ABOUT SENACE The Agency of Environmental Certification for Sustainable Investment - SENACE (“Servicio Nacional de Certificación Ambiental para las Inversiones Sostenibles”) was set up in December 2012 as a public agency under the Ministry of Environment. SENACE main role is to evaluate and approve Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for Peru´s major investment projects. For the first time, Peru will have an independent, technical and specialized agency responsible for evaluating EIAs. This change should allow SENACE to build trust amongst stakeholders, as well as increase efficiency and predictability in the EIA procedure.
Purview of SENACE
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To evaluate and approve EIA for major investment projects. To administer the environmental consultants’ registry. To develop the technological platform that will allow SENACE to manage the EIA procedure on line (the single window project).
Main achievements
SENACE governing body is the Directive Board, which is composed of six members (namely the ministers of Environment, Economy and Finances, Agriculture, Energy and Mining, Production and Health). This high rank and multidisciplinary composition ensures a balanced performance.
Managed to strengthen the professional team responsible for evaluation of EIA.
The Head of SENACE represents the agency and looks after its main affairs.
Built relationships with stakeholders (indigenous people, business associations, NGO, environmental consultants).
Within SENACE structure, there are three line departments: The Department of Environmental Certification, responsible for the evaluation and approval of EIA. The Department of Environmental Registration, responsible for the administration of the environmental consultants’ registry. The Department of Strategical Affairs, responsible for the single window project.
KICK OFF DATE December 28, 2015 was an historical date for Peru´s environmental governance. This day SENACE started operations as the new agency responsible for the evaluation and approval of EIA in mining, oil and gas, and power projects. SENACE will progressively undertake the purview of evaluating EIAs of other ministers such as Transport, Agriculture, Housing and Construction until 2020. The process will end up concentrated in one single entity (SENACE), rather than spread over different ministries.
Financed skill development programs for the appraisal team.
Published guidelines and handbooks to enhance the EIA procedure. Set up criteria to give EIA consistency and predictability.
CHALLENGES To promote a new impartial and technical appraisal of EIA that the citizens can trust. To continue with the process of transfer in a well- organized and non-troubling way. To foster early citizen participation. To build best national and international practices to lift the standards of environmental governance. To set terms and standard procedures that add predictability and security to investors. To ensure the adequate performance standard of environmental consultants, which should meet requirements of expertise, specialization and ethics.
FUTURE AGENDA Permanent improvement of technical working skills through fellowships, internships, learning programs and technical exchanges. Create an ideal route for the EIA procedure that brings efficiency in every step of the evaluation and approval procedure of these studies. Build a technological tool that enable citizens to access information regarding the EIA procedure. Strengthen the single window as a technological platform that allow SENACE to manage the EIA procedure on line and in real time. Work with regional, local and communal leaders to promote a more effective citizen participation.
Av. Guardia Civil 115, San Borja Lima - Perú (511) 500 0710 SENACE Perú