Redwood City School District HSI Newsletter Fall 2020

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Does COVID-19 have an upside? The world has changed a lot in the last 8 months and the

Our Parent Education Series has also moved online. In

impact of COVID-19 has been felt by many families in the Bay

partnership with the Parent Venture and Sequoia

Area. The Redwood City School District (RCSD) spent many

Healthcare District we have continued to provide

months preparing for students’ return to school and

meaningful education and support to our families in

throughout the process we have made many improvements

both Spanish and English. Parent education topics have

to various aspects of our health and wellness programs. In preparation for distance learning this year, we focused on three key areas of health and safety to promote optimal learning for RCSD students: strengthening our mental health counseling procedures; ramping up our parent education programs; and deepening our community partnerships to meet the needs of our families during this challenging time.

In spring 2020, student mental health counseling moved to an online telehealth format after the county announced its shelter in place order. Counseling referrals and requests are now managed online, and counseling sessions are taking place by teleconference or telephone, which has enabled our students to continue to access and receive support from school mental health counselors even though they are not attending school in person. We use an online student counseling request form that allows parents and caregivers to notify us when a student needs support.

focused on critical issues -- mental health, coping with stress, race and racism, tobacco use and vaping -- that impact the health and well-being of children and families. Our new Parent Forums are monthly sessions that provide a safe place for parents to learn, connect and share ideas with other parents in RCSD. You will find video recordings of past parent education events here. There has been, without question, a painful downside to the COVID-19 pandemic in our community, as many families have struggled to endure the loss of loved ones, their economic security and their sense of predictability. In the midst of these challenges, there has also been an underlying sense of determination, resilience and optimism. Video conferencing has turned out to be an effective way to meet and collaborate more frequently and easily. We have learned to remain flexible and open minded about how we do business. And, our community partners have remained committed to delivering high-

We also adjusted our Green Folder Suicide Prevention procedures to ensure that students in distress can be reached by an adult should a concern arise during distance learning. The RCSD Green Folder is an easy to follow, step-by-step flowchart for all staff to use if a student is at risk for suicide. It helps staff recognize signs of distress and identify the appropriate action steps to

quality programs that meet the needs of our students and families. RCSD is fortunate to have the support of the Sequoia Healthcare District's Healthy Schools Initiative so that we are able to strengthen the tiers of support for students and families during this time.

ensure student safety.

Perhaps the most promising outcome of COVID-19 is the renewed importance of relationships and connections that will now be stronger and more robust as a result of the challenges confronting us.


¿Tiene ventajas COVID-19?

El mundo ha cambiado mucho en los últimos 8 meses y

Nuestra Serie de Educación para Padres también se ha

muchas familias en el Área de la Bahía han sentido el

movido en línea. En asociación con Parent Venture y

impacto de COVID-19. El Distrito Escolar de Redwood City

Sequoia Healthcare District, hemos continuado

(RCSD, por sus siglas en inglés) pasó muchos meses

proporcionando educación y apoyo significativo a nuestras

preparándose para el regreso de los estudiantes a la escuela

familias tanto en español como en inglés. Los temas de

y durante todo el proceso hemos realizado muchas mejoras

educación para padres se han enfocado en cuestiones

en varios aspectos de nuestros programas de salud y

críticas (salud mental, afrontamiento del estrés, raza y

bienestar. En preparación para el aprendizaje a distancia este

racismo, consumo de tabaco y cigarrillos electrónicos) que

año, nos enfocamos en tres áreas clave de salud y seguridad

afectan la salud y el bienestar de los niños y las familias.

para promover un aprendizaje óptimo para los estudiantes

Nuestros nuevos foros para padres son sesiones mensuales

de RCSD: fortalecer nuestros procedimientos de consejería

que proporcionan un lugar seguro para que los padres

de salud mental; aumentar nuestros programas de

aprendan, se conecten y compartan ideas con otros padres

educación para padres; y profundizar nuestras asociaciones

en RCSD. Encontrará grabaciones de video de eventos de

comunitarias para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestras

educación para padres anteriores aquí.

