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Your Award Winning Seniors' Newspaper – Written for Seniors by Seniors Vol 15. - Issue 7
August 2015
THE Gold Coast’s 77,000 seniors are invited to join in a huge range of events and activities during Seniors Week from August 15–23. Mayor Tom Tate said Seniors Week was a great opportunity to celebrate the valuable contribution of seniors. “The huge contribution our seniors make can’t be overstated,” Cr Tate said. “They are vibrant and actively engaged in social, community and
voluntary activities, with many undertaking vital caring roles. “We all benefit from the generations before us and Seniors Week is a chance to celebrate the ongoing positive impact seniors make to our society.” Each day during Seniors Week there are activities to suit a wide range of interests, including croquet, woodturning, international café, Studio Village art display, Vietnam Veterans
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ceremony, the ever-popular Mayor’s Concert, and numerous health and fitness activities. The city has implemented a range of initiatives to support seniors, including: pensioner rate rebates, Council Cabs, active and healthy programs and specially designed library services. Mayor Tate said one of the city’s most popular initiatives has been Free Seniors Travel. “Feedback from the 22,000 registered users of Free Seniors
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Travel is overwhelmingly positive,” Cr Tate said. “It provides our seniors with an easy and convenient way to get out and about in the city, allowing our older Gold Coasters to remain connected to their community.” The initiative, which is fully funded by City of Gold Coast, allows eligible Gold Coast seniors to travel for free on Gold Coast Surfside buses from 8.30am–3.30pm, Monday to
Friday (public holidays included). It’s expected that thousands of Gold Coast seniors will use the Free Seniors Travel service to attend activities and events throughout the city during Seniors Week. For more about Seniors Week activities visit: cityofgoldcoast week. To apply for Free Seniors Travel visit: seniorstravel.
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community news
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Page 2 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
THE Never Alone Friendship Centre, an outreach program of the Burleigh Heads Uniting Church, spent an exciting morning recently being entertained by the trainers and dogs from Pets for Therapy. Pets in Therapy is an organisation that believes pets have wonderful healing effects. The group visits nursing homes, hospitals, hospices and palliative care units, anywhere where there are sick or aged people. The residents respond to the animals, many having had dogs but forced to surrender them when illness or age takes over. During the morning the guests were thrilled to see the dogs going about their activities and showing off their command response, together with displaying
FUN: Pets in Therapy handlers and guests of the Never Alone Friendship Centre.
their gentleness with frail people. The Never Alone Friendship Centre, located at the Burleigh Heads Uniting Church, meets each Wednesday morning and caters for those in the community
who are isolated, lonely or just seeking friendship, fun and some social activity. They meet from 9am–noon and have a variety of activities following a morning cuppa and chat.
Entertainers, guest speakers and outings contribute to some of these activities. All of this for a donation of $2. More information can be obtained by phoning Neville or Dulcie Free on 5562 2993.
‘Op till you Drop’ during this month’s National Op Shop Week MORE and more Australians are turning to charity op shops to buy clothes. Making a donation can help op shops from running short of stock
and boosting donations to charity op shops is the aim of the National Op Shop Week. The week, from August 23–30, is an initiative of the DoSomething!
charity, in partnership with the National Association of Charitable Recycling Organisations (NACRO). The campaign slogan for 2015 is “Op Till You Drop!”
Red Cross, Salvos Stores and Vinnies are just some of the leading charity op shops involved in this year’s Op Shop Week. Good quality items will be welcomed.
community news
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Retirees prudent in ‘super’ planning benefits taken as income streams. “The current body of research suggests that the practice of restructuring assets in order to gain access to the Age Pension is not widespread,” the report said. National Seniors chief executive Michael O’Neill said the Productivity Commission report confirmed that people in or near retirement were attuned to the issue of longevity. “Having scrimped and saved all their lives, Australians are not blowing their super lump sums on luxury holidays.” “We accept that as the pension age rises the preservation age will inevitably follow suit. Courtesy: National Seniors
What would we be without grandparents WELL, we wouldn’t be here, for starters. But grandparents are so much more than progenitors. They play an important role in our lives from the moment we are born and even from beyond their graves, their memories reminding us of decency and generosity. This is why New South Wales holds its annual Grandparent of the Year Awards to give us a chance to say thank you and acknowledge the debt we owe to an older generation. Now it’s time to send in your nomination for your favourite grandparent.
Council on the Ageing NSW is encouraging people to acknowledge the important role grandparents play in all our lives. “The Grandparent of the Year Awards are an opportunity to recognise contributions grandparents make to their families and communities, from acting as direct caregivers to sustaining our community groups and clubs,” COTA NSW chief executive Ian Day said. Most grandparents find it gratifying to be able to assist and claim it helps keep them fit and young. Get your nominations in
before Sunday, September 20. NSW residents are eligible for the awards offered in three categories: Grandparent Carer of the Year – for an outstanding grandparent who is also the full-time carer of their grandchildren. Community Grandparent of the Year – for a grandparent who is actively engaged in volunteer work. Grand Friend of the Year – for an individual aged 50 years or over who has made a positive contribution to children’s lives in a professional capacity. Visit
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Researchers examined whether individuals altered their draw down well in advance of the Age Pension age to gain access to the payment and found little evidence that individuals were acting strategically. Factors – such as experiencing the onset of disability – are the reasons why some draw down early and exhaust their superannuation savings. Where lump sums are taken, they are most frequently used to pay down debt, invest in income stream products, and purchase durable goods for use in retirement. Less than 30 per cent of superannuation benefits are taken as lump sums, with most superannuation
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RETIREES are being prudent in the way they draw down their superannuation with a report showing most older Australians are not restructuring assets to gain access to the Age Pension. The Productivity Commission report, Superannuation Policy for Post-Retirement, explores when and how people access their super and examines what might happen if the age that individuals can access their superannuation –the preservation age – is raised. The report found most retirees are prudent in the way they draw down on their superannuation and, while the use of lump sums attracts much attention, they are not problematic.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 3
community news
Seachange Village scoops up Master Builders award MULTI-award winning Gold Coast lifestyle resort, Seachange Village Arundel, has secured its place among Queensland’s most successful active over 50s communities after winning the 2015 Master Builders Award. The Pradella Property Ventures’ community was voted the best Lifestyle Accommodation for Seniors by an independent committee, which recognises excellence in the Queensland building and construction industry. Seachange has now achieved awards in the seniors community category from each of the major Queensland building organisations. Designed with the philosophy to nourish the mind, body and soul, Seachange offers residents
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a variety of architecturally designed homes with unrivalled amenities through the community’s five-star country club, and direct access to the neighbouring Coombabah Lakelands Conservation Area. Seachange Project director Phil Goodman said the community showcased the developer’s commitment to create a benchmark over 50s lifestyle resort that allowed its residents to enjoy a vibrant, active lifestyle – in essence to “love the way they live”. “We are extremely proud of what we have delivered at Seachange,” Mr Goodman said. “We have successfully developed a quality product offering for the growing baby boomers demographic.”
Mr Goodman said the award was a great achievement for the community, which continued to grow, with the final stages now selling. “We are catering to an increasing segment of Australia’s population who demand very specific housing, so recognition from Master Builders has provided a strong endorsement of the vision we set out to achieve,” he said. For a guided tour of the country club or to register for a FREE morning tea with Seachange residents, visit the Welcome Centre at 299 Napper Road Arundel. Call 1800 652 797 or visit www.seachangegold for more information.
Horses and High Tea!
Horses and high tea from August 18 to 20.
TO CELEBRATE the contribution of seniors in our community, the Harmony Hooves Healing Hearts Group is hosting a Horses and High Tea at Ceramic House, Bischoff Park, Nerang on August 18–20 from 10am–2pm for a gold coin donation. Bookings can be made by phoning Jodie on 0418 147 399. Come along and join the fun!
Trivia with Allan Blackburn 1. What colour eggs does a robin lay? 2. What do whale watchers call the whale behaviour of leaping out of the water? 3. What is ergophobia a fear of? 4. What was the main timber used in the Hughes Flying Boat called the “Spruce Goose”? 5. On which island of New Zealand is the city of Hamilton? 6. Name two countries in Asia whose English names start with the letter “I”. 7. What is the hardest substance in the human body?
8. In what decade was the Australian $100 note first issued? 9. In a standard Sudoku puzzle, how many small squares are there? 10. By what stage name are entertainers Anthony, Emma, Lachlan and Simon known? 11. In what sport has Laura Geitz excelled? 12. Which brass orchestral instrument traditionally uses a slide? 13. What Japanese car manufacturer’s name of five letters has three vowels? 14. How many wheels does
a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet have in its undercarriage? 15. Which actor/singer is often called J. Lo? 16. After New York and Los Angeles, what US city is the third largest in population? 17. In whose honour was Tasmania named? 18. Which temperature is colder: zero Fahrenheit or zero Celsius? 19. What does RACQ call its monthly magazine? 20. In what country did Fisher and Paykel originate? Answers on page 8
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Celebrate a rich culture on Malta Day (baked savoury rice), pastizzi and a selection of traditional cakes and sweets, including the much loved ricotta cannoli, imqaret and Malta’s unique soft drink Kinnie. Other attractions will be: live entertainment, raffles, displays, folklore music and DVDs of Malta and its history. Entry is free. Phone Margaret Grima on 5576 3441 or Judith Padovani on 5529 0654.
My Aged Care makes navigation easier MY AGED Care is the central contact point for Aged Care Services. To inquire about aged care services, check your eligibility for aged care services or see what service providers operate in your area, My Aged Care can help. The My Aged Care
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website has been established by the Federal Government to help you navigate the aged care system. My Aged Care is part of the Australian Government’s changes to the aged care system which have been designed to give people more choice, more control and
easier access to a aged care services. My Aged Care is made up of the website at and a contact centre. Together they can provide information on aged care for yourself, a family member, friend or someone you’re caring for.
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Call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 between 8am and 8pm weekdays and between 10am and 2pm Saturdays. The My Aged Care contact centre is closed on Sundays and national public holidays. Source: Department of Social Services
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Come celebrate Malta Day with the Maltese Australian Gold Coast Association Inc.
THE Maltese Australian Gold Coast Association Inc. will celebrate Malta Day on Sunday, August 16, at Casey Hall on Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters from 10.30am to 4pm. This will be a Maltese style fiera, a festival. There will be a variety of traditional dishes, including fenkata (rabbit stew) timpana (baked macaroni) ross il-forn
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community news
August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 5
community news Don’t ignore your prostate ONE in three men over 50 have benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), commonly known as an enlarged prostate. This number rises to nearly 80% of men when they reach 70. While BPH is not fatal like prostate cancer, it can cause a lot of pain and inconvenience. Common symptoms are frequent and painful urination and, in some cases, sexual performance is affected. It is no wonder that we have reached epidemic proportions, yet so few men talk openly about it. According to Mr Indra, spokesman for Graminex Australia, a company that specialises in developing prostate medication, men in general do tend to be tight-lipped about their current condition. “It’s normal for men to feel uncomfortable talking about their prostate and their symptoms (of BPH). That’s okay, we understand,” says Mr Indra, who does his best to personally answer
questions from individual callers. He has heard from and spoken to many concerned wives. The key to this problem, he believes, is to slowly encourage a culture where men should not feel ashamed to talk about their medical condition, especially if it concerns their “personal equipment”. The good news is that all this is starting to change, especially with the internet, which allows men to be more discreet in search for prostate health information. Still, it cannot make up for face-to-face interaction, hence Graminex Australia, which introduced Magnus Shield, a new over-the-counter prostate supplement, and has been working together with non-profit prostate support groups in Victoria to help bring awareness to men. For inquiries about Magnus Shield Prostate formula, visit or call 1300 760 627.
Page 6 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
Liza lights up centenary LADIES from Coolangatta Tweed VIEW Club and Currumbin Elanora VIEW Club were delighted to meet up again with one of their favourite entertainers, Liza Beamish, who has supported VIEW clubs over many years by her appearances at their birthdays and Christmas functions. On this occasion Liza, with Kathleen Proctor-Moore as the Duo Diva, performed for the centenary of the Freeman family’s property in the Currumbin Valley, Australia’s first banana plantation. More than 200 guests
Bev Clark,Currumbin Elanora VIEW, Lesley Freeman, Coolangatta Tweed VIEW, Penelope Thorpe, Coolangatta Tweed VIEW and Liza Beamish.
attended the celebration held on the lawn in front of the beautiful old family
home and enjoyed a delightful buffet lunch under the trees, followed
by a wonderful concert. Liza and Kathleen performed a programme of much-loved pieces of music which were thoroughly enjoyed by all. The August meeting will be held on Thursday, August 20 in the Horizons Room of South Tweed Sports Club at 11am for 11.30am. The speaker will be Dick Cijffers from Journeys Worldwide who, with a long career in the travel industry, will no doubt regale ladies with fascinating stories of his travels. Phone Margaret Girvan on 5534 7115 by 1pm on Monday, August 17.
Ensure finances are well organised at forum WRINKLES don’t hurt…but what can be extremely painful are the wrong decisions when you or your loved ones need aged care. Aged care choices are complex, and decisions you make about how you fund aged care can have wide ranging effects.
There will be a wellinformed panel of speakers featuring Noel Whittaker to talk about all things aged care and answer your questions at an aged care forum in Carrara next month. There will be free entry at the Carrara Community Centre, Nielsens Rd, on
September 8 at 12.30pm for lunch refreshments. RSVP is essential, seats are limited. There are major lucky door prizes to be won. Call Katie on 5597 5550 or email admin@lfa. to register your attendance. Julie Lockeridge and the
Lockeridge Financial Advisory Pty Ltd is an authorised representatives of Meritum Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 93 106 888 215, Australian Financial Services Licence 245569. Level 15, 60 Albert Rd, South Melbourne, VIC. 3205.
community news
Parkwood Probus celebrates Christmas IF YOU are 55 or over and enjoy meeting people, then Parkwood Probus could be just the club for you. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, 9.30a.m. for 9.45am, at Arundel/Parkwood Community Centre, 1 Napper Rd, Arundel. A range of guest speakers shares interesting topics.
Parkwood Probus celebrates Christmas in July.
