would create a business called SocialBee, with a mission to make people fall back in love with tea and conversation. SocialBee began in my head as an observation of the world around me and how we were spending less and less time gathering to spend time in one another’s company. I wanted to create a service that would bring people together, back around the table, to chat and connect. The occasion of Afternoon Tea seemed to me to be the perfect tool to achieve this. It reminds us of a time when to "take tea together", was an occasion not to be rushed, where we had time to sit, and chat, and muse, and enjoy one another's company. People reassessed what mattered to them, postrecession. And what matters is the people around you, the experiences you all share together, and how best to spend your precious time in ways that feed your human desire for connection, and community. in ways that feed your human desire for connection, and community. SocialBee started as a quirky service that brought surprise, delight, and joy to many a special occasion. But it has become much more than that in these past three and a half years. When I started offering the service to companies for staff treats, I soon realized that it would serve an even more important function than that. As the workplace gets larger and busier, so too do our human interactions get more efficient and technology focused. What gets lost is intimacy and human interaction. And so now, we are finding that more and more our service is helping to promote employee interaction and internal networking.



"PEOPLE WILL FORGET WHAT YOU SAID, THEY WILL FORGET WHAT YOU DID, BUT PEOPLE WILL NEVER FORGET HOW YOU MADE THEM FEEL." My initial ‘why’ has never been more relevant. People are looking to reconnect, both with themselves and with the people around them. At SocialBee, we have a passion for conversation, and for getting the conversations started. So whether we are working on a special occasion, or a corporate event, I always keep in mind a favourite quote from Maya Angelou ‘’ people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never for how you made them feel. ’’ We want everyone to feel surprised, delighted, treated and valued at a SocialBee event.

"Start with an idea that excites you / moves you / motivates you. With SocialBee I wanted to create a service that would bring people back around the table, to chat and connect."

"Starting and running my own business was a day by day learning curve." P


melissa`s top tips ● Being different - wasn’t my initial goal. But the service I created was different, and it captured people’s curiosity. ● Be delightfully delusional - in the beginning only though! It will help you to overcome the fears, doubts, and anxieties that come with taking a jump off the selfemployed cliff. ● Think laterally - when I realized that the service I had created was a weekend occasion one, I knew I needed to figure out how to sell it all week long, or else I had created a lovely hobby and not a business. So I looked to the corporate sector and found that employee well-being was becoming a buzz phrase. SocialBee to the rescue then with a wonderful service that would surprise, delight and be a treat to staff. ● Always be evolving - the quirkier your service/ product is, the more likely it is to have a limit to its popularity and appeal. Think about the most expensive item of clothing you own - you keep it for special occasions and not everyday use. So too, with a service like mine. So what else can be added to keep clients interested?



"Taking the emotion out of your business" By Lynsey Hanratty While many of us think of our business as our ‘baby’, this can be detrimental to how we make our business work. Being emotional around your business can make it difficult to see where the pitfalls are, or the areas that are not working for you. Having the passion and drive to keep your business going is one thing, but constantly bringing feelings into your business decisions can diminish your business prowess. Being emotional can make it difficult to make the hard decisions when it comes to building on the foundations of your business. Emotions bring up questions like ‘Why is this not working?’ instead of the more rational ‘How can I make this work?’. The ‘Why?’ is more of an emotional response than the more measured and curious ‘How?’ that can make you see your business issues in a different light.Nobody wants their business to fail, however, when things are not working, it can be hard not to bring emotions into it, especially as your business is so connected to your personality and brand.

Being emotional around your business costs energy, an energy that is better spent focusing on making your business work for you and your clients. You want your business to be a reflection of who you are, of your brand, of your talents. Getting emotional when things start to go a bit wobbly will not help you stay on track with your business goals. Instead, remember your business is there to serve you and others, to help you create the lifestyle and freedom you want and to help people with solutions to their problems.





