MESSAGE FROM SEQUOIA HEALTHCARE DISTRICT Dear Healthy Schools Initiative (HSI) community, The Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine has recently been authorized for use in children, ages 5 to 11. This is an essential step in combatting this pandemic. Not only will the vaccine help prevent children from getting Covid-19, but it will help prevent or reduce the spread of the virus, which in turn protects our entire community. Please watch for announcements about vaccination of your child from San Mateo County Health, San Mateo County Office of Education, and your health care provider. This issue of the HSI newsletter includes updates from your school district about supports and programs to help during the reopening of schools. Thank you to parents, teachers, and staff who take part in the daily task of ensuring that students stepping onto our campuses are healthy and ready to learn. I want to especially thank our dedicated school nurses, who work tirelessly to keep all children safe in our eight Healthy Schools Initiative partner school districts. We encourage you to learn more about our Healthy Schools Initiative by visiting:
Karen E. Li, MD Director of School Health Healthy Schools Initiative
ACHD Conference
Parent Green Folder
BRSSD STRENGTHENS WHOLE CHILD APPROACH The Belmont-Redwood Shores School District believes that students should be educated and developed using the Whole Child Approach and has spent years building out systems and programs to support it. The Whole Child approach focuses on the academic, behavioral and socialemotional development of a child.
Through our partnership with the Sequoia Healthcare District and financial support through the Healthy Schools Initiative grant, we have been able to expand our systems and programs that support the development of the whole child. In previous years, we have added to our practices
Katarina Cook @ Cipriani & Fox
Paul Lucich @ Nesbit
Tiffany Sam @ Ralston
Lauren Rocha @ Ralston
Elena Robles @ Ralston
Danielle Kim @ Redwood Shores & Central
aimed at monitoring a child’s social emotional growth - Kognito to inform teachers and staff how to identify students who are potentially struggling emotionally; CareSolace to support students and their families in times of a mental health crisis; and, social-emotional curricula like Second Step and CharacterStrong to standardize how we teach the SEL core competencies. Meeting the social-emotional needs of our students is a nuanced and layered process. BRSSD recognizes that credentialed School Counselors play a critical role in supporting the social emotional development of children. This year with help from the Healthy Schools Initiative grant, we have been able to expand our counseling services by growing our team of certificated school counselors from four to seven! Their presence on campus has been critical as we welcomed students back full time this August. Dan Stark @ Sandpiper
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SCHOOL COUNSELING BRSSD School Counselors provide invaluable support to our students through various methods. At all the sites, they kicked off the school year with a focus on building relationships with students, staff and families, and have been teaching SEL lessons with the CharacterStrong curriculum. Along with responding to needs as they arise, our counselors use data to identify the needs of students through targeted social groups and individualized support. The BRSSD community is fortunate and grateful to have the support and partnership of the Sequoia Healthcare District.
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COVID Testing
Managing COVID has continued to dominate the responsibilities of the LLESD Health and Wellness team. Mask wearing, ventilation, and hygiene practices continue to help mitigate the spread of COVID in schools. New this year is the addition of response and screening testing available for all students and staff.
Mask Wearing
In partnership with One Medical all students and staff are invited to participate in on-site COVID screening testing which is held weekly at both the elementary and middle school sites. The Health and Wellness Team along with school site and district leadership completed public health department training and are prepared to administer rapid antigen response testing for our students who develop symptoms when on campus and in the event of a modified quarantine, which now allows students to continue learning inperson after a school-based exposure.
FALL IMMUNIZATION CLINIC On September 22, in partnership with Safeway, LLESD held an immunization clinic for all students, staff, and their families. Back-to-school immunizations and flu shots were offered to the over 400 participants. Two additional vaccine clinics will be held in November to now also provide the 5-11 COVID vaccine and COVID booster to our community.
