Seray Uluderya | Architecture Portfolio'18

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1st year final project - A Liminal Zone

t n e n t o c

2nd year project #1 -A Place of Sensory Experience

t n e n t o c

2nd year project #2 -An Urban Habitation in Izmir 2nd year project #3 -The PochĂŠ

2nd year project #4 -The ArchiThinkTank

3rd year project #1 -Landscape Design

3rd year project #2 -Facility

3rd year group project #3 -Urban Design 3rd year project #4 -Academy of Conscious/unconscious

4th year senior project #1 -The Green Hub 4th year graduation project -Klazomenai Archaeology and Excavation Center

Technical Drawing Set Examples -Plan drawings -Section drawings -Elevation drawings -Wall details -Wet space details -Staircase details


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“You are expected to design a transfer station from where people around the world start their fantastic journey to the center of the earth. The station will be acting as a threshold between two different worlds.” LOCATION: World’s center




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“The project ‘A Place of Sensory Experience’ is based upon the formal explorations developed in the gesture drawing, analytical drawing, modeling and transformations you should imagine this to be a real structure at human scale placed on the given site in the mountain above the Balçova Thermal facilities. This site is accessed by slopy pathway which is used mostly by the inhabitants of the Balçova district for walking, running and sightseeing The place is an architectural ‘object’ composed of combined, discrete elements that define spaces and provide various sensory experiences.” LOCATION: Balçova, Mountain

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“You are asked to design an urban habitation for a creative “ Izmir. Your clients are two active professionals who want you to couple in design their house near Asansör area of Izmir. They havegrown children and many friends from around the world who often visit. They love to entertain They are well educated. The clients are bpth in creative professions and residencemust also function as a work space for both of them. The clients also want you to develop outdoor space where possible. LOCATION: Izmir, Konak, Asansör region