So how do you take a step back when the emotions start to take over? 1. Look at the cold hard facts – the numbers! When you know the numbers are not adding up, and you are not making enough to break even, or make a profit, you need to go back to basics. How much do you need to make to have a profitable business for this month, then for three months, then for six months. How many clients do you need every month, how many sales calls do you need to make to sell your product? Knowing your numbers takes the emotional pressure off as you can then make a concrete plan on how to make the numbers work for you. 2. Stop trying to be all things to all people: When you are trying to appeal to everyone in business, then you are appealing to the masses. Think about your ideal client, who is the person you would love to work with the most? What are their problems and how can you solve them? When you speak to one person, who are they? What is their life like? How can you help them? Speak to just one person in your business, your ideal client, the person you want to attract to your business, and focus on their needs and the solution to their problems. 3. Plan strategically: When you have your 90 day or 6 month plan in place, then stick to it. Don’t veer off the to look at the ‘shiny objects’ that cause distractions, focus on the plan of action. Planning too far ahead can be unrealistic as business changes and evolves every day - have one long term plan in place (i.e. one year) with 3-4 short term plans to help you achieve that goal. Sticking to the plan will make you less doubtful about your decisions and take the emotion out of the equation. 4. Delegate! Don’t try to be CEO and bottle washer! It’s always best to work to your strengths in your business, stop working at things that take up all your time. Delegate the stuff you’re not good at, otherwise you won’t have the energy for the things you excel at in your business. Don’t do the accounts if you are not good with numbers, stop working on digital marketing if you don’t enjoy it. Find people who are good in these areas, give them an idea of what you need to bring people into your business and get on with the things you enjoy. 5. Remember your Why! Even if the reason you started your business is based on emotion (and for many female entrepreneurs it is!), remembering why you got into business in the first place can help ground you in times of flux and doubt. Remind yourself that you are in business to serve, to help solve problems, and that getting emotional around this will cloud your judgement and make you fall out of love with why you started in business in the first place. 6. Ask for help! When you get overwhelmed and your emotions take over, ask for help. Don’t be afraid to reach out when things are getting too much, it’s better to get someone’s help than have your business fall apart. Identify the areas that you are struggling with and find people who can help you. It might cost a little for their expertise, but make sure that the advice and service they give will help draw people into your business. 7. Cut the dead wood: Sometimes if a system or a person is not working well in your business, it’s time to let go. If it doesn’t make financial sense to keep something (or someone!) part of your business, you need to make the decision to restructure and prune the excess for the sake of the business. Look at where you are spending your money, and see if you are making a profit as a result of having that person/software/product in your business. If not, you know the answer to the problem. Be strategic and focused on the things that matter in your business, this usually equates to the clients and the numbers, not the dead wood!

Lynsey believes you only get one chance in life, and it’s way too short to spend it not doing something you love. After 13 years of scientific research it was clear to her that it wasn’t cells and molecules she loved to work with, but people. She moved into coaching in both education and recruitment and has been helping people realise their potential ever since. Now Lynsey has started to fulfil her ambition to help others use their gifts and talents to start their own successful businesses, particularly in the wellness and holistic arenas. She does this by way of one to one coaching and speaking to groups. If you would like to avail of Lynsey’s 30 minute complimentary call to explore your business ideas and help you create a plan of action, you can contact her at or call her on 086 3569689. P



Public Speaking Panic station Ask me to do anything, but to stand up and speak! By Kajsa Kinsella

This darn public speaking, if only it wasn`t so instrumental to my business, both financially and profilewise, I`d leave it all together.. But-what if you like it, what if it feels great and liberating, what if people actually get encouragement from what YOU have to say!?

HANDS ARE SWEATY, KNEES ARE SHAKING, VOICE IS TREMBLING, EYES ARE DARTING, SUGAR, I NEED TO WEE! If I had a penny for all the times I felt secretly courageous only in my own head and vowed to start speaking in public, I`d be living in Florida, not on the cold east coast of Ireland. Do you remember when you were little and you had no inhibitions, no fears or regulations. I miss those days. When I was young, I`d often be up on stage, singing in front of the crowds without a worry in the world about whether they liked it or not. But, as I got older and had three children over the last 20 years, the old confidence took a few knocks, and altough I would love nothing more than to be on that stage again, it feels like that threshold at the moment is very high. But, as from today, lets do something about it. P


I know, as someone who is struggling with finding the confidence to stand up and speak, that you too are full of hidden intelligence, empathy, and vigor. So, lets̀ practice and prove ourselves wrong! *learn your topic inside out*

The more you know about a topic, the more passionate about it you become and therefore is less likely to get lost

*Get organized and plan your speech* Make sure you have everything in the right order and where it should be, the security of this will make you less likely to become nervous.

*Practice, practice, practice*

Begin on your own, then invite a few family members, and ultimately as some colleagues or people, you don`t know that well to listen to you.

*define your specific worries*

Be honest with yourself and pen down the things you are worried about, things you fear might go wrong and challenge these.

*focus on what you are teaching*

Keep your thoughts on what you want people to get excited about, rather than what they think about you, and you`ll stay energized rather than flustered.

*enjoy a moment of silence*

Don`t be afraid to take a pause of a second or two, for the info to sink in, but also to give you a quick breather.

*visualize your success*

Imagine the speech going great, that you stayed on track and that everything went really smooth, and that you enjoyed it!


"Courage doesnt̀ mean that you are not afraid, it means you are doing it anyway"

Remember, you are dealing with real people and, you are one too! *Remind yourself of this: there are more friendly, well-wishing people in this world than not, and the evil ones don`t usually go to events or conferences where they have to meet people anyway. *The simple fact that you are up there, speaking, is seen as something enviable by so many, because they themselves, secretly yearn to do exactly what you do too, but you are the brave one. *Trust me, you won`t be doing half as bad as you most certainly will tell yourself afterward, so in advance, give yourself a break and a pat on the back, and get up there. P


Lunch Time!




"HomeMade is HeartMade" As soon as the first rays of sun hits the summer skies, I insist that my family eat as many meals as possible outside. Those precious summer days can`t be wasted sitting indoors! My children absolutely love any food wrapped in breadcrumbs, and these fish fingers are their favourites.