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DISTRICT WELLNESS AND HEALTH EDUCATION COMMITTEES Wellness Stakeholders from across the district have convened to launch the LLESD Wellness Committee. The priority for the 2021-2021 academic year is to focus on the social-emotional health of our students and staff. Efforts will be made to address systemic-level challenges that contribute to staff stress and to create opportunities to recognize staff and foster community-building. In-classroom curricula will be researched and piloted in the elementary school and out-of-classroom activities will be implemented among the middle school students. Serving on the Wellness Committee is the newly hired counselor at the K-3 elementary site, Heather Ryan. Heather is dedicated to helping students develop socially and emotionally and to help remove any barriers they might have to learning. When working with students 1:1 and in small groups she will address topics such as Making and keeping friends , setting goals, teamwork, feeling good about yourself, making good choices, being responsible, managing strong feelings, and conflict resolution. Healther works in collaboration with the two counselors who serve at the middle school site, as well as Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) which has recently expanded their partnership to include the elementary school. Health Education Physical Education and science teachers met to review the status of health education at LLESD. They are launching a strategic process to inventory what health content is taught by whom, where gaps exist, and how the district will address comprehensive health education to begin in fall 2022. These efforts dovetail with the Wellness Coordinator’s role on both statewide and regional committees to roll out the 2019 California Health Education Frameworks.
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WE ARE ALL PERFECTLY HUMAN I don’t know about you but I was hoping that the start of the 21/22 school year would be “back to normal.” However, I’ve come to accept that this is the “new normal”. We are forever changed because of the pandemic but we must also move forward finding the positives along the way. What hasn’t changed is that our schools are once again full of students where we can again reconnect with both students and other teachers in meaningful ways. More than ever, the MPCSD is focusing on the Whole Child Learning and Developmental Framework where Healthy and Collaborative Relationships, and Integrated WellBeing are the foundation for a meaningful learning experiences.
SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING - MENTAL HEALTH FOR ALL When adults believe that emotions matter and that they are key in supporting a child’s emotional learning, they can use their own social and emotional skills to create and set an emotionally supportive tone for learning. This is why the MPCSD is not only continuing the ongoing counseling programs in the schools but finding ways to support teachers and families. MPCSD is in our second year of learning about the RULER Approach across the entire district. The focus this year is for the leaders and educators to be trained in key aspects of RULER before they bring it to the classroom. This is so that the adults in the school are comfortable with the RULER skills and tools before introducing them to students. Expanding parent education and family support around a students’ emotional needs builds a greater well-being for families, models healthy relationships, and promotes untold educational benefits in the classroom. With the ongoing support of the Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation, MPCSD is partnering with the StarVista Counseling Center to provide short-term mental health support to parents and caregivers of MPCSD students. In addition, the MPAEF is also supporting Calming Corners at the elementary schools and a Wellness Center at the Middle School. With the support of the Sequoia Healthcare District, the Peninsula Healthcare District, and the San Mateo County Office of Education, Care Solace continues to be available to all 23 school districts in San Mateo County. Removing the barriers of connecting families with local mental health related programs is an ongoing need.
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KEEPING EVERYONE SAFE SO WE CAN STAY IN SCHOOL MPCSD learned so much this past year with our COVID protocols which allowed us to limit outbreaks and exposures. As we started the year, we continue to follow the CDPH Guidelines and continue our mitigation factors of masking, social distancing, and vaccinations whenever possible. What we do know is one effective tool for limiting the spread of COVID is testing. This year we are doing weekly pooled testing through Concentric by Gingko for both students and staff.
EQUITY LENS - REAL CONVERSATIONS In an effort to support the context-specific equity needs of Menlo Park City School District and Ravenswood City School District, Marissa McGee has joined the team as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator. Marissa has spent her career in communities that have been historically underserved due to systemic inequities. She taught in Washington, D.C., where she also served as a Parent Advocate. Before joining MPCSD and Ravenswood, Marissa worked in Oakland as a Program Consultant at New Teacher Center. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a focus on Social Stratification and Inequality, and a Master of Arts in Elementary Education from Stanford University, where she currently serves as a lecturer. She is also the author of Free the Curls, a children's book that is scheduled to be released in 2022. As the DEI Coordinator, Marissa will strive to elevate the voices of those who have been historically marginalized while making changes at institutional and structural levels. Marissa is a rising star and it would be safe to say that she is home grown which makes it all the more exciting to have her sharing her experience. Before attending Stanford, she attended Ravenswood Schools before attending East Side College Prep in East Palo Alto. In an interview with Kidnuz, Marissa shared that “Though conversations about race and discrimination can cause discomfort, these conversations have the potential to result in change. So, the first step is to talk.”