LEGACY Week is the annual national appeal to raise awareness and funds for the families of our incapacitated and deceased veterans. It is held in towns and cities big and small across Australia and supported by young and old. The funds raised from Legacy Week help Legacy continue to assist the 90,000 widows and 1900 children and people with disabilities Australia-wide, with
essential services such as counselling, special housing, medical, advocacy and social support. Public support will also help Legacy nurture children’s education by contributing towards school fees, books, uniforms and recreational activities to aid their self-development and confidence. There are thousands of Australian Defence Force personnel
deployed overseas. Legacy stands ready to assist their families should the worst happen. You can help these families by becoming a volunteer or donor now. All funds raised will help continue our essential role in the community. Legacy merchandise will be available at selected badge-selling points and from many fantastic volunteers on the streets during Legacy Week from August 30 to September 5.
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Help support veterans in Legacy Week
Outings, lunches and bus trips, all topped with friendship and good fun, take place throughout the year. If you would like to know more about Parkwood Probus, which welcomes both men and women over 55, phone Kathleen on (07) 5563 7697. Pictured is the group at its Christmas in July celebration.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 7
community news
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More than 35% of those over 65 will fall each year
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6. Iran, Iraq, India, Indonesia 7. Enamel 8. 1980s, ninth decade 9. 81 10. The Wiggles 11. Netball 12. Trombone
13. Isuzu 14. 18 15. Jennifer Lopez 16. Chicago 17. Abel Tasman 18. Zero Fahrenheit 19. The Road Ahead 20. New Zealand
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Trivia answers
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and each unit is programmed to suit the customer’s needs. All you need to know is push the button in the case that you need medical help, or if you fall the system will automatically detect this. No more bulky base stations, limited voice distances, limits to in-home or connections to phone lines are needed. With safeTcare 24/7 professional monitoring, rest assured help will be with you immediately, giving absolute peace of mind for both you and your family. You’re not too young for safeTwear – live life, love independence, stay at home and out of care. Call us today to see if you qualify for a free system offer, 1300 78 44 38.
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technology not only detects a fall, it also connects directly to our 24-hour monitoring centre with two-way voice communication. Whether you are at home, in the garden, out for a walk or at the shops, slip, trip, fall or just push the panic button, you are connected directly with a monitoring specialist, talking with you directly through the pendant. Help is quickly on the way, and the built-in GPS gives them your exact location. In the event that you are rendered unconscious, we have your full medical history on file to share with responders and ensure you get the correct help in the quickest possible time. The technology is so smart yet so simple to operate,
From page 4 1. Blue 2. Breaching 3. Work 4. Birch 5. North Island
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ACCORDING to government figures one in three over-65s will fall each year in Australia, resulting in more than 1,500,000 hospital days spent on fall-related injuries. More than 70% of these falls happen in or around the home, and nearly 20% result in head injury and 30% in hip/leg fractures. Of all the available information there is no clear indication on how long people remain “undiscovered” following a fall. Emergency Medical Services specialises in fall detection systems and monitoring with safeTwear, the world’s smallest-smartest fall pendant. Weighing only 34 grams and around the size of a matchbox this remarkable
community news
Aussie battlers in danger of missing out on power bill savings THE Federal Government’s push for the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to stop investing in small-scale solar power could mean many pensioners and low-tomiddle income households miss out on significant electricity bill savings. Initiatives by some councils such as Darebin City Council in Victoria have enabled pensioners to install solar power systems
with no up-front cost, and repayments made via council rates over ten years. Repayment levels are structured so most of those participating will save more each year on their electricity bills than they are repaying. Darebin City Council’s initiative has been hugely successful and other councils have expressed a desire to emulate it. But such initiatives require
up-front funding for the organisation offering them – and that’s where the CEFC can assist. However, CEFC investment in Darebin-type initiatives may not be possible if the Federal Government directives for the CEFC to stop investing in small-scale solar are followed. “It’s a low-risk investment, the government makes a return on the money and it
supports low- to middle-income earners to get solar panels and save money on their bills,” said Jeremy Rich, SunEdison Australia’s managing director Jeremy Rich. SunEdison supplied and installed the systems used in the Darebin Council project. Since it began, the CEFC has made more than $1.4 billion in total commitments to projects totalling over $3.5 billion in value.
Its portfolio has achieved matched private sector funds of more than $1.80 for each $1 of CEFC investment. Once fully deployed, its investments are currently expected to earn a portfolio weighted average yield of around 6% across their lifetime. Investments targeting local councils, manufacturing and agribusiness make up 20% of the CEFC’s portfolio. The CEFC operates under
Community Expo & Seniors Forum
Helensvale Probus Club
We had queries from the floor, which is always a strong indication of a successful guest speaker. The Theatre Group attended a recent performance. The numbers are growing for these outings with lunch being enjoyed prior to the performance. August will have members off to enjoy a visit to Yeppoon and surrounding areas of interest.
Helensvale Probus members enjoyed a day at the theatre.
Dates to put in your diary are the morning cruise on the Nerang River on October 16. Also in October are the
Norfolk Island Tour Visitors. Meetings are at the Senior Citizens Hall on Discovery Drive, Helensvale, on
the 2nd Friday of the Month at 10am. For further information, contact Brian on 5580 1206 or Marie at 5573 0401.
THE 2015 Gold Coast Community Expo & Seniors Forum will be held on Thursday, October 1, from 8.30am to 12.30pm at the Pavilion Rooms, Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Broadbeach. RSVP on (07) 5504 6000 or events@stevenciobo. com Special guest will be the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton. He will take part in a Q&A session. This year will be the biggest and best yet, with lucky door prizes, including two economy return tickets to anywhere on Virgin Australia’s domestic network.
AT the July meeting president Brian had the pleasure of welcoming seven visitors, thus boosting the meeting on the morning, with members away with other commitments. Guest speakers Amanda Mercado and Riki Fulton, from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, gave an interesting overview of the fire ant situation.
the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Act 2012, which says: “The corporation’s investment function is to invest, directly and indirectly, in clean energy technologies.” There is no focus on “new, innovative and emerging technologies”. In fact, that is the primary function of another body, the Australian Renewable Energy Association (ARENA). Source: Energy Matters
August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 9
community news
'=+<14:8 $115m aged facility 5:,< %#&!&#$""
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for Sinnamon Park AUSTRALIA’S leading provider of innovative private aged-care services, Seasons Private Aged Care, is proud to announce that construction will soon begin on stage one of its new $115 million, 283-unit community – Seasons Sinnamon Park. In the heart of one of Brisbane’s fastest-growing suburbs, leafy Sinnamon Park sits in a prime site just 14km from the CBD and enjoys wide-open spaces, parks and walking tracks, as well as access to an array of shopping, medical and transport services. Stage one of Seasons Sinnamon Park is scheduled to be open to residents in early 2017. Valued at an estimated $53 million, it includes 131 units with a choice of one, two and three-bedroom, fully self-contained
apartments specifically designed and constructed to optimise delivery of clinical care and support services. Seasons Private Aged Care is proudly Queenslandowned and operated and Sinnamon Park will be its seventh successful agedcare development. Each Seasons community boasts its own particular amenities based on the needs of its community and the location and design of the land on which it stands. From beautiful lakes and walking tracks, Men’s Sheds, chicken houses, aviaries and communal vegie gardens, there’s always something special for residents to enjoy. Beautiful leisure facilities ensure safety and security, while cinemas, movie lounges, libraries, beauty salons and cafes all help to create that
special sense of “community”, which Seasons residents can always access. Onsite lifestyle co-ordinators are integral to each community, providing an endless offering of well-being and social activities for residents to connect with others and get involved. Seasons CEO Nick Loudon said his focus was on a private home environment for each resident. “Seasons Sinnamon Park has been designed to deliver security, dignity, respect and choice which we all expect and that the older people in our communities have earned in building this great country of ours,” Mr Loudon said. For more on Seasons Sinnamon Park or to register your interest contact 1300 506 116 or visit www.seasons
Top Enders – connecting Gold Coast seniors 0! "56! 45 .52/
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CONNECTING the over 50s from all areas of Gold Coast for friendship, fun
outings and fellowship. Meet second Wednesday of month, 11am–3pm.
Phone Sue for details on 0405 936 330 or email Sam
Runaway Bay Probus FUN, friendship and fellowship is the aim of Runaway Bay Probus Club. Lunches are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Club outings are also very popular with members. Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at the Paradise Point Bowls Club at 10am and guest speakers come along to speak on interesting topics. New members are welcome. Any inquiries please phone Ian on 5537 9914.
Kingscliff Mixed Probus KINGSCLIFF Mixed Probus Club holds its meetings in the Uniting Church Hall, Kingscliff on the first Wednesday of each month at 9.45am and outings on the third Wednesday of the month. Our guest speakers are always interesting. New people welcome to attend. Phone Pat on 02 6674 4224 or just come along.
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community news
proactive or they run the risk of skills and competencies developed during their working life becoming devalued, especially as computer-based technologies take over the workforce.” This study found many mature-age Australians did not place great importance on learning, education and training, as they didn’t believe it contributed to their quality of life. Forty per cent of respondents indicated they had undertaken some form of
learning, education or training within the last three years. Of those, 59% believed their current work-related skills and knowledge were very up to date. Research shows that a 55year-old who becomes unemployed faces an average 73 weeks out of work compared to a person in their 20s, who would be out of work for 23 weeks. See a copy of the report at .au.
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Get smarter with your data against identity theft now one of the most common crimes in Australia, with an estimated economic impact exceeding $1.6 billion in this country every year,” he said. “Scammers will use your identity for all sorts of crimes.” To minimise the risk of identity theft: ■ Keep your personal
THE Office of Fair Trading is urging consumers and businesses to “Get Smarter with Your Data”. Fair Trading acting executive director Tony Johnson said consumers and business needed to think about protecting their personal information from identity theft. “Sadly, identity crime is
details secure; think twice about what you say and do online; ■ Keep your mobile devices and computers secure; ■ Choose your passwords carefully; ■ Beware of any request for your details or money and get a copy of your credit report. You should contact your
bank or credit union immediately if you think your banking details might have been compromised. You can contact IDcare, Australia and New Zealand’s national identity support service, if your identity information has been stolen. Visit or call 1300 432 273.
ing skills and qualifications up to date. “The changing nature of work, such as a shift towards short-term project roles and advances in digital technology, means demand for strong skill sets in all occupations and sectors is growing,” O’Neill said. “To remain competitive, it’s imperative that the over-50s are either maintaining their work skills or acquiring new qualifications. “It is a two-way street – mature-age workers need to be
OLDER workers must acquire new qualifications and boost their work-related skills to remain competitive in the changing workforce, a new National Seniors report shows. A study of more than 1900 people aged over 50 found many mature-age Australians were not focusing on education and training opportunities as they aged. National Seniors chief executive Michael O’Neill said the findings highlighted the importance of keep-
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Up-to-date skills vital for over-50s to stay employed
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Page 12 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
community news
Probus fun for all
Weary Dunlop foundation appeal launched at commemorative service THE invaluable contribution to the health and wellbeing of the veteran community made by Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop was commemorated in Melbourne on July 12, marking the 30th anniversary of the creation of his medical research foundation and the launch of its annual fundraising appeal. Minister for Veteran Affairs Michael
Ronaldson said he was honoured to attend the annual commemoration ceremony at the Weary Dunlop Statue in Kings Domain to acknowledge Sir Edward’s lasting legacy. “The Sir Edward Weary Dunlop Medical Research Foundation is the result of Sir Edward’s vision and his great compassion for others,” Mr Ronaldson said. “Thirty years on, we
acknowledge his foundation’s world-class work into the vital arena of veterans’ medical research.” The commemorative service coincided with the launch of the annual Sir Edward Dunlop Medical Research Foundation Appeal, which helps raise funds to continue the Foundation’s work. The Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop Medical Research foundation was
established in 1985 by Sir Edward, a World War Two veteran, doctor and humanitarian. The Foundation’s work has led to new discoveries and improvements in the treatment and prevention of illnesses affecting veterans and their families. For more information on the medical research foundation, visit www.siredwarddunlop
Wongawallen and the Walking Group spotted some of the varied birdlife in Schusters Park. Retired or semi-retired men are invited to club meetings on the third Monday of each month at 10am in the Burleigh Waters Community Centre, 131 Christine Ave. Burleigh Waters. The aim is to provide fun, friendship and fellowship to their members.
Although it is a men’s club, wives/partners are welcome to attend all club meetings and outings and share in the great fellowship. The club has an outing on the first Monday each month, in addition to the monthly general meeting. For more please contact: Brian 5520 6332 or Colin 0427 272 829 or visit the website – Google “Probus Club of Burleigh Waters”.
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Probus members enjoy Christmas in July lunch at the Fox and Hounds Pub.
BURLEIGH Waters Probus Club has interesting guest speakers each month and, at their last meeting, David Millard and Greg Hallam gave a good insight into the features, safety aspects and history of Queensland Rail. The Probus Club of Burleigh Waters enjoyed a great Christmas in July Lunch at the Fox and Hounds Pub at
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 13
community news VIEW Club Runaway Bay JOIN in the fun at Runaway Bay VIEW Club meeting on Wednesday, August 12, 11.30 for noon at La Piazza Restaurant, lunch $25. Guest speaker from Volunteer Marine Rescue. High Tea on Friday, August 28 at Daily Squeeze, Chirn Park. Perfect opportunity to get out your glad rags, enjoy yourself and meet new people. For more information or to RSVP phone June 0419 419 653. VIEW Clubs support The Smith Family Learning for Life Program.
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Solace Association SOLACE Association is an organisation for people grieving the loss of a partner. Our meetings are held second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, at 10.30am. Broadbeach Senior Citizens Centre, TE Peters Dr, Broadbeach. For more information, phone Betty 5580 7034.
RESIDENTS are invited to provide their ideas about future uses for the former Kingscliff Coast Guard building at Cudgen Creek. Tweed Shire Council is investigating options for the training building at Kingscliff’s Ed Parker Rotary Park, which the Coast Guard Unit vacated in November last year. “We want to know what residents think would be the best use for this building, which is prominently positioned near the centre of town and on the banks of Cudgen Creek,” Council Team Leader-Environmental Health, Doreen Harwood, said. “The Kingscliff Coast Guard Unit provided a wonderful service for the boating community for many years and now (the) council wants to make the best possible use of the building,” Cr Harwood said.
