

Piacenza, Italia MScThesis

Arbatax, Sardegna Milano, Italia
Piacenza, Italia Barcelona, Spain
BScThesis Klazomenai,Turkey
Founded Architecture_2022

Topics in Environmental Design_Piacenza

Ecosystem and Green Strategy Design_Cremona
/Weekend House
curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curricu-
lum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curricu-

Birth: 02.02.1995
Nationality: Turkish Marital Status: Single Sex: Female Driving License: B

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Adress: Via Sant’Antonino,28 29121 Piacenza Italia Phone: +393519750785

MSc Architect | Landscape and Urban Designer

lum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curriculum vitae curricu-
As a newly graduated architect from Politecnico di Milano Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design Department, ready to undertake her part for a progressive and sustainable built environment. Many projects were deemed worthy of being exhibited in various institutions, organizations and fairs. Blessed to have an opportunity to work with very valuable masters in national and international workshops that improve herself academically. Aiming to start her professional life in a creative and solution-oriented way, aware of the ethical requirements of her profession with full respect to the environment and nature. Actively seeking suitable architect positions and is ready and enthusiastic for collaborations, where she will be honored to be able to give benefit and take her creative and technical boundaries to the next level, thereby improving herself in the professional arena.
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E-mail: uluderyaseray@gmail.com
/seray uluderya /seray uluderya /uluderyaseray
MSc in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Scuola Arch. Urban. Ing. delle Cos.
Politecnico Di Milano, Piacenza, IT
MScThesis | Heritage-Led Urban Regeneration Proposals inThe Historic City Core, Kemeraltı Bazaar: Multi-Sensory Based Urban Canopy
Implementation As a Catalyst
BSc in Architecture (dean’s honour list)
Fine Arts and Design Faculty
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir,TR
BScThesis | ArchaeologicVisitor Center: “NewTumulus”
Design Office Intern (07.2017 - 08.2017)
Not Architects, Izmir,Turkey
- Drawing 2D application plans in multi-scale projects
- Organize and prepare 3D of building / site models and renders - Provide required measurements for acceptence of projects
Construction Site Intern (06.2016 - 07.2016)
Folkart Construction, Izmir,Turkey
*Folkart is forging ahead as a national and international award-winning com pany with a good reputation in the industry. It ensures a high return on invest ment by building superior structures equipped with eco-friendly technology
Folkart Life 830 unit residential project, budget: 65.000.000$, area: 100.000m2
Job security audit
-Leading construction employees (10-15)
-Material and measurement controls
Atelier Intern (06.2015 - 07.2015)
Izmir University of Economics, Izmir,Turkey
- Digital representation atelier
Atelier Intern (07.2015 - 08.2015)
Teos Ancient Site Collaboration & IUE , Izmir,Turkey
-Digital Teos Archaeology Project researchings
-Digital remodeling and visualizing of the Bouleterion, Cistern and Theatre of Teos Archaeologic Site in Izmir, Sigacik
Turkish: Native English: Advanced
Italian: Intermediate +A2.2 Italian Language Certificate
Campus Magnolie, Macerata
French: Elementary +Diplôme D’études En Langue
Française DELF A1
Microsoft Office AutoCAD
Adobe Photoshop SketchUp Enscape Vray Renderer Adobe InDesign Revit Rhinoceros Lumion
Adobe Illustrator 3Ds Max QGis
Teamwork Ability Hypercritical Punctuality Creative Thinking Flexibility Investigative
Architecture Photography / Writing Charcoal Drawing
Classical Ballet / Trainer (10 year) Fashion Design Drawing Play Piano Travelling (min 20 country) Culinary Arts
Founded Architecture 2022, La Darsena di Milano, AUIC Polimi/ ETSAM-UPM Madrid (2w) Landscape Representation and Modelling Project, collab. with Cremona Municipality “Landscape off Limits” Intl.Workshop,w/ Arch. Marco Navarra +James Corner Lecture, (2w)
SpecialTopics in Environmental DesignWorkshop, w/ Prof. Stephen Marshall, Polimi (2w) QGisTraining Lab, w/ Dott. Gianmarco Paris, Polimi
Architectural site trip to Barcelona, w/ Assoc. Prof.Karin Hofert (1w)
3Ds Max education,Turkey Ministry of Education, Global Career Center, Izmir (4m) Architecture week, Panel, Cooperation Architecture, Izmir Chamber of Architects, Izmir,Tr Rhinoceros+ Grasshopper+Vray education, Phoenix Design Center, Izmir, Tr (3m)
Architecture in the Urban Context Workshop, w/ RIBA Hugh David Clarke, Izmir,Tr (1w)
Parametric Canopy Design Workshop, w/ GudjonThor Erlendsson, Izmir,Tr (2w)
Digital Representation Summer Workshop, w/ Michael EdwardYoung , Izmir,Tr (1m)
Digital Modelling Summer Workshop, Teos Ancient Site, Izmir,Tr (1m)
Trans_Arch_Edu-VerticAlgorithm Parametric DesignWorkshop, IUE Izmir,Tr (2w)
“Introduction to LEED v4.1 for Design & Construction” Certificate, USGBC Publishing cremonaoggi.it / Cronaca di Cremona, “Installations and new green routes between Cremona and the Po river” Exhibited team project: Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Cremona Landscape off Limit InternationalWorkshop Participation, Polimi ArchiprixTurkey Graduation Project Competition Participant
Good Design Izmir_3 Inter-universities exhibition, selection in best 3 project: “NéwTumulus” BSc thesis, Izmir Mediterranean Academy Lumion 9 Workshop Certificate, Izmir Chamber of Architects
Architecture Exhibition : “NewTumulus” project, Urla Municipality Deans High Honour List, x2 semester, Izmir University of Economics Deans High Honour List, x2 semester, Izmir University of Economics
Deans Honour List, Izmir University of Economics Merit Scholarship (%100), Italian language education certificate, Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana, Campus Magnolie, Macerata (4w)
LEEDV4. Green Associate Candidate, (in process)
TMMOB Izmir Chamber of Architects, Registered Member
TMMOB Izmir Chamber of Architects, Student Member
IUE Modern Dance Club, Vice Chair / Creative Director (3y)
IUE Student Council, Architecture Department Delegate (2y)
Heritage-Led Urban Regeneration Proposals in the Historic City Core, Kemeraltı Bazaar: Multi-Sensory Based Urban Canopy Implementation

