欢迎来到半导体工业 | Welcome to the Semiconductor
机器视觉展专区 | Machine Vision Pavilion 时间 | Time 2011 年 3 月 15-17 日 | March 15.-17. 2011 地点 | Location 上海新国际博览中心 | Shanghai New International Expo Center 西一馆中央 (FPD、SEMICON 馆) | Center of Hall W1 (FPD & 1st. SEMICON hall)
展团组织方 | Pavilion Organizers
德国工商大会上海代表处 | German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai
中国机械工程协会 | Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
展团展商 | Pavilion Exhibitors
德商兆镁新有限公司 | The Imaging Source Asia Co., Ltd.
展位号 | Booth No.: 1437 地址:中国台湾台北市松山区八德路三段 230 号 6 楼之一
Add.: 6F-1,No.230, Sec.3, Ba-De Rd.,Song-Shan District, Taipei City 10555,Taiwan
电话 | Tel.:+886-2-2577-1228 传真 | Fax:+886-2-2577-1229
网站 | Website: http://www.theimagingsource.com 自 1990 年成立以来,德商兆镁新(The Imaging Source)已逐渐确立了在工业机器视觉相机、影像卡及视频转换 器生产领域的领先地位,我们的产品在半导体生产设备自动化、lead frame 质量检测、半导体芯片显微检测等 领域都有广泛的应用。 德商兆镁新有限公司开发、生产并销售文字处理和图像处理领域的软硬件产品,这些产品以完善的现代化技 术为基础,并同时保证其低价格、低集成成本及可靠耐用等特点。 工程师青睐 The Imaging Source 工业相机的原因是它们使用简单,可被方便地集成到系统中。德商兆镁新在 欧洲、北美和亚太地区都设有分公司,服务全球各地用户。 自 1990 年成立以来,德商兆镁新(The Imaging Source)已逐渐确立了在工业机器视觉相机、影像卡及视频转换 器生产领域的领先地位,我们的产品在半导体生产设备自动化、lead frame 质量检测、半导体芯片显微检测等 领域都有广泛的应用。 Established in 1990, The Imaging Source has become a leading manufacturer of industrial machine vision cameras, frame grabbers and video converters, serving the factory automation of semiconductor-industry, lead frame quality inspection, semiconductor wafer inspection in microscopy level. The Imaging Source develops, manufactures and markets hardware and software components for word processing and image processing. The foundation of these components is modern, well established hardware and software technologies. Only they can guarantee low prices, low integration costs and longevity. Developers and system engineers prefer The Imaging Source cameras due to their ease of system integration. With offices in Europe, USA and Asia, we are available for our customers across all time zones.
展位号 | Booth No.: 1441
地址 | Add.: Gutenbergstr. 9-11, 82178 Puchheim, Germany 电话 | Tel.: +49 89 80902-0 传真 | Fax: +49 89 80902-116 网站 | Website: www.stemmer-imaging.com ——欧洲最大的图像处理技术供应商。 为图像专业人士提供视觉软件功能库 Common Vision Blox(CVB)是一款完美的图像处理软件开发功能库。它为图像的采集与处理提供了强有力 的解决方案并兼具高性价比。它支持所有常用的图像采集标准。此外,CVB 还提供大量的专业工具并可加入 用户自己的算法。www.commonvisionblox.com 兼容 GigE Vision 标准协议的 Sony FCB E 系列相机 STEMMER IMAGING 开发了能够应用于 Sony FCB E 系列彩色相机的、兼容 GigE Vision 协议的板卡。这种 FGI 板卡将兼容 GigE Version 协议的相机的优势发挥的淋漓尽致。 提供用于工业图像处理带标定功能的 3D 面阵传感器 我们提供一种基于数字光学投影的 3D 面阵传感器,通过工业以太网协议,可提供校正的 3D 数据分析。根据 测量视场的大小,其测量精度可以精确到毫米至微米。 STEMMER IMAGING
STEMMER IMAGING is Europe's largest imaging technology provider. Programming libraries for imaging professionals Common Vision Blox is the perfect library for the development of image processing applications. It is a powerful and cost-effective solution for image acquisition and processing. All common acquisition standards are supported. CVB offers a large selection of specialized tools and the possibility to integrate own algorithms. www.commonvisionblox.com GigE Vision Capability for Sony FCB E Series Camera Range STEMMER IMAGING has developed a GigE Vision-compliant interface board for the Sony FCB E Series colour cameras. The FGI interface board brings all the benefits of GigE Vision to this versatile camera range. Calibrated 3D Area Sensor for Industrial Image Processing With AreaScan3D we present a 3D area sensor based on digital stripe light projection that supplies calibrated 3D rangemaps via Industrial Ethernet. Measuring accuracy is in the submicrometer to millimeter range, depending on the measuring field size.
JM Vistec System Pte Ltd
展位号 | Booth No.: 1540
地址 | Add.: 10, Kaki Bukit Road 1 #01-40, KB Industrial Building, 416175 Singapore 电话 | Tel.: +65 6748 5517 传真 | Fax: +65 6748 5507 网站 | Website: www.jm-vistec.com JM-Vistec is one of the leading machine vision component supplier for semiconductor industry. The company is readily expanding with current strength of 26 in Asia (Singapore, China and Taiwan). It was established since 14th September 2004 (Reg.200411692K) and provides professional and technical services for vision products: full range of products for machine vision including industrial camera, smart camera, lens, frame grabber, lighting, lighting controller and vision software. Other offerings include customization of vision products, providing training for users on the latest vision technologies, after sales service and technical support as well. Products A myriad of premium products necessary for reliable, efficient and cost effective vision applications. JM-Vistec carries cameras and smart cameras for SVS Vistek, Hitachi, IRCam, Kappa and Vision & Control, and also provides the best lenses from Jos Schneider, Computar and Seiwa. In addition, JM-Vistek is an authorized distributor for Gardasoft lighting controllers and Dalsa Coreco frame grabbers. Services and Support With dedicated, well-trained and experienced staff, JM-Vistek strives to provide its customers with the best services in the vision industry. The approach is to help customers meet their requirements by providing suitable recommendations and advice so that customers can build on the expertise to enhance customers’ performance.