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PORTOLA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT We are excited to introduce our Portola Valley Wellness Team! Portola Valley Unified School District consists of 2 schools. Ormondale serving grades K-3 and Corte Madera School serving grades 4-8. Our Wellness Team consists of Dr. Minoo Shah, Director of Ed Services and Wellness, CMS Counselor Todd Patterson, Ormondale Counselor Tamryn Miller, and PVSD School Psychologist/Special Education Specialist Lisa Scigliano. In addition, we have our two principals, Kristen Shima and Lynette Hovland working with us behind the scenes. The PVSD Wellness Committee is dedicated to the mental health of all staff, students, and families.
STRENGTHENING WELLNESS Our Governing Board continues to have Wellness as one of it's 5 priority areas. To that effect, our district continues to support Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for all students that highlights monthly themes supporting CASEL learning competencies. This year we are focusing on selfmanagement, growth mindset and core values. In addition, students will be guided through lessons around these themes by the school counselors.
All staff are once again participating in the Kognito program to increase awareness and skills around mental health and suidice prevention. This virtual simulator places staff in real life situations and coaches them on how to best support students who are experiencing mental health challenges. Thank you to the Sequoia Healthcare District for sponsoring this training for our staff. Our district has partnered with Care Solace to support the wellness of the community. This unique service matches staff, students and their families to behavioral providers that match each individual need. This is a free and confidential service that is accessible 24 hours a day.
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PARENT EDUCATION This year PVSD has joined the parent education consortium Parent Venture. Parents in our community have the opportunity to attend virtual seminars with topics ranging from helping your child deal with stress and anxiety to parenting with confidence in these uncertain times. Parents will walk away from these sessions with practical techniques and parenting resources. Thank you to the PTO and Sequoia Healthcare district for sponsoring Parent Venture for the PVSD Community! .
STAFF WELLNESS Last but not least, the PVSD is as committed to staff wellness as it is to student wellness particularly in light of current day circumstances. To that effect our entire professional development (PD) day for staff this Fall was dedicated to seminars and activities for stress relief and management. David and Karen Gamow, founders of Clarity Seminars presented a workshop to staff at our October 11 PD on how to: Understand and communicate more sensitively with people, without denying or sacrificing your own feelings Manage challenging work situations with greater calm and clarity of mind Release stress with clinically-proven breathing, relaxation, and meditation techniques that can be done in just a few moments Achieve significant relief from chronic pain, high insomnia, and high blood pressure Increase mental focus and productivity amidst 24/7 hyperconnectivity and distractions We look forward to a safe and healthy year for us all!
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COMMITMENT TO HEALTH The Redwood City School District (RCSD) nursing team supports student learning, academic progress, and well-being by removing barriers to healthcare access and promoting a healthy school environment.
RCSD NURSING TEAM Because student access to healthcare helps engage students in the educational process, the RCSD nursing team makes sure that students receive the care they need to be both healthy and academically successful. Providing access to healthcare services for students depends on each individual student. For example, the nurses: Screen students for various health conditions and refer them to the appropriate healthcare provider as needed; We intercede with actual and potential health conditions or disease states and assist with getting the appropriate care for our students as relevant to a counselor, school psychologist, physician, Child Protective Services, school administrator or health department officials; We participate with Individualized Educational Plans (IEP)/504 teams and develop Individual Health Care Plans (IHP) for students with special medical conditions; provide accommodations for students who may need additional physical support; We coordinate care with communication between the families, health care providers, administrators, and school site personnel, allowing the student to have continuity of care; and We deliver first aid and emergency care in the school setting.