As a Catalyst
MScThesis summary, Individual work , 2022
Supervisor: Matteo Motti

Keywords: urban identity; collective memory; historic bazaar; depression area; heritage-led; cultural heritage; mul ti-layer;cosmopolitan;sustainability;multi-sensory;environmentalperception;modular;urbancanopy;experience
Kemeraltı Bazaar is located in the heart of Izmir, which is an im portant ancient port city in the Mediterranean with its multi-layered cosmopolitan structure, has lost its relationship with the sea, which was the reason for its existence, has been marginalized, and become an almost depression area. No matter how advanced the technology is, any intervention to be made within the city should be based on the human factor in the context of the concept of heritage.
In order to achieve this, the project aimed to improve the social and environmental quality, as well as a multi-sensory approach to human perception. High-quality environmental perception should not be just about visual concerns, the contribution of smellscapes and soundscapes as well to urban memory cannot be denied. With all these fac tors, the project sought answers to the “Are sustainable interventions possible with a perceptual approach to reach a better design, taking into account environmental and social problems, in a historical urban fabric?” question. Thus, the main purpose of the study is to propose heritage-based interventions, that provide a sustainable environmental structure, attract the young people, turn the bazaar into a tourist attraction, and ultimately provide a satisfactory, homogenized social environment quality. In line with the historical reference, a different sensory experience was provided to the visitor with a multi-purpose modular urban canopy implementation as a catalyst, which was integrated into the grid system by turning narrow streets of the bazaar into opportunities and with elevated social space generation.
Software Infrastructure

scan for full thesis!

Ancient Smyrna has a settled history of ei ght thousand five hundred years, that was captured by many civilizations due to its locati on, and trade port capacity. Then the Ottoman Empire dominated the region for five hundred years until the establishment of the Turkish Re public. With the Levantines starting to move here, it had a cosmopolitan and multi-ethnic social structure.