“This initial round of engagement is just looking to brainstorm with the community to identify optimum ways to utilise the building,” she said. “There will be a separate, later round of consultation to invite formal expressions of interest.” Cr Harwood said that use must satisfy criteria, including generating income to cover the cost of future site maintenance. “The income must at least match the cost of maintenance. However, the opportunities for this site offer plenty of potential to generate income which could help to meet the costs of providing for other community facilities,” she said. “The use will also need to be permissible within the land zoning and in consideration of the amenity of the area due to the close proximity of neighbouring residents.”
The Coast Guard Service was established in 1982 as Kingscliff Radio Watch, founded by the late George Bonnett, a keen fisherman with a radio background. It became a unit of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guards in 1985, covering an area from Tweed Heads to Pottsville. The Kingscliff unit was initially based in the nearby tower building in Faulks Park, until its members built the training building in 2007. However, the group disbanded last year, voting against joining Marine Rescue NSW. Community members with ideas about how the building could be used can provide their feedback online by visiting yoursaytweed. Further information is available by phoning Doreen Harwood on Shannon Heathcote on (02) 6670 2400.
Bookworms invited to join Random Readers DO YOU LIKE to talk about books? Prefer to choose what you read? Are you open-minded? If so, then Random Readers is ‘your’ book group.
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 1–3pm at Meeting Room 2, Palm Beach Library, 11th Ave, Palm Beach.
Please join us in our nopressure zone, for stimulating conversation and to learn about good books to add to your ‘must read’ list. New friends are welcome.
Building needs use
Page 14 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 15
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Expos offer health and lifestyle info A A HEALTH and Lifestyle Expo will be held on Thursday, September 24, at The Albert Waterways Community Centre (next to the library) on the corner of Hooker and Sunshine Blvds, Broadbeach. Entry is free and the expo will run from 9am to 1pm. Enjoy a free sausage sizzle See health and lifestyle
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information on topics such as retirement living options, in home care, seniors travel, seniors insurance, financial planning and investment advice, with have free hearing and eyesight checks. There will also be information from Centrelink, and the City of Gold Coast. All exhibitors with products and services relevant to seniors are
invited to participate. An expo will also be held at Southport Community Centre on Thursday, November 19. There will be plenty on offer for baby boomers and seniors with more than 50 exhibitors. For more details, visit www.gcseniors or contact event organiser Warren Elwell at warren.elwell or on 0409 277 430.
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APIA stand at the last Expo.
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Some ladies enjoying a recent outing to the Historic Rivermill on the banks of the Coomera River.
Group provides refreshing view
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Page 16 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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THE Oxenford-Coomera VIEW Club meets on the third Friday of each month at 10.30am for 11am, meeting at Gainsborough Greens Golf Club, Pimpama.
All ladies are invited to make friends with a welcoming group, and enjoy lunch and a guest speaker. Proudly supporting the Smith Family, the
Oxenford-Coomera VIEW Club is the most northern VIEW Club on the Gold Coast. Please RSVP to Vicki on 5501 9455 for bookings and information.
community news
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A games “thumbs-up”.
overs, and tunnel ball. From 11.30am, join us for chair yoga, falls prevention activities and dancercise. There will be plenty of information tables where you can talk to service pro-
viders about your needs. Wear bright colours and comfortable footwear to go in the running to win a prize for most effervescent. In conjunction with this event we will be running a Seniors Table Tennis com-
petition. It is open to seniors over 55 for $4. Registration is essential by August 14. For more information phone Kerry or Sherree @ 60 & Better on 5525 6466.
You can pay rates, water bills at library kiosk THE City of Gold Coast in partnership with the Commonwealth Bank is transforming the way residents can pay their rates and water with a self-service payment kiosk at Elanora and Runaway Bay libraries. The move uses the bank’s EFTPOS tablet, Albert. Deputy Mayor Donna Gates said the city was leading the way by offering
the community access to innovative services. “This new service will deliver a safe, secure and efficient payment option,” Cr Gates said. “Many customers prefer to pay their notices over the counter so these kiosks give the community, especially our seniors, an alternative option when paying rates,” she said.
“This self-service payment kiosk means people can avoid queuing and walk into either of these two libraries and pay their rates in the space of a few minutes “It’s fast, safe and secure. Simply scan your printed notice, or key in the notice number, enter the payment amount and follow the prompts. A printed receipt will be available to confirm
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your payment. Our friendly library staff are also on hand to assist as necessary.” Customers can pay the amount in full or choose to pay by instalments at the kiosks. The payment kiosk is being offered on a 12-month trial basis and will be assessed at the completion of this period.
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CELEBRATE Seniors Week with a Seniors Games and Expo on Friday, August 21, at Tallebudgera Leisure Centre, 1525 Gold Coast Hwy, Palm Beach, from 9am-1pm. Relive the good old days with a fun morning of activities and information, all senior friendly and free. From 9am, test your skills with individual games such as quoits, safe archery, target wall, oversize darts, basketball shoot and tenpin bowling. From 10am, get a team together, or we will find a team for you, for fun games such as unders and
Fun and games to be enjoyed
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THERMOSENS dentures are world-renowned, flexible and virtually unbreakable dentures now available at Northern Rivers Denture Clinic. As the exclusive manufacturer of ThermoSens dentures in the region bounded by Evans Head to Mount Tamborine, we are proud to offer a revolutionary denture option to patients looking for ultimate comfort and durability in a denture. Northern Rivers Denture Clinic can now offer you breakthrough in dental technology, and is leading the way to creating longer lasting, stronger, more aesthetically pleasing, non-allergic, and cost-effective dentures. Not only are you getting a product you can depend on, but unlike other denture base material Vertex™ ThermoSens is a product you won’t break just by dropping it. The first partial denture that is not only monomer and acrylic free, but also virtually unbreakable, Vertex™
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BANORA Point Probus Club meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 9.45am for 10.15am in the South Tweed Sports Club. It’s a friendly mixed club for professional and business retirees. Visitors are welcome. The guest speaker for August will be Fay Gleave, who will talk about experiences with St John Ambulance. Phone Bae at 07 5590 9738 or Google our website, Banora Point Probus.
Broadbeach Ladies Probus THE club meets on the second Tuesday of the month at Kurrawa Surf Club, Broadbeach. The meeting starts at 9.30am, morning tea is free and is followed by a guest speaker. Visitors and prospective members are most welcome. Come along and join us, or phone Patricia on 5575 5284 or Christa on 5575 5045 for more.
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ThermoSens has the same opaque colour quality as acrylics, but without their imperfections. After numerous strength and toughness tests, we went over and beyond to prove our point. We drove a car over our denture to prove the strength of the material. As expected, the denture base was perfectly intact without a single fracture. This is impossible to achieve with an acrylic denture. From tooth-coloured and clear clasps to the pink based colours, ThermoSens blends in perfectly, to ensure you can wear your appliance with comfort and confidence, unlike metal frames. Suitable for partial dentures, ThermoSens dentures are a popular choice for patients looking for a denture that is basically indestructible. If you are looking for a durable and innovative denture that is virtually unbreakable, call Northern Rivers Denture Clinic today on 5536 4241 for your free consultation.
Banora Point Probus Club
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community news
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Page 18 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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Three reasons springtime is bad for incontinence These are the trampoline-like muscles suspended from the tail bone to the pubic bone and across both sitting bones. As well as holding up our intestines, bladder and other pelvic organs, they help close off our urinary and anal sphincters. The reason we leak urine comes down to physics – it’s the result of a greater downward force on the bladder (caused by the sneezing, coughing or jogging) than the closure force of the urinary sphincter. So how do we survive spring without the leakage? In most cases it’s simply a matter of strengthening our pelvic floor muscles so they’re able to handle the added stress and keep those sphincters shut tight. Like other muscles, our pelvic floor muscles need to be exercised regularly to become stronger.
The Continence Foundation recommends doing pelvic floor exercises at least once a day. Go to www.continence. to learn how to do them properly, or consult a continence physiotherapist for one-on-one instruction. (The National Continence Helpline nurses on 1800 33 00 66 can locate your nearest service.) Here are a few other tips to get you through spring: ■ If you have allergies, hay fever, asthma or any other condition that causes chronic coughing or sneezing, go to your doctor for treatment. ■ Try to keep your weight within the healthy weight range. Weight loss significantly reduces your chances of urinary incontinence, with research showing that losing just 5–10% of body weight reducing the incidence of urinary incontinence by
about 70%. In fact, weight loss has been shown to be an effective treatment for urinary incontinence. ■ When you start your fitness regime, avoid high-impact or resistance exercises such as lifting, jumping or lunges, which place undue stress on your pelvic floor. Of course, if you have a strong pelvic floor and know how to “brace” before each action, there’s no reason to avoid these activities but in the meantime there are many exercises you can do that won’t strain your pelvic floor. Go to www.pelvicfloor to check these out or download the free Pelvic Floor Safe Exercises app from the App Store or Google Play. Constipation is another avoidable condition that can significantly exacerbate incontinence. Straining on the toilet also
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stresses the pelvic floor, causing the muscles to stretch and weaken. Download the brochure Good Bladder Habits for Everyone from the Continence Foundation of Australia website. It outlines the five steps to healthy bladders. Remember, it’s not normal to have any bladder leakage – whether it’s just a few drops or enough to show on your clothes.
In the majority of cases it’s preventable and quite treatable – often by taking simple, preventative steps. For information on incontinence, bladder or bowel issues, phone the free, confidential National Continence Helpline on 1800 33 00 66, which is staffed by nurses and managed by the Continence Foundation of Australia. Go to for more information.
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SPRING is in the air and it may well be the reason many of us find ourselves accidentally wetting ourselves more than we’d like. Here’s why: ■ All that pollen floating around makes us more susceptible to allergic reactions such as asthma and hay fever and their associated coughing and sneezing fits. ■ The cuddly layer of body fat that kept us warm over winter might be weighing us down. ■ Many of us decide it’s time to get our bodies into shape for summer. These three factors have one thing in common – they each put our pelvic floors under undue stress and exacerbate stress incontinence. So what is stress incontinence? It’s the urine leakage that happens when we place too much stress on our pelvic floor muscles.
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& Mayor’s Message SENIORS Week is a celebration of the valuable contribution seniors make to the Gold Coast and encourages community participation, activity and inclusion. Our seniors are active, vital and productive members of the community who play a crucial role in the wellbeing of our city, with residents aged over 65 contributing to all facets of community life – in the workplace, arts, as carers, volunteers, neighbours, family
members and friends. The City of Gold Coast is proud to support seniors through a range of initiatives, including: pensioner rate rebates, Council Cabs, active and healthy programs and specially designed library services. This support has also been extended to free bus travel for Gold Coast seniors. Providing affordable transport options for seniors has been a key initiative of the City. That is why we have partnered with the
Queensland Government to deliver free bus travel for seniors during off-peak periods. At the time of writing this message, over 22,000 seniors are taking advantage of this trial and travelling for free on Surfside buses between 8.30am–3.30pm, Monday to Friday across the Gold Coast. With the continued support of the Gold Coast seniors community we hope this trial will continue as a long-term affordable transport option. To apply, seniors can download an
2015 Seniors Week Calendar
application form from the City’s website at /freeseniorstravel, email freeseniorstravel@, visit a City of Gold Coast Customer Contact Centre or phone 1300 GOLD COAST (1300 694 222) for more. Don’t forget I will host the Mayor’s Seniors Week Variety Concert on Thursday, August 20, to give thousands of Gold Coast seniors an extensive program of entertainment. See you there! Tom Tate, Mayor
Mudgeeraba. Wheelchair accessible. First session is free. Saturday 15 August 2015 (C) 8am - Active & Healthy tai chi, City of Gold Coast. Improve your mind and body connection through control of breath and movement. Country Paradise Parklands, 74 Billabirra Crescent, Nerang. Free. Phone 07 5581 5233 (S) 9am -11.30am - Seniors Week 2015. Coolangatta Croquet Club. Come and try croquet. 42 Lanham Street, Coolangatta. Free. Phone 0491 104 226 or email Sunday 16 August 2015
Key: North (N), Central (C), South (S), Booking required (BR or B). Saturday 15 August 2015 to Saturday 22 August 2015 9 am - 5 pm - Exercising Made Easy Toning Tables. If you want to find an easier way to get fit and into shape, then your search is over. Our motorised Toning Tables not only make exercising easy, they are ergonomically designed to support your body weight, reduce strain on your joints and strengthen your muscles by completing a series of simple, yet effective isometric exercises. Bookings required 5559 1955. Why Weight Body Toning, Bell Shopping Centre,
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Page 20 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& 2015 Seniors Week Calendar FROM PAGE 20 (S) 8.30am - Active & Healthy yoga, Australian School of Meditation and Yoga. This relaxing and energising exercise benefits the body, mind and soul. Bring a towel or mat. Fradgley Hall, Park Avenue, Burleigh Heads. $3. Phone 07 5554 5440 (S) 10am - 2pm - Woodturning Open Day, Gold Coast Woodturners. Woodturning demonstrations and the benefits of joining a club for seniors. 238 Mudgeeraba Road, Mudgeeraba. Free. Phone 0401 858 683 or email (N) 1Noon - 3.15pm - Indoor Bowls, Runaway Bay and Dis-
trict Indoor Bowls Association. Indoor bowls. Community Hall, Lae Drive, Runaway Bay. $4. Phone 0402 441 942 or email Monday 17 August 2015 (N) 8am - Active & Healthy tai chi, City of Gold Coast. Improve your mind and body connection through control of breath and movement. Pacific Pines Central Park, Hotham Drive, Pacific Pines. Free. Phone 07 5581 5233 (N) 8.30am - 5pm - Studio Village Art Display, Village Community Services Inc. Display of SVCC artists’ work for viewing and sale. Upper Coomera Community Centre, CONTINUED PAGE 22
Get ready for Seniors Week
QUEENSLAND Seniors Week is a great opportunity to promote positive community attitudes towards older people and ageing and inter-generational relationships, and to enhance community connections, according to Council on the Ageing Queensland chief executive Mark Tucker-Evans. “Our aim is to unite different generations to develop socially inclusive communities in which
older people are able to continue to make valuable contributions in their families, neighbourhoods and communities.” Held from August 15–23, Seniors Week provides an opportunity to bring together all Queenslanders through events and activities within their communities at the same time as addressing concerns about social isolation. “With events from Goondiwindi to the Gold
Coast to Far North Queensland, there is something for everyone as it is a cross-cultural, intergenerational, on-for-young-and-old, week of fun and informative events,” Mr Tucker-Evans said. COTA Queensland co-ordinates Seniors Week and receives Queensland Government funding to collaboratively plan, run and subsidise Seniors Week events and activities.
