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1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.1 Introduction 1 2.2 Updated Rules for 201 2011 3 Exhibition Activities and Rules 2. 2.3 4 Exhibitor Responsibilities and Liabilities 2. 2.4

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.1 Introduction The abbreviation “SEMI” used in the rules and regulations means: Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International, a non-profit corporation, and as the content may require its directors, officers, agents, and/or employees duly acting for SEMI in the management of the exposition. These rules and regulations governing FPD China are an integral part of the contract for exhibit space. While some of them may seem restrictive, they have been established for the protection of everyone. The overriding principle contained in these Exhibit Rules and Regulations is equality for all. The following regulations have been designed specifically for FPD China. Should you have any questions concerning the rules and regulations, please contact: SEMI China Customer Service Representative: TEL: +86.21.5027.0909 FAX: +86.21.5027.4830 Email: Exhibits installed at ALL FPD Expositions must comply with the rules and regulations of the exposition. In the event that exhibitor or exhibit activities are in violation of the exhibit rules and regulations or are not consistent with the standards of the exposition, Show Management may require the exhibitor to alter the exhibit either before the exposition or on-site. Necessary changes are to be made at the exhibitor exhibitor’’s expense and are subject to approval.

All exhibit matters and questions not covered by these rules and regulations are subject to the decision of SEMI Show Management. These rules and regulations may be amended at any time by SEMI. The original rules and regulations, as well as any amendment to the original rules and regulations shall be equally binding to all parties affected by them. In the event of any amendment or addition to these rules and regulations, written notice will be given by SEMI.

1 New Exhibition Regulation 2.2 201 2011 2.2.1 New Regulation for Unified Management of Certificates of Erection Contractors From Jan 1st, 2011, all workers involved in exhibition booth erection and dismantling will SNIEC be required to obtain passes from the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC SNIEC), who is exclusively responsible for the registration, checking, photos, production, and management of the aforementioned passes. The details are as follows: a. The cost of the Set-up/Dismantle Badge is 30 RMB each. b. To reduce the time spent in on-the-spot registration, the SNIEC will set up an on-line appointment system for the issuance of the certificates. all persons in charge of the work of erection contractors and transport contractors are required to go through the Real-name Authentication procedures at the SNIEC at least 15 days prior to the start of their work work.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations c.

Documents required for Real-name Authentication procedures include:

The original and 2 photo copies ( front and back sides) of second-generation ID cards ( first-generation cards are not accepted) of the person in charge of the work from the contractor.

2 photo copies of the contractor’s business license, which bear the company seal.

The Real-name Authentication Form .

The Safety Commitment of Erection Contractor Contractor.

Originals and 2 photo copies of relevant industry training certificates (T.B.D)

Remote: � All the above-mentioned forms and certificates must be originals that have been filled out in block letters and bear the signature of the head of the respective company and its company seal. � If the holder of the certificates and documents cannot make it to the SNIEC to go through the procedures in person, a Letter of Authorization signed and stamped by the entrusting party and the entrusted party must be provided. d. Supervisors in charge of the work can apply for passes of any workers under him. (Onthe-spot application requires the originals of the workers’ ID cards). e. The person in charge of the work from the erection contractor or transport contractor who fails to go through the Real-name Authentication procedures 15 days prior to the start of the exhibition will lose the privilege of making registration appointments online. The person in charge of the work will still have to go through the Real-name Authentication procedures on the spot, and the person in charge of the work shall bear all responsibilities for any time loss or other consequences resulting from the queuing, and prolonged authentication, registration, checking, photo taking, and certificate obtaining, etc. f.

The Flow Chart for Obtaining Certificates .

2.2.2 Others SEMI reserves the right to proclaim other new regulations before the exhibition, new regulations will be released through monthly “Exhibitor Update”.

