Discussion about Ireland:
Name: __________________________
What’s the main reason for their troubles?
Warm Up: 3. 1.
What do you think of
What could Japan do to help these countries?
Europe? 4. 2.
Do you like European countries?
What’s your favorite European country?
Do you think Europe’s situation is going to get better, or worse?
Do you think the Economic situation in Japan is going to get better, or worse?
What country in Europe would like to visit? Roleplay:
Do you think the economic situation of Europe
Friend 1: Hey there long time
is a good, or bad? Why?
no see! Friend 2: Yeah! How you doing? F1: Pretty good. How about you?
What do you know about Ireland?
F2: I am doing all right here, thanks. Guess what?! F1: Oh, what’s up? F2: I am going to start investing money in the Irish market.
What’s Ireland’s most
F1: Wow! For real?!
popular sport?
F2: Yeah! Don’t you think it is exciting? F1: Well, to tell you the truth, no I don’t—I mean, did you hear the news about the Irish market?
What’s Ireland’s most popular color?
F2: Wait a minute…what’s the problem with the Irish Economy? F1: Humn, I don’t really know to exactly what to say about
Do you like Ireland? Why?
this but—I heard many Irish banks are failing—they are going to get a bail-out from the government. F2: Wow! That’s terrible. But don’t you think if I invest in
Deeper Discussion:
Ireland and can help their economy grow again? F1: Yeah…But it’s very risky—you are probably going to
How many countries in
lose all your money in doing so.
Europe are in economic
F2: I see. Thanks a lot for your advice. I guess…( ).
F1: Yeah…I think it’s difficult to make a decision in about helping Ireland, or not. I respect your opinion too.