“We encourage everyone to get involved. “You don’t have to be old to attend, and you do not have to be young to have fun.” This year, COTA Queensland is asking people to take the time to make a connection by listening to someone’s story or by sharing their own. Visit the website at .au or phone 1300 738 348 to find out about Seniors Week events near you.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 21
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& 2015 Seniors Week Calendar
FROM PAGE 21 Reserve Road, Upper Coomera. Free. Phone 07 5529 8253 or email (C) 9am-2pm - International Cafe, To celebrate the launch of Seniors Week, MCCGC and CURA Community Services invite you to fun filled day of information, entertainment and more. International performers Judit Molnar Hungarian Opera Singer and Pete Memphis, Elvis tribute artist. Free event includes entry, entertainment, health checks, morning tea and lunch. Located at the Robina Community Centre, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina.
(C) 9am - noon - Bring a friend - New Vogue Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Members and friends are invited to come and kick up their heels at our Learner New Vogue Dance class. 2 Whitby Street, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 (C) 9am - 2pm - International Cafe, Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast with CURA (insert ¨above U) Community Services. Expo with exhibits on aged care reform, health, finance, community services. Complimentary lunch and entertainment. Robina Community Centre Auditorium, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina. Free. Phone 07 5527 8011 or email
(C) 9.30am - Zumba Gold. A fun, low impact dance fitness class suitable for beginners and seniors. Robina Community Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina. $9. Phone 0417 569 998 (S) 9.30am-1.30pm - Senior Sailing, Gold Coast Sailing Club Ltd. Discover Sailing – for the beginner to the advanced. Community Sports House, 337 Christine Avenue, Varsity Lakes. $15. No booking required. Phone 0488 644 757 or email (C) 11am - Chair Yoga, Yin Yang Yoga. Gentle and effective exercises help improve respiration, flexibility, mindfulness and wellbeing. Southport Community Centre, 6 Lawson Street, Southport. $5. Booking required. Phone 0412 007
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689 (N) 11am-11.30am - Active & Healthy aqua. City of Gold Coast. Introduces beginners to base moves and builds fitness in the water within a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. $3. Helensvale Aquatic Centre, Rugby Lane, Helensvale. Phone 07 5573 5797 (C) 12.30pm-2.30pm - Bring a friend - Line Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get those boots scooting, grab a friend and come along to our advanced beginners Line Dancing class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 Tuesday 18 August 2015 (N) 8.30am-5pm- Studio Village Art Display, Village Community Services Inc. Display of SVCC artists’ work for
viewing and sale. Upper Coomera Community Centre, Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera. Free. Phone 07 5529 8253 or email (S) 10am-11am - Find your family online, City Libraries. Discover the world of digitised content that can help you with your family history research. Upper Coomera Library, corner Reserve and Abraham Rds, Upper Coomera. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5582 9300 (C) 10am-2pm - Horses and high tea. Harmony Hooves Healing Hearts. Spend some time with our horses, have a cup of tea and a chat with others. Gold Coin Donation. Ceramic House, Bischoff Park, Nerang St, Nerang. Booking Required. Phone 0418 147 399
(S) Every half hour from 10.30am to 12pm - Basic technology help, City Libraries. Get one-on-one assistance with your digital devices. BYO laptop, smartphone or tablet and help solve your technology issues. Elanora Library, The Pines Shopping Centre, Guineas Creek Rd, Elanora. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 1671 (C) 11am - Meet a Living Book at Runaway Bay Library, the Living Book is a fourth generation ChineseAustralian sharing her perspective of multiculturalism’s changing face. Free event, refreshments provided and will be filmed. (N) Noon-2.30pm - Better health with self-management, CONTINUED PAGE 23
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Page 22 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& 2015 Seniors Week Calendar FROM PAGE 22 Anglicare SQ. A program designed to help protect and promote your health and wellbeing. Helensvale Community Centre, 31 Discovery Drive, Helensvale. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5556 6700 (N) Noon-3.15pm- Indoor Bowls, Runaway Bay and District Indoor Bowls Association. Indoor bowls. Community Hall, Lae Drive, Runaway Bay. $4. Phone 0402 441 942
or email (S) 1pm - Seniors exercise class, Coolangatta Senior Citizens Centre. Promotes healthy habits through gentle exercises. Coolangatta Senior Citizens Centre, 2 Gerrard St, Coolangatta. $4-$6. Phone 07 5536 4050 (C) 1pm -Vietnam Veterans Ceremony. Vietnam Veterans Federation – Brisbane Gold Coast Sub Branch Inc. A special ceremony to mark the fif-
Display home village open
BUYERS looking to downsize and enjoy the safety and community of a retirement village can experience the latest interior design trends at Lend Lease’s new display homes on the Gold Coast. At The Gardens on Lindfield in Helensvale the stunning condominiums have been opened to the public, making it easy for prospective buyers to see the size and quality of the homes, and the latest decorating trends. Regional manager of Lend Lease’s Retirement Living business in Queensland, Greg Little, said the display homes reflect the highquality finishes and beautiful design of the condominiums. “We understand our new residents are looking for a well-designed space, along with a great fit-out to suit their lifestyle, hobbies and other needs,” Mr Little said. “Experienced Queensland designers have helped us to maximise the space, creating a light, airy and modern feel, neutral enough to display individual treasures, and fill with memories and
tieth anniversary of the beginning of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. Everyone welcome. 18 Leagues Club Drive, Nerang. Phone 07 5578 2233 or email (N) 1pm-2pm - Basic internet search skills, City Libraries. Learn about the internet, including how to navigate websites and how to use a search engine. Helensvale Library, Helensvale Plaza, corner Lindfield Road and Sir John
Overall Drive, Helensvale. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 1625 (C) 1pm-2.30pm - Bring a friend - Exercise/Tai Chi, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get moving with our exercise and Tai Chi class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910. (C) 7.30pm-9.30pm - Bring a friend - Scottish Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get your kilt and your tartans on, grab a mate and join us for an evening of
Scottish dancing. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 Wednesday 19 August 2015 (C) 8.30am - Zumba Gold. A fun, low impact dance fitness class suitable for seniors. Mermaid Beach Community Centre, 2439 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach. $5. Phone 0405 534 842. (N) 8.30am-5pm - Studio Village Art Display, Village Community Services Inc. Display of SVCC artists’ work for viewing and sale. Upper
Coomera Community Centre, Reserve Road, Upper Coomera. Free. Phone 07 5529 8253 or email (C) 9am-11.30am - Never Alone Friendship Group. Come and join us for a morning of fun and friendship at a Crazy Whist Day with delicious morning tea. Southport Uniting Church Hall, corner Short and Scarborough Streets, Southport. Free. Phone 0412 792 295 or email CONTINUED PAGE 24
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new experiences too,” he said. Lend Lease’s new display homes are a collaboration with Sunshine Coast based property styling and interior design company Blink Living, who have a team of qualified interior designers with over 30 years’ experience. Blink Living interior designer Dianne Conley said: “The recent boom in retirement developments has seen our interior design take on another dimension; our approach is all about creating an inviting, inspirational yet practical space incorporating the latest trends in homewares and accessories to make the decision an exciting next step for any new resident moving into a village.” Condominiums at The Gardens on Lindfield start at $320,000 for two bedrooms and a car space. For properties for sale at Lend Lease Retirement Villages, visit www.retirement Anyone interested in viewing the new display homes is encouraged to call 1800 550 550, Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm.
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& ing mindfulness, City Libraries. Learn how to stay in the moment. Burleigh Heads Library, Park Avenue, Burleigh Heads. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 7230 (C) 10am-noon - Morning Melodies. A free Seniors Week morning with entertainment, morning tea and refreshments. Nerang Country Paradise, 231 NerangBeaudesert Rd, Nerang. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 6687 or email (S) 10am – 2pm - U3A Open Day, U3A Twin Towns Inc. An open day showcasing arts, crafts, inner health, history, Information Technology, lit-
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MonaLisa Touch gives life-changing results OBSTETRICIAN gynaecologist Dr Suhad Hassan is reporting dramatic improvement and life-changing results thanks to a brand new treatment she introduced to the Gold Coast earlier this year. The MonaLisa Touch is an innovative, nonhormonal laser procedure successfully treating the symptoms of vaginal atrophy or aging. The low-risk, pain-free treatment provides longer-lasting improvements than Hormone Replacement Therapy and a breakthrough alternative for women unable to use HRT, including cancer patients. Recent research published by the International Menopause Society demonstrated a series of three, five-minute treatments are achieving significant clinical improvements. More than 4000 treatments have been performed in Australia with outstanding results. Dr Hassan is thrilled with patient feedback with improvements felt almost
immediately after the first treatment. “It’s quick, pain-free and requires no down-time; it’s a walk-in, walk-out treatment providing real relief for women who often suffer in silence.” Vaginal aging or atrophy affects almost 50% of women by their mid-50s. Despite the prevalence, only 25% seek medical help. MonaLisa Touch can help with: ■ Dyspareunia; ■ Itchiness and burning; ■ Dryness and loss of lubrication; ■ Laxity and vaginal and vulval pain. The procedure stimulates the body’s own regenerative processes to create more hydrated and healthy cells and increases the acidity of the environment to more normal levels. The reduction of oestrogen production in the ovaries after menopause is the most recognised cause of atrophy; however, many pre-menopausal women are also affected. MonaLisa Touch is
suitable for almost all women of all ages. With over a decade of experience in women’s health and seven years in private practice on the Gold Coast, Dr Hassan is excited by the treatment’s ability to improve health, happiness and quality of life. “This is a major health problem for women and their partners. It’s extremely important we open the conversation and provide a comfortable, safe and nurturing environment for women to seek help.” Based in the Pindara Specialist Suites, Dr Hassan is a highly trained Australian Board Certified Obstetrician/Gynaecologist who provides a compassionate, understanding, non-judgemental and safe environment for Gold Coast woman to take charge of their health. Dr Suhad Hassan is located in the Pindara Specialist Suites in Benowa. For more information, please call (07) 5597 6887 or email
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FROM PAGE 23 (C) 9am-noon - Bring a friend - Social New Vogue Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Members and friends are invited to come and kick up their heels at our Social Vogue Dance class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 (S) 10am - Active & Healthy nifty over fifty, Focus Fitness. This fun, motivated and friendly group training session helps improve posture, balance and strength through gentle exercise. Firth Park, Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba. $3. Phone 07 5525 1110 (S) 10am-11am - Understand-
erature and much more. Entertainment, exercise classes and refreshments provided. 4 Boyd St, Tugun. Free. Phone 07 5534 7333 or email (C) 10am-2pm - Horses and high tea. Harmony Hooves Healing Hearts. Spend some time with our horses, have a cup of tea and a chat with others. Gold Coin Donation. Ceramic House, Bischoff Park, Nerang St, Nerang. Booking Required. Phone 0418 147 399 (C) 10.30am - Yoga fitness for seniors. Increase strength, balance and flexibility. Suited to those in rehabilitation. German Club, 2 Jondique Ave, Carrara. $6. Booking required. Phone 0404 668 109 CONTINUED PAGE 26
2015 Seniors Week Calendar
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FROM PAGE 24 (N) 10.30am-11am - Making home safer for seniors, City Libraries. Practical solutions to help seniors live well at home and safeguard their health and independence. Runaway Bay Library, Lae Drive, Runaway Bay. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 7220. (C) 10.30am-12.30pm - Dance for Parkinson's Gold Coast, Dance for Parkinson’s. Explore elements of dance in a stimulating, enjoyable, nonpressured, social environment. No experience necessary. Arts Centre Gold Coast, 135 Bundall Rd, Bundall. Free. Booking required. Phone 0412 260 040 or email (S) 11am - Active & Healthy nifty over fifty, 40s Plus Fitness. This fun, motivated and friendly group training session helps improve posture, balance and strength through gentle exercise. Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre, Mattocks Rd, Varsity Lakes. $3. Phone 0435 003 067. (C) 11.15am-12.15pm - Living Book, City Libraries. Astrid shares the story of life in Italy after World War II, her immigration journey to Australia as a child and how her family
made making a life in Australia. Southport Library, corner Garden and Lawson Sts, Southport. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5581 7200. (C) 9.30am-3pm - “Seniors Serendipity” at Southport Croquet Club, 1 Queen Street, Southport, Come along and join the fun. There’s croquet games for everyone. Free entry includes buffet lunch. Wear flat-soled shoes. (07) 5531 4720 (C) 12.15pm-2.15pm - Seniors Meals on Wheels Luncheon, Meals on Wheels Nerang. Two-course lunch with “Sundance” entertainment and refreshments. 35 Mylor St, Nerang. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5596 1026 or email (C) 12.30pm-3pm -Bring a friend - Tap Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get those toes tapping and join us for an afternoon of intermediate and advanced tap dancing. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 (C) 1pm-4pm - Seniors Bowls Triples at Broadbeach Bowls Club, 169 Surf Pde, Broadbeach. Come along and have some fun. Game starts at 1pm and includes afternoon tea. Bookings call (07) 5531 5913. Free. Wheelchair access.
