Favourite Image Analysis

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Favourite Image Analysis

This is a still from ‘Black Swan’ (2010) from the last dance scene. The image uses an extreme close-up and direct mode of grabbing the spectator’s attention in a disturbing manner as you are drawn to her eyes as they are glazed over in stare and are blood red. Also Nina Sayers played by Natalie Portman, is transitioning from the delicate white swan to the psychotic and alarmed black swan, the scene demonstrates this especially through the piercing red eyes, which connote danger and rebellion as in the movie Nina goes against her mother’s orders continuously. The scene is also made more dramatic with orchestral parallel music, traditional featured in ballet. The net vail over her face could also connote entrapment as this is a theme carried throughout the film because of her controlling mother who refuses to let her grow up, and the green make up around her eyes used to illustrate jealousy as ballet is a very competitive art form; each girl trying to get the top places and are often envious of dancers believed to be better than them. This is my favourite image because of the mise-en-scene, particularly focusing on the ballerina costume, make-up and dark colour scheme that enhances he mystique of the scene.

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