今明视觉科技(苏州)有限公司是半导体行业领先供应商,专注于机械视觉,以图像处理、医学影像应用、工 业检测、安防监控、模式识别等领域产品为主要经营方向,专门研发和销售工业相机、智能相机、工业镜头、 光源、光源控制器、图像采集卡以及专业视觉处理软件等高科技产品,集系统研发、系统集成、产品销售以 及售前、售中、售后技术咨询与服务四位一体。 公司作为机械视觉的一站式供应商,可为半导体、电子、机械、包装印刷、医疗等行业的广大客户与合作伙 伴提供最先进和具竞争力的机器视觉产品和机器视觉解决方案。 公司在自主研发产品的同时,代理和经销 Sentech、SVS-VISTEK、Vision-Control、Schneider、Dalsa、Prosilica、 Gardasoft、Computar、SCHOTT、东研 TOHKEN 公司等知名品牌的工业相机、镜头、光源及图像处理硬件和 软件。 公司坐落于高新技术企业密集的苏州新区,优越的科研环境和多种优惠政策的支持为公司的发展壮大提供了 良好的区位优势。公司以高新技术产业为先导,以科技成果产业化为宗旨,不断拓展核心业务、建立领域优 势,面向未来,立足自身在图象图形方面内的优势,开拓市场,积累经验,提高水平,为向消费者提供更丰富、 更优质的服务。公司愿和广大合作伙伴共同努力,在图像技术应用方面步步领先!
主要产品 | Main Products ______________________________________________________________________________________________
相机 | Cameras
• GigE - Smart Sensor • Firewire - Multi camera • Highest speed CCD up to 16 Mega pixel • Signal/Noise ratio not compromised ______________________________________________________________________________________________
图像采集卡 | Frame grabber • Wide range of camera interface: LVDS, Camera Link, Progressive • Easy camera file setup • On board memory for flat field correction ______________________________________________________________________________________________
镜头 | Lens
• Large imaging circle up to 22mm for C-mount • Wide variety of mounting: Nikon, F-mount to Leica ______________________________________________________________________________________________
照明 | Lighting
照明控制器 | Lighting Controller
• Cost effective machine vision lighting - Continuous 2-8 Channel current Mode ______________________________________________________________________________________________
扫描仪 | Scanner ______________________________________________________________________________________________
展位号 | Booth No.: 1540
地址 | Add.: Mühlbachstraße 20, 82229 Seefeld, Germany 电话 | Tel.: +49-(0)8152-99 85-0 传真 | Fax: +49-(0)8152-99 85-79 网站 | Website: www.svs-vistek.com SVS-VISTEK is one of Germany’s most innovative manufacturers of industrial cameras, a reliable supplier of components for machine vision purposes and a specialist for highly integrated imaging systems and solutions.
“SVCam” stands for high-performance CCD cameras developed and manufactured in modular designs which can be tailored to meet specific customer requirements. In total there are currently five camera lines, representing high-performance camera technology which allows us to match the specific needs of our customers. Extreme high resolutions (up to 29 MP) and excellent framerates make our cameras the perfect tool whenever you need to inspect with high quality and huge through put. E.g. applications like solar wafer / cell + PCB inspection or AOI . Global presence SVS-VISTEK offers global sales and support through a world-wide network of highly skilled partners in more than 20 countries. Through close relationships with these especially competent local partners, SVS-VISTEK is able to provide its first-class quality cameras and professional support to demanding customers around the world.
是德国最具创新力的工业相机生产商之一,也是极为值得信赖的机器视觉配件的供应商,更是 高度集成式影像系统及解决方案的专家。 “SVCam”代表着高性能 CCD 相机,它采用模块化设计技术进行开发和制造以迎合不同客户的特殊要求。 目前拥有五条相机生产线,凭借着生产此种高性能相机的技术使得我们能够满足客户的特殊需要。 超高的分辨率(达到 29MP)及帧率使我们的相机能够成为您需要进行高品质及高稼动率检验时最完美的工 具。例如,检验太阳能硅片、太阳能电池及电路板时。 全球业务 SVS-VISTEK 在超过 20 个国家拥有全球性合作网络,由高素质的合作伙伴进行销售及支持。通过与各地优秀 的本土伙伴建立紧密的合作关系,SVS-VISTEK 能够更好地为世界各地对高品质有需求的客户提供一流的相 机及专业的技术支持。 SVS-VISTEK
如果您也想加入半导体工业机器视觉 如果您也想加入半导体工业机器视觉展团 半导体工业机器视觉展团 | Should you want to join the pavilion, 或与展团 或与展团展商在展会上见面 展团展商在展会上见面 | or to make an appointment with our exhibitors, 敬请联系 | pls. contact:
德国工商大会上海代表处 | German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai 郭小姐 | Ms. Guo Qinrui 电邮 | Email: guo.qinrui@sh.china.ahk.de 电话 | Tel.: +86 21 6875 8536 ext. 1676