2.3 Exhibition Activities and Rules 2.3.1 Construction According to latest notification of Shanghai New International Expo Centre, all the contractors shall wear the helmet in the exhibition halls during the move-in & move-out period. To those who fail to wear the helmet, the security guard of the venue has the right to stop them entering the exhibition hall.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.3.2 Loading Bay “Transport Pass” is charged at RMB 30/vehicle with a RMB 300 deposit. The refund of the deposit is based on the presentation of the “Transport Pass” as well as the deposit receipt after the timely completion of the loading. Any loss or damage of the “Transport Pass” will be fined at RMB 50 per pass. The time limit for loading is 1.5 hours in the Centre. The overtime charge will be assessed at RMB100 for every half hour (the overtime charge for less than half an hour is also RMB 100). 2.3.3 Security Inspection System For the sake of safety, all exhibitors and visitors are requested to pass the Security Inspection System when enter into registration lobby. 2.3.4 Hanging Signs / Banners Hanging signs are defined as signage that is suspended from the facility ceiling, directly over the contracted booth space. These rules apply to signs/banners that are hanging within the contracted booth space. Acceptable Hanging Features:

1. Company or brand AD sign with flameproof fabric materials 2. Lightweight steel lighting truss structure 3. Exhibitor-proposed items reviewed and approved by SEMI China and SNIEC Restrictions:

1. Hanging structures and signs are not allowed for single 3m x 3m in-line booth 2. Hanging structures and signs can’t exceed booth space 3. Hanging signs for in-line booths (2 or more booths) must be single sided, 1 dimensional 3-dimensional, square and U-shaped sign is not allowed 4. Signage must be a minimum of 1 meter from any adjacent booths 5. Maximum height from hall floor to top of the hanging structure is 6 meters 6. Minimum height from hall floor to bottom of hanging sign is 3 meters 7. Minimum clearance from top of the booth to bottom of the sign is 1 meter 8. Loading capacity for one hanging point is no more than 200kg 9. The weight for any single structure is no more than 1000kg 10. Hanging banner should be fixed with metal tube in top and bottom 11. Banner can be hung with cotton rope if its width is no more than 5m and weight no more than 25kg 12. Banner should be fixed with steel truss on the top if its width is more than 5m Written Approval Procedures:

1. Form 2 must be filled and submitted together with a detailed hanging sign drawing to SEMI China for approval before Jan, 21, 2011 2. Unapproved items will not be hung. No items or additions will be approved at show site. Onsite Installation Rules

1. Exhibitors or their EACs are responsible to assemble the hanging signs themselves 2. SNIEC is responsible to hang and remove of all signs under instruction by exhibitors or their EACs who comply with the rule 3. Hanging point quantity will be calculated by SNIEC onsite 4. SEMI China and SNIEC reserves the right to refuse hanging materials or any items that do not meet safety guidelines 5. All costs and risks associated with overhead hanging features are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. These include the risk that sightlines to the exhibitor’s own signs may be blocked by others’ signs and displays.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.3.5 Regulations for two-story stand construction In order to ensure the standardized construction of exhibition stands as well as the personal safety and property security of both exhibitors and visitors, Shanghai New International Expo Center appointed HAH Consulting & Exhibition Co., Ltd. Shanghai as official booth surveyor and jointly formulated the following detailed management rules, so as to implement uniform review and supervision over the design, structure, construction and disassembly of two-story stands. Formality for construction of two-story exhibition stands: 1.For all two-story exhibition stands, the design drawings of its stand construction must be submitted in duplicate to HAH for review. The drawings subject to review include: a. Booth perspective drawing (1front-side and 2 sides) b. Ground floor plan c. 2nd floor plan d. Cutaway view e. Elevation f. Section (Side elevation) g. Detailed booth material checklist h. Structural drawing All drawings must be marked with the axis size of beams and posts, as well as specifications and sizes of all structural materials.