familias durante este tiempo desafiante. Sin lugar a dudas, ha habido un doloroso inconveniente de En la primavera de 2020, la consejería de salud mental para

la pandemia de COVID-19 en nuestra comunidad, ya que

estudiantes pasó a un formato de telesalud en línea después

muchas familias han luchado por soportar la pérdida de sus

de que el condado anunció su orden de refugio en el lugar.

seres queridos, su seguridad económica y su sentido de

Las referencias y peticiones de consejería ahora se manejan

predictibilidad. En medio de estos desafíos, también ha

en línea, y las sesiones de consejería se llevan a cabo por

existido un sentido subyacente de determinación,

teleconferencia o teléfono, lo que ha permitido a nuestros

resistencia y optimismo. La videoconferencia ha resultado

estudiantes seguir accediendo y recibiendo apoyo de los

ser una forma eficaz de reunirse y colaborar con mayor

consejeros escolares de salud mental aunque no asistan a la

frecuencia y facilidad. Hemos aprendido a mantener la

escuela en persona. Usamos un formulario de petición para

flexibilidad y la mente abierta sobre cómo hacemos

asesoramiento para estudiantes en línea que permite a los

negocios. Y nuestros socios comunitarios se han

padres y cuidadores notificarnos cuando un estudiante

comprometido a ofrecer programas de alta calidad que

necesita apoyo.

satisfagan las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y familias.

También ajustamos nuestros procedimientos de Prevención del Suicidio de Carpetas Verdes para asegurar que los

RCSD tiene la suerte de contar con el apoyo de la Iniciativa

estudiantes en peligro puedan ser contactados por un adulto

de Escuelas Saludables de Sequoia Healthcare District

en caso de que surja una preocupación durante el

para que podamos fortalecer los niveles de apoyo para los

aprendizaje a distancia. La Carpeta Verde de RCSD es un

estudiantes y las familias durante este tiempo. Quizás el

diagrama de flujo paso a paso fácil de seguir para que todo

resultado más prometedor de COVID-19 es la importancia

el personal lo use si un estudiante está en riesgo de suicidio.

renovada de las relaciones y conexiones que ahora serán

Ayuda al personal a reconocer señales de angustia e

más fuertes y más sólidas como resultado de los desafíos

identificar los pasos de acción apropiados para garantizar la

que enfrentamos.

seguridad de los estudiantes.

Quizás el resultado más prometedor de COVID-19 es la importancia renovada de las relaciones y conexiones que ahora serán más fuertes y más sólidas como resultado de los desafíos que enfrentamos.

MESSAGE FROM SEQUOIA HEALTHCARE DISTRICT Dear Healthy Schools Initiative families,

Estimadas familias de la iniciativa de escuelas saludable,

The Covid-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges

La pandemia de Covid-19 ha presentado numerosos desafíos

for our communities, but one that stands out is the toll it has

para nuestras comunidades, pero uno que se destaca es el

taken on the mental health of our children and teens, as well

impacto que ha tenido en la salud mental de nuestros niños y

as parents and educators. To address this challenge, Sequoia

adolescentes, así como la los padres y educadores. Para

Healthcare District has ramped up support for our local school

abordar este desafío, Sequoia Healthcare District ha

districts in a variety of ways. We continue to fund student mental health services, parent/community education, and teacher/staff professional development such as Kognito's suicide prevention and trauma trainings and CircleUp Education's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) trainings. We also hosted an inaugural Town Hall meeting on September 17, which focused on “Mental Health Support in Schools During Covid-19”. Our team of health and wellness leads from our eight partner school districts joined a panel discussion along with mental health experts from four local mental health non-profit organizations. I invite you to view the recorded Town Hall. We have a superb team of health and wellness leads (below), and I encourage you to read about the important and innovative work taking place in your child’s school district

aumentado el apoyo a nuestros distritos escolares locales en una variedad de formas. Continuamos financiando servicios de salud mental para estudiantes, educación para padres/la comunidad, y desarrollo profesional para maestros/el personal, como las capacitaciones de prevención del suicidio y trauma de Kognito y las capitaciones de diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI, por sus siglas en ingles) de CircleUp Education. También organizamos una reunión inaugural de la alcaldía el 17 de septiembre, que se enfocó en “apoyo de salud mental en las escuelas durante Covid-19”. Nuestro equipo de líderes de salud y bienestar de nuestros ocho distritos escolares socios se unieron a un panel de discusión junto con expertos en salud mental de cuatro organizaciones de salud mental sin fines de lucro. Los invito a ver la reunión de la alcaldía grabada.

during this uncertain time. The pandemic has highlighted how critical it is to be familiar with the services and support

Tenemos un excelente equipo de líderes de salud y bienestar

offered by your child's school and the community at large.