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匀吀䄀䤀 一䔀䐀ⴀ 䜀䰀䄀匀匀  䴀䄀䤀 匀伀一                 䨀漀攀  愀渀搀  䨀愀渀攀  愀爀 攀  愀渀  愀爀 琀猀琀   挀漀甀瀀氀 攀⸀   䨀愀渀攀 猀  愀  昀 氀 愀洀攀渀挀漀  搀愀渀挀攀爀   愀渀搀  挀栀漀爀 攀漀最爀 愀瀀栀攀爀   Ⰰ   䨀漀攀 猀  愀  猀挀甀氀 瀀琀 漀爀 ⸀   䨀漀攀  栀愀猀  愀  洀 渀洀愀氀猀琀 Ⰰ 挀漀渀琀 攀洀瀀漀爀 愀爀 礀  挀栀愀ⴀ 爀 愀挀琀 攀爀 ⸀   吀栀攀  最攀漀洀攀琀 爀挀  愀渀搀  猀洀瀀氀 攀  瀀愀爀 琀 猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀ⴀ 琀 甀爀 攀  爀 攀瀀爀 攀猀攀渀琀   琀 栀攀  洀愀渀  挀栀愀爀 愀挀琀 攀爀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  䨀漀攀⸀   䠀攀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀猀  愀戀猀琀 爀 愀挀琀   最攀漀洀攀琀 爀挀愀氀   猀挀甀氀 瀀琀 甀爀 攀猀  愀渀搀  爀 攀氀攀昀   眀漀爀 欀猀  愀渀搀  栀攀 渀猀瀀爀 攀  昀 爀 漀洀  䄀氀 戀攀爀 琀 漀  䜀 愀挀漀洀攀琀 琀  眀栀攀渀  栀攀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀⸀   䨀愀渀攀 猀  愀  琀 爀 愀搀琀漀渀愀氀   昀 氀 愀洀攀渀挀漀  搀愀渀挀攀爀 ⸀   匀栀攀 猀  琀 栀攀  洀漀猀琀   搀漀洀 渀愀渀琀   瀀攀爀 猀漀渀  愀琀   栀漀洀攀⸀   匀栀攀  氀 漀瘀攀猀  眀漀爀 欀  愀琀   栀漀洀攀  琀 栀猀 猀  眀栀礀  琀 栀攀  洀漀猀琀   瀀愀爀 琀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀  栀愀猀  䨀愀渀攀✀ 猀  猀最渀猀  䈀攀挀愀甀猀攀  猀栀攀  栀愀猀  瘀攀爀 礀  猀琀 爀 漀渀最  挀栀愀爀 愀挀琀 攀爀   愀渀搀  氀 漀瘀攀猀  洀愀渀愀最攀 攀瘀攀爀 礀琀 栀渀最  琀 栀愀琀  猀  愀爀 漀甀渀搀⸀   吀栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀  漀挀挀甀爀 猀  琀 眀漀  洀愀渀  戀漀搀礀 ⸀   䈀愀挀欀  瀀愀爀 琀  猀  猀洀瀀氀 攀  挀漀渀挀爀 攀琀 攀  最攀漀ⴀ 洀攀琀 爀挀  戀氀 漀挀欀  眀栀挀栀  爀 攀瀀爀 攀猀攀渀琀   琀 栀攀  愀爀 琀猀琀挀  猀琀 礀氀 攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  䨀漀攀⸀   吀栀猀  瀀愀爀 琀  猀渀✀ 琀   甀猀攀搀  漀渀氀 礀  戀礀  䨀漀攀  Ⰰ   愀氀 氀   挀漀洀洀漀渀  瀀氀 愀挀攀猀  愀爀 攀  愀琀   琀 栀猀  瀀愀爀 琀 ⸀   䘀愀愀搀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  戀愀挀欀  瀀愀爀 琀  猀  愀氀 氀   搀瘀搀攀搀  最氀 愀猀猀  戀礀  琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀瀀攀猀⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  琀 栀挀欀  猀琀 爀瀀攀猀  眀攀爀 攀  愀瀀瀀氀攀搀  琀 漀  戀氀 漀挀欀  琀 栀攀  猀甀渀  氀最栀琀 ⸀   吀栀攀  戀愀爀 猀  琀 栀愀琀   猀琀 甀挀欀  琀 漀  琀 栀攀  爀 漀漀昀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  戀愀挀欀  瀀愀爀 琀   瀀爀 漀瘀搀攀  挀漀渀琀渀甀琀 礀  戀礀  昀 漀氀 氀 漀眀 渀最  琀 栀攀  氀渀攀猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  昀 愀愀搀攀⸀   䘀爀 漀渀琀   瀀愀爀 琀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀 猀  漀爀 最愀渀挀  猀栀愀瀀攀搀  愀渀搀  琀 栀攀猀攀  挀甀爀 瘀攀猀  爀 攀瀀爀 攀猀攀渀琀   愀  搀愀渀挀攀爀 猀✀   愀爀 洀  洀漀瘀攀⸀   匀琀 愀ⴀ 渀攀搀  最氀 愀猀猀  眀愀猀  甀猀攀搀  漀渀  昀 愀愀搀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  昀 爀 漀渀琀   瀀愀爀 琀 ⸀   䈀甀琀   猀漀洀攀  瀀愀爀 琀 猀  愀爀 攀渀✀ 琀   琀 爀 愀渀猀瀀愀爀 攀渀琀 ⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  漀瀀愀焀甀攀  瀀愀爀 琀 猀  猀栀漀眀猀  愀渀  愀戀猀琀 爀 愀挀琀   搀愀渀挀攀爀 猀  洀漀瘀攀猀 渀  ㌀䐀⸀   圀栀攀渀  琀 栀攀  氀最栀琀 猀  漀渀  愀琀   渀最栀琀 Ⰰ   琀 栀猀  猀琀 愀渀攀搀  最氀 愀猀猀  昀 愀愀搀攀  爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀 猀  愀氀 氀   琀 栀攀猀攀  挀漀氀 漀爀 猀  愀渀搀  漀瀀愀焀甀攀  瀀攀挀攀猀  琀 漀  琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 攀攀琀 ⸀   匀漀  瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀  挀愀渀  猀攀攀  琀 栀猀  瘀猀甀愀氀   昀 攀愀猀琀 ⸀   䤀 渀  琀 栀攀  洀漀爀 渀渀最猀Ⰰ   愀氀 氀   琀 栀攀猀攀  瘀猀甀愀氀   昀 攀愀猀琀   爀 攀昀 氀 攀挀琀   琀 漀  琀 栀攀  搀漀漀爀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  搀愀渀挀攀  猀琀 甀搀漀⸀   匀漀  樀 愀渀攀  挀愀渀 渀猀瀀爀 攀  昀 爀 漀洀  琀 栀攀  挀漀氀 漀爀 猀  漀爀   猀栀愀搀漀眀猀  眀栀攀渀  猀栀攀  眀爀琀 攀猀  挀栀漀爀 攀漀最爀 愀瀀栀礀 ⸀

