Are You Ready To Move To The Cloud?
When terms such as scalability, agility and cost efficiency get attached to any service, the business world is sure to get hooked onto it. Such has been the case with cloud technology. The numerous benefits of cloud services have attracted diverse businesses to not only pay attention but also consider adopting it. Enterprises are migrating to the cloud like never before and the trend is only expected to grow in the coming years. Research also indicates that within the next five years, there will be a 44% annual growth in workloads for the public clouds. It’s not surprising either that around 82% of the enterprises have already adopted cloud computing, as it offers to be a cost effective solution Considering the enthusiasm over cloud services, the question that needs to be asked is whether you ready to move to the cloud? If you have reached the threshold of migration, yet you are unsure whether you are ready or not, here are a few pointers that should help.
What To Move and What Not To Move At the beginning, everything about the cloud looks neat, exciting and inviting. But, there have been several examples from the past where enterprises have failed to understand a few things about migration. One such decision is about what to move and what not to. It is essential you remember that not all applications should be moved to the cloud, especially those which contain legacy