2. All construction institutions entering the exhibition hall to start stand construction must provide HAH with copies of their business license certificate along with license certificate for special job types imprinted with company seal, which will be used for filing purpose. Management regulations for construction of two-story exhibition stands: 1.For construction of two-story exhibition stands, structural drawings must be provided, which shall be imprinted with seals of National Grade A Registered Structural Engineer for confirmation, accompanied by structural calculation sheet. 2.Construction of two-story exhibition stand must be equipped with fire extinguishers that have passed annual inspection. 3. For details, please contact: HAH Consulting & Exhibition Co., Ltd. E2-2E1, 2345 Long yang Road Pudong New Area Shanghai 201204 P.R.C Contact: Ms. Lya Huang/ Ms. Apple Li Phone: +86.21. 28906633 +86.21. 28906634 +86.21. 28906635 Fax: +86.21. 28906000 E-mail: 4. Two-story stand application form is in SECTION 7 Form 10 10.. 2.3.6 Badge Control False certification of an individual as an Exhibitor’s representative, misuse of an Exhibitor’s badge, or any other method or device used to assist unauthorized personnel to gain admittance to the exhibit floor will be just cause for expelling the Exhibitor and his representative from the exhibition, and/or banning them from future entrance onto the exhibit floor. This may also cause the removal of the Exhibitor’s booth from the floor without obligation on the part of SEMI to refund any fees. The Exhibitor, his employees and agents, and anyone claiming to be on the exhibit floor through the Exhibitor, waives any rights or claims for damages arising out of the enforcement of this rule.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.3.7 Booth Personnel Booths must be continually staffed during exhibit hours. With the exception of convenience help (such as receptionists or professional product demonstrators), all booth personnel must be employees of the company, or its’ representative, and must be fully capable of explaining products or processes on display. The appearance, dress and decorum of booth personnel must reflect good taste and be consistent with the quality standard of the exposition. 2.3.8 Booth Receptions / Parties Receptions / parties within your booth must be requested in writing and approved by SEMI Show Management prior to the exposition. 3.9 Giveaways / Handouts 2. 2.3 Items, samples, souvenirs, etc., may only be distributed by the exhibitor from within the confines of the exhibitor’s booth. Show Management reserves the right to evaluate the safety and/or offensiveness of novelty item handouts. Failure to comply may result in the loss of priority points or approval to exhibit the following year. 3.1 0 Obstruction of Aisles / Booth Demonstrations 2. 2.3 .10 Exhibitors may not conduct demonstrations or activities that result in excessive obstruction of aisles or prevent ready access to neighboring exhibitors’ booths. Demonstrations are to be straightforward, professional, and relative to the displayed product. The use of demonstrators, gimmicks, mimes, magicians, robots, etc., in the aisles is prohibited at all times. Products or demonstrations must be placed inside the booth boundaries and must not result in aisles being blocked. Equipment / furniture may not be in the aisle at any time. 2.3.11 Prize Drawings / Raffles Public drawings can only be conducted if held within the confines of the booth. Due to fire safety regulations, public aisles cannot be blocked. It is recommended that instead of a public drawing (announcement) that you post the winner’s name within your booth. 3.12 Off-site Promotion / Outside Promotion 2. 2.3 It is requested that exhibitors not advertise or promote any off-site/outside activity, such as an open house, reception, conference, etc if occurring during exhibit hours. 3.13 Restricted Promotion Activities 2. 2.3 Exhibitors must remain within their own exhibit space when distributing literature, product samples, or other materials. Company information dissemination or promotion in any way is strictly forbidden at show entrances, registration areas, seminar rooms, or public areas within the convention facility or official hotels, which includes hotel room drops. Any flyers, brochures, signs, etc. found in any location other than the exhibiting company's display space will be removed by show management. The only exceptions will be for official event sponsors, at the discretion of show management. 3.1 4 Soliciting Employment 2. 2.3 .14 Show Management does not provide an area for listing employment opportunities. Exhibitors are not allowed to advertise or solicit employment opportunities outside of their booth. Employment opportunity advertisements will not be accepted in the Event Directory.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 3.1 5 Noise and Odors 2. 2.3 .15 In general, Exhibitors may use sound equipment in their booths so long as the noise level does not disrupt the activities of neighboring exhibitors. Speakers and other sound devices should be positioned so as to direct sound into the booth rather than into the aisle. General Rule: Sound and noise should not exceed 75 decibels. 3.1 6 Soliciting Exhibitors 2. 2.3 .16 Solicitation of Exhibitors is prohibited and could result in removal from the exhibit floor. 3.1 7 Cameras / Photography / Videotaping / Recording 2. 2.3 .17 Photography and videotaping of exhibits and displayed equipment (other than your own) is strictly prohibited. Audio / tape recordings within the exhibit hall or meeting rooms are prohibited. Show Management is exempt from this rule. Press (properly accredited) may photograph or videotape with exhibitor’s permission during exhibit hours only. Videotaping of your product outside of exhibit hours must be approved in writing by SEMI. Written requests for videotaping must be submitted to Show Management prior to the exposition. The exhibitor must hire a security guard to be present during videotaping before or after exhibit hours. 3.1 8 Quarantine Requirements 2. 2.3 .18 Quarantine Requirements on Wood Packaging Materials (WPM) of imported consignments. (See TWI Group Shipping Instructions, Section 3.5.3 3.5.3). 2.3.19 Alcoholic Beverages For safety and insurance reasons, alcohol is prohibited in the facility during set up, dismantle and show hours. 3.20 Smoking Policy 2. 