Module °1 + base module = 8 x ( 3*3*3) cube + urban canopy + solar control
linear sun shading

0.30m gap
≈%10 sun protect
permeability + sky connection
lateral sun shade

semi-closurement perception
≈%30 sun protect
+ arch shape conversion
semi-closurement perception
0.30m gap + ≈%30 sun protect + multi purpose
Kemeraltı (TR ): noun[C] Arcade, Portico, Archway, Loggia

Form Generation
Module °2
+ derived module

+ formula: base module x ( extention + elevation)

+ urban canopy
+ social pavilion ( exhibition, workshop, co-working)

+ resting area + modified perspective vision

Bonus module
+ solid module (3*3*3)

+ pop-up kiosks
+ street vendors + enclosed upper places

Module °3 + derived module + formula: base module x ( double elevation)
+ urban canopy + vista pavilion + resting area + modified perspective vision + panaromic view (city+sea)

Derived Prototype
Masterplan, shows that the streets take on the appearance of a semi-enclosed bazaar covered with the proposed urban canopy. This semi-enclosed appe arance is getting sparse reverently around as get close to the historic perceptual circles. Number 8, Ali Pasha Square is defined as the rest yard of the bazaar.The neglected derelict land in number 7 was redesigned as an “urban farming” zone in

terms of the social strategy aspect.This area has also been proposed as an agri cultural secret garden that can contribute to the internal economy of the Keme raltı bazaar with the purpose of social homogeneity and gathering from different parts of the society. Number 9, is undoubtedly the gastronomic point of the ba zaar and the place where all the senses appear the most.

Scope - As an Intersection Point to Reactivate; Anafartalar Avenue

One of the scope as an intervention area was de termined as the entrance of Anafartalar Street, which is the intersection point of the main axes. As the action tool, “re-Activate” was chosen. Although it is a very crowded area, it is only used as a transition zone and has urban niche potential due to its proportion. For this reason, the triplet module system was applied and “tradition “ was determined as the street theme. The aim here is to increase the volume of this ba zaar, providing circulation at the upper levels, and expanding bazaars limits in the vertical direction

and the urban elements of the modular system are shown as well as vision directions of the Vista point. In the system section the proposed permeable paver ma terial, large pots capable of rain harvesting and recon sidered rain drainages are expected to make a big diffe rence in the flash flood problem. The drainage system can circulate within itself, thus providing water for fire extinguishing fountains, urban water elements which can provide passive cooling, visual aesthetics and au ditory masking for Kemeraltı bazaar, whose narrow streets are almost impossible for firefighters to enter.

The circulation of the bazaar is provided by the stairs chosen as two vertical cir culation elements that combine the three layers formed horizontally,the circulation with continuity at the ground level, the limited circulation in the module 2 layer and the watchtower. When it comes to permeability; Although the modules pro vide closure, they mostly protect the sky connection and exhibit a vertically per meable attitude. They can be called as the “semi-permeable urban roof”. If we talk about the presence of an important obje ct such as a mosque on the horizon while walking in the bazaar, the space between the linear sunshade elements in the modu le is increased, making it dysfunctional and only ensuring the continuity of the modu le. While doing this, it aims to respect the work and the task of perception gaps. Only under module ° 2 and module ° 3 there is a fully covered space formation. Although the existing horizontal permeability of the

bazaar on the ground is not restricted, the solid structure of the bonus module causes partial restrictions in terms of mass. Howe ver, in order to strengthen the relationship of street vendor kiosks with the street level, it is designed as semi- permeable with both ends open. It responds to a panoramic pe ripheral view as fully permeable. It serves the purpose of re-establishing visual con nections, enabling the visitor to observe Kemeraltı from a different perspective and strengthening the perception of location. All proposals that were shaped under the concern of sustainability can be generally defined within this modular system. Pho tovoltaic panels are mounted on module 3, so that the street LED lighting systems could provide their own electricity by get ting benefit maximum sunlight as possible. The Boston ivy is proposed for the urban canopy model, aims to partially cover the canopy in a short time, reducing the urban heat island effect.

Audire Placentia

Re-Thinking Vignola: Palazzo Farnese

Piacenza, Italia Advance Architectural Design-II,Teamwork , 2021 Dr. Josep-Maria Garcia-Fuentes

Keywords: adaptive reuse, soundscape, heritage, acoustic design, experience, landscape and urban design

In the history of architecture, from the Romans to the Renais sance, architects have always considered two fundamental ele ments in their designs: hearing and seeing; these were designed and studied in order to guarantee not only the beauty and functio nality of architecture from an aesthetic point of view but also the possibility of living an experience that included all the senses, es pecially hearing. Over time, modern and contemporary design has increasingly abandoned the sound aspect, considering it immaterial and therefore difficult to design, to focus exclusively on the aesthe tic appearance of architecture. The main intention is to propose a project that, as in the pre-Renaissance, takes into account not only the visual effect of every design choice but above all the acoustic de sign of every place, thus making it possible to model sounds, which although immaterial, can be designed and thought in the same way as every material and visual element are too.
Software Infrastructure