Thursday 20 August 2015 (N) 8am - Active & Healthy tai chi, City of Gold Coast. Improve your mind and body connection through control of breath and movement. Gainsborough Greens, Ningaloo Drive and Byfield St, Pimpama. $3. Phone 07 5581 5233. (N) 8.30am-5pm - Studio Village Art Display, Village Community Services Inc. Display of SVCC artists’ work for viewing and sale. Upper Coomera Community Centre, Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera. Free. Phone 07 5529 8253 or email (C) 9am-noon - Bring a friend - Square Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Grab your partner do-si-do, take a spin on the floor and have fun as you go. Get your boots scooting for an enjoyable morning of square dancing. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 07 5529 7910 (C) 9.45am - Mature and motivated, Gold Barre. A gentle class for a mature age group who are still seeking some form of exercise that incorporates Pilates and yoga. Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway, Southport (meet outside Caf Rockpool). $5. Phone 0417 367 003 (C) 10am-2pm - Horses and high tea. Harmony Hooves Healing Hearts. Spend some
time with our horses, have a cup of tea and a chat with others. Gold Coin Donation. Ceramic House, Bischoff Park, Nerang Street, Nerang. Booking Required. Phone 0418 147 399 (N) 11am-11.30am - Active & Healthy aqua. Introduces beginners to base moves and builds fitness in the water within a safe, supportive and inclusive environment. $3. No booking required. Helensvale Aquatic Centre, Rugby Lane, Helensvale. Phone 07 5573 5797 (C) 12.30pm - Men’s health, Ozcare. Individual health screening and group workshops that explore the big issues affecting blokes’ wellbeing. Ozcare, 212-218 Highfield Drive, Robina. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5569 6200 (C) 12.30pm-2.30pm - Bring a friend - Intermediate Line Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get those boots scooting, grab a friend and come along to our Intermediate Line Dancing class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 5529 7910. (C) 2pm-3pm - Open book club, City Libraries. No need to book - everyone welcome. Nerang Library, corner White and Price Sts, Nerang. Free. Phone 07 5581 7180. Friday 21 August 2015 (C) 9am - Zumba Gold. A fun,
low-impact dance fitness class suitable for beginners and seniors. Robina Community Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina. $9. Phone 0417 569 998. (C) 9am-noon -Seniors table tennis, Gold Coast Table Tennis Association Inc. Social table tennis for seniors with handicap doubles played in a round robin format. Includes morning tea. 1 Herbertson Drive, Molendinar. $7. Bookings required. Phone 07 5597 1633 (S) 9am-1pm - Seniors Healthy Ageing Expo, Southern GC 60 & Better Program. A fun filled morning of games, activities, information and table tennis competition. Tallebudgera Leisure Centre, 1525 Gold Coast Highway, Palm Beach. $4 for table tennis. Phone 07 5525 6466 or email (C) 9.30am-11.45am - Come Celebrate Our Week, U3A North Gold Coast Inc. showcasing the diverse cultural backgrounds of members and the North Gold Coast Community. Labrador Community Hub, 55-57 Billington St, Labrador. Gold coin donation. Phone 0437 740 142 or email (N) 9.45am - Heartmoves. A gentle physical activity pro-
gram designed for those with stable, long-term health conditions and those who haven’t exercised for a while. $6. Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hansford Rd, Coombabah. Phone 0430 436 781. (C) 10am-11.30am - Knitting and crochet, City Libraries. Bring your needles, patterns and drop stitches along and receive help from The Country Women's Association. Robina Branch Library, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina. Free. Booking required. Phone 5581 1600. (C) 10am-noon- Bring a friend - New Vogue Workshop, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Members and friends are invited to come and kick up their heels at our Learner New Vogue Dance class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 5529 7910. (C) 10am-3.30pm -Viva la Vida – Healthy and Active Living, The Migrant Centre. Promoting healthy and active living through social connections, exercise, adult learning, access and knowledge of health and wellness programs. The Migrant Centre, Southport Community Centre, First Floor 6 Lawson St, Southport. Free. Booking required. Phone 07 5591 7261 or email CONTINUED PAGE 27
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Page 26 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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21*1!-").(0 +1(./-+ '11, $#%& 2015 Seniors Week Calendar FROM PAGE 26 (S) 10.30am-11am - Active & Healthy deep water running. Introduction to working out in deep water with a buoyancy belt to help improve mobility without impact. $3. Palm Beach Aquatic Centre, Thrower Drive, Palm Beach. Phone 5534 4188 (C) 2pm-3pm - eBook help, City Libraries. Having trouble downloading eBooks to your eReader, tablet, laptop or other device? Staff will be on hand to provide one-onone assistance. Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Blvd, Mermaid Waters. Free. Booking required. Phone 5581 1555. (C) 7pm-11pm - Bring a friend - New Vogue Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Members and friends are invited to come and kick up their heels at our Learner New Vogue Dance class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. Phone 5529 7910 Saturday 22 August 2015 (C) 8am - Active & Healthy tai chi, City of Gold Coast. Improve your mind and body connection through control of breath and movement. Country Paradise Parklands, 74 Billabirra Cres, Nerang. Free. Phone 5581 5233 (C) 9am-11am - Bring a friend - Intermediate Line Dancing, Southport Senior Citizens Association. Get those boots
scooting, grab a friend and come along to our Intermediate Line Dancing class. 2 Whitby St, Southport. Free. No booking required. Phone 07 5529 7910 (S) 9am-11.30am - Coolangatta Croquet Club. Come and try croquet. 42 Lanham St, Coolangatta. Free. Phone 0491 104 226 or email (C) 9.30am-5.30pm for 2 days or include overnight stay –A Weekend of Approval (Woman’s retreat) with Margo, Grace and Dee. The weekend will focus on letting go of some blocks to our “approval factor” about others and ourselves. Come overnight for a full immersion experience or come from 9.30am to 5.30pm each day. Held in the Beautiful Holiday House at 11 Dunkirk Pl, Arundel. Contact Paradise Kids on 5574 6853 to book and pay in advance. Enquiries to Margo on 0409 476 803 or Cost: Single room $90, 2 bed share room $70 or day only for 2 days $50. (C) 10am - noon - Small space gardening and balcony boxes, Gold Coast Permaculture. Learn how to establish your own nutritious, organic vegie garden using sustainable products. Gold Coast Permaculture Garden, Market St, Carrara. $20 or $10 for concession holder. Booking
required. Phone 0409 645 888 or email Sunday 23 August 2015 (S) 8.30am- Active & Healthy yoga, Australian School of Meditation and Yoga. This relaxing and energising exercise benefits the body, mind and soul. Bring a towel or mat. Fradgley Hall, Park Avenue, Burleigh Heads. $3. Phone 07 5554 5440. (C) 9.30-5.30 for 2 days or include overnight stay –A Weekend of Approval (Woman’s retreat) with Margo, Grace and Dee. The weekend will focus on letting go of some blocks to our ‘approval factor’ about others and ourselves. Come overnight for a full immersion experience or come from 9.30am to 5.30pm each day. Held in the Beautiful Holiday House at 11 Dunkirk Pl, Arundel. Contact Paradise Kids on 5574 6853 to book and pay in advance. Enquiries to Margo on 0409 476 803 or Cost: Single room $90, 2 bed Share room $70 or Day only for 2 days $50. (N) Noon-3.15pm - Indoor Bowls, Runaway Bay and District Indoor Bowls Association. Indoor bowls. Community Hall, Lae Drive, Runaway Bay. $4. Phone 0402 441 942 or email ■ Please note Seniors Week information was correct at the time of printing.
Help to choose best aged care services WITH so many recent changes in the aged care industry, Co.As.It. Community Services is focussed on keeping abreast of these major transitions and continuing to be in the forefront of service delivery in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The business has a reputation for high-quality service in both aged and community care and is acknowledged as a leader in being responsive, committed and efficient. As a government-approved provider, Co.As.It. Community Services is proud of its Premier’s Award as Outstanding Organisation Greater Brisbane and its High Commendation from HESTA for service delivery. The annual community
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forum continues to be a pivotal information session for seniors seeking resources to help them make informed choices about their aged care needs. Many times, in a crisis situation, people will find themselves in a position where their choices for care are limited, inflexible and unsuitable to their needs. Without planning and identifying personal choices, decisions are left to others who may not be aware of the person’s individual preferences. The forums allow people to seek, share and discuss issues of concern and to feel confident that any decisions they make are sustainable and identifiable for families and caregivers. Co.As.It. is again proud to
invite specialist guest speakers to share their knowledge on legal, health, wellbeing and community services to promote understanding of options. Of prime importance is the ability for seniors, families and carers from different cultural backgrounds to also access this information. Don’t miss the chance to engage with experts who are happy to answer questions, discuss options and share their opinions on what matters to you. For more, contact Co.As.It. on 5527 6481.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 27
Shire sites on NBN plan
general manager Troy Green said. NBN Co spokesperson Kelly Stevens said NBN Co aimed to release a three-year rollout plan, where more communities will be added to the list. “Our job is to help bridge the digital divide by ensuring that all Australians can have access to fast broadband as soon and as cost-effectively as possible,” Ms Stevens said. Mr Green said it was important to note NBN Co wireless broadband technology would be available to only some rural areas of the Tweed. “A majority of the urban areas will eventually be connected to the wired broadband service,” he said. Work to deliver high-speed broadband to suburbs and towns added to the NSW construction plan is to expected to begin by December next year.
MORE than 2400 Tweed Shire households will be able to access high-speed broadband after an NBN Company quarterly update to the NSW construction plan. Parts of Burringbar, Duranbah, Cudgen, Stokers Siding, Clothiers Creek, Tanglewood, Tumbulgum and Dulguigan will receive the high-speed connection via NBN wireless services. The plan shows work to begin before December 2016 and covers more than 620,000 of the state’s homes and businesses. This rollout will use new 4G LTE technology but will operate from a fixed location on a house, rather than from a mobile device, reaching speeds faster than a standard broadband which uses copper wire. “Some areas with the worst broadband coverage in the region will be able to access some of the fastest internet speeds in the Tweed,” council
community news Tweed news
Centre invites 50-and-over seniors THE Coolangatta Senior Citizens Centre for “50 and over” seniors welcomes all Gold Coast and Tweed residents and visitors. The centre has a large range of activities, including bingo, ballroom dancing (new vogue and modern, including lessons), broadband for seniors with free computer lessons, card games, choir
group, indoor bowls, knit and natter, craft and chatter, light exercises, line dancing, mah jong, meditation, qigong, rock and roll (plus lessons), Spanish lessons, swing or sway, snooker and eight ball, social table tennis, tai chi, yoga, monthly bus trips, free monthly variety concerts, hairdresser and beautician, and free Wii interactive sports on a big
screen. Our next free monthly concert will be on Monday, August 31, at 1pm, and will feature Aussie bush band Fiddle In The Middle. Musical variety is assured, with instruments including fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar, didgeridoo and harmonica. The wide-ranging repertoire with great vocal har-
monies and a Celtic touch will assure you will have a great afternoon of entertainment, so we do hope you can be there. BYO lunch and nibblies. Tea and coffee are available. For enquiries, an events brochure and concert bookings (recommended), please phone 07 5536 4050 or visit the centre at 2 Gerrard Street, Coolangatta.
Hospital Auxiliary hosts trivia night THE next fundraising event for the Tweed Hospital Auxiliary will be a trivia night to be held at South Tweed Community Centre, Cnr Heffron St and Minjungbal Dr, South Tweed Heads. The event will be held on Wednesday, August 12. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Cost is $10 per person which includes tea, coffee and biscuits. Bring your own nibblies and non-alcoholic drinks. Teams of maximum of six. Don’t worry if you don’t have a team – come along and we’ll place you in a team. As there is limited space. It is essential to
phone 0421 930 069 to book a table or seat. There will be great prizes including Winning Team, Door Prize, Spot Prizes, Raffles and even a prize for the Silliest Answer of the evening. The auxiliary will be holding a wool stall in the foyer of the Tweed Hospital from August 17 to 28, Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. There are some great bargains to be had at this stall. Also don’t forget that the regular Bingo Sessions are held at the Tweed Heads Bowls Club every Sunday starting at 1pm.
Meetings MONTHLY meetings of A.O.O.B’s Twin Towns Branch are held on the first Friday of each month at South Tweed Sports Club, Tweed Heads South at 2pm (NSW time) in the Secret Garden Room. Phone Evelyn 07 5599 8283.
All proceeds from all these events go to the Tweed Hospital Auxiliary to purchase essential equipment for Tweed Hospital. If you are interested in joining the auxiliary as a volunteer why not come along to our monthly meeting at Tweed Heads Civic Centre, Cnr Brett and Wharf Sts, Tweed Heads on the first Monday of each month. The next meeting will be on Monday, September 7, at 1.30pm. If you are looking to join. Please be at the meeting by 1pm. For further information ring 5599 9029.
Help offered FIBROMYALGIA, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group meets on the first Friday of every month at 10.30am at South Tweed Sports Club, 4 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South. Call Bronwyn on 5593 9319.
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community Tweed newsnews
Lift in mobile reception for the Tweed 690 computer classes held hours of class preparation, administration, committee, maintenance, or our wonderful helpers’ time. The club is able to quickly respond to any changes and provide the necessary tuition. The computer club is located in the South Tweed Sports Club, 4 Minjungbal Drive, South Tweed, in a great air-conditioned environment. Assistance is offered to people wishing to obtain their first computer, with
THE eighth annual general meeting of Tweed Area Computer Tuition has been held. The club had another year of success, though it is difficult to measure because success means the student no longer comes, since they do not need us anymore. Last year the computer club ran 690 classes, with an average of 12 students per class, which is a total of 8280 students. If you relate that into lesson hours, it is about 1100 hours, and that does not include the
Probus Club of Hastings Point
courses from absolute beginner level to more advanced. The tutors work on a voluntary basis and get fulfilment from passing on their knowledge. People can join at any time, but if they require more direct information, they can attend the next “sign-on” day on Friday, August 28, at 11am–1pm. Further information about the club can be obtained by visiting or phoning Jenny on 07 5524 3057.
mobile reception in the Tweed,” he said. “Council was jointly involved with the then Tweed Economic Development Corporation in developing the Tweed Telecommunications Infrastructure Plan in 2009. “One of the aspects of this plan was to lobby the Federal Government to upgrade poor telecommunications infrastructure in this area.” An extra $60 million will be allocated by the Government in Round 2, with funding to be available over two years from July 1, 2016. The first base stations funded under the program are expected to be rolled out before the end of 2015 but the rollout will continue for three years. See a map of round 1 locations at
U3A classes are held from Monday to Friday during the NSW school term at venues from Tweed Heads to Pottsville. Membership fee for the half year ending 31st December 2015 has been set at $20. Almost 40 classes on various subjects are offered. Note that due to illness German courses are not operating during Term 3. Our Forums continue to be popular and August’s, when Fay
Gleave of St John Ambulance will be our speaker, should be no exception. If you wish to try out one of our courses, contact the Group Leader and by prior arrangement you’ll be able to sit in on the class of your choice. This offer applies to just one “try out” then membership is required. Visit or phone Lynda on 07 5513 1047.