2.3 Smoking is not allowed within any of the exhibit halls, meeting rooms or public lobby areas. 3.21 Children 2. 2.3 Children 12 to 16 years of age are allowed on the exhibition floor only during exhibition hours and must be accompanied by an adult. Children under 12 years of age are not allowed on the exhibition floor at any time. 3.22 General Security 2. 2.3 Each Exhibitor must make provisions for the safeguarding of their goods, materials, equipment and displays at all times. General overall security service will be provided for the exhibition period. The security service and/or SEMI are not responsible for the loss or damage of any property from any cause. 3.23 Animals 2. 2.3 Animals will not be allowed in the exhibit hall or on exposition grounds except for guide dogs for the disabled. 3.24 Balloons / Blimps 2. 2.3 Balloons / blimps of any kind will not be allowed on-site. 3.2 5 Helium-filled Items 2. 2.3 .25 The use of helium balloons or exhibit components is strictly prohibited in the convention facility.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 3.2 6 Hall Access Restrictions 2. 2.3 .26 The halls WILL BE CLEARED OF ALL PERSONNEL after the exhibition closes each day. The only exceptions will be with written permission from SEMI Show Management. 3.2 7 On-site Vehicles 2. 2.3 .27 Private motor vehicles, trucks, automobiles will not be allowed on the exhibit hall floor without SEMI permission before, during, or after exhibition hours. No exceptions. Delivery of any exhibit materials required for set-up and dismantle must be cleared through the official service contractor. 3.2 8 Housing 2. 2.3 .28 All SEMI contracted housing reservations must be made through the hotel reservation forms in Section 7, Form 11. These forms can also be downloaded at SHOW MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PURSUE ANY ACTION IT DEEMS NECESSARY IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE EXPOSITION AND IN FAIRNESS TO ALL EXHIBITORS. 2.4 Exhibitor Responsibilities & Liabilities 4.1 Amendments / General Supervision 2. 2.4 All exhibit matters and questions not covered by these rules and regulations are subject to the decision of SEMI Show Management. These rules and regulations may be amended at any time by SEMI and all the amendments that may be so made shall be equally binding to/on all parties affected by them as they are by the original rules and regulations. In the event of any amendment or addition to these rules and regulations, written notice will be given by SEMI to such Exhibitors as may be affected thereby. SEMI SHOW MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT, OR PROHIBIT ANY EXHIBIT, WHOLE OR IN PART, OR ANY EXHIBITOR AND HIS REPRESENTATIVES, BASED SOLELY ON ITS JUDGMENT, DISCRETION, AND AUTHORITY. PLEASE REFER TO YOUR FPD EXHIBIT SPACE APPLICATION / CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS. 4.2 Default in Occupancy 2. 2.4 Any Exhibitor failing to occupy contracted space is not relieved of the payment of the full rental of such space. All display systems and equipment/products must be installed and complete prior to 22:00 Monday, March 14. Unoccupied space may be repossessed by Show Management for such purpose as it may see fit. Failure to notify SEMI Show Management of cancellation in advance will cause exhibitor to lose priority for exhibit space. 4.3 Exhibitor Liability 2. 2.4 The Exhibitor assumes full financial liability for damage to the facility or neighboring exhibits caused by the construction of the exhibitor’s booth structure. The Exhibitor may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesives or other coating to building columns, walls or floors. In the event any part of the exhibit hall is destroyed or damaged so as to prevent SEMI from permitting an Exhibitor to occupy assigned space during any part or the whole exhibition period; or in the event where occupation of assigned space during any part or the whole exhibition period is prevented by strike, acts of nature, national emergency, or other cause beyond the control of SEMI; the Exhibitor hereby waives any claim against SEMI beyond a refund of rent paid for the period it was prevented from using the space, less a proportionate share of the exposition expenses incurred by SEMI.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations In addition to the Rules and Regulations listed on the back of the exhibit space application/contract, the FPD rules and regulations have been established in consideration of all participants (Exhibitors, attendees, service contractors, building management, and Show Management) and apply to all participants throughout the show. 2.3.4 Limitation of Liability / Insurance SEMI would like to remind the Exhibitor of the limits of liability as agreed to on the back of the original signed application/contract for exhibit space. 2.3.5 Reselling / Use of Space The Exhibitor may not assign, sublet or resell; in whole or in part, their contracted space. The contracted exhibitor may share this space with affiliated Co-Exhibitors, providing the Co-Exhibitors comply with all Exhibitor conditions and rules and regulations; however, the contracting Exhibitor shall continue to be primarily liable for all financial and performance covenants. The primary exhibiting company must have the prominent identification in the entire contracted exhibit space. Contracted exhibit space must appear as one unified booth. All booths must be staffed during exhibition hours. 2.3.6 Violations and Penalties SEMI Show Management may, at its discretion, eliminate or reduce priority points for violation of these rules and regulations and impose a penalty fee as outlined below. In addition, substantial violation of these rules and regulations by the Exhibitor, its employees, or agents may, at the option of Show Management, forfeit the Exhibitor’s right to occupy exhibit space and such Exhibitor shall forfeit to SEMI all moneys paid or due. Failure to comply with the exposition rules will result in the following loss of priority points. If not corrected by the end of: Set-Up Period +10% reduction 1st Exhibit Day +10% additional reduction 2nd Exhibit Day +10% additional reduction 3rd Exhibit Day +10% additional reduction Total 40% possible reduction of priority points And result in the following monetary penalty: Minimum Fee (for 1 booth): USD 3,000.00 Each additional booth is an additional USD 1,000.00 For example:

1 booth = USD 3,000.00 2 booths = USD 4,000.00 3 booths = USD 5,000.00

Upon evidence of substantial violation, SEMI may enter and take possession of the space occupied by the Exhibitor and may remove all persons and goods at the Exhibitor’s risk. The Exhibitor shall pay all expenses and damages that SEMI may thereby incur. It is to your advantage to contact SEMI Show Management prior to arriving on-site with any questions. 2.3.7 General Security SEMI will provide general perimeter exhibit security in the facility during set-up, exhibit days and dismantle; however, the primary responsibility for safeguarding your exhibit and merchandise is yours. Remember that set-up and dismantle periods are particularly sensitive times when thefts (especially handbags and laptop computers) are most likely to occur. Do not leave your booth unattended during those times.

1 FPD China 201 2011

Section 2 Rules and Regulations 2.3.8 Badges All persons on the premises must wear a badge during set-up, exhibit and dismantle hours. The primary exhibit contact is responsible for his/her workers and staff wearing the proper badge. Refer to Section 5 for further information regarding badges. 2.3.9 Theft / Damages Report thefts or damages immediately to both Security and Show Management if found. While SEMI Show Management will exercise reasonable care in safeguarding your property, neither Show Management, the facility, the security contractor, the general contractor, nor any of their officers, agents or employees assume any responsibility for such property. Exhibitors should therefore include or have a rider attached to their insurance policies covering the shipment of merchandise to the exposition, the exposition period, and return of their merchandise to their home base. SHOW MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PURSUE ANY ACTION IT DEEMS NECESSARY IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE EXPOSITION AND IN FAIRNESS TO ALL EXHIBITORS.

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