Happy entrepreneur preview

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the happy entrepreneur NO. 01/WINTER 2014

sonaya williams:

5 steps

to hiring and training a team



for eurs n e r p e entr

if you want it you can have it

ways to blend entrepreneurship with lifelong health laura simms:

get paid

love what you do just for being you! do what you love find out how inside live your life stella orange: 3 things not to put on your homepage


the happy entrepreneur

Editor in Chief Sarah Finks Assistant to the Editor Tiffany Manley Art Director Shari Miller Phone: 734-272-1371 E-mail. inquiries@sarahfinks.com web. www.sarahfinks.com

6. What a Former Approval Addict Can Teach You About Success



ALSO: 86.

recommended book index


free gift index







How to Engage Your Audience by Engaging Yourself

Iadequate to Amazing You aren’t “Just” anything

Blending Entrepreneurship with Lifelong Health

Kelakos 2




shows you how to get paid for being you!


72. Locey, PH.D Elizabeth

The Abundance Zone Toolkit

80. Dodge Jenna

60. Cornais 66. Bock Stephanie

Mama and Baby Love


5 Lessons I’ve Learned from Being an Entrepreneur

The Detox Difference: Re-building Your Gut







5 Steps to Hiring and Training a Team

3 Things NOT to put on Your Hompage (and the Fix)

Unstoppable Stephanie McWilliams



McWilliams the happy entrepreneur



A Letter from the Editor WHY DID YOU START THE HAPPY ENTREPRENEUR MAGAZINE? A few months ago I was walking through the airport on my way to a conference. My flight was delayed so I went to the new-stand to pick up something great to read. I wanted something... I wanted something full of great tips and inspiration for my business but all the entrepreneur magazines had men on the cover and were directed to those folks who seem to live their business 24/7.

guided by those who have gone before.

So I started looking at the women’s magazines; Better Homes and Gardens, Shape, O Magazine. After trying to make my decision for 20 minutes I ended up leaving with 6 magazines: Entrepreneur, Origin, Domino (thrilled that it’s back!) Oprah, Vogue, and Self. As I go up to the counter a thought flashes through my head. I should put together a magazine for people like me.

This magazine will be released quarterly with new experts each time sharing their best tips for growing your business. It will also include health, beauty, and life tips from those women who know what they are talking about. And the best part? The online version will always be free.

I wanted tips for women entrepreneurs like me who are building 6-7 figure businesses, who have a life, love their home, value their health, and loved to be inspired and

So I did. Welcome to the happy entrepreneur magazine. It is an extension of my business the happy entrepreneur- a place for women entrepreneurs to get the steps they need so they can stop spinning their wheels, make great money and have a life they love.

Welcome to the communitymake sure you join us on facebook and let’s keep in touch. If you would like to be featured as an expert in future editions please email us at inquiries@sarahfinks.com

xo, Sarah

Sarah Finks Business Strategist & Productivity Expert www.sarahfinks.com


Sarah Finks the happy entrepreneur

the happy entrepreneur


APPROVAL addict?

No More


Amy Pearson’s Radical Authenticity



Hello my name is Amy and I’m an “approval addict,” recovering with the occasional relapse. Confessions of a Gold Star Chaser

Wrong. The Hamster Wheel

If I could get the Entire Known Universe to like me, I figured I’d always be invited to the best parties, make great money at a job I loved, I thought my life would feel as sparkly and shiny as it looked on the outside.

I’m a Performer with a touch of Hero Worshiper and Perfectionist. What this means is that for most of my adult life, I’ve been chasing “gold stars” to get other people to approve of me. Not just approve, actually, to adore me. I wanted people to see me walking down the street and say, “there goes Amy. Did you know she solved the hunger problem? How does she do it and stay so thin?” If I could get the Entire Known Universe to like me, I figured I’d always be invited to the best parties, make great money at a job I loved, I thought my life would feel as sparkly and shiny as it looked on the outside.