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PARTNERSHIPS Overall, we address students’ physical, mental, emotional, and social health and wellness to support a thriving learning environment. The work of the RCSD nursing team is accomplished thanks to the partnership between the school district and the continued support from the Sequoia Healthcare District (SHD). With student well-being as the focus of the partnership, both organizations work together to develop and implement programs that enhance the safety of students, staff, and families. This support includes professional development opportunities for RCSD school nurses with county and state organizations, collaboration with healthcare services teams from other school districts, and support during emergencies such as funding for personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID19 pandemic. On many occasions, the school nurse is the only healthcare provider a child may see and the generosity of the Sequoia Healthcare District (SHD) to RCSD makes access to healthcare services a reality for RCSD children.
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COMPROMISO A LA SALUD El equipo de enfermería del Distrito Escolar de Redwood City (RCSD) apoya el aprendizaje, el progreso académico y el bienestar de los estudiantes al eliminar las barreras al acceso a la atención médica y promover un ambiente escolar saludable.
EQUIPO DE ENFERMERÍA DE RCSD Debido a que el acceso de los estudiantes a la atención médica ayuda a involucrar a los estudiantes en el proceso educativo, el equipo de enfermería de RCSD se asegura de que los estudiantes reciban la atención que necesitan para estar sanos y académicamente exitosos. Proporcionar acceso a los servicios de atención médica para los estudiantes depende de cada estudiante individual. Por ejemplo, las enfermeras: Evaluan a los estudiantes para detectar diversas afecciones de salud y derivarlos al proveedor de atención médica apropiado según sea necesario; Intercedemos con condiciones de salud reales y potenciales o estados de enfermedad y ayudamos a obtener la atención adecuada para nuestros estudiantes según sea relevante para un consejero, psicólogo escolar, médico, Servicios de Protección Infantil, administrador escolar o funcionarios del departamento de salud; Participamos con equipos de Planes Educativos Individualizados (IEP)/504 y desarrollamos Planes Individuales de Atención Médica (IHP) para estudiantes con condiciones médicas especiales; proporcionar adaptaciones para los estudiantes que puedan necesitar apoyo físico adicional; Coordinamos la atención con la comunicación entre las familias, los proveedores de atención médica, los administradores y el personal del sitio escolar, lo que permite que el estudiante tenga continuidad de atención; y Brindamos primeros auxilios y atención de emergencia en el entorno escolar.
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ASOCIACIONES En general, abordamos la salud y el bienestar físico, mental, emocional y social de los estudiantes para apoyar un entorno de aprendizaje próspero. El trabajo del equipo de enfermería de RCSD se logra gracias a la asociación entre el distrito escolar y el apoyo continuo del Distrito de Salud de Sequoia (SHD). Con el bienestar de los estudiantes como el foco de la asociación, ambas organizaciones trabajan juntas para desarrollar e implementar programas que mejoran la seguridad de los estudiantes, el personal y las familias. Este apoyo incluye oportunidades de desarrollo profesional para enfermeras escolares de RCSD con organizaciones del condado y del estado, colaboración con equipos de servicios de atención médica de otros distritos escolares, y apoyo durante emergencias, como fondos para equipos de protección personal (EPP) durante la pandemia de COVID19. En muchas ocasiones, la enfermera escolar es el único proveedor de atención médica que un niño puede ver y la generosidad del Distrito de Salud de Sequoia (SHD) con RCSD hace que el acceso a los servicios de atención médica sea una realidad para los niños de RCSD.
