5 Myths Surrounding Drupal Web Development

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5 Myths Surrounding Drupal Web Development

Drupal development has a decent learning curve, but equally slow adoption curve. Some of the famous websites like the popularly used example of the White House is based on Drupal. But, developers prefer playing their cards using either WordPress or Joomla, if they want to get into CMS. If not, then they would rely either on core PHP, or some such technology. One of the basic reasons companies Drupal when developing websites could be attributed to the myths surrounding Drupal development. It goes without saying that people bear restrictions when it comes to using Drupal platform. Let’s have a look at some of the myths.

Steep Learning Curve Drupal is known to offer rich collection of functionalities and features. If you are developing a website with Drupal, you need to know the technicalities involved in development, which means there is a learning curve involved, which is both steep and deep. While, there is a learning curve, it is mostly for the developers. There is no learning involved in Drupal for the content managers or website managers. With little to no technical knowledge, you can use the websites developed on Drupal.

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