My life was a hamster wheel of constant striving -- seeking out one accomplishment after another (and I had to look perfect doing it.) There was always another ten pounds to lose, another person to impress, another incomplete task on my enormous to do list. I didn’t know it at the time but I was living in a self-imposed prison. I was trying to be someone I wasn’t so anxiety was my only real companion. The gold stars I was chasing were leading me further and further away from the life I really wanted. I was trying to win over people I didn’t like. I was in a prestigious job for the prestige, nothing else. I was letting a hunk of metal dictate my self worth and I was rack-

the happy entrepreneur


You Can Do It! ing up more and more credit card debt trying to look perfect. My Life Didn’t “Fit In” with Me

My Life Didn’t “Fit In” with Me I had created a life that didn’t fit me at all, just to feel a sense of belonging, to fit in. I was maintaining a persona that wasn’t me, so I could feel good about myself.

I had created a life that didn’t fit me at all, just to feel a sense of belonging, to fit in. I was maintaining a persona that wasn’t me, so I could feel good about myself. But it wasn’t working and I couldn’t figure out why. I thought the solution was to achieve more, lose more weight, do better, be better. Does any of this sound familiar? It’s Normal to Want Approval The thing is, wanting approval is normal. In fact it’s a biological drive rooted in the human need for security. The problem is that a lot people internalize the idea that parts of themselves – their quirks, stupid things they did, stupid things others did to them, even stupid things that happened in their family– are NOT fit for human consumption. So they hide. They hide parts of themselves they don’t want other people to know about. Because they’re certain if people knew the


truth… “Well they definitely wouldn’t hang out with me, or invite me to their parties and they certainly wouldn’t hire me.” I call it an “approval seeking façade.” Contrary to popular belief, not everyone goes into “people pleaser” mode to get approval. Which is why I created eight “approval seeking personality types.” The truth is we all have a persona, lots of them depending on the circumstance. I act different when I’m coaching a client than I do when I’m hanging out with my kids. The problem isn’t the persona. The problem is when you use it to extract approval or avoid rejection from other people at your expense. You start to think that persona is Who You Really Are. You end up living a life that your true self would never recognize. Flash forward ten years: I’m still a total gold star “whore” – I chase accomplishment like a dog chases squirrels. But I don’t do it for other people. I do it for myself.

I have “heros,” but I don’t worship them. They remind me of what’s possible. I can still be a perfectionist but I don’t let it keep me from a shitty first draft when that’s what it takes.

It’s not because I’m better than you. It’s not because I’m smarter or better looking…

I’m no longer hiding behind a persona that doesn’t fit. And because of that my business is a true reflection of who I am, quirks and all.

YOU are magnetic. YOU are fascinating. And YOU have the power to attract a tribe of raving fans who’ll practically throw money at you to do what you do.

I’m not trying to be all things to all people. This is what allows my people to find me, hire me and pay me good money to do what I do (let the other one unsubscribe!). It’s also why I have something new to contribute to the conversation (some people call me a thought leader!). And with all the talk about branding, this is how I created a compelling brand without really even trying.

It’s because I’m willing to be myself, uncensored, no apologies.

If you stop hiding.

Is Hiding Worth It? 5 Questions to Ask

1) How do you hide? Do you try to appear smarter or more competent than you think you are? Maybe you wear certain clothes to “fit in.” Or hold back when you think your opinion might offend someone? These are examples of hiding.

3) What do you lose by hiding? Consider the “costs” of hiding. How much time do you spend trying to figure out what people will think? How does this impact you in your business? Your productivity, creativity…are you having any fun?

2) What’s the “pay off ”? All lot of people think they benefit from hiding. The truth is you’re preemptiveley rejecting yourself out of fear of potential rejection. Is it worth it?

4) What are you afraid might happen if you to drop the persona? People render themselves invisible to their ideal client by trying to please the haters. Trust me, the haters are gonna hate, no matter what you do.

I’m not trying to be all things to all people.

5) How do you link your persona with your sense of self? Approval seekers and rejection avoiders spend so much time chasing approval that when they do decide to stop, many don’t know what to do with themselves. Trust me, it can be scary, but all the good stuff waits for you on the other side!