Built Environment and Site Quality

The project’s main aim is emphasized to conne ct the river to piazza Cittadella as the main axis. the path that goes inside the courtyard of the palace here we have our new building that with its position will close the courtyard and enhance the entrance to

the park, making it parallel with the one from the pi azza. then, passing through the garden its path will bring us to the road, that in this case this motorway has been modified to guarantee a low-speed road and so a more safe place.

sound flow

sonic strategy site flow project boundaries existing situation of fragmented areas and sonic environment territorial scaled project area

For exterior auditorium and some other part that related exterior side of the garden, the ability to reflect the sound of convex and concave surfaces is used

Musical fences vibrate through geophonic events such as wind, creating sounds from pipes of diffe rent lengths and thicknesses

Physical movements on the ground reduce the energy of the sound wave at each bounce and change the direction of the sound and increase sound refraction

Fragmented brown field which has strong strategic position between water and palazzo is regenerated as market place ,which is hidden on topography, to be able to attract pe ople while enhace the environmental quality

Zooming into the market area it was decided to built two hy pogeum buildings on 5 meter level differences, our aim was to respect the landscape and the feeling of being in a park and in the same time proposing buildings that in terms of architecture will not affect the importance of the presence of palazzo farnese, in the plan you can see that the buildings are divided in different units as shops and the design of the open area aims to involve nature also in this built environ ment using organic shapes and re-calling the design of the garden.

To reach the riverfront, two ramps were proposed give the opportunity to overcome the railway and at the same time look around from different point of view, one of the ramp will also pass under the viaduct where we will find a water sport center to accommodate different activities for the river Po’. On the river bank the ramp goes down creating decks on the river, to enjoy the view and the proximity to the water.

New building in a contemporary form was inspired by the architectVignola’s project. While reaching the most suitable volumes with this, it is protected the architectural aesthetics at same time also with the idea comes from the garden to follow the same approach with the soundscape strategy. As a continuation of our Soundscape strategy, is was tried to build a noise free area in the Palaces Courtyard. It was aimed that desig ning of the courtyard with acoustic mesh fabrics that can communicate with both visual and auditory feelings.The shape of the new intervention is following the elliptical shape of the old amphitheater in this way We intend to have a different sound experience with the sound reflections of these elliptical shapes. The new addition is composed by three floors in which we will find different functions such as: Reception, exhibition spaces, library, services and office.

-New Museum upon Vignola’s Palazzo Farnese
The floors of the building are mostly composed of open exhibition areas, except for the ground floor in which we will find more constructed divisions because of the presence of different ser vices. In north elevation of the new palazzo farnese and the main facade of our addition in which was found the union of old and new structures and our different choices in terms of materials.This material choice gives an opportunity for the visitors to understand the difference between new

and old that can be seen easily. The attachment points of the expansion and the historical bu ilding are connected with the profile and protective mortar. While the protective mortar pro tects the historical structure from construction damage, the profile functions as a seismic belt. This helps to preserve the historical structure in a possible seismic situation.

Healing LandscapeTrauma

Resilient Landscape: Parco Batteria di Arbatax

Arbatax, Isola Di Sardegna, Italia Landscape Design Studio, teamwork, 2020 Prof. Pereira Alves Henrique Pessoa

Keywords: landscape, spirituality, isolate design, sustainability, identity, geology, experimental

Goal of the project is to make Arbatax and more specifically Battery Park, a destination for those who wish to disconnect from everyday life, in order to travel inwards on a search for self discovery. By no means it was intented to attract many people as possible to the site, recognizing large numbers of people leave behind a large amount of waste. Rather, it was aimed to attract those who value nature and understand their role as part of this complex web called life. So it was aimed to redefine Battery Park’s identity from a state of abandonment and neglect, to that of an integral pilgrimage destination offering a magnificent view of the island’s beauty. As for the red rocks square, redesign the area in order to offer an unique experience, enhancing the existing natural assets, making the long pilgrimage an unforgettable life experience that lives eternally in the memories of those who have journeyed there. Keeping in mind, the yearly music festival Red Rocks Square annually holds, it is designed our site to accommodate this yearly celebration, with the theme of radical self expression ensuring guests “leaving no trace”. We aim to raise awareness on our environmental impact, finding ways to repurpose and reuse resources in a more sustainable way.