Directions: Slice your chosen fish filets, chicken breast or vegetables such as sweet potato, broccoli on stem, courgettes, parsnip or why not asparagus in long, chunky sticks and dip them in whipped egg. To make the delicious coating, mix bread crumbs, a little salt, turmeric and sweet paprika powder in a bowl and fully coat your fish, chicken or vegetable sticks before you fry them in the pan. Remember, the breadcrumbs cook faster than what`s inside, so don`t have the heat up too high! Serve these delicious delights in a tortilla wrap, with fresh cherry tomatoes and young broccoli (maybe from your own garden) with a generous dollop of natural yogurt. If you`re not a big fan of broccoli, grated carrots are delicious and easy to eat, a bit of crispy iceberg lettuce or sticks of fresh cucumber suit very well too. Now, that is true summer food! P



Irritating Exasperating, Maddening, Provoking, Trying, Inconvenient


Consoling, Reassuring, Encouraging, Alleviating, Pacifying

Disengage, Uncouple, Disarticulate, Terminate, Dissociate

Helpful Obliging, Accommodating, Considerate, Benevolent, Aiding

Unhelpful Aimless, Contrary, Haphazard, Floundering, Desultory


Your Words! We all wish to feel confident in discussions and come across as intelligent and articulate, but it`s easy to feel hesitant and you sometimes get "lost for words". Here are a few snazzy synonyms of common words to add to the conversation!



Intriguing, Fascinating, Enticing, Captivating, Appealing

Bothering, Displeasing, Frightful, Repelling, Unappealing

Connection Fortune Serendipity, Fortuity, Providence, Prosperity, Advantage P


Interdependence, Attachment, Correspondence, Parallel, Relevance


Adversity, Misadventure, Affliction, Tribulation, Calamity


TED is an incredibly interesting platform, filled with educational and inspirational talks from teachers and educators from all over the world. I promise you, you`ll be stuck watching for hours!

HUBSPOT is a fantastic platform and with the choice of FREE plans for both CRM, Marketing & Sales, you can`t go wrong! Gather information, target your sales pitch better, reach your ideal customer.

Create online forms the easy way. Whether you’re looking to generate leads, collect order payments, conduct customer surveys, find applicants for a job, or register guests for an event, JOTFORM’S easy-touse form builder lets you build a customized online form to fit your exact needs in minutes.

SNAPSEED is a really cool app, available on both Iphone and Android, where you can do almost anything with your images, and edit them to your heart`s content! Find it in your app store.

"YOU MUST STRIVE TO GAIN CONTROL OVER YOUR MONEY, OR THE LACK OF IT WILL CONTROL YOU FOR FOREVER" There are SO many excellent free programs, platforms, and apps on the net for business owners, which are just as efficient as the paid ones. You`d be mad not to at least try those out before the ones that charge. P


"Growing Old Is Mandatory, But, Growing Up Is Optional"

WHEN I GROW UP, I WANT TO BE... By Kajsa Kinsella

I remember it so well, when I, as a little child in Sweden drew elaborate pictures, wrote the full words of my future and imagined my life as an adult, how it was all going to be and how it was going to turn out. You mightn`t believe it, but my big childhood dream was to join the army and become part of the peace force, working, helping and spreading comfort anywhere and everywhere in the world. I also loved the discipline and the strict organization of the military and know that a much younger, more focused me would have done really well in it! P


But, life came in the way and put me on many different paths as it often does. Although we more often don`t than do become what we so vividly imagined and wished for our future selves as we were little children, I am convinced that the seeds of the profession we ultimately ended up selecting was sewn in our childhood one way or another. I have worked my way through so, so many different job positions throughout my now 44 year-old life, and although none of them were right for me, each one taught me life lessons and brought me to this: creating and writing a magazine for people who wish to find their optimal working position, their inner peace and the right place for them in this world. So, I got to help others as I wished in the end, not in a physical way, because after three children that ain`t possible no more, but in many many other ways and I am delighted that I have finally found my NOMADIC | 24 "Forever Home".

Listen To Yourself Although Intuition Doesnt̀ Use Words, Listen To It Closely

Anyone Elses̀ Opinion Is Not Your Reality And Should Never Become

If It Still Makes Your Heart Race, Its̀ Worth Taking The Risk Go For It!

One Day Or Day One You Decide

Be Careful How You Speak To Yourself, Because You Are Listening

Your̀e A Star, Wrapped In Skin, The Light You Are Seeking Is Within



k c i P s ` r o t i d The Cream Of The E Crop

Alex Thiel Goldsmith

Emma Jane Rushworth The more I look at Emma Jane`s wonderful outdoor sculptures, the more I`m infatuated and wish I had a larger garden! "Sitting Garden Hare" From € 800.00

With a symmetry, so pleasing to the eye, Alex Thiel has created perfection. "White Sun Pendant" € 205.00

Snug Nell and Conor of Snug are making their wooden magic in the pittoresque Snugboro in County Wicklow. "Dip-Dye Milking Stool" From € 80.00




Lifelong friends Emer and Caitríona put their creative heads together and produce an array of luscious skin products, which you simply cannot do without. Soaps: € 8.00

Natashas̀ Raw & Living Food

Big Red Kitchen Nicola`s ethos is simple: to make really tasty preserves the old-fashioned way, using the highest quality ingredients. "Pineapple & Chili Chutney" € 4.50

Natasha Czopor had a vision for a business that would create beautiful, natural, healthy and delicious food for the world and I think she has nailed it. "Natasha`s Slice-Raw Energy" € 1.95

