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Revised Feb 24, 2011


We at SEMI value the member and non-member companies’ participation in our FPD China exposition. One of the many benefits of participation is the opportunity to accumulate priority points for Expositions. For SEMI Expositions, booth location is assigned according to the SEMI Priority Points Policy. Priority points are accumulated per Exhibitor based on the expositions where they participate and, in most cases, based on the amount of booth space the exhibitor is assigned. Below is an explanation of how priority points are accumulated, retained or forfeited. Participation Points SEMI Member Only One (1) point per year

Booth Points SEMI Member & Non-member Quarter (0.25) point per 9 sqm PAID exhibit space contracted


Member Points: Member Points are awarded to active SEMI member companies or companies with a member parent, and are accumulated annually for the FPD China exposition(s) where the company exhibited.


Booth Points: Booth Points are derived from the total PAID exhibit space which the company contracted with SEMI and actually exhibited with its own activities ever in FPD China exposition. The free, trade and gifted booths will not get Booth Points.


Membership Cancellation: If SEMI cancels a membership due to non payment of membership dues, or if a company cancels their own membership, all participation points are forfeited. If the same company brings their membership up-to-date and provides payment for ‘back dues’, the company can keep all previous points earned. If the same company renews their membership, but prefers not to provide payment for ‘back dues’, the participation points begin accumulating from zero.


Company Mergers: If two companies merge, the higher of the two priority point totals follow the new company. Priority points are not merged.


Company Splits: If a company splits or spins off, the parent company will keep all priority points. This also applies when a Subsidiary Office chooses to separate from the parent company and creates its independent business.


Co-exhibitor: Co-exhibitors will not accumulate any priority points.


Pavilion: Each exhibitor in the pavilion will accumulate the priority points separately. Pavilion will not merge the priority points of all the exhibitors in it.

Revised Feb 24, 2011

FPD China 展览优先积点计算规则

SEMI 很重视其会员以及非会员公司对 FPD China 展览的参与。参展带来的诸多益处之一,就 是有机会累积展览优先积点。在 SEMI 主办的展览上,展位位置是依据优先积点的高低顺序来 规划的,而优先积点是根据参展商参展过的展览(在多数情况下即参展商的展位面积)来计算 的。 以下是优先积点如何计算、保留和丧失的的规定: 参展积点 仅限 SEMI 会员享受

展位积点 SEMI 会员和非会员均可享受

每年 1 点

每 9 平方米付费展位 0.25 点


参展积点:参展积点用以奖励积极参与展览的 SEMI 会员公司或其母公司为 SEMI 会员的 公司,按照该公司曾参展的 FPD China 展览按年度累积。


展位积点:展位积点根据公司同 SEMI 就 FPD China 展览签约参展并自行实际展出的付 费展位总数产生。免费展位、交换展位及赠予展位均无法获得展位积点。


会员资格取消:如因未按时支付会员费而被取消会员资格,或公司终止其会员资格,该 公司将丧失全部参展积点。如果该公司重新延续其会员资格,并在规定期限内及时支付 当年会员费,则该公司之前的积点将全部得以保留。如果该公司重新延续其会员资格, 但不支付当年会员费,则该公司的参展积点将从零开始重新计算。


公司合并:如果两家公司合并,则保留其中积点总数较高的那家公司的积点,作为合并 后新公司的积点。积点不可合并累加。


公司分立:如果公司分立或部分脱离,则母公司保留所有优先积点。本规定同样适用于 分支机构从母公司脱离并开展独立业务的情况。




专区:所有专区参展商均独立累计优先积点。专区不可合并累加专区内参展商的优先积 点。

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