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MENTAL HEALTH SPOTLIGHT Our fantastic mental health provider team attended a day-long training surrounding expressive art therapy. They learned new skills and activities to practice with their clients- from art projects to movement, drama to song. These are important tools to have, as some folks don't feel comfortable, or able, to express themselves in the more "traditional" talk therapy space. Thank you to Kiersten, our mental health lead, for putting this training together! And here is a great time to mention that our local Sequoia Healthcare District continues to support our schools with funding for mental and physical health and well-being resources for schools and community members, and we are so appreciative of their partnership. “It's a special job to be able to work with students and create a safe space for them to process their feelings and learn new coping skills to help them get through hard moments so they can be more present in school. Getting to participate in the expressive arts training left me feeling creatively inspired and helped me expand the approaches I have to work with students in expressing and regulating feelings.” ~Briana McCarthy, School Therapist, Heather Elementary School
THE DYNAMIC DUO NURSES! We now have a second full-time nurse! Our nurses, Page and Jennifer, are hard at work, ensuring that we are taking the proper COVIDprecautions, supporting students when they are sick, and brainstorming preventative measures to plant seeds for students' long-lasting health and wellbeing. Welcome Nurse Jennifer, who came to us from the labor and delivery unit in Palo Alto- we are so excited to have you!
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INTRODUCING NEW HEALTH AND WELLNESS DIRECTOR Our new Director of Health and Wellness has started with the District! Ilana moved here from Boston, where she was working in higher education student health, and is excited to get the ball rolling with supporting the district's wellness goals. Her priorities are to hear from every population, from students to staff, teachers to parents and guardians, to ensure the entire community feels supported. Please reach out to introduce yourself and let her know anything you're hoping to see.
BE KIND TO YOURSELF As we continue to ride the waves of emotion that come with living through a pandemic, climate chaos, and extreme conflict in this country, we want to remind you all to take space for yourself to process your emotions. Anything you are feeling is valid, you are worthy of rest and respite
from the heaviness of the world. Thank you for continuing to show up in this community. Here is a list of resources to explore, and additionally please take a moment to refresh yourself on the district’s partnership with Care Solace, thanks again to Sequoia Healthcare District for ensuring our students are well supported.
JOURNALING PROMPTS Each newsletter, you will be provided with journaling prompts to support you in understanding yourself better, and slow down mentally and emotionally. (Feel free to do these prompts with your students!) How are my mind and my body doing; is there anything I can do differently to better support myself? What am I feeling proud of myself for lately? What is one thing I can do each day that will fully engage me and help me feel most present?
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A SAFE WELCOME BACK TO CAMPUS AT SUHSD It is wonderful to have students and staff on campus again this school year and Sequoia Union High School District has been focused on maintaining a safe school community for the return to in-person learning. With the leadership of SUHSD’s new Superintendent, Dr.Darnise Williams, a Back to School Fall Opening Plan was developed to highlight our commitment to safety, describe the protocols SUHSD follows, and review how we can keep our schools safe & healthy.
COVID-19 RESPONSE Our District Nurses and Health Team lead our COVID-19 response and implement SMCOE, SMCPH, CDPH, and CDC guidelines. We continue to look for ways to increase our COVID-19 response and add additional safety measures for students, staff, and families. To that end, SUHSD has partnered with Worksite Labs to provide onsite COVID-19 diagnostic screening testing (PCR tests) at each of our district schools. As results are ready within 24 hours, this resource has helped tremendously with our COVID-19 response and keeping students in school while mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Through our partnership with Worksite Labs, any staff member, student, or family member who wishes to get tested will be able to do so at any of the designated locations, at no cost and regardless of symptoms or exposures. The testing program is available to our entire community as outlined on the SUHSD Worksite Labs webpage. Our community can now track the District’s reported and confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and staff vaccination rates through the COVID-19 Dashboard available on our website. The Dashboard updates weekly with confirmed positive COVID-19 cases reported by students, staff, and families. As part of our protocols, staff and students receive a notification if they have been in the same classroom or in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID.
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PARTNERSHIPS Sequoia Healthcare District continues to be a committed partner of SUHSD and our feeder districts, providing funding, collaboration, and expertise to support school health needs. Through the Healthy Schools Initiative, Sequoia Healthcare District helps ensure we have the staff and other necessary resources needed to support our students, including COVID-19 response supplies, Diversity Equity & Inclusion partnerships, mental health programs for our students, and substance use prevention and education.