Sardegna was inspiring on many levels. The jour ney itself was long and felt somewhat like a pilgrimage to reach our destination. Arbatax is so mething similar to an island within an island, amplif ying the sense of isolation. What was most memo rable were the kindness of the people with hearts of gold. The lack of inhabitants allowed us to feel the overpowering impact of nature.We had a chance to truly be and sit with ourselves, without the noise of the busy everyday life. We enjoyed listening to the sounds of nature, from the charming bells of sheep to the angry waves of the sea. The main program of the red rocks square area are public and private work-shops as well as residential accommodation for

international and local artists. The aim is to encou rage appreciation for the arts both by the locals and tourists alike. Local artists have a chance to display their works in the designated exhibition spaces that will be appreciated by tourists who come to the area to absorb Sardinian culture. The masterplan also includes an amphitheater for performance events, a meditation maze for contemplation, and an algae farm on the rocky shores. Furthermore, the battery park includes a sensorial experience that activates all five senses, reflective pools that provide for thirsty animals, belvedere lookout points to appreciate the view, and an individual temple for a unique medita tive experience.



Socio-Agri Hub Milan
Unfinished History of Porto Di Mare
Milano, Italia Urban and Landscape Regeneration Studio,Teamwork, 2020 Prof. Paola Nella Branduini, Prof. Paolo Debiaggi
Keywords: urban regeneration, landscape resilience, irrigation, heritage, agriculture, restoration, sociality

Taking into consideration the social problems of Porto di Mare area, project proposes the creation of spaces in which it will be possible to promote the economic and social growth of the population of the area through the exploitation and understanding of the tangible and intangible heritage of Porto di Mare. The project proposes the regeneration of some areas that will be used for the study, practice and profit concerning the peri-urban agriculture, tra dition of the place; also all the buildings design for these activities is aimed to respect the landscape and the use of sustainable materials. Thanks to the regeneration of green areas and the creation of new ecological corridors, it will be possible to explore nature and biodiver sity, to exploit green spaces as places of aggregation and relax and to practice sport. The creation of a large bioretention pond is planned, which will solve the problems of flooding in the area by encouraging the cultivation and introducing biodiversity. Socio-Agri-Hub also ta kes into account the training of future generations, for this reason a restoration is planned for Cascina Carpana aimed at introducing workshops for children to learn about the benefits of nature and the knowledge and importance of the history of the place. To ensure a complete understanding of the historical importance of this place, within the “Cascina” the main building will be dedicated to the crea tion of a small museum in order to share the historical heritage of the Porto di Mare, not only with the residents, but also with tourists and all those who want to take a walk in the new Porto di Mare.
Software Infrastructure

Vegetation PlanExisting Building AnalysisBuilding Evolution

Vegetation Section

Restoration Proposals

Groundfloor plan

and Elevations

unitary construction and material characteristics, such as: load-bearing walls and columns in solid brick, floors and roofing (with trusses) in wood. The complex, moreover, despite some limited incoherent reworking, still reveals interesting original typological and construction features.
Address: Via San Dionigi 121 Chiaravalle, Milan (MI)

Elevation State of the Art
General typology: rural architecture

Construction period:19th-20th CC
Specific type: farmhouse
Floor Restored
Elevation Restored

Structural configuration: Rural complex with closed courtyard, lo cated in the countryside south of Milan. The main building, perpendi cular to the road axis, has aT-shaped layout and two floors above ground: its tight central portico consists of five round arches (on massive brick pillars) and the composition is cha racterized by (porticoes and others), arranged along the perimeter to determine the “finished” shape of the complex, adopt unitary const ruction and material characteristi cs, such as: load-bearing walls and columns in solid brick, floors and roofing (with trusses) in wood. The complex, moreover, despite some limited incoherent reworking, still reveals interesting original typo logical and construction features.

