How to Develop Secure Enterprise Mobility
We are increasingly moving towards a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment. Mobility solutions are redefining the way organizations functions; In fact it has also improved the way information & data is accessed by employees within and outside their workplace. This ease of access also raises serious questions on the security of enterprise mobility solutions. Here, we look at some ways in which you can develop secure enterprise mobility.
Mobile Device Management In a BYOD environment Mobile Device Management is your first line of defense. Whether it is your personal device, or one that is owned by the organization, it is important to ensure that the devices don’t pose any kind of security threat. The devices need to be quarantined, followed up with the implementation of a secured access system that includes encryption, remote locking, VPN and disabling of native apps. Another option would be to create & control secured containers to manage apps and data within the device that doesn’t interact with personal data.
Managed Enterprise Experience User experience is all that counts with enterprise mobility solutions and you need to work on a strategy to create a fully managed enterprise experience. Features such as remote wiping of data, geography based access to data and data expiry would go a long way in securing your organization data. While these may cause restrictive user experience, it definitely secures your enterprise data.
Classification of Sensitive Data As organizations grow, large volumes of data get added to the mobility solutions each day. This is where it becomes all the more important to classify separate the sensitive data from the ones that are not too critical or crucial. It is possible for an organization to classify sensitive data based on certain parameters and once classified the IT team can work on more stringent security protocols to manage their access. This reduces cost of securing data and ensures there is permission based access.
Preventing Quadruple Bypass As an enterprise, you need to build a strong mechanism to deal with ‘quadruple bypass’. This is a scenario where users can access sensitive enterprise data on consumer-grade device via Cloud. Your IT team has little control over the use of data, which can compromise the security within the organization. To secure the enterprise mobility, you need to adopt a two pronged strategy- educating your users on the best practices and implementing strict IT policies.
User Privacy Last but not the least, along with enterprise security you also need to give equal importance to user’s privacy. While features like GPS based location detection may improve enterprise security, they may be viewed as an infringement of user’s privacy. You need to work on a strategy that will not only secure you assets, but also prevent infringement of user’s privacy. To develop and secure enterprise mobility, you need to work with specialists. Semaphore Software is a fast growing Enterprise Mobile Development Company and has been catering to the mobility needs for small and large clients alike. If you have any queries regarding our solutions or would like to discuss your project write to us at