Highbank Orchards Rod and Julie Calder-Pott produce Irelands answer to maple syrup. This sweet and delicious, pouring, organic orchard syrup is the first of its kind. Grown and produced by Highbank Orchards in Kilkenny, Ireland. "Organic Orchard Syrup" 200ml. € 8.90

King Of Kefir Wow, the flavours of this new, healthy soft drink, made by Gerry Scullion are incredible. Available in Avoca Stores € See In Store

Pow Cow Ice Cream enthusiast Niall Moloney was looking for a healthier alternative and simply made his own! Available in Lidl nationwide € See in store





If you are considering starting a business, there are a number of things you can do to ensure you have a viable business model before you invest time or money on your new venture. Many start ups fail in the first few years due to lack of financial planning and testing their business model. Ensure you have everything covered off before you spend money on your new venture. Get off to the right start financially and skill up if you don’t feel comfortable with numbers. This will be your business venture and your profit level so take time to ensure you set up on a financial sound basis. If you have questions or would like to contact Wendy, please email or check out her linkedIn profile for articles like these posted regularly ‘Wendy Merrigan FCA’. Wendy Merrigan is a Chartered Accountant with a practice in Dublin. She enjoys working with business owners setting financial goals, targets and putting action plans together the insure targets are reached. If you wish to talk to Wendy or attend one of her workshops, email and set up a call or meeting.



these Ten tips below will help set you up on a financially sound basis. 1. Work out how much you need to earn from your new business. If replacing your salary, know what level of net income and gross income you will need from your new business. If you haven’t prepared a personal monthly budget, prepare one and know what you need to live on per month. Build in all yearly commitments. 2. Prepare basic forecasts and projections. Get to grips with the basics of financials. Prepare a basic forecast knowing your profit levels and costs that will be incurred for your business sector. 3. Build in seasonality if it will impact your business. Run out your forecast monthly and be realistic about certain months of the year if seasonality impacts your business model. 4. Run various scenarios. Run the forecasts on various assumptions so you know the minimum profit margins you can afford to make. Know what your staff levels should be and what happens if the costs increase, how will it affect the bottom line (your profit level)? 5. Do detailed forecasts using realistic assumptions based on market knowledge. Once familiar with basic forecasts, draft a detailed forecast on a monthly basis using various assumptions. Assumptions around average spend per person, per day of the week for example. Understand PAYE, VAT and other tax obligations. 6. Understanding cash flow versus profit level. The marketplace is unforgiving. You can incur losses for various years, however, if you run out of cash, your business will not survive. Knowing what cash reserves are available and how you will manage your cash is key. See below re-setting up favorable terms with suppliers. 7. Start up costs. Build in a contingency budget on start up. Lots of businesses take time to get traction. 8. Credit terms with suppliers will impact your model. If you pay suppliers cash on delivery (COD), yet receive funds from customers or clients over thirty days (or more), this will impact the cash reserves you need in place. Set up favorable terms with suppliers where possible and build these terms into your cashflow forecast. 9. Capital expenditure and financing. Know exactly what all items will cost and how they will be financed. Spending time before you commit or start up on this will save you in the long run. 10. Stress test assumptions and model with a third party. When you feel fully prepared, confidently share your business model with your financial advisor and ask them for feedback on your assumptions, profit levels and costings.

The above article is not written in a legal format. For full information on your own business or structure of your company and any tax advice, please seek professional advice specific to your own needs. The article above is only a guide note. The writer has no legal responsibility to any reader for specific actions taken on the advice above.




Photo Credit: Marie-Clare Byard


Social Media Curator

"DAPPER, KIND, GENTLE, POSITIVE & SUPPORTIVE" Those were the words I came across whilst researching for my interview with Paul, and after having spent over an hour in his company one day in Dublin the other week, I can wholeheartedly confirm that all these character specifications are true! He is a gentleman and he carries a dignity in his work ethic which is admirable. What is a man if he`s not sincere and Paul is a firm believer in the fact that what you put out there, you receive back, and he has no time for negativity. Why waste the one life we have been given by bringing people down, rather than lifting them up which is something that rings true throughout his working life

"Self Starters I Admire" The Self Starters I admire for their business acumen are Gavin Duffy @GavinDuffy Francis Brennan @FrancisBrennanB Samantha Kelly @TweetingGoddess and the lovely Bibi Baskin @bibibaskin - all really positive, supportive and brilliant business folk and well worth a follow on your social media channels.

and persona. The importance of you being the best you, you can be, being your authentic self and helpful towards others is also imperative to Paul. Finding your niche and understanding how you and your business are original, is vital to any entrepreneurship. Paul`s own strength lies in being valiant and honorable as his title "esquire" suggests: a knight in training. NOMADIC


