September 2015

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End of summer Stunning sojourn through the Chilcotin brings change Our very own Sharon Brooker shares her story of traveling through an area of B.C. ONCORE

Seniors Society Oncore Seniors Society is pleased to announce the appointment of Keith Bonnah to the position of General Manager – Programs and Services at our downtown office in Kamloops. We welcome Keith to our team and know that he will help us continue achieving our vision of improving the lives of seniors. Keith comes to us with 35 years of experience in the social services field. His work experience began back in his home town of Edmonton, Alta. where he spent 11 years working in a major rehabilitation hospital. Since making Kamloops his home in 1991, Keith has worked in the non-

profit, private and public sectors. His experience includes organizations such as Community Living BC, Thompson Community Services and Kamloops Youth Resources Society/ Interior Community Services. Keith brings a wealth of experience to Oncore. Positions held include Youth Counsellor, Program Coordinator and Home Sharing Manager and Quality Services Analyst. We look forward to seeing Keith around the office. An earlier change was the departure of former executive director, Suzan Goguen, who is pursuing other career opportunities. We wish her well in these endeavours. Curious who is behind all of the decision making and structure at Oncore Seniors Society? Make sure you pick up a copy of next month’s paper and you can meet the board!

known as the Chilcotin — the places she visited and the people she met along the way By Sharon Brooker

There is an area in B.C. that has intrigued me since my youth, when the brother of a good friend went there to be a cowboy and stayed. He told his sister that it was the most beautiful place he had ever seen. That area is the Chilcotin. Finally, after many years, I went there this summer and discovered a place that has some of the most outstandingly beautiful areas I have had the pleasure of seeing. The people that live there are also outstanding in their kindness, warmth and down-to-earth goodness. My first stop was at the Chilcotin Lodge in Riske Creek, which is the oldest hostelry in the Chilcotin (currently celebrating its 75th birthday). It has been so well maintained and refurbished by the owners, Ria and Hennie van der Klis that you would swear it was much newer and yet it still has the ‘40s feel. Its original charm and warmth are evident, but there are modern conveniences (no outhouses) for the comfort of guests. While there, I took a drive to Farwell Canyon and was quite

Sharon Brooker

One of the gorgeous scenes enjoyed by Sharon Brooker on her recent trip to the Chilcotin. This shot is of glacier-fed Chilko Lake. taken by the hoodoos and other in the 1800s Alfred Waddington formations of the canyon created wanted to build a road to the by the Chilcotin River. gold fields. The road would My next stop was Tatla Lake, have started at the head of Bute where I took a side trip south to Inlet and continued north past the spectacular Tatlayoko Lake, Tatlayoko lake into the Chilcotin which is nestled between the Nuit plateau and further on towards and Potato Ranges in the western the Cariboo goldfields. It all came Chilcotin. It is a glacier-fed lake to not when the workers were with a beautiful aquamarine attacked by local natives. So the colour. It is part of the Homathko area around the lake was saved River drainage system that flows and is still a wild area on the edge to Bute Inlet at the coast. Back of the Coast Mountains. See "Planes, manes and automobiles” page 15

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