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China and ttaivvan have signed an historic trade pact,seen as the most signttcant devetopment since they were split by civil warin 1949_

While Taiwan views the de― facto free trade agreement as a way to boost its economy,many think China also sees it as a step tOward reunincation_丁 he comprehensive accord willlower import ta‖ fFs for both sides,with more concessions from

China due to its iarger economic size_The levies wi‖ be gradua‖ y reduced to zero by 2013 whne

the number ofitems willincrease_

The dealis hugely credited to efforts by Taiwanese President Ma Yingづ eOu Ma was e:ected two years ago with a promise to improve relations with China

1.Do you think the t■・ade deal between China and Taiwan will be successful?Wけ


2. Can China be trusted in business?

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3. Can Taiwan be trusted in business?

4. Do you thnk Japan should trade、 vith Chna lllore often?ヽ lrhy? Ⅲ 瞥曖 ・‐

ヶ 奪,'


5. Do you thnk China and Taiwan should reunite in the futlFe?

6. Ⅵrhat is Chna's bets product?

7. Ⅵrhat

is Tai、 van's

best product?

嚇 ‐



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