For Cascina Carpana a regeneration has been planned
These educational programs will be aimed to holding workshops to learn more about the history of Porto di
These workshops are aimed at entertaining young people to involve them in post-school activities and offer and educational service to support their growth.
Inside the Cascina there will be workshops for children
place through sensory activities.
There will be a garden in which children can discover through the use of their senses the benefits of nature, there will also be a biology workshop and areas dedicated to the study of nature to make possible a direct analysis and let children discover how nature
To ensure a complete knowledge of nature, some areas of the farm will host animals that children and tutors can take care of, just as if they were working on a real farm.
There will be also a history workshop, a library and a museum area where turist and people from Porto di
For Cascina Carpana a regeneration has been planned
These educational programs will be aimed to holding workshops to learn more about the history of Porto di

These workshops are aimed at entertaining young people to involve them in post-school activities and offer and educational service to support their growth.
Inside the Cascina there will be workshops for children
place through sensory activities. There will be a garden in which children can discover through the use of their senses the benefits of nature, there will also be a biology workshop and areas dedicated to the study of nature to make possible a direct analysis and let children discover how nature
First Floor Restored
To ensure a complete knowledge of nature, some areas of the farm will host animals that children and tutors can take care of, just as if they were working on a real farm.
There will be also a history workshop, a library and a museum area where turist and people from Porto di

These workshops are aimed at entertaining young people to involve them in post-school activities and offer and educational service to support their growth. Inside the Cascina there will be workshops for children

place through sensory activities.

There will be a garden in which children can discover through the use of their senses the benefits of nature, there will also be a biology workshop and areas dedicated to the study of nature to make possible a direct analysis and let children discover how nature
To ensure a complete knowledge of nature, some areas of the farm will host animals that children and tutors can take care of, just as if they were working on a real farm.

There will be also a history workshop, a library and a museum area where turist and people from Porto di

Agri-Eco Edge of Piacenza

Re-loaded East-West Belt

Piacenza, Italia Urban and Environment Design Studio, 2020 Dott. Arch. Matteo Motti

The aim of this study is to define the problems in the southern line of Piacenza, to strengthen the inadequate relationship between the peri-urban and city, and to offer proposals in line with the strategies that aimed to increase permeability and an ecological and agricultural living belt in the east-west corridor that provides controlled growing toward to south-north directions and responds to the usage of different areas relatedly. As a starting po int it was defined, creating an peri-urban edge with the productive landscape which formed like a belt that extend towards the site and answer different actions in close relationship to improve connecti on with peri-urban side of the city. But as a disadvantaged situati on, Tangenziale road creates a distinction between the city and the countryside. Agricultural areas, on the other hand, the built environ ment, including commercial, industrial activity spreaded around site in insufficient connection and relationship. That is why there was no interaction between these two different regions on the southern line of Piacenza. Aim is to create a fluidity between the city and the peri-urban with a porous urban texture, and to prevent tangenziale from being a sharp boundary of agricultural areas, to provide perme able movements in the city-periurban axis. In line with all this, it was aimed to define a rainbow consisting of colors defined to Piacenza by different activities, different functions.And all kind of actions con nected to each other with the help of greenbelt and cycling paths physically and visually and it provides a continuation between West and East Side.
Software Infrastructure

El Patio de la Libertad
Thinking the City: The “model” city -an open prison

Barcelona, Spain Architecture Design Studio,Teamwork, 2019 Assoc. Prof. Karin Elke Hofert Feix
Keywords: sociality, sustainablity, architecture, topography, experimental

The basic approach to form finding was to take advantage of the existing terrain topography by dispositioning the prison’s spatial functions on different altitudes. there was kept away from the purist approach while it remained true to the essence of the city. Ferdinand Braudel said that “Seas that Unite, Mountains that Divide” to define the Mediterranean. With this approach, the settlements of the masses were rotated and opened from moun tain to sea side slowly at rotation angle of 45 degrees. These pla cings refer to the orientation to sea view. So units are opening to the sea direction. The settlement goes from bottom to top as ge neral to private. In addition, privacy increases from outside to in side. The orientation of the blocks and placing on the mountains, leave the harsh winter winds of Barcelona behind and provides a protected area and it allows them to connect relationships verti cally up and down in the logic of giant stairs. Thus, the project pro vides a different experience and arouses curiosity to the visitors.
Software Infrastructure

The courtyards, which shape the fundamental form of the building form, are transformed into a window opening to the sky, which includes day and night, summer and winter li ghts. It is transforming into a tool that carries the out door conditions inside and also cleans the air inside the building thanks to the airflow it produces. Also, the courtyards provi de the connection with the soil due to the greening fed with rainwater. The use of the roofs of the units provides us to use every side of the structure spatially and save as much ground as possible from the architectural function program and res pect the land. The courtyards, which shape the fundamental

form of the building form, are transformed into a window opening to the sky, which includes day and night, sum mer and winter lights. it is transforming into a tool that carries the outdoor conditions inside and also cleans the air inside the building thanks to the airflow il produces.
Also, courtyards provide the connection with the soil due to greening fed with rainwater. On the other hand as a social aspects these courtyards and green roofs are me eting points for the prisoner who need socialize and feel like in real life.