Take The Approval Quiz now at www.approvalquiz.com to find out your approval seeking personality type.

the happy entrepreneur


A Letter from Amy

Dear Reader,

AN OPEN LETTER FROM AMY I am a happy entrepreneur. But make no mistake, I am not comfortable. You show me a “comfortable” entrepreneur and I’ll show you one whose business is stagnant. Strong words, maybe. But I’m trying to make a point. Too many entrepreneurs think it’s supposed to be easy. They want to look good climbing the ladder to success. They think that the Danielle LaPortes and the Brene’ Browns made it happen with their eyes closed. I want you to know something important.


Here’s what happy entrepreneurs know. It’s about the journey. And behind all the glitz and glam, if you pull back the curtain, I guarantee you every road is paved with dashed hopes, botched launches and projected income that didn’t pan out. Happy entrepreneurs know it’s all a grand experiment. And that success lives right at the very edge of a best laid plan gone wrong. Don’t quit right before the miracle.

Xoxo -a

It isn’t true.

Amy Pearson is a master certified Martha Beck life coach, a coach mentor and instructor for Martha Beck’s life coach training. She’s a teacher, coach, writer and speaker. A former approval addict (with the occasional relapse), she is now addicted to success. Her mission is nothing short of world peace by empowering every heart-centered entrepreneur to magnify their tribe, make great money and an epic impact while doing their unique thing in the world.



I call it Radical Authenticity. It’s about being YOU uncensored in your business...

HOW I CAME TO RUN A SUCCESSFUL BIZ: I’m not an overnight success story. I’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars into my coaching practice. Let’s just say I spent a lot of time writing business plans, thinking about a niche and rehashing my ideal client avatar. But none of these things helped until I discovered that my “approval addiction” – the very thing that was keeping me stuck in my life, was the exact same thing keeping me stuck in my business. I wasn’t seeking approval from other people. Instead, I was using my business to feel good about myself. I thought if I could fill my practice, get lots of comments on my blog, hit six figures… I’d finally feel worthy. I’m not the only one who uses her business to validate her. It’s a trap. I call it The Approval Trap. It’s a hidden epidemic among entrepreneurs. It leaves you feeling like an “imposter” in your business, it’s the reason why you feel “cringy” about marketing and sales, and it’s why you don’t stand out in a

crowded marketplace.

cessful people.

When I stopped comparing myself to other coaches, took down the glossy portraits I thought I was supposed to have on my website, and started to write how I talk… I finally started to see results -– my first five figure launch, a full 1:1 practice, and yes six figures. I found a tribe of fans who are happy to pay me good money to do my unique thing in the world.

Quoting Jeff Olsen, “success is the progressive realization of a worthy idea. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.”

I call it Radical Authenticity. It’s about being YOU uncensored in your business, no apologies + doing the brazen shit you need to do to get results. It yields a fascinating brand, more clients and a truly epic impact.

In other words, success is about showing up each day to do what is easy to do BUT just as easy not to do. So thanks to The Slight Edge, I know I have to show up, each day, in honor of my goals to do the little things that compounded over time make all the difference. Trust me, it works.

My Favorite Book: The book that changed my business is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olsen. I used to think “successful people” were somehow better than me – smarter, more charismatic, more gifted at business. After I read this book, I learned the truth about success and suc-

the happy entrepreneur


1. “Brazen Self Promotion” audio mp3 program (download and listen to in the car, while washing dishes, jogging… whatever!) Simple mindset tweeks and proven strategies to stop hiding under your desk when it comes to all things self promotion so you can get out there and make an impact doing your thing.

2. Opportunity to apply for a Live Brazen Strategy Session For action takers who are ready to invest in growing your business and living a big life. If chosen I’ll evaluate your business strategy thus far and help you come up with a game plan to practice the principles of Live Brazen directly in your business so you can start magnifying your tribe and monetizing your magic. This evaluation is (valued at $250) will be provided to a limited number of qualified applicants at no charge to see if and how I might be able to help you take your business to the next level. So please make sure you are ready to stop being stuck and start investing in the business and life you dream about.

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