COVID-19 response supplies
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion partnerships
Mental Health Programs
Substance Use Prevention
SPECIAL THANKS We are proud of SUHSD District Nurse Heidi Flaig not only for her leadership with COVID-19 protocols in our district, but also for her leadership in other health areas. Nurse Heidi is collaborating with San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Nancy Mcgee and SMCOE Health and Wellness Coordinator Jill Vandroff on a Safe Schools Initiative we hope to see implemented in schools countywide soon. Look for an update in the next newsletter!
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UNA BIENVENIDA SEGURA DE REGRESO AL CAMPUS EN SUHSD Es maravilloso tener estudiantes y personal en el campus nuevamente este año escolar y el Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias de Sequoia Union se ha centrado en mantener una comunidad escolar segura para el regreso al aprendizaje en persona. Con el liderazgo de la nueva Superintendente de SUHSD, la Dra. Darnise Williams, se desarrolló un Plan de Apertura de Otoño de Regreso a la Escuela para resaltar nuestro compromiso con la seguridad, describir los protocolos que sigue SUHSD y revisar cómo podemos mantener nuestras escuelas seguras y saludables.
RESPUESTA AL COVID-19 Nuestras enfermeras de distrito y nuestro equipo de salud lideran nuestra respuesta al COVID-19 e implementan las pautas de SMCOE, SMCPH, CDPH y CDC. Continuamos buscando formas de aumentar nuestra respuesta al COVID-19 y agregar medidas de seguridad adicionales para los estudiantes, el personal y las familias. Con ese fin, SUHSD se ha asociado con Worksite Labs para proporcionar pruebas de detección de diagnóstico de COVID-19 (pruebas PCR) en cada una de nuestras escuelas del distrito. Como los resultados están listos en 24 horas, este recurso ha ayudado enormemente con nuestra respuesta a COVID-19 y mantener a los estudiantes en la escuela mientras mitigamos la propagación de COVID-19. A través de nuestra asociación con Worksite Labs, cualquier miembro del personal, estudiante o miembro de la familia que desee hacerse la prueba podrá hacerlo en cualquiera de los lugares designados, sin costo e independientemente de los síntomas o exposiciones. El programa de pruebas está disponible para toda nuestra comunidad como se describe en la página web de SUHSD Worksite Labs. Nuestra comunidad ahora puede rastrear los casos positivos de COVID-19 reportados y confirmados del Distrito y las tasas de vacunación del personal a través del Panel de COVID-19 disponible en nuestro sitio web. El Panel se actualiza semanalmente con casos confirmados positivos de COVID-19 reportados por estudiantes, personal y familias. Como parte de nuestros protocolos, el personal y los estudiantes reciben una notificación si han estado en la misma clase o en contacto directo con alguien que ha dado positivo a COVID.
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ASOCIACIONES El Distrito de Salud de Sequoia continúa siendo un socio comprometido de SUHSD y nuestros distritos alimentadores, proporcionando fondos, colaboración y experiencia para apoyar las necesidades de salud escolar. A través de la Iniciativa de Escuelas Saludables, el Distrito de Salud de Sequoia ayuda a garantizar que tengamos el personal y otros recursos necesarios para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes, incluidos los suministros de respuesta a COVID19, las asociaciones de Equidad e Inclusión de la Diversidad, los programas de salud mental para nuestros estudiantes y la prevención y educación sobre el uso de sustancias.
suministros de asociaciones de Equidad e respuesta a COVID-19 Inclusión de la Diversidad
programas de salud mental
prevención de el uso de sustancias
AGRADECIMIENTOS ESPECIALES Estamos orgullosos de la enfermera del distrito de SUHSD, Heidi Flaig, no solo por su liderazgo con los protocolos COVID-19 en nuestro distrito, sino también por su liderazgo en otras áreas de salud. La enfermera Heidi está colaborando con la Superintendente de Escuelas del Condado de San Mateo, la Dra. Nancy Mcgee, y la Coordinadora de Salud y Bienestar de SMCOE, Jill Vandroff, en una Iniciativa de Escuelas Seguras que esperamos ver implementada en las escuelas de todo el condado pronto. ¡Busque una actualización en el próximo boletín!