24 P


"The worst thing anyone can do to their soul, is to worry about what others think of them." Coming from a small town called Mooncoin in County Kilkenny, Paul had itchy feet early on in life and the village mentality didn`t quite suit him, so off he went to the Big Apple and to Boston, to seek his fortune at the tender age of 17. Needless to say, the hustle and bustle of city life fitted the curious Paul like a glove and his fascination with living in the midst of where the action is, has remained with him ever since. But, adult life and responsibilities do catch up with everyone, and Paul had to turn his face homewards to begin creating a professional path for himself and returned back to Kilkenny. As it happened, a friend of the family ran an accountancy firm and Paul thought this could suit him well whilst providing him with a secure future, so he dived in and gave it his best as any young person would do. Very soon though, only after a few months, he found that this quiet, mellow and far too impersonal type of work was not suited to him and he left the business of accountancy behind. Not long after, the enchantment of the city called for him again and he upped sticks, but this time, he was bound for London where he enjoyed life, living in a house filled with great friends and life for a few very happy years. It was here that Paul discovered that his strengths truly lie in his people skills and his ability to interact with clients, as he mainly worked in customer service, which, although teaching him many important skills, was not for him either, as it felt too impersonal and too directed from the businesses he worked for. He also tried his hand at being a secretary (mainly due to the Alexis Carrington role in Dynasty that always had male secretaries!) which was unusual at the time! So, off we go back home to Ireland, but, as city life had firmly gotten a hold on Paul, it was Dublin where he put down roots and it is where he still lives today with his partner Peter, and their sweet rescue dog Mindy (always a big hit on Paul's social media channels). Once settled in Dublin, Paul was one day sitting in front of the computer and simply Googling various jobs he might find interesting, and his eye was caught by an administration position in Oxfam. He applied and got the job, and although this meant a drop in salary in comparison to his previous customer service job, his motivation was that he was looking for something worthwhile; a job that made a difference to people`s lives and as he worked his way up in the company during the next 14 years, the technology of the internet boomed and Paul kicked off Oxfam`s very successful media campaign. Whilst loving the fact that his work brought better life prospects to people, his workload grew and grew and as we all know, although the work is important, our mental well-being and work-life balance must come first. Driven to exhaustion, Paul found himself in need of an extended period of time off, to figure out what he was going to do next. Having been office bound for so many years, Paul took up cycling after having been given one by his father to try out, and from the very first turn, he loved it and this has become his way of reconnecting with himself, winding down and as he puts it, his best ideas come to him while pedalling along in Phoenix Park, Dublin! During his "time out", Paul, as he was already used to working with social media from his previous job, began using this for himself and because of his entrepreneurial spirit and assisting persona, quickly gained followers through sharing his positive and encouraging content.



Along with many other interesting occurrences, Paul`s daily interactions with followers led him to connect with, among others, the esteemed author Marian Keyes, and as both were huge fans of the show "Strictly Come Dancing", they were subsequently invited to take part in Tom Dunne`s radio show, reviewing the TV show. Many positive developments began to happen in his social media sphere from that point on and he knew that he had found his new calling, but not how to monetize it or how to make a living out of it. As if it was ordered by destiny, Paul one day, shortly after, having lunch with a friend, who gave him the final push of confidence that he required by suggesting that he`d create a job out of tweeting on the behalf of others. Before long, Paul made use of the many contacts he had gained over Twitter and began curating the social media accounts of various businesses such as food and wine companies, events companies, opticians, a wellknown menswear company, a historian and as Paul has a huge interest in books, he works a lot with authors both here and aboard. Paul takes pride in carefully consulting with every new client, to clearly understand what they require their wishes; how their business "speaks" and what message they wish to bring to the social media platforms. Paul also does Social Media consultations, 1 on 1 and will give you all the advice you need to make your social media accounts soar! In essence, Paul curates and takes great care of every business he chooses to represent and as you might have gathered, is not one to sit still for long and finds the time to MC at various events, he enjoys public speaking and holds muchappreciated presentations to various business and organisations, so, no day is like the other in his world, and I think this is exactly how he likes things to be. In true Paul Dunphy Esquire form, something new is always on the horizon and his latest venture is to begin offering his services as brand ambassador to businesses which fit in with his personality, style, and ethos, get in touch with him, you know you will have a winner on your hands, for both you and your brand!

Although Paul is a very social person, loving the limelight, being spontaneous and flourishing in the company of others, he is a genuine family man and his true sanctuary is his home life with his partner of 21 years and deepest ally, Peter Wolohan, who has to compete for Paul`s attention with the most adorable of dogs, little Mindy. He also loves visiting his family and extended family regularly, especially seeing his beloved nieces, Emma and Zoe, who, he assures me, can twist him around their little fingers any given day of the year! No-one knows what lies around the corner and as Paul puts it, you have to be open to the opportunities the universe brings you, may they be challenging or testing, still have a go, because you can always stop and take up something new. Dare yourself to try out something a little bit out of your depth and go for it. A lifelong dream of Paul`s is to write his own fiction book, and his life-long passion for writing has seen his work being published in both books and newspapers, so watch this space, something great is coming down the line! Exciting times lie ahead for both the person and the business Paul Dunphy Photo Credit: Marie-Clare Byard

Esquire with a new, reimagined website and logo made by the talented Brenda Doran of Eclipse Web Design only around the corner. You can contact Paul to discuss your social needs, consultations, account curating and more at: https// P


Too busy with work or family commitments to create homemade meals each evening? Feel you don't have the knowledge and skills to create a tasty and nutritious meal? Want to learn how to stock your fridge, freezer, and cupboard with healthy nutritious snacks and meals rather than reaching for the quick fixes? Well, I can help you with all that at Fiona's food for life.

