Future Trends of Web Development
Web development has undergonea sea of change in the last two decades. From simple, one-page linear layouts to the current responsive web designs, we have seen web design evolve with time. Emerging technologies have also made it necessary for websites to re-invent their designs and adhere to current practices. So what does the future hold for web development? What are the technologies, tools and languages which will affect the way websites look and work in the future? We have attempted to answer these questions in the form of a list of trends we expect to see in the near future.
Limiting Designs to Fewer Interfaces If you have been paying close attention you would have noticed that most websites in the current timestend to look alike. There are two reasons for it. First, design libraries are offering similar interfaces and second, the growth of responsive web designs poses a requirement for clear and well defined UIs. Contrary to what many would think, familiar UIs are being liked by users, who are now more concerned about the content in a website and experience than design. This trend is only expected to gather more followers in the coming years.