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NOTE FROM OUR COUNSELOR Hello, My name is Mena Lam, I am the School Counselor at Woodside Elementary School District. This is my 4th year working at WESD, and it has truly been such a joy and privilege to continue working here as I have seen students grow over the years. As the School Counselor, I am part of some school wide initiatives and programming. Woodside Elementary has a Social Emotional Learning Committee that helps steer school wide efforts. As we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, there is a desire to have SEL as the forefront in our classrooms, playground, and ultimately embedded in our school culture. SEL committee continues to provide resources for teachers in the classroom as we collaborate. Our Lower School Music Teacher, Kara D’Ambrosio developed a theme for each month and songs that students perform at the monthly school assembly. Advisory is our social emotional learning class for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders taught by Beth Hoss, Upper School Music Teacher and myself. We meet students every other week to discuss a variety of topics. Most recently, students delved into a lesson about self-perception as it relates to our relationship to ourselves, to school, and to the world. Advisory lessons are based on the needs of the students and there is not a strict curriculum as each grade, each year faces different challenges that we try to address in real time. As a school, we are more than supportive of creating a warm, welcoming environment for students to feel safe to be themselves, take risks in the classroom, and to grow from their experiences at school. Sincerely, Mena Lam
The Parent Education Series is a leading provider of inclusive, highquality parent and community education. Learn more here.
TheSequoia CommonStrong Ground is Speaker your personal Series is a directory parent education to activities consortium and services on the for ALL Sanages Francisco in southern Peninsula. San Mateo LearnCounty. more Learn here. more here.
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FALL SCHOOL UPDATE We welcomed students back to school on August 19. Safety measures remain our top priority as we start this year along with a focus on reconnecting relationships with our students, families and staff. Our safety plan was updated utilizing the San Mateo County pandemic framework. This year the physical distancing requirements were lifted. Our students and staff continue to wear masks indoors as well as outdoors while practicing good hand hygiene. In August, our middle schoolers became eligible for vaccination. This was the biggest indication that life can return to something more normal for our tweens. Student and staff testing was implemented through the worksite program. In addition, a weekly school site community clinic was established through Virus Geeks.
BEE-AUTIFUL BEES Mr. Brown, better known as Henry’s dad, shared his incredible knowledge of these with our students. He brought a “frame” of bees to the garden classroom. A frame, is a section of the hive, that holds the honeycomb within the hive box. Over 5000 bees live in a frame. The students learned about where bees live, what flowers and plants they prefer and how they build a hive. They also learned about the roles of the queen, female and male bee and why bees are so important for agriculture and the environment. Students also learned honey can have health benefits. Honey can help wounds heal, provide an energy boost and help with cold symptoms. The students watched Mrs. Griffith scrape the honey off the comb while Mr. Myrtetus filtered the honey through cheesecloth. Of course, the best part of the day was tasting the delicious honey. Each student brought home a small jar to share with their family.
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MYTHBUSTERS: The Truth About the California Public Higher Education System Cuca Acosta (UC); Bernie Day (CCC); April Grommo, EdD (CSU); and Heather Lattimer, EdD (CSU)
Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Online Event (Webinar) In this webinar, representatives of the University of California, California State University, and California Community College systems will counter some of the most common myths about each system and the systems’ relationships to one another. Register here.
Parent Forum #10 (English) – Helping Your Child Build Good Habits Eran Magen, PhD, founder, Parenting for Humans
Friday, November 12, 2021, 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT, Online Event (Meeting)) Join us for a new Parent Forum (English) with Eran Magen, PhD, a parent-child communication expert. Register here.
Friends, Frenemies, and Friendlier Friends: Navigating School Social Dynamics Ana Homayoun, author, educator & Phyllis Fagell, clinical counselor, author of Middle School Matters
Thursday, November 18, 2021, 1:00pm – 2:00pm PT, Online Event (Webinar) Join Ana Homayoun, author, educator, and founder of Green Ivy Educational Consulting, and Phyllis Fagell, licensed clinical counselor and author of Middle School Matters, for a conversation about “friends, frenemies, and friendlier friends” in the time of Covid. Register here.