Evening VIEW Club TWIN Towns Evening VIEW Club will meet on Wednesday, August 12, 6.30pm at Tweed Heads Bowls Club. Women of all ages are welcome for a delightful meal and friendship. VIEW stands for Voice Interest, Education of Women and supports the Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program. For guests, apologies, call Jenny on 5536 2653 by 1pm Monday. 96KM 9!KK() 7#!K)<(>1: 5(>8AK /+#(?( D(<+6<G H<(( ,#!8( H!KK!>$:
Class options galore at U3A
MEETS on Tuesday, August 18 at 10am at the Tri Care Retirement Community, 87/89 Tweed Coast Road, Hastings Point. New members welcome. Inquires Steve 02 6676 4641 or At this meeting Julia Dayhew, the Falls Prevention co-ordinator NNSW Local Health District will give a presentation. Julia will discuss key factors in “fall proofing” yourself, like strength and balance, vision and diet.
WILL be conducting Bridge for Beginners lessons. The lessons will run for eight weeks on Saturday mornings from 9–11am, commencing September 12and finishing on October 31. The cost is $50, which includes course notes and a Bridge for Beginners book. Morning tea will also be provided. The venue is the Tweed Bridge Club, Recreation Park, 31 Recreation Street, Tweed Heads. Bookings are necessary Phone: 5536 1570 or 0419 613 600 or by email to
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USEFUL: Tweed Area Computer Tuition has looked back on a successful year.
IMPROVED mobile reception is on its way for some areas in the Tweed after the Federal Government announced the first round of Mobile Black Spot Programme funding. The program will upgrade mobile telecommunications infrastructure throughout Australia to improve network coverage for metropolitan, regional and remote areas. Funding was announced on June 25 to improve infrastructure at Farrants Hill, Burringbar, Kunghur and Currumbin Creek Road, and will improve coverage in some areas of the Tweed. Council’s Corporate and Economic Planner Mark Tickle said the Mobile Black Spot Programme funding was appreciated. “The areas receiving funding have some of the worst
Tweed Bridge for beginners
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 29
Enjoy living an active and healthy lifestyle MAKING activity a regular part of your day and making healthy food choices has many benefits for you and our community. And the Gold Coast has so much to offer. City of Gold Coast’s award-winning Active & Healthy program has been getting thousands of residents up, out and active every week for many years.
The Active & Healthy program is now online, with booklets available from all City customer service centres and libraries. The program is jam-packed with new activities and programs designed to get you active in the beautiful Gold Coast. The program runs from July 2015 to June 5, 2016. If you would like to receive
a copy of the new Active & Healthy Lifestyle Guide, please email your name and postal address to active healthygc@goldcoast.qld Instead of telling yourself you can’t, tell yourself you can. The Active & Healthy program encourages all Gold Coasters to make being active part of their everyday lives. Regular physi-
cal activity can help keep us physically and mentally fit as well as healthy and happy. Activities on offer for seniors include: ■ Tai chi – great for creating strength and health in a relaxing and slow-moving session – free. ■ Heart Foundation Walking Program – meet new people and enjoy a gentle
walk with a group of friendly people – free. ■ I Love Me – join in these fun and motivating exercise classes that incorporate dance, music and movement. ■ Nifty Over Fifty – improve your flexibility and strength in this group outdoor exercise session. ■ Health Ventures technique and maintenance
classes – improve your strength, balance, flexibility and heart health in these medically supervised classes – suitable for those who are unfit, lacking in confidence or who have existing chronic conditions. ■ Aqua classes including deep water running, aqua fit and MAD – Mature And Determined aqua classes.
Having trouble hearing? You can get help
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AUGUST 23-29 is National Hearing Awareness Week. Under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program, the Office of Hearing Services provides eligible clients access to hearing services and hearing devices to help manage their hearing loss. As an older Australian if you have a hearing loss, or would like to check if you have a hearing loss, you may be eligible to receive hearing services if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident aged 26 years or older and meet at least one of the following
eligibility criteria: You hold a Pensioner Concession card; or are in receipt of a Sickness Allowance from Centrelink; or are a dependent of a person on one of those categories; or undergoing an Australian Government funded disability management service and have been referred by your disability employment services case manager. If you meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply you can apply online at; or visit a hearing services provider who can apply online for you. When applying to
the program for the first time, your doctor will need to sign a medical certificate form confirming you can be fitted for a device if you need one. Take the medical certificate to your chosen hearing services provider who can complete the application process for you. When your eligibility is confirmed, the Office of Hearing Services will send you a welcome package containing a letter, a copy of the hearing services program information booklet and a list of hearing service providers. Courtesy Office of Hearing Services
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Page 30 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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Walking for Parkinson’s
THE ‘Have a CHAT’ initiative is being piloted in areas across the Gold Coast to help reduce the number of people who face hospitalisation from exacerbation of their Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. . COPD is the second leading cause of preventable hospitalisation in Australia. Each exacerbation
(flare-up of symptoms) does long-term damage. In people hospitalised for COPD, the risk of death may be greater than a heart attack. A delay of 24 hours or more in presentation for and initiation of treatment of an exacerbation doubles the chance of hospital admission. ‘Have the CHAT’ aims to encourage conversations
between diagnosed local COPD patients and their GPs. ‘CHAT’ is an easy-toremember acronym that helps patients and their carers to recognise the symptoms of an exacerbation, including: Coughing more than usual, Harder to breathe, Any change in sputum (phlegm) colour and/or volume, Tired more than usual (less active).
Flu or cold, and how do you cure it? IT’S that time of year. Temperatures are dropping, but yours has risen. Plus you’ve developed a sniffle and sore throat and feel generally terrible. Have you come down with the flu or just a cold or maybe it’s the start of something much more serious, some nasty bacteria? How can you tell and what can you do about it? Colds and flu are caused by different viruses. Antibiotics are definitely out in treating them – they have no effect and will just build up an immunity in your body against them when
they’re really needed for bacterial infections. Prevention is the best medicine and good hygiene is the best weapon in your defence. You can tell you have a cold when you have a sore throat, run a temperature, sneeze, cough and have a blocked or runny nose. The treatment is just as the old joke says – take an aspirin and go to bed and it will clear up in seven days; see a doctor and it will clear up in a week. However, if you’re still suffering after 10 days, then definitely go see your doctor. It could be some-
thing more sinister. Flu is more severe and lasts longer than a cold. You’ll still have the fever, sore throat and runny/blocked nose. In addition you can expect a dry, chesty cough, headache, tiredness, aching muscles, loss of appetite and difficulty in sleeping. If you’re normally healthy, there’s no real need to see the doctor. However, if you’re over 65, have a longterm medical condition, weakened immune system, or if the symptoms get worse after 10 days, head off to the doctor to have it investigated.
Locally, this initiative will involve providing GPs with a suite of dedicated tools and resources to help them manage exacerbating patients. Lung Foundation Australia has also been forming partnerships with local community groups and organisations. Visit the campaign website at
Spine injury group meet SPINAL Injuries Australia Gold Coast Post Polio Network meets 10.30am, second Monday of the month, at Treetops Tavern, 7 Executive Dr, Burleigh Waters. Call Lyn on 0448 206 856 or Joan on 0413 178 073 for more details and venue.
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LOOKING for something to do on Father’s Day – Sunday, September 6? Look no further. Parkinson’s Queensland will hold its annual fundraiser and awareness event, A Walk in the Park, at Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway, opposite Ada Bell Way. The day’s activities begin at 8am and conclude about 1pm. Take part in a leisurely, non-competitive 2km or 4km walk (return route) along the Broadwater Parklands. Registration begins at 7.30am, with both walks starting at 9am sharp. Enjoy free entertainment and activities for the kids as well as a traditional sausage sizzle. Meet new people, catch up with friends and family. Don’t miss out on this chance to celebrate the lives of family and friends touched by Parkinson’s. See www.parkinsons or call 07 3209 1588 or email events@parkinsons
A ‘CHAT’ about that cough
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 31
Clever use of tip can save money TWEED residents could be saving a considerable amount of money when visiting a tip. This comes after Tweed Shire Council’s 2015-16 fees and charges introduced a CPI increase in the charge to send waste to landfill, no increase in disposal charges for green waste and a reduction in green waste and general waste minimum charges, at the start of this month. Council Coordinator Waste Management, Rod
Dawson, said although householders did a great job of separating their waste in kerbside bins, much material was still brought to landfill that could have been recycled or presented differently at the tip, thereby saving customers money in fees. “Separated loads such as green waste, concrete and bricks can be reprocessed and reused, attracting a lower disposal fee compared to the general waste charge,” Mr
Help for small businesses Do you run a small business? Or do have a great idea to start one up and need help? Then you may want to circle Tuesday August 25 on your calendar. That day the NSW Government Small Biz Bus will be on Marine Pde, Kingscliff near the Cenotaph. The bus travels across NSW aiming to connect small business owners with advisors and services in their local community, at no cost to them.
Tweed Shire Council acting general manager Vince Connell said he was pleased to see the Small Business Commissioner’s Office developing such a good relationship with the Northern Rivers and the Tweed especially. For more about council initiatives to assist new businesses, visit www.tweed For more on the Small Biz Bus, visit www.smallbus
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Dawson said. “Mixed loads are generally disposed into landfill and this means (the) council is liable for the payment of the waste levy to the State Government, which can make it more expensive for the customer,” he said. “An option is to separate recyclable items from the general waste and let the weighbridge staff know this as you drive into the tip. “Residents are then able
to drop these recyclables off at their designated locations for free before being weighed so they only pay for the general waste part of their load.” The NSW Environmental Protection Authority now requires all vehicles, including cars, entering the Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre to be weighed. This means customers will pull up on the way in and advise the operator what recyclables can be taken
out of the load. Once these items are removed, vehicles will be weighed again and charged accordingly. The Centre is designed to recycle as much as possible. These items can be dropped at the centre for free: ■ Metals: old barbecues, motor vehicles, farm machinery, hot water systems and white goods. ■ Electronic waste: computer equipment,
business and home office equipment. ■ Household chemicals: up to 20L including paint, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, acids, etc ■ Compact fluorescent and fluorescent light bulbs. ■ All sizes batteries and mobile phones. ■ Up to 20L waste oil, empty gas bottles. For more information on recycling when at the tip, visit www.tweed.nsw.
Will your super last through retirement? ONE of the great concerns for retirees is whether their retirement savings will be enough for the rest of their lives. And yet more than 90% of retirees don’t know if their super will last long enough. Australians in Retirement Gold Coast president Rob Grover said most retirees had regular medical check-ups and took corrective action if required, but very few checked whether their super was on track and were therefore unaware of whether they should be taking corrective action with their money. Baby boomers moving in-
to retirement these days can expect to live for 30 or more years. This can be a very satisfying phase of life, without the pressures of the work environment, and having time to travel, relax and spend time with family and friends. But to a large extent this is dependent on whether their retirement money will last long enough. What if they run out of money at, say, age 75? What will their retirement lifestyle be like if they are then fully reliant on the meagre age pension? Mr Grover pointed out that, while a number of retirees will face this situa-
tion, many are unaware of it and do not take corrective action to preserve their funds for longer. And yet there are freely available calculators that will indicate whether a retiree’s super will last, and there are alternative strategies retirees can adopt to extend the life of their retirement funds. To address this serious problem, Australians in Retirement Gold Coast Branch will host a free Baby Boomers forum. At this meeting, Mr Grover will demonstrate how retirees can calculate whether their superannuation is enough to meet their life-
time financial needs. Independent financial adviser Matthew Brown will also discuss a number of strategies retirees can adopt to prolong their savings throughout their retirement lifetime. The meeting will be held at 9.30am at the Broadbeach Senior Citizens Centre, 23 T E Peters Drive (cnr Havana Keys), Broadbeach, on Wednesday, August 5. All Gold Coast retirees are welcome to attend. However, due to space limitations, seating can be guaranteed only to members of the public who register their attendance at
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Fair Trading reminds retailers of strict lay-by rules
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QUEENSLAND retailers have been put on notice with the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) about to launch a statewide compliance operation targeting sales practices, such as laybys. The OFT will be ensuring retailers are adhering to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) when offering laybys to consumers, as well as related refund policies.
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business and the consumer agree on a fixed price and payment conditions. “Businesses are obligated to have the goods available for the period of time stated in the terms and conditions of the agreement.” Lay-by agreements must be in writing and should be transparent, specifying the goods, total cost, deposit required, timeframe of the lay-by, as well as informa-
tion on any cancellation and refund policies that apply. If a consumer cancels a lay-by agreement, the business must do a refund. Businesses cannot break a layby agreement, except when there’s a breach of a term of the agreement by the consumer, when the goods are no longer available for reasons outside the trader’s control, or the business is no longer trading.
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Fair Trading executive director Brian Bauer said ensuring lay-by rules were being followed was an important step in maintaining consumer confidence across the state. “By definition, lay-bys are binding agreements between traders and consumers and should be treated as such,” Mr Bauer said. “Under the ACL, when goods are put on lay-by, the
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Best of the bunch at botanical showcase Convenor Nancye Tammes at the Gold Coast Quilters Guild Biennial Quilt Exhibition.
Exhibition all stitched up niversary of the Gallipoli landings, a display of quilts made by Guild members to pay tribute to “ANZACS – 100 Years” was an integral part of the event. As well, Bravehearts was supported at this year’s exhibition, with proceeds from the sale of handmade Christmas decorations and other gift items
donated to this worthy charity. No one was left out, with visitors having the opportunity to win two eyecatching, member-made quilts. The raffle was drawn on the last day of the exhibition. Gold Coast Quilters Guild members meet at 9am on the fourth Wednesday of each month at
the Community Centre, Christine Ave, Burleigh Waters. Visitors are welcome. See: President is Claire Irving, email:; Secretary Carole Woolnough, mobile: 0439 737 448. Nancye Tammes convened the exhibition: mobile 0419 782 435.