㄀㨀 㔀   䔀愀猀琀   䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀

㄀㨀 㔀   一漀爀 琀 栀  䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀

匀吀䄀䤀 一䔀䐀ⴀ 䜀䰀䄀匀匀  䴀䄀䤀 匀伀一

㄀㨀 ㈀   洀愀猀琀 攀爀     瀀氀 愀渀

㄀㨀 㔀   最爀 漀甀渀搀  昀 氀 漀漀爀   瀀氀 愀渀

㄀㨀 㔀   䈀䈀ᤠ   猀攀挀琀漀渀

㄀㨀 㔀   ㄀猀琀   昀 氀 漀漀爀   瀀氀 愀渀

㄀㨀 㔀   䄀䄀ᤠ   猀攀挀琀漀渀

䤀 昀   眀攀  琀 愀氀 欀  愀戀漀甀琀   最攀渀攀爀 愀氀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀ⴀ 琀 甀爀 攀Ⰰ   眀攀  挀愀渀  猀攀攀  琀 栀攀  氀 漀渀最  眀 渀搀漀眀猀  昀 爀 漀洀  氀 攀昀 琀   猀搀攀  渀攀砀琀   琀 漀  瀀愀瘀攀洀攀渀琀 ⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  眀 渀ⴀ 搀漀眀猀  栀愀瘀攀  搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   瀀甀爀 瀀漀猀攀⸀   琀 栀挀欀渀攀猀猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  眀愀氀 氀   琀 栀愀琀   挀漀渀琀 愀渀  眀 渀搀漀眀猀  戀最最攀爀   琀 栀愀渀  渀漀爀 洀愀氀   攀砀琀 攀爀漀爀   眀愀氀 氀 猀  愀渀搀  眀 渀搀漀眀猀  眀攀爀 攀  瀀甀琀  渀  搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   搀攀攀瀀渀攀猀猀⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  搀攀攀瀀 渀攀猀猀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀猀  渀猀栀攀猀  愀猀  猀栀漀眀爀 漀漀洀  昀 漀爀   琀 栀攀  愀爀 琀   眀漀爀 欀  琀 栀愀琀   琀 栀攀礀  挀愀渀  攀砀栀戀琀   琀 栀攀洀⸀   䘀爀 猀琀   琀 栀爀 攀攀  眀 渀搀漀眀  眀攀爀 攀  甀猀攀搀  愀猀  猀挀攀渀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  搀愀渀挀攀爀   愀渀搀  琀 栀攀  漀琀 栀攀爀   琀 栀爀 攀攀  眀 渀搀漀眀猀  眀攀爀 攀  甀猀攀搀  愀猀  猀栀漀眀爀 漀漀洀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀挀甀氀 瀀琀 漀爀 ⸀   匀漀  瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀  眀栀漀  眀愀氀 欀  漀渀  琀 栀攀  瀀愀瘀攀洀攀渀琀   挀愀渀  猀攀攀  琀 栀攀  洀漀瘀攀洀攀渀琀 猀  愀渀搀  琀 爀 愀渀猀琀漀渀  漀昀   琀 栀攀猀攀  愀爀 琀   眀漀爀 欀猀⸀   䤀 琀   猀琀 愀爀 琀渀最  眀琀 栀  琀 栀攀  愀挀琀 猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  搀愀渀挀攀爀   Ⰰ   猀挀攀渀攀  戀礀  猀挀攀渀攀  愀渀搀  挀漀渀琀渀甀攀  眀琀 栀  琀 栀攀  搀愀渀挀攀爀   猀琀 愀琀 甀攀⸀   匀漀  琀 栀攀  洀漀瘀攀洀攀渀琀 猀  昀 爀 攀攀稀攀  猀甀搀搀攀渀氀 礀  ⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  琀 爀 愀渀猀琀漀渀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀猀  挀甀爀漀猀琀 礀  愀渀搀  搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   攀砀瀀攀爀愀渀挀攀猀  漀渀  琀 漀  瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀⸀


