Tips to Choose Right Mobile App Development Platform - Android vs. Windows Phone In the recent past Smartphone was a high-end gadget, but in today’s mobile technology it is the most common companion for people irrespective of their age and demographics. More and more people are using Smartphone for their routine tasks apart from calling and messaging. As per available statistical data, till 2013 there were 1.75 billion Smartphone users approximately. Today’s Smartphone are capable of high end tasks like Mobile banking, M-Commerce, M-Governance, ERPs & CRMs. So the Smartphone are not just limited for gaming and social media communications. The point is clear that the Smartphone are capable enough to manage your day-to-day business operations with few swipes away. Now the BIG question is that which platform would be better for your business or which platform will draw a larger circle for your contacts and reach.
The Choice is between Android and Windows!!! If you closely observe Android is in the market and has been the leader being largest player since 2008. BUT, Windows is growing slowly and steadily since it’s launched the Windows phone in October 2010. It is obvious that there is confusion when the question is to select correct development platform. Your choice will take you to the pinnacle or to disaster. A wrong choice can ruin your whole efforts in terms of money as well as manpower. Windows had a big jolt recently when it had to write off over $900 inventory for its Surface tablets and the future of Windows 8 Mobile almost trembled. On the other hand, Windows Store has reached 160,000 apps recently. And to its credit it is the third platform to reach six digit figures. This achievement has given Windows platform a breather with high energy shot in its arm. Android is widely used and it is the Operation System with the largest user base, but that is also disadvantageous as Google Play Store is over crowded with applications available in the market. So getting better business deals through Android App may be a bit difficult for a new entrant. For Windows platform there is ample space at the top as fewer applications are on the market place reducing the competition.