Lest We Forget
‘Sir’ Keith Moore remembers By Moneca Jantzen
Trooper Keith S. Moore of the 28th Canadian Armoured Regiment (British Columbian Regiment) Canadian Armoured Corps. celebrated his 96th birthday on October 28. A few days earlier, he shared an account of his military service during WWII. Moore volunteered for the Canadian Army over seven decades ago. Following a significant stint working at the Tranquille TB Sanatorium in Kamloops and more briefly at the Gang Ranch, the young Moore volunteered with a buddy, and signed up for the army in August 1942. They received a couple of month’s basic training in Vernon before being shipped off to Camp Borden, Ontario for another year of training. Moore was trained “on map reading Trooper Keith S. Moore, just turned 96, has been the and using Bren Gun one to receive the salute during Remembrance Day Carriers, small track vehicles with no tops, and ceremonies in Barriere, B.C. in recent years.
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machine guns mounted on a swivel frame.” A gunner operator, he was also required to operate the radio.He stayed for several more months to help train others in radio communications including officers just out of officer training college. He eventually volunteered to help fill vacancies in the ranks of the 16/22 Saskatchewan Horse Regiment. He was shipped off to England where he spent another year training in war maneuvers in England and Scotland. Over the course of his career, he recalls spending time in England, France, Germany and Italy. His role as a gunner operator involved loading the guns and communicating on the radio between the tank and regiment. Upon reflection, Moore says “there were good times and bad.” As someone that went to the front and survived and was able to return home, Moore considers himself
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“very lucky.” Trooper Moore’s Troop In 2013, Moore was Commander, had his nominated and awarded tank knocked out. a medal for the National McDairmid switched Order of the Legion of crews leaving Trooper Honour of France which Moore’s tank crew out in effect makes him a of battle (LOB) during ‘knight.” Operation Totalize. What follows is the Trooper Moore was narrative that garnered assigned to another tank the award from France: for Operation Tractible, Trooper Moore, an the advance to Falaise, “A” Squadron member 14 August 1944. Trooper of an M4A2 Sherman Moore, reassigned as tank crew, landed at a member of a new Gold Beach, Mulberry tank, was engaged B. (Port Winston) in action during the Arromanche, Normandy attack across the Liason on 27 July 1944. The River onward through Regiment moved to Ryes, Olendon, Epancy, Trun the location where the and closing the Falaise 4th Armoured Division Gap. On 23 August 1944 mustered. The Regiment near Les Essarts, during then moved to Mondeville the rout of the remnants south east of Caen prior to participation in Operation Totalize. 08/09 August 1944. The move through Ifs/Verrier area took the regiment to its laager, just north of Cintheaux on Route N158. In the early morning hours of 09 Aug 1944, enroute to Hill 195 objective, Lieutenant Harvey McDairmid, See "Founding member" page 13
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