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PARENT EDUCATION Grief and Loss in Children and Teens: What It Looks Like and How to Help Jaymie Byron, MFT, Director of Community Outreach & Education, Kara
Tuesday, November 30, 2021,
5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Online Event (Webinar) Jaymie Byron, MFT, Director of Community Outreach Education, Kara, will share what grief and mourning can look like for children of all ages. Kids react differently to loss, based on where they are developmentally. Jaymie will also provide practical ways to support a child through the grief process. Register here.
Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence Anna Lembke, MD, Psychiatrist, Stanford School of Medicine, New York Times Bestselling author
Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT,
Online Event (Webinar) In Dopamine Nation, Dr. Anna Lembke, psychiatrist and bestselling author, explores the exciting new scientific discoveries that explain why the relentless pursuit of pleasure leads to pain…and what to do about it. Condensing complex neuroscience into easy-to-understand metaphors, Lembke illustrates how finding contentment and connectedness means keeping dopamine in check. Register here.
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CAZADORES DE MITOS: La verdad sobre el sistema de educación superior pública de California Cuca Acosta (UC); Bernie Day (CCC); April Grommo, EdD (CSU); Heather Lattimer, EdD (CSU)
Martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021, 5:30pm - 6:30pm PT, Evento en vivo (seminario web) En este seminario, representantes de la Universidad de California, la Universidad Estatal dey la California comunidad de California Los universitarios sistemas contrarrestarán algunos de los mitos más comunes sobre cada sistema y las relaciones de los sistemas entre sí. Enlace de zoom aquí.
Foro de padres #15 (Español) Las Drogas, mi Hijos, y Yo Edwin Fernandez, LCSW, One Life Counseling Center
Miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021, 5:30pm - 6:30pm, Evento en vivo (seminario web) Únase a nosotros durante esta conversación en la que no solo escuchará algunas de las respuestas a estas preguntas, sino que también aprenderá formas proactivas en las que los padres podemos ayudar a nuestros hijos a decir no a las drogas. Enlace de zoom aquí.
Amigos, amigos enemigos y amigos más amigables: navegando por la dinámica social de la escuela Ana Homayoun, autora, educadora y Phyllis Fagell, consejera clínica, autora de Middle School Matters
Jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021, 1:00pm - 2:00pm PT, Evento en línea (seminario web) Únase a Ana Homayoun, autora, educadora y fundadora de Green Ivy Educational Consulting, ya Phyllis Fagell, consejera clínica licenciada y autora de Middle School Matters, para una conversación sobre “amigos, enemigos y amigos más amigables” en la época de Covid. Enlace de zoom aquí. FALL 2021 HSI NEWSLETTER
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MENSAJE DEL DISTRITO DE SALUD DE SEQUOIA Querida comunidad de Iniciativa Escuelas Saludables (IES), La vacuna de Pfizer contra el Covid-19 a sido autorizada para uso en niños de 5 a 11 años. Este es un paso esencial en la lucha contra esta pandemia. La vacuna no solo ayudará a evitar que los niños contraen Covid-19, sino que también ayudará a prevenir o reducir la propagación del virus, lo que a su vez protege a toda nuestra comunidad. Esté atento a los anuncios sobre la vacunación de su hijo de San Mateo County Health, la Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Mateo y su proveedor de atención médica. Este número del boletín de IES incluye actualizaciones de su distrito escolar sobre apoyos y programas para ayudar durante la reapertura de las escuelas. Gracias a los padres, maestros y personal que participan en la tarea diaria de garantizar que los estudiantes que pisan nuestros campus estén sanos y listos para aprender. Quiero agradecer especialmente a nuestras dedicadas enfermeras escolares, que trabajan incansablemente para mantener a todos los niños seguros en nuestros ocho distritos escolares asociados a la Iniciativa de Escuelas Saludables. Lo alentamos a que aprenda más sobre nuestra Iniciativa de Escuelas Saludables visitando:
Karen E. Li, MD Director of School Health Healthy Schools Initiative
Conferencia de ACHD
Carpeta Verde para Padres