I understand how challenging it can be, with two young children and their various activities to manage and running my own business, it isn’t easy. I am lucky I have the skills and knowledge to cook all our meals from scratch; I want to share my knowledge, tips, and recipes with everyone so that you can easily cook homemade food. In 2015, having just designed my own kitchen and with more time on my hands as my children were beginning school, I trialed cookery demos to share my knowledge and passion, found there was a market, beginning with morning demos aimed at stay at home parents. So I jumped right into it, using the name of my former catering business, Fiona’s Fine Foods. In one week, I registered as a sole trader, built my own website on WIX and created & printed a brochure, I was ready to go. My ethos was to inspire people to cook from scratch, as I cooked each dish, you taste it, you get recipes, tips & a goodie bag of samples to take home. I seek constant feedback and tweak the offering. Trial different networks and choose ones that suit you. Connect with online Facebook groups that related to my business.


P 30

It is important to continuously develop and improve your social media offering, create a newsletter, e.g. on Mail chimp, this allows me to communicate information, share recipes and tips and build brand awareness with a targeted audience and without social media. I realized the importance of this with my survey 6 months ago when I realized that over 50% of my engaged audience don’t follow me on social media. People sign up for my newsletter at each demo and there is a give away each month.

"Teaching Ireland How To Easily Cook Home-Made Food""

In Sept 2018 Fiona’s food for life was born. My aim is to get the nation cooking from scratch for better health, shift away from convenience and processed foods and gain the many health benefits from the food nature gives us, locally where possible. I have professionally designed logo, website and collateral to support me in growing the business. I hope to work on many projects to empower people to cook themselves.

My suggestion to those starting off is to take every opportunity write articles for magazines, present to networking groups, give back to the community, guest blog & help others. Keep focused, I now have a ‘post-it' on my pc saying "is this getting me where I want to go" if it isn't then I don't do it.

My goal is to go into several businesses each week and show employees how easy it can be to create tasty, nutritious food from scratch. While you may have lots of cookery books and like to watch cookery programs or videos, I feel that a live cookery demo where you experience the smells, taste and method for yourself, together with questions and tips mean that you are much more likely to make that dish. I also run scheduled demos in my kitchen in Foxrock and private group demos, including parent and child demos where you get quality one on one time with your child and they get to cook from scratch, taking home what they made and learning some basic cookery skills. I have presented live demos on Ireland Am, written pieces for magazines, I blog for Mummy pages and have been nominated for the Best Cookery School Awards in the Irish Restaurant Awards in 2018.



Tips on how to maintain a healthy diet and cook from scratch Plan – Write your menu for the week, batch cook when you have time, e.g. weekend, freeze in portions for busy days, shop once, when you are not hungry and buy only what is on your list. Here is my recipe for Dahl, a red lentil soup.

Small changes - If you eat a lot of processed foods, start small and work your way up, e.g. Begin by changing your breakfast to eggs, then progress to making Dahl for lunches, then onto easy dinners like quick midweek meals, You can gradually make healthy snacks to have at hand, e.g. toasted seeds or energy balls from my website.,

Get all involved - Talk with the family about likes and dislikes, perhaps get each person to choose a meal they want on a particular day and get them to make it or help, depending on age! Ensure all members of the household are aware of basic nutritional guidelines, e.g. what foods provide protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates, what foods are to be avoided or for occasional consumption. Here is my blog on getting children involved in breakfasts

Be snack ready - Have a healthy snack ready, remove sugary snacks from the house, have fruit, plain live yoghurt or nuts or seeds on hand for snacks. Remove processed and high sugar snacks. Perhaps make some healthy snacks to have on hand at your desk or when you come in from work. Here is a recipe for my nut-free energy balls. Protein and portions - Ensure you have protein with every meal and snack, examples of good protein sources are lean meat and fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, milk, cheese, yoghurt. Make sure you serve the correct portion size for you. As a guide, half the plate should be vegetables, one-quarter protein and one-quarter carbohydrate. Here is a recipe for my Turkey burgers I made on Ireland AM

Look after your gut - Consumption of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, sourdough and apple cider vinegar provide your body with natures probiotics, fighting off the bad bacteria and providing your body with energy, amongst other benefits. I run a workshop every six weeks on this.

Colours and textures: Eat a rainbow, avoid a plate of beige food, introduce a variety of textures, count nutrients not calories, enjoy food, sit and eat without technology.



Mouthwatering Low-Calorie Snacks P


"I dare you to try sticking to eating just the one!"

BlueBerry & RaspBerry Oat Squares You Will Need: 2.5 dl Rolled Oats 1.5 dl Plain Flour 0.8 dl Light Brown Sugar 0.5 Teasp. Ground Ginger A Sprinkle Of Salt 85 Grams Of Butter (Melt And Let Cool) 2 Handfuls Of Blueberries 2 Handfuls Of Raspberries 1 Teasp. Cornstarch A Sprinkle Of Lemon Juice A Sprinkle Of White Sugar Add the oats, flour, brown sugar, ginger & salt in a bowl, mix well and make sure the brown sugar is blended well. Pour in your melted butter and stir until all ingredients are mixed and you have a slightly wet dough. Add baking paper to a tray and scoop in your dough mixture, but leave 1.5 dl behind in the mixing bowl, we`ll need this later. Press down the mixture evenly and add your fruit. Dab on a dusting of cornstarch, sprinkle on a little white sugar and add the rest of the oat mixture as a delicious crumble topping. Cook in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 190C, checking it after 25, so it doesn`t burn. Let cool on a wire rack, in the baking form, then simply whisk some icing sugar and a few drops of water together to make the sugar drizzle. Cut into squares and enjoy!