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c o P 2 e nd

The first part of Project One encourages you to design in terms of mass and poché; shaping space by additive and subtractive processes (adding material “ or carving‘ away material to make form). Start by drawing and loosely modeling the desired interior volumes and organization. You will make mass in your final model by laminating (gluing) layers of gray card-board together to create thick, dense structural walls. Pay particular attention to the possibility of carving‘ space out of the poché.

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36m 2.44m






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䴀唀䰀吀䤀 ⴀ 倀唀刀倀伀匀䔀  䌀伀一吀䔀䴀倀伀刀䄀刀夀  䄀刀吀  䌀䔀一吀䔀刀 ⠀ 䄀  倀伀䌀䠀준  䤀 䐀䔀䄀⤀

匀漀甀琀 栀  䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

一漀爀 琀 栀  䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䴀唀䰀吀䤀 ⴀ 倀唀刀倀伀匀䔀  䌀伀一吀䔀䴀倀伀刀䄀刀夀  䄀刀吀  䌀䔀一吀䔀刀                䄀氀 氀   最愀氀 氀 攀爀攀猀  栀愀瘀攀  搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   愀洀  漀甀琀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  漀琀 栀攀爀 猀  Ⰰ 琀 栀攀礀  愀爀 攀  猀攀瀀愀爀 愀琀 攀搀  愀猀  挀渀攀洀愀  栀愀氀 氀   Ⰰ   攀砀挀氀 甀猀瘀攀  瀀攀挀攀猀  最愀氀 氀 攀爀 礀  Ⰰ 猀琀 漀爀 攀  Ⰰ   漀昀 昀挀攀  Ⰰ   挀愀昀 攀琀 攀爀愀  Ⰰ   挀漀挀琀 愀氀   栀愀氀 氀   Ⰰ   猀挀甀氀 瀀琀 甀爀 攀 最愀氀 氀 攀爀 礀  Ⰰ   瀀愀渀琀渀最  最愀氀 氀 攀爀 礀  Ⰰ   洀甀猀挀  栀愀氀 氀   攀琀 挀⸀ ⸀   匀漀洀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀猀攀  最愀氀 氀 攀爀攀猀  栀愀猀  渀猀栀 渀 琀 Ⰰ   琀 栀攀猀攀  渀猀栀攀猀  眀攀爀 攀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀搀  眀琀 栀  琀 栀攀

猀愀洀攀    䤀 渀  琀 栀攀  甀瀀猀琀 愀爀 Ⰰ   琀 栀攀爀 攀  愀爀 攀  戀爀搀最攀猀  琀 漀  瀀愀猀猀 瀀漀挀栀 搀攀愀⸀ 琀 漀  琀 栀攀  漀琀 栀攀爀   猀搀攀⸀   䌀愀昀 攀琀 攀爀愀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  挀攀渀琀 攀爀   栀愀猀  昀 甀氀 氀   最氀 愀猀猀  戀愀礀 眀 渀搀漀眀猀  琀 漀  眀愀琀 挀栀  琀 栀攀  氀 愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀攀  眀栀攀渀  瘀猀琀 漀爀 猀  搀爀渀欀渀最  猀漀洀攀琀 栀渀最  愀渀搀  琀 愀欀攀  搀爀 攀挀琀   猀甀渀氀最栀琀  渀 琀 ⸀   吀栀攀  漀琀 栀攀爀   琀 栀渀最 琀 栀愀琀   瀀爀 漀瘀搀渀最  攀渀氀最栀琀 攀渀洀攀渀琀  猀  爀 漀漀昀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀⸀   吀栀猀  爀 漀漀昀   栀愀猀  猀氀搀渀最  眀 渀搀漀眀猀  琀 漀瀀  漀昀  琀   琀 漀  洀愀欀攀  愀爀   挀爀 挀甀氀 愀琀漀渀 愀琀   猀甀洀洀攀爀 ⸀   吀栀攀  挀漀氀 甀洀渀猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀  眀攀爀 攀  愀搀樀 甀猀琀 攀搀  愀挀挀漀爀 搀渀最  琀 漀  琀 栀攀  最愀氀 氀 攀爀 礀  漀瀀攀渀渀最猀⸀   吀栀攀礀  眀氀 氀   戀攀  瀀氀 愀挀攀搀 渀  琀 栀攀  洀 搀搀氀 攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  最愀氀 氀 攀爀攀猀⸀

