BRSSD results from the California Healthy Kids Survey 2017-18
BRSSD 7th graders self-reported never to have had even one puff of a cigarette
Preparing Students to Make Healthy Choices
BRSSD 7th graders self-reported never to have tried an electronic cigarette or any other Vaping device
Health Education Curriculum Great Body Shop (GBS) is a
National statistics around the drastic
increase of the use of e-cigarettes and
health education
vaping among middle school and high
curriculum. Its mission is to equip children and
school students are very concerning (CBS This their families with the knowledge and skills needed to make healthy choices throughout Morning's segment on Teenagers and Vaping). their lives. Regardless of the topic, students Although the data collected from both practice methods of making good decisions, BRSSD students and administration show that we do not have an immediate problem, learn how to compare and contrast, and we know that the chances are very high that generate multiple solutions to problems as our students will be given the opportunity to they learn to make predictions with reliable information. All BRSSD teachers in grades Tkvape some time in their lives. 5 classrooms utilize this curriculum. Raising wellrounded students
Social-Emotional Learning
who make good
Second Step’s lessons in
choices and are
empathy, problem-solving
ready to become
and emotion management
successful adults is not just a lucky occurrence, it comes from the thoughtful planning of schools and of parents.
give students the foundation for responsible decision making. Elementary students learn how to make friends, manage their emotions, and deal with peer pressure. Middle school students are given the tools to think
Julia Robinson teaches 2nd Step to 8th grade students.
To this end, BRSSD has adopted curricula
carefully about the negative
which gives students the social-emotional
effects of substance use on themselves, their
foundation needed to help them make the
family and on their future goals. All BRSSD
right choices as they mature and are given
students are taught these lessons by a teacher
greater independence.
or a counselor.