Archaeology and Excavation Center Klazomenai,Turkey
Architecture Design Studio, individual work, 2018 BScThesis

Keywords: sustainability, archaeology, subterranean, tumulus, heritage, technology, museum

Urla is one of the twelve lonian cites which has strong combination of nature, sea and unique archaeological past have been the crad le of civilizations for centuries.It has its own unique context and con cept. This archaeologic visitor and excavation center project (which ta kes into consideration this values) has a monumental and multi functional building which aims to create a square in the heart of the city,dedicated to the Klazomenai Ancient City, lonians, Persians and compulsory guests of Quaran tine Island, with respectful approach to Urla. It aims to blend all this na- ture, history and cultural infrastructure. The tumulus idea, the main concept of the project,has a catalytic effect to reduce the appearance of buildings. Place the circulation and structuring to subterranean is aimed to establishes a conne ction between the past and present by integrating the main axis with natu re. The divided structures are positioned relative to the axes, thus the sigh ts are occured according to the wide corridors that buldings created. These views direct the visitor to the seaside or archaeological site. Thus, mysterous volumes hidden under a green roof open and turn toward to the sea as a part of the scenery and serve as an invisible bridge between the sea and the city.
Software Infrastructure

Dipl.ing Işık Ülkün Neusser

Design Ateliers
Founded Architecture: Architecture in Context 2022
“The Switch-ing” la Darsena di Milan
4th Edition Intl. Design Workshop
AUIC Politecnico di Milano, ETSAM-UPM Madrid Milan, Italia 2022
Prof. Arian Heidari Afshari, Prof. Angel Cordero Ampuero
Keywords: critical reading, infrastructure, threshold, human-based, artifacts
SpecialTopics in Environmental Design
“Connecting Perceptions Piacenza”
Politecnico Di Milano
Piacenza, Italia 2021
Prof. Stephen Marshall, Prof. Mauro Mazzali
Keywords: sustainability, infrastructure, urban, adaptive-reuse, industrial zone, circulation
Landscape Representation, Modelling and QGis Studio
Installation and New Green Routes Between Cremona and Po River
“Green Loop: Oasis of Cremona”
Politecnico Di Milano
Piacenza/Cremona, Italia 2020
Prof. Alessandro Bianchi, Prof. Giovanna Sona
Keywords: green loop, reparian zone, integrated design, green infrastructure, urbanism, GIS
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Recognizing that the most important thing that adds meaning to spaces and ensures their integration is the human element, we rethought Darsena in terms of human behaviour. In the analysis page, with a deductive approach, we moved from the urban scale to the domestic scale and discussed the city and the immediate en

of darsena. In the first column, you can see in which regions the masses of people are active day and night, on weekdays and we ekends, and their activities. While they are active in a wider area including business centre during the weekdays, we understand that they spend more time on preferences by concentrating on certain lines during the

weekends.While it is concentrated in a more limited area on weekdays, it is understood that people are active with the entertain ment life on weekend nights. It can be said that Navigli has the potential to reactive the field since it generally takes an active role and is connected to Darsena.


DARK GREY Existing sub-activities
Removed activitiescrossed-out
Minor sub-activities
Existing main-activitiesBLACK TRADING
ding), but it also needs to understand the world as it could be. The latter brings the
litical dimension of urban design: who were are designing for, and why - as well as the

Special Topics inEnvironmentalDesign. “Connecting Perceptions Piacenza”

The Province of Cremona where the project is handled is traditionally where rural areas con front expanding urbanization located in northern Italy. With the help of the GIS Program,Cremona’s current status was analyzed in terms of different qualities. The results revealed some issues that should be considered when designing the landsca pe project. Correlatively with this results, the propo sed research and project development is aimed to represent the symbiotic relationship between the

Technical Drawings
Weekend House Izmir University of Economics Izmir,Turkey 2016
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Steel Truss