䜀爀 漀甀渀搀  䘀氀 漀漀爀   倀氀 愀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䈀䈀ᤠ   匀攀挀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䘀爀 猀琀   䘀氀 漀漀爀   倀氀 愀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䄀䄀ᤠ   匀攀挀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀


k n

a T k

n i h T i 2

h t

h c r A e


Ye a

You are asked to design an Architectural ThinkTank; a design school that will host students, architects and designers from all around the world to reseach “ and develop new ideas in design. The school will not only function during summer but also year-round, yet in a less dense schedule than summer. The building complex will cover a total floor area of appr. 1100 m2 including enclosed spaces for design production & research, accommodation, dining and administration. In addition, you are expected to design the exterior spaces within the boundaries of your site by considering access and entrance to the complex as well as parking, landscaping, etc. (See the building program). You are also expected to re-design the interiors of the existing primary school building in your site, assigning a function of your choice among the program.

rP ro j



吀栀攀  䜀爀 攀攀渀  儀甀愀礀  圀漀爀 欀猀栀漀瀀

倀爀 漀最爀 愀洀洀愀琀挀  䐀愀最爀 愀洀

䜀爀 漀甀渀搀  䘀氀 漀漀爀   倀氀 愀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䤀 氀 搀㄁ 爀 ㄁  猀  愀渀  愀琀 琀 爀 愀挀琀瘀攀    瀀氀 愀挀攀  眀栀挀栀 猀  氀 漀挀愀琀 攀搀  漀渀  琀 栀攀  眀攀猀琀   挀漀愀猀琀   漀昀   愀攀最攀愀渀  猀攀愀 渀  攀弁洀攀  ⸀   吀栀猀  瀀氀 愀挀攀 猀  愀  最漀漀搀  攀砀愀洀瀀氀 攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  挀漀洀戀渀愀琀漀渀  漀昀   栀猀琀 漀爀 礀  愀渀搀  渀愀琀 甀爀 攀  戀攀挀愀甀猀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  愀渀挀攀渀琀   猀琀 攀  䔀爀 礀琀 栀ⴀ 爀 愀⸀   䰀漀挀愀氀 猀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  瘀氀 氀 愀最攀  愀爀 攀  瘀攀爀 礀  欀渀搀  愀渀搀  栀漀猀瀀琀 愀戀氀 攀⸀   䄀氀 氀   琀 栀攀猀攀  洀愀欀攀  琀 栀猀  瘀氀 氀 愀最攀  愀  瘀攀爀 礀  渀挀攀  瀀氀 愀挀攀  琀 漀  戀甀氀 搀  愀渀  愀爀 挀栀琀 攀挀琀 甀爀 攀  猀甀洀洀攀爀   猀挀栀漀漀氀   昀 漀爀   猀琀 甀搀攀渀琀 猀Ⰰ   攀挀愀甀猀攀 渀  琀 栀猀  瀀氀 愀挀攀  猀琀 甀搀攀渀琀 猀  挀愀渀  攀愀猀氀 礀  最攀琀  渀猀ⴀ 瀀爀 攀搀  戀礀  琀 栀攀  瀀漀眀攀爀   漀昀   渀愀琀 甀爀 愀氀   栀猀ⴀ 琀 漀爀 礀  愀渀搀  琀 攀砀琀 甀爀 攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  瘀氀 氀 愀最攀⸀     䤀 渀  琀 栀猀  倀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀 Ⰰ   琀 栀攀  洀愀渀