With spring on way now is best time to plant
Flower and garden expo TWIN Towns & District Garden Club’s Flower and Garden Expo will be held at the Tweed Heads Civic Centre on Saturday, September 12 from 8.30am to 2.30pm. The Expo will include benching open to everyone, plus workshops, plant sales, raffles and photo competition. Entry is $3 with morning tea available. This promises to be an enjoyable day for plant lovers. All welcome.
newed vigour. Hand weed or hoe out new and emerging weeds. Target persistent weeds such as oxalis and onion weed with spot herbicide treatments, particularly while plants are in flower. Flowering spring annuals can be planted now to give your garden a quick lift. Add instant colour with
DiG Discovery at Benowa FRIENDS of Gold Coast Regional Botanical Gardens invite you to celebrate National Science Week with an ideal family day. Natural science activities for all ages include free wildlife shows, guided walks, gardening, composting and propagation workshops, soil testing and plant identification. There will be displays of butterflies and bats and you can help plant Frog Gully. Discover your Gardens (DiG) on Saturday, August 15, 9am–2pm at the Gardens on Ashmore Road.
pots of cineraria, pansy, polyanthus or flowering bulbs such as daffodils and tulips. Also plan ahead for flowers later in the year. Buy punnets of late spring and summer flowers including petunia, phlox and impatiens (a good choice for shade). Seedlings can be planted in garden beds or large pots to provide stra-
tegic bursts of colour. All container-grown plants, including indoor plants, which have been in the same pot for several years, or that have outgrown their current pot, can be repotted now. Place plants into slightly larger pots with fresh potting mix or trim roots and replant into the old pot.
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the Bazaar – all botanical themed, of course – such as handmade herbal skincare, limoncello made from bush lemons, chemical-free natural soaps, locally made jewellery and much more. “Informative sessions will be held throughout the day at the Education Hub, including organic vegie gardening with Phil Dudman host of ABC Radio’s Good Gardening program, and visitors can enjoy some tasty treats with tropical fruit tasting by Tropical Fruit World, or head along to the cheese making workshop by Green Living Australia. “It promises to be a fantastic day out, with a whole world of botanics all in one place.” Tickets are $10 and will be available at the door, or online at www.botanical to receive a free air plant from Air Plant Designs or a dragon fruit cutting from Tropical Fruit World on arrival. Botanical Bazaar, the Gardening Expo for the Gold Coast, will be held at the Currumbin RSL, Waterside Events Rooms, on Sunday 30th August from 9.30am to 5.30pm. For more visit www.botanicalbazaar .com. au
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This is a great time to start a vegetable garden, establish new garden beds, plant just about anything, renovate your lawn, spruce up neglected areas and give the garden its once-a-year feed of fertiliser. One of the most rewarding jobs to do right now is to get rid of the weeds before they start growing with re-
THE GOLD COAST Quilters Guild held its Biennial Quilt Exhibition at The Arts Centre Gold Coast during July and early August. The event showcased artistic creativity with various techniques used in the making of the many quilts, all on display for the first time. To commemorate the an-
THE Gold Coast Gardening Expo, hosted by Botanical Bazaar and supported by Tropical Fruit World, is to deliver a showcase of local and exotic growers unlike anything seen before at Currumbin RSL on Sunday, August 30. As the Gold Coast’s only Gardening Expo, exhibitors are coming from as far and wide as Uki, Burringbar and Bundaberg to offer a unique variety of plants, products and botanical decor. Event organiser Stacey Panozzo said the Botanical Bazaar would have air plants, cactus, aloes, succulents, frangipani, bromeliads, cottage flowers and rainforest plants for sale at the one-day event. “Nurseries from around the region will have a large variety of plants available for sale on the day all perfect for sub-tropical gardening,” Ms Panozzo said. “There will be beautiful displays of bromeliads; air plants, also known as tillandisas, which grow without soil; plus a great new range of organic heirloom seeds ready for spring planting,” she said. “Selected specialty products will also available at
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 33
Page 34 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
It’s a common Qld saying, but beyond the black stump is … where? TO MOST folk, the phrase “beyond the black stump” is just a vague indication of somewhere outback. But to the residents of Central Queensland’s Blackall, it is a very definite place – all the country to the west of the town. In 1887 the original Astro Station, where the town
now lies, was chosen by the Surveyor-General for the purpose of survey, based on the principal meridional circuit traverse around the town of Blackall. The circuit was 27 miles square and contained an area of 729 square miles. The surveyors used a handy stump to rest their theodolites on – big heavy brass objects that would have trouble balancing on
the standard modern legs of surveyors’ tripods. This enabled them to fix the position of prime towns extending from Brisbane to Boulia via Roma, Charleville and Blackall. This also established the points of important centres with which the survey work of the whole colony could be connected, and enabled more accurate mapping of
Queensland. So beyond the black stump? That’s definitely anywhere west of Blackall. Visitors to the outback town can still find the location of the Black Stump, tucked away behind the state school. The actual stump is no longer there, having been burnt out, but locals have replaced it with a stump of petrified wood, sure to be fire-proof.
Take a Christmas tour
HAVE you always dreamed of a traditional European White Christmas or new year? These special tours have to be seen to be believed! Helloworld Burleigh is thrilled to offer four winter tours that are all different, so you can choose a tour that suits you. But rest assured that each has so many special inclusions to make it a holiday experience to remember. Imagine traditional Christmas feasts,
horse-drawn carriage rides along snow-covered forest pathways, scenic drives through meadows dotted with castles and tiny lakeside villages. Visit Christmas Markets, too. The breathtaking scenery is a living postcard! These are specially designed Christmas tours, not just summer tours run over the winter period. Prices start from $2089 per person twin share land only. We can tailor the package
to suit your needs – add on additional days in Europe or maybe a stopover in Asia, and can choose your airfares in either economy, premium economy or business class. These tours are operated by Albatross Tours, who have been operating Christmas Tours for more than 20 years. With their experience, you will certainly be celebrating in style. So many inclusions, special events and hotels with authentic character.
Join us for our morning tea film presentation to hear more about these special tours – Wednesday, August 26, at 10.30am. RSVPs are essential. Not sure what to pack on a European Winter tour? Jennie, Debbie and Amy at Helloworld Burleigh can assist with all your queries – planning unforgettable holidays is what we do. Call Helloworld Burleigh on 5535 9888 to plan your amazing holiday.
REAL PLACE: Beyond the black stump? That’s definitely anywhere west of Blackall.
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By Colleen Povall
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 35
Travel Ireland slowly and softly By Ann Broome DISEMBARKING from a remarkably comfortable ferry at Rosslare, our feet met Irish soil for the first time. That night we stayed in County Wexford in a gracious old hotel, which overlooked five counties. Next day we motored through this softly green country, through Waterford, renowned for its crystal; Blarney with its stone; and across the Derrynasaggart Mountains in to Kerry’s charming villages and scenery. A silvery misty morn found us “jaunting” through Killarney National Park in “Jarvie” or “Jaunty” car. As we trotted beside the picturesque lakeside, our young driver enchanted us with his repertoire. In his soft brogue, we learned that the large tree was a Beech and the little one beside it was “a son of a Beech”. The Irish golfer always
Thatched Cottage - Adare Village
wore two pair of socks in case he got a “hole in one” and about the five wee leprechauns, he took for a jaunt. The good horse stopped suddenly and one wee chap fell off. As our driver helped him up, there on his back was a label “made in Taiwan”. Our teller of tales then asked us if we intended visiting the landmark Muckross House. “Well, I’ll tell you”, he said, “The Duchess of Muckross died at the ripe
old age of 141 years – she fell out of a cherry tree!”. Leaving Kerry, we visited the quaint thatched village of Adare thence to Limerick visiting King John’s Castle; St Mary’s Cathedral and Treaty Stone and into Tipperary and St Patrick’s Rock of Cashel. At the Commodity Exchange we learnt, the money was placed on a metal pillar shaped like a nail, hence the expression, “cash on the nail”. On through Kildare, we
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Old Weir Bridge at Killarney National Park
passed the Curragh Racecourse and the stud farms where it is said the thoroughbreds often enjoy better conditions than their carers. Dublin’s Fair City was next, where quaint names abound. There is the “Sniffy Liffey” (only at low tide) and Molly Malone is the
“Tart with the Cart”. Another famous statue of a woman in a bath is nicknamed “The Floozy in the Jacuzzi” and the revered name of O’Connell is a constant. Dublin is a lovely, large, solid-looking city so full of statues that I figured it would be the place to expire and you may end
up cast in concrete on a street corner. Trinity College, The Book of Kells, The President’s residence, the seaside by DART (rail) and an Irish cabaret climaxed this wonderful trip. Southern Ireland is a land to be remembered and softly, with a smile.
A shady place for a kookaburra to relax
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A kookaburra poses on the Gold Coast. Photo by Donna Mroz Turcic.
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OFF TO EUROPE: Holland’s beautiful windmills. Stonestreets Travel’s first European tour sold out within weeks.
Easy tours? Stonestreets!
STONESTREETS Coaches and Travel has been escorting small group tours throughout Australia since 1993. During this time they have built a huge following of happy travellers and contributed to the creation of many wonderful memories. There isn’t a corner of Australia that a Stonestreets tour hasn’t seen – from bitumen freeways to not-so-smooth roads such as the Gunbarrel Track! Recently, at the suggestion of their Travel Club members, Stonestreets decided to explore the possibility of widening their speciality of personally escorted tours
to overseas destinations. After much planning, Stonestreets Travel took its first Small Group International tour to the USA. That tour proved to be so popular that Stonestreets then arranged a tour through Europe culminating with a cruise on the River Rhine. The first European tour sold out within weeks, so a second sell-out tour was arranged. Following the successful introduction of Stonestreets Small Group International Travel, the Stonestreet family appointed a dedicated international tour co-ordinator, Sue
McPherson. Sue has a wealth of experience with international travel and many contacts in the industry. One of these contacts was a company called Made Easy Tours, another company specialising in small group international tours. With the owner of Made Easy Tours wishing to retire and Stonestreets Travel entering a new phase of international touring, the Stonestreet Family decided to purchase Made Easy Tours, creating Stonestreets – Made Easy Tours. Since the amalgamation, Sue has been very busy
planning small group tours to many exotic international destinations: Vietnam, Africa, European battlefields, Canada and the USA just to name a few. She can also plan and book international travel for individuals to any destination. Stonestreets is now set to release the next edition of their Destinations booklet, packed full of fantastic escorted holiday tours throughout Australia and the world. Give Stonestreets – Made Easy Tours a call today on 1800 673 337 for your free copy and you will soon discover Tours, Made Easy with Stonestreets.
Tripaway office in Southport to offer top-quality service IN AN exciting new venture, Tripaway Cruise & Travel has opened its 7th business, with this latest office being in conjunction with FSG Australia in Southport Central. A locally owned and operated company, the first Tripaway Cruise & Travel office opened in July 2008, and from that time its professional and well-travelled consultants have built up an enviable local reputation on the Tweed and Gold Coasts for personalised and friendly service with attention to detail, always aiming for total customer satisfaction and all at the most competitive prices.
With this new collaboration, Tripaway will provide these travel services to the public from the new Southport office at suite 30011, 9 Lawson St, as well as to FSG clients and their staff. In addition to working with FSG on resources and advocacy for accessible tourism for people with a disability, a proportion of Tripaway’s turnover will be returned to FSG as a contribution to their community projects. Call the new office on 07 5558 6100 or email south because all new inquiries are welcome. Tripaway Cruise & Travel
Elanora was established as Traveland when The Pines Shopping Centre opened in 1988 and for the past 27 years it has focussed on delivering exactly what clients need to ensure their travel experiences are absolutely memorable. It has relocated just around the corner to shop 32, opposite St George and next to The Shelf Deli & Cafe. So drop in and see the lovely new premises. The contact details remain the same: call 07 5598 1444 or email elanora@tripaway. Tripaway Cruise & Travel is proudly a part of Helloworld, winner of the Award
for Best Travel Agency Group in Australia at the AFTA National Travel Industry Awards 2014, as well as the American Express Travel network, and ATAS, an industry accreditation scheme that sets the benchmark of quality for the travel industry. Tripaway Cruise & Travel has the strength and security of being part of a huge presence in the Australian retail travel industry, but with the independence and flexibility of a locally owned business – the best of both worlds. So for anyone planning a trip away for any reason– let Tripaway take care of you.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 37
CLOSE UP: Tasman Venture takes visitors to see the whales close up.
AT PLAY: A viewing platform lets you look down on the majestic creatures.
Venture among the leviathans
FOR Hervey Bay’s ultimate whale-watching experience, cruise aboard the Tasman Venture. Let the humpback whales amaze you with their close, spectacular breaching. Travelling with Tasman Venture guarantees you a fast, comfortable journey, giving you more time with
the whales. The luxurious 20m catamaran is designed for whale watching, offering clear viewing decks, underwater viewing windows and a unique water level viewing platform for the ultimate up close and personal experience. Their friendly, experienced and accredited staff will
ensure you have an amazing experience you will never forget. Tasman Venture’s halfday whale watching cruise departs twice daily from the Hervey Bay Marina and provides passengers with a tranquil cruise through the Great Sandy Strait, past rugged untouched islands before
travelling along the remote pristine western side of World Heritage listed Fraser Island. View the abundant marine life swimming in the crystal clear waters of the bay before finding a pod of whales at play in the protected waters. Enjoy once-in-a-lifetime encounters up close and
personal with these majestic creatures and marvel at their sheer size and athleticism. The friendly and experienced staff will provide expert commentary throughout the tour as well as serving a morning tea and delicious antipasto platter. The tour concludes with a
relaxing cruise back to the Hervey Bay Marina in air-conditioned comfort. The daily trips with Tasman Venture depart at either 08.30am or 12.30pm, with each tour lasting about four hours. For more information please visit or phone 1800 620 322.