THE BRIGHTEST SHINING STAR ON OUR GREEN ISLE An interview with jewellery designer Johanna harpur






Although we meet plenty of people on a regular basis, not very often do we meet people who stick firmly in our memory, like Johanna Harpur did for me, when we met for the first time last year in Dublin. It was a very very cold late January morning at the RDS, as we both set up our stands for the imminent Showcase Ireland 2017 and it was freezing with all doors open, and I felt the need to have a walk around to warm up! As I paced the hall, taking it all in, I stumbled upon Johanna who was indeed as cold as I was, waiting for her print work to arrive and we started to talk a quick hello turned in to an hour-long conversation about this, that and the other, and I knew then that this girl was a force to be reconned with in business, and I have enjoyed her friendship ever since. Johanna has a very gentle way about her and a soft tone of voice and although she, like the rest of us, is human and suffers the nasty plights of self-doubt from time to time, possesses an inner strength and passionate determination which shines through her entire being and let me tell you, this girl is certainly both comfortable and capable of being in charge. She has an exquisite eye for the highest quality of workmanship, she is fully responsible for her carefully created designs and she has a complete understanding of the accessory-conscious woman of today. Her scaled back, yet spot-on designs are a joy for the consumer to discover. As we sit and chat during the interview, drinking delicious cups of tea and munching on our freshly baked scones, I detect unmistakable evidence of a devoted businesswoman who has a crystal clear vision of what her business is, how it will grow, what it will entail, how she will get where she wants to go and when she wants to do it. This girl is wise enough to pace herself; to get it right from the start and to make sure that her business grows, never to the detriment of her family life, husband, and three children, but alongside and very much entwined with her loved ones.


Only a few years ago, the need for breaking out of the corporate world of her husband`s business and creating something worthwhile of her own became evident, and it drove her to start pondering on an entrepreneurial venture of her own, and so, Jo Harpur Jewellery was born. After having studied the handicraft with the renowned Dublin based goldsmith Deirdre O`Donnell, Jo, although she loved the process, realized that she was destined for designing and orchestrating the production process, rather than being the one holding the pliers, saws, and files! Initially, Jo created a stunning signature disk in solid gold; hand engraved with diamond studded initial in an ancient Celtic font, and rapidly, she started to gain recognition, but, as each piece demanded a price of 700.00 a pop, she soon ran out of friends who could afford this luxury! The plan to make the same beauty more affordable was put in place. After a year of hard work, she succeeded to create these wonderfully individual pieces, and as personalization is the future in all categories of accessories, she is truly on the right path. Having worked her way through the nearly mandatory shedding of blood, sweat, and tears, Johanna now has a trustworthy and reliable manufacturer in Spain, who re-creates creates all her pieces for her according to the molds she gets made and perfected in Dublin. This way she can keep full control of the outcome of her collections.

Jo works closely with her family and friends, and ropes in their talents when needed; her eldest daughter Aoife is an established model for the brand and second daughter Kerrie Ann is ready to soon shoulder that role as well! Jo`s sister Ann Marie is a helping hand when it comes to selecting the gems, with her being a fully qualified gemologist. Since the initial launch in 2016, Jo`s brand has gone from strength to strength and she is now represented by large national and international retailers in both Europe, USA and on the Orient. Only lately, she began a partnership with South African Airlines which is proving to be very successful and she is thrilled with the recognition her hard work receives around the globe. Jo Harpur Jewellery began as so many businesses do, due to a childhood fascination or connection to a certain thing, a feeling or a memory, and Johanna`s love for sparkle and shine began when she, as a little girl, breathless with anticipation, dressed herself up in her mother`s coats and adorned herself with her pearls. I can very well understand how this prompted a lifelong love for beauty and elegance in the young girl`s mind.

The defining moment for Johanna, when she truly realised that she had "made it" was when she was on board a plane with her children, who very loudly, to Jo`s both embarrassment and excitement, declared that their mum`s jewellery was indeed on sale in the Cara Magazine of Aerlingus, where she now is the best selling jewellery brand of this esteemed airline.

