DEI Year in Review Woodside Inclusion and Diversity Council (WIDC) was
Additionally, last summer we launched a Professional
created 4 years ago with the goal to recognize the
Learning Community (PLC)- Pathways to Racial Equity
importance of diversity within our curriculum and the
and Social Justice. This PLC was created with the
community. WIDC strives to foster an inclusive school
intention of offering a space for Woodside School staff
community that promotes the values of equality, cultural responsiveness, social justice, and empathy. WIDC strives to guarantee that every child feels included, safe, and has a sense of belonging no matter what their race, gender, sexual orientation, SES, primary language, and ability is. WIDC Council believes that diversity is an asset and a strength, and we are committed to continue developing a school environment that is physically, emotionally,
members to process thoughts and engage in discussions around equity and social justice, on a global level, a community level, and a personal level. The intention is to share literature, ideas, and feelings together as a group, and to engage in collective processing of events and reflection. More specifically, this PLC uses the lens of white supremacy culture to evaluate our own school
mentally, and psychologically safe for all students.
community and to try to affect change on a small scale
In an ongoing effort to engage students in becoming
active, involved citizens, our teachers use the curriculum to promote conversations about race, social justice, and the
before bringing ideas to our staff and the larger
In the continued efforts to make
opportunity to address the need for systemic change. We
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
value the partnership of all community members in the
work a priority, Woodside School
effort to teach our students about equality, fairness, and
District hired a consultant, Clarke
the value of all human lives. Over the years, Woodside has
Weatherspoon. Clarke has 20 years
worked to make sure that people of color are well-
of experience as an independent
represented in resources found around school, in materials
school educator, DEI practitioner, educator, and
from textbooks to library books; etc. Yet, there is more to
consultant. Clarke previously served as the Dean of Equity
and Inclusion at the Urban School of San Francisco.
Our staff has engaged in professional development
Clarke’s consultancy services focused on analyzing and
around culturally responsive teaching methods and recognizing implicit bias. This year, our staff has gone through a second year of professional development series with CircleUp Education, a non-profit focused on educating groups about diversity, equity, inclusion, and
addressing the formal and informal structures that limit the participation and development of all community members and the ongoing strategic and operational support to the Woodside School District to ensure quality diversity, equity, and inclusion programming for all
restorative practices. This school year PD goal was to
community members.
uncover the barriers that prevent conversations about
Woodside School plans to continue this work of guiding
racism, explore implicit and explicit racism through the
our students’ staff, parents, and community stakeholders
axis of discrimination, learn key language and definitions
in discussions that are often difficult but vital to
on how to talk to youth and adults about racism, and
understand the complexity and layers of the tragic
learn how unintentional racism seeps into workplaces
events, learn from the lessons of history, and help
and schools using code words, descriptions, and labels.
educate our students to become global citizens.
This DEI update is brought to you by Student Services Director Dr. Marta Batlle. For more information, visit: www.woodsideschool.us/District/Diversity-Inclusion--Equity/
Reflections in Counseling During COVID This year, everyone had to be creative to teach in new
I have also been in different classrooms. Recess
ways and build relationships with our students. As the
has become very challenging for our students. As
school counselor, I tried to adapt new ways that could
a preventative measure, I taught lessons
be helpful to both students and staff.
surrounding restorative practices and conflict
My role looked very different from being in person to being online. We started the year with distance learning. I still had my individual check-ins with students and co-taught advisory with our Upper School Music Teacher. But thinking about this year, I felt we needed to do more for mental health support. I
resolution. The lesson focused on community building by introducing communication skills to have constructive conversations about selfawareness, empathy, listening skills, building trust with each other, personal responsibility and conflict resolution skills.
began creating weekly mindfulness videos called,
As the year has gone on, there have been other
Mindful Moments with Ms. Lam. These videos had
opportunities for me to engage with other grades
brief introductions about the week, a different
and classrooms. There was also an opportunity for
mindfulness technique each week, explanations about
me to help debrief feelings for a class that was
each technique, and sometimes a guest appearance
exposed to COVID over Zoom. I used a Padlet, to
from my dog.
help students write down how they felt and
My hope was to provide an additional resource for teachers to use in the classroom and for themselves. I have received positive responses overall! Recently, one of my students used a technique at home with his
identify how others are also feeling similarly. In another grade, we made calming glitter jars in preparation for testing week and any time they want to relax.
younger sister! I’ve been really happy to hear that it’s
Overall, this year has been a time to be creative,
been helpful in the classroom and outside the
try new things, and learn a number of new skills to
help support the students. It’s been challenging but I feel like I have grown a lot since COVID. I'm
Advisory is our social emotional learning class for 6th,
truly so thankful for such wonderful students and
7th, and 8th graders. During the first quarter, all
staff to work with.
students were able to have Advisory as we covered different topics such as distance learning tips/tricks, managing stress, and self-care. Unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions as students came back to campus, students did not have advisory all year. Each subsequent quarter, the grade would change. However, this was helpful as we were able to cater each lesson to the grade level as we addressed different topics as they came up in each grade level.
I’m Mena Lam, the School Counselor at Woodside Elementary School District. This is my 3rd year at Woodside and as challenging as it has been, it is still very fulfilling.
MESSAGE FROM SEQUOIA HEALTHCARE DISTRICT Dear Healthy Schools Initiative (HSI) families, Wearing masks and social distancing have become the social norm and they have made our communities
Please contact your healthcare provider, doctor, clinic, or school nurse, should you have questions about the safety of the vaccine.
safer, healthier, and more tuned into protecting those
I'd like to extend a special thanks to the HSI Wellness
who are most vulnerable. Vaccines have become
Team for their coordinated efforts in their respective
increasingly available, yet they are still beyond reach
districts' re-opening process. I am extremely proud of
for far too many members of our community – a
our collaborative efforts to bring timely and relevant
health equity issue that the Sequoia Healthcare
initiatives, programming, resources, and financial
District is currently addressing. Also, there are some
support to the school community.
who are concerned about the safety of the vaccines, and SHD is one of many health organizations aiming to educate the public about the necessity of being
Karen E. Li, MD Director of School Health Healthy Schools Initiative
vaccinated with the reassurance that this will not only protect them, but their loved ones as well.
Parent Resources
Additional information to help safeguard your family and community
Substance Use Prevention
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Stanford Prevention Toolkit: Cannabis
The Anti-Racist Parent Webinar
San Mateo COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
Cannabis Use and the Young Brain - Dr. Tauheed Zaman
Courageous Conversations About Race and Systemic Racism
Vaccine Safety Spanish Community Forum
Addiction Webinar Dr. Anna Lembke
Diversity in Healing Bandages
Vaccine Safety Vaccine PSA
The Parent Education Series
NEW Parent Forums: Spanish & English Video Library
See Something Say Something Do Something
Parent Green Folders
Spanish & English
CircleUp Trainings in Schools
NEW 24/7 Mental Health Online Resource for All County Students, School Staff & Families
Care Solace