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August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 39
Diversity is our strength THE ANNUAL Gold Coast Multicultural Festival is now in its eighth year and has fast become the largest and most successful cultural event in South-East Queensland. With more than 29 per cent of Gold Coast residents born overseas, the region has the greatest diversity of cultures in all of Australia. The 2014 Gold Coast Multicultural Festival set new records, with more than 50,000 visitors, and the 2015 Festival promises
to be even bigger, with entertainment for people of all ages. From 10am–4pm on Sunday, September 13, Evandale Parklands (Crombie Avenue and Bundall Road) at Bundall will be buzzing with the sights, sounds and smells of many different cultures. Enjoy free parking and entry with performances on four stages and a range of food stalls, art and craft displays and community information. It promises to be a day of fun and diversity for all.
Talking art at the library
The Gold Coast Multicultural Festival will tantalise the taste buds.
Swell festival among arts funds recipients
Whip up some cupcakes in aid of neglected animals
CUPCAKE Day for the RSPCA is all about baking, eating and most importantly donating to help rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals each year. It’s also a great excuse to get together with family, friends and colleagues. The event is held nationally on Monday, August 17, but you can hold your event any time during August. Maybe you would even like to bake “pupcakes” for your favourite doggy friends. You can host your own Cupcake Day wherever you like – organise it at home and have your family and friends come over or get your
Bake some “pupcakes” for the RSPCA.
colleagues involved and have them bring their cupcakes to work. You get to decide how you want to celebrate Cupcake Day and help
WHY not mark Friday, September 4, 10am, in your diary to enjoy a free art talk at Helensvale library? Presented by educator, artist and writer Karen Knight-Mudie, “In the Aussie Bush with McCubbin and Mates” will take you back to a time of golden fleeces in Australia, Federation, and the first significant art movement Down Under. To book your spot, call the library on 5581 1625. Or you can book online at Events. The library is at the corner of Lindfield Rd and Sir John Overall Drive, Helensvale,
the animals who are suffering from neglect, mistreatment and abuse. There are loads of prizes to win this Cupcake Day so get involved for your
chance to win. Register online via www.rspcacupcakeday. and you will go into the draw to win tickets to an exclusive RSPCA High Tea event. Bank your funds before Monday, August 24, and you will go into the draw to win a Thermomix worth $2089. Be the Highest Fundraising Workplace Team and you will win a visit to your workplace from the RSPCA and one of its special animals. Registration is free so sign up today and the RSPCA will send you a Cupcake Day Party Pack.
Late lecture AN ELDERLY man driving erratically was stopped by police at 2am and asked where he was
GOLD Coast City is investing $200,000 to give five local arts and culture groups a huge boost. The Accelerate Triennial Grants program will help the groups to grow and deliver high-quality cultural products for the community. Mayor Tom Tate said the three-year funding would have an immediate impact. “A key challenge for the cultural sector is the inability to make long-term plans due to the uncertainty of funding,” Cr Tate said. “Providing longer-term grants gives our organisations and collectives the security to develop capacity and to be ambitious and
bold in their creative endeavours,” he said. The Accelerate Triennial Grants program is a legacy project for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games and will ensure Gold Coast arts and culture contributes to the Games and well beyond 2018. Grant recipients include Swell Sculpture Festival. From September 11 to 20, visitors can experience a wondrous display of more than 50 sculptures built by local, national and international artists at the 13th annual Swell Sculpture Festival along Currumbin Beach. The free exhibition is open all hours.
going. “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late,” the man
said. The officer then asked, “Who’s giving that lecture at this time of night?” The man said: “That would be my wife.”
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Page 40 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival THE Tamborine Mountain Scarecrow Festival is an annual event to celebrate the great lifestyle residents have on the Mountain and they want to share it with visitors. It is essentially a huge sculpture show with the subjects being scarecrow related. Everyone and anyone is encouraged to make a scarecrow and display it on the Spot the Scarecrow Discovery Trail or in front of their homes or businesses. The scarecrows on the Discovery Trail can compete in several categories, for great prize money and local fame. Young, old, clever and artistically challenged all participate and the result is hundreds of scarecrows that have to be seen to be believed. The competitions aren’t confined to Scarecrows – there’s colouring, poetry, entertainment and performance art, so there really is something for everyone.
Scarecrows of every description appear for the festival.
Exploring the Scarecrow Trail and spotting the scarecrows is best done at a leisurely pace so you can enjoy everything Tamborine Mountain has to offer. On Friday, October 16, the
scarecrows will be out early, ready for the teams of judges to inspect and decide on winners. The Festival will run from the Friday, to Sunday, October 18.
Renowned Australian artists to feature at UQ Art Museum ARTWORKS by prominent Australian Federation-era painters will be shown at UQ Art Museum from July 25. The exhibition, from the National Gallery of Australia, includes artwork by George W. Lambert, E. Phillips Fox and Rupert Bunny. Capital and country: the Federation Years 1900–1914 tells the parallel stories of landscape painting in Australia and the art produced by Australians who lived in Europe in the formative years of the 20th Century. National Gallery of Australia director Gerard Vaughan said the exhibition shared the richness and diversity of Australian painting during the Federation period. “From sunlit images that convey a patriotic embrace of landscape, to portraiture and figure paintings by expatriate
Australians living in Europe, the exhibition highlights an enthusiastic exploration of national identity,” he said. UQ Art Museum director Dr Campbell Gray said the exhibition would take viewers on a journey through the Federation era and around the world. The 46 paintings by 25 Australian artists include Australian pastoral and bush landscapes, and art produced by Australians who lived in Europe, taking in Edwardian England and the last years of the Belle Époque in France before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Alongside well-known paintings by Rupert Bunny, E. Phillips Fox, Hans Heysen, George W. Lambert and Frederick McCubbin are lesser-known works by Richard Hayley-Lever and by a leading figure in Brisbane’s then-
fledgling art community, R. Godfrey Rivers. Women artists, little recognised in their own time, are represented in paintings by Ethel Carrick, Florence Fuller, Hilda Rix Nicholas, Clara Southern and Violet Teague. Artworks from other national collections include Tom Roberts’s sketch of the Opening of Federal Parliament of 1901, from the National Library of Australia; and paintings from Parliament House in Canberra, by W. Lister Lister and Penleigh Boyd, depicting the pastoral plains proposed as the site of the nation’s capital. Capital and country: the Federation years 1900–1914 opens July 25 and continues until November 1. The Art Museum is on the University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus.
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Music group looking for members WE ARE a seniors music group, looking for more members. We get together on the second Sunday of every month, at the Nerang Scout hall, from noon till 6pm, play, and sing. Everyone gets a go and it can be a very enjoyable day. We are sure that there is great number of seniors
A quirky perspective
who can play an instrument, or can sing or both and would love to get up and show their talents. We have a good PA system and sound, the cost for the day could be very cheap, as we pay $40 for hall hire, and we divide that into the number attending on the day. Please call 0410 198 315 for further information.
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ARTIST: Robert Falkner
THE WORKS of Robert Faulkner demonstrates his eclectic interest in the world and how it works (or otherwise) and his quizzical fascination with the quirkiness of the human condition. There is much evidence in these works of Bob’s cartooning background, particularly in his use of form and colour to present the viewer with sometimes paradoxical, and often ambiguous, images across a wide
spectrum of subject matter. In most cases he leaves it open to the viewers to interpret these works as they wish and to assign meaning in accordance with their personal world view and personal prejudices. Many of the paintings have a particular reference to the Queensland coast in their depictions of beach activity and high-rise buildings. Bob’s
paintings are mostly known for their bright colours and Australiana themes. The exhibition opens Saturday, August 29, from 3pm to 6pm at the Boomerang Art 27 Margaret St, Southport. Join us for drinks with Bob. This is a free event RSVP: 0400 141 943 or art@boomerangart. Exhibition is open daily until October 31by prior appointment.
Morning melodies at a country paradise
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Page 42 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
Whalan, as well as The Blenders, a barbershop harmony club. You can also meet the Healing Hooves horses and their volunteer handlers. Morning tea and refreshments will be provided. Country Paradise Parklands is a wonderful, open-space community-
managed parklands. The sprawling 13.5-hectare site features stables and a paddock for the Healing Hooves program; a community garden; a main building and workshop for the Men’s Shed; a kitchen for the OzHarvest food rescue program; and a photographic studio for disadvantaged
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youth, to name but a few of the facilities and community groups operating from the parklands. To register your attendance, contact the Community Development Officer for Pacific Pines by emailing nlwilliams@gold or call 07 5581 6687.
Children’s wisdom
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COME and enjoy the live entertainment at Morning Melodies, to be held at Country Paradise Parklands, Nerang, on Wednesday, August 19, from 10am to noon.. Entertainment at this free event, supported by City of Gold Coast as part of 2015 Seniors Week, will include singer Bruce
A KINDERGARTEN teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, “I’m drawing God.” The teacher paused and said, “But no one knows what God looks like.” Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, “They will in a minute.”
Queensland Pops Orchestra: The Early Days By Christopher Patrick TO quote from the introductory program notes of the Lord Mayor’s 19th Command Performance from October 10, 1985: “It is considered by experts that Colin Harper’s choice of music will fill a void in Brisbane’s cultural life and – as is evident already – will make his new orchestra a popular institution”. This 1985 concert – the fourth ever of Brisbane’s
Crossword Answers from 42 Page ##
newest professional orchestra, The Queensland Pops – took place at the recently opened Concert Hall of the Queensland Performing Arts Complex. It continued a year of history in the making, following the QPO’s inaugural performance in the QPAC Lyric Theatre on New Year’s Eve, 1984 (which was effectively the “christening” concert of the new theatre complex, taking place several months before
QPAC’s official opening in April 1985). The Queensland Pops Orchestra is justifiably proud to be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, so it’s timely to pause and reflect on the fledgling days of our beloved orchestra – and perhaps the elements that have contributed to its longevity. Founder conductor/music director Colin Harper believed there was a need in Queensland (and particularly in Brisbane) for an orchestra able to cater for the vast middle-ofthe-road public who liked a potpourri of well-known opera arias, popular classics, sentimental old melodies, modern musicals and – as Colin once said – a little not-too-loud “pop”. Colin guided and nurtured the orchestra to great national acclaim before his untimely passing in early 2004. He took the Pops’
hugely successful Scotland The Brave concert series to the Sydney Opera House and Melbourne Concert Hall in 1999, and the fact that both were sell-out performances by an orchestra unknown to interstate audiences remains the stuff of legend. In the early concerts, Colin Harper’s bent for production was palpable. His eye for visual effects, expert lighting and a constant stage turnaround of singers, dancers and scenestealers of all colours, shapes and sizes ensured the orchestra lived up to its premise: to entertain and enthral, in a light-hearted yet highly polished and professional way. During the orchestra’s first full year of concerts in 1985, the Queensland Pops Orchestra fielded an average of 60 players per concert. For a time, the orches-
tra was badged “The 4BH Queensland Pops Orchestra” in recognition of that radio station’s support. This enabled Colin Harper to headline popular local stars of the time. Right from the start the Pops gave young, talented singers and instrumental artists their first big break – to perform live on stage with a full symphony orchestra. Artists from these very early concerts have gone on to achieve both national and international acclaim. By 1988, the Queensland Pops Orchestra had established itself as one of Australia’s foremost light entertainment orchestras, and that legacy continues. As cellist with the Pops since 1985, I have watched with pride how the orchestra has continued to evolve and prosper. Long may this great orchestra continue!
Brain training answers Sequence: 1. 20 (alternate +7; x2) 2. 50 (x3, –1) 3. 18 (alternate x2; –2) 4. 74 (+17) 5. 25 (+2; +4; +6 etc) Splits: 1. Mishandle 2. Careerism 3. Reticence 4. Undergone 5. Marketeer Word builder: Chaps, Crush, Space, Peach, Paces, Chase, Spruce, Cursed, Preach, Saucer, Arched, Sacred, Parched, Scraped, Redcaps, Crashed, Crusade, Purchased.
Musician wanted A MATURE-AGE musician is wanted to back a singing duo on the Gold Coast. Please phone Sally on 0401 078 699 for more.
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condition. $45. Phone 07 5545 4725 Tambourine Mountain. WHEELCHAIR fourwheel, solid tyres, good condition, 12 months old. $80. Phone 5520 3205 or 0488 580 280 Burleigh Heads. WHEELCHAIR, light and strong, clean, good condition. $125 ONO. Phone 0499 879 909 Worongary. WINTER doona new, Queen size with five-year warranty. Wenatex brand ideal sleeping climate and lighter. $375 negotiable. Phone 07 5523 2856 Tweed Heads.
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TRANSFER wheelchair, lightweight, black and aluminium, easy fold, purchased August 2014. Paid $449 new, will sell for $120. Phone 0408 795 802 Oxenford. TWO shopping trolleys $20ea ONO and trolley with seat and many pouches $50 ONO. 07 5502 7323 or 0432 141 662 Upper Coomera. TWO SINGLE ENSEMBLE beds, one $60, both $100. WALKER Transit Chair. Folds for transport, padded seat and backrest. Shopping basket. As new
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AMERICAN Truck plates May State ex con $15. Phone 0412 263 270 Southport. BIKE Gomier, blue, threewheeler with large rear basket. Ridden twice, needs new tubes. Cost $600, sell $450. Phone 02 6676 2549 or 0421 196 207 Pottsville. COMPUTER still in good working order, internet connected, would suit a beginner to learn the basics. $60 ONO. Phone 5576 2416 Miami. CUSTOM-made Indian cotton S/B Doona, pillows, cushions, bolster. Yellow, never used. Cost $300, sell $50. Phone 0434 401 893 Mermaid Waters. DOUBLE bed Osteopathic Association, Osteo Contour, excellent condition $400. Phone 07 5534 7467 Bilinga. PARCEL trolley, good order $3. Phone 5532 7405 Southport. RECORDS double sided 33s, 40 records. Classical, concert, popular etc. $3 per record. Phone 07 5535 3510 Burleigh Heads. SEWING machine portable for sale. $50. Phone 0410 078 699 Broadbeach. SPA mats for bathtubs, made by Alpha Home Therapy. Works and good for circulation. $150. Phone 0452 668 109 Broadbeach.
August 2015 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors- Page 43
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Page 44 - Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors - August 2015
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