Having created a brand which speaks to both young and old, Jo Harpur Jewellery is an enterprise based on beauty, which is affordable and available to everyone, not only the elite. To Jo, the right of every woman to feel elegant and classy is her conviction and her pricing is a reflection of this.The future for Jo Harpur Jewellery is literally written in the stars, as she reveals to me with undoubted excitement in her voice, that her next collection will reflect her fascination for the stars and I, as a fan cannot wait to see what beauty she will create. Find Johanna on Thank you, Johanna, for giving me so graciously of your time, you are a true inspiration and I wish to develop the same inner strength which you posses. I am fully convinced that you will reach all the entrepreneurial heights you set out to reach, and I wish you the very best in life. P





Wendy Merrigan, Accountant & Financial Expert

Lynsey Hanratty, Mindset Expert & Career Coach Susi Lodola, Counsellor & Weight Loss Management Expert

To WIN A 30 Minute Skype (or other) Consultation With One Of These Experienced Professionals, Simply Got To & Submit Your Entry The Three Winners Will Be Drawn At Random And Notified On The Of May



Photo Credits: Marie-Clare Byard

Who am I? While working with my very first (& very big) client, I quickly realized that they hired me because of who I am and what I bring to the table. They were, in fact, my alma mater a university, the business school specifically, who understood from knowing me that I was in a unique position, to help them to achieve their marketing & ultimately financial goals. From the client’s perspective, it was 2011, the recession had seriously hit every sector, Universities had a tremendous amount of public funding removed and the race was on to secure students to fill this funding gap. However, every University & College in the country was in the exact same position. Competition was fierce. So, how were we to fill ALL of the courses to capacity at the University? We had to go right back to basics and market the Business School in a way that would attract students and of course their parents who would have a huge influence on their sons and daughters. In a recession, the first fears stand around not having a job and not being employable. UL were in a unique position as the only University in the country to have nine months paid work experience as part of EVERY degree programme.



This meant that students finished with a degree AND work experience with blue-chip companies. As anyone who has ever gone for an interview understands, having work experience and a recommendation from a blue chip company, virtually ensured employment after completing their degree. The statistics proved that UL had a much higher conversion to employment than other colleges, with some courses having a 90/95% employment rate by graduation. In a downturn, these statistics were gold. The next question, however was how and where to market the business school courses. Remember, Facebook was in its infancy at that point. So in fact we had an integrated marketing campaign that included using Google Ads, radio advertising, radio interviews, school visits, press releases to the papers, leaflet drops to guidance counsellors & so on. Being in business is about helping customers achieve their goals in business or in life. The question really is, firstly, how effectively can you help them? & do they know this? Secondly, do they know you even exist? If not, obviously it is your marketing!!!


2. The second reason that the University asked me to

other words Who Am I & what did I bring to the table

work with them was because they knew my story, my

that other businesses did not? As a mature student I

back story, in other words they knew that I had worked

had just completed my business degree, followed by my

in sales, they knew I had worked in market research,

masters in marketing, therefore for a University, this

they knew I had a unique perspective after being a

was important, I was qualified to do the job. The

recent student. I understood the challenges of their

question for you as a business owner, what matters to

target market, the student. How did they know me?

your client? & how can you demonstrate that you &

Through networking. As a marketing consultant,

your business are uniquely qualified to provide the

people need to get to know me. That is important.

very best product or service for your customers. Networking and meeting people are gold. No amount of Call to action: Even if you do not have a degree,

traffic to a website can beat actually getting to know

explain through stories how you have helped other

people on a first hand basis. Quite simply they

customers and demonstrate how unique & valuable

remember YOU and they get to know how you can help

you are to the lives of these consumers. Customer’s

them. Otherwise you are just in a long list of websites

will self identify with your stories and buy from you as

or Facebook pages that they have to trawl through!

a result. In my example I was in a unique position in that I was already on campus, I had been through the courses, as a mature student I understood the challenges from both perspectives and having worked in marketing and 1. So you ask why did the business school hire me? In other words Who Am I & what did I bring to the table that other businesses did not? As a mature student I had just completed my business degree, followed by my masters in marketing, therefore for a University, this was important, I was qualified to do the job. The question for you as a business owner, what matters to your client? & how can you demonstrate that you &

sales before I was in a position to help the University. I also made sure everyone knew me & how I could help them! Call to Action: Make sure to attend industry & other events so people get to meet the person behind the brand. You may well have connected on social media already, but nothing beats that physical meeting.

your business are uniquely qualified to provide the very best product or service for your customers. Call to action: Even if you do not have a degree, explain through stories how you have helped other customers and demonstrate how unique & valuable you are to the lives of these consumers. Customer’s will self identify with your stories and buy from you as a result. Photo Credits:Vig Gleeson



4. Get Creative. If you only take one piece of advice from me, it is always to be different than your competitors when marketing your business. Why? Because customers literally switch off from the sameness of marketing campaigns. Make them sit up and take note of your business, with innovative and creative marketing campaigns. Call to Action: Get Creative and innovative in your marketing. When everyone else is going left, go right!

5. Ultimately, a customer wants to know who you are? Who your business is, so that they can determine whether or not they should work with you. How your customer perceives your business is paramount to your success. The question then really is, how well are you getting across YOUR story? Call to Action: Share your values and vision for your business, so that customers can understand what it means to work with you.

Photo Credits: Marie-Clare Byard Photo Credits: Marie-Clare Byard P



Thank You! I hope you have enjoyed the magazine, that it has inspired you and given you a bit of a boost to start on your own path of entrepreneurship. My most sincere gratitude to this month`s contributors; Paul Dunphy, Wendy Merrigan, Lynsey Hanratty, Emma DĂ€rcy, Melissa Curley, Fiona Staunton & last but by no means least, the lovely Johanna Harpur.

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