(a continuación), y los animo a que lean sobre el trabajo

Please refer to our Parent Green Folder for local mental health

importante e innovador llevándose a cabo en el distrito


escolar de su hijo(a) durante este tiempo incierto. La pandemia ha destacado lo importante que es estar

Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives but we're hoping that by

familiarizado con estos servicios y apoyo ofrecidos por la

coming together as a community we can overcome some of

escuela de su hijo(a) y la comunidad en general. Por favor de

the difficulties faced by many families. Try staying healthy by

referirse a nuestra Capeta Verde para Padres para obtener

wearing masks, physically distancing, washing hands, and

recursos de salud mental.

getting your flu shots. San Mateo County also offers free Covid testing. We wish you the best as we navigate the 2020-21

Covid-19 ha impactado todas nuestras vidas, pero esperamos

school year together!

que al unirnos como comunidad podamos superar algunas de

Yours truly,

las dificultades que enfrentan muchas familias. Intente mantenerse saludable al usar mascarillas, distanciamiento físico, lavándose la manos, y vacunándosecontra la gripe. El

Karen E. Li, MD Director of School Health Healthy Schools Initiative

condado de San Mateo también ofreces pruebas de Covid gratuitas. ¡Les deseamos lo mejor mientras navegamos juntos el año escolar 2020-21!


Abbe Keane

Andrea Garen

Chris Arrington

Javier Gutierrez

Woodside Elementary SD

Redwood City SD

Menlo Park City SD

Sequoia Union HSD

Abbe has worked for nearly

Prior to her role as Director of

Chris has worked in education

Javier coordinates health

thirty years as a public health

Health and Wellness in RCSD,

for 36-years and the last 30-

services, education programs,

nurse as well as a school nurse

Ms. Garen spent ten years

years as a school psychologist.

and proactive support for the

and consultant to numerous

leading marketing and health

He has been in MPCSD for 18-

students of SUHSD. As a former

schools along the Peninsula.

education projects for the

years, providing social-

teacher and administrator, this

Abbe has been involved in

Dairy Council of California. She emotional trainings for parents

position continues Javier’s

teaching science and health

is passionate about promoting

and staff. He has also been

efforts to develop the whole

education classes and currently

physical, mental and social

part of growing the district-

student while positively

works as the school nurse for

well-being for all RCSD

wide PBIS programs and

impacting academic success.

both the Woodside and Portola

students and their families and providing intensive

Valley districts.

supporting good health in our

behavioral/emotional support


for special needs students.

Kristen Sevillia

Kristen Shima

Mindy Hill

Nell Curran

Belmont-Redwood Shores SD Portola Valley SD

San Carlos SD

Las Lomitas Elementary SD

Prior to her current role, Kristen Kristen has worked for over 20

Mindy began working at SCSD

Nell is the Wellness

served as Asst. Principal at

years in education as a teacher,

as Wellness Director in

Coordinator for Las Lomitas

Sandpiper School, having also

counselor and an administrator.

December, 2013. Prior to

Elementary School District

spent the previous 4 years as a

She has been a member of

becoming Wellness Director,

where she supports the needs

coordinator in Curriculum and

PVSD for 15 years and is

Mindy pursued a career as a K-

of staff, students, and families

Instruction at the San Mateo

currently the principal of Corte

8 educator and administrator.

while also building a culture of

County Office of Ed. Kristen is

Madera School. In addition, she

She also had the great pleasure

wellness across the district. Nell

devoted to supporting

leads the Wellness Team where

of working as an Associate

brings 15 years of public health

programs aimed at the whole

she helps to coordinate social

Director for a nonprofit

education experience from her


emotional learning, health

organization that works to

time at the Stanford School of

education, Positive Intervention

prevent drug and alcohol


and Support and staff/ student

abuse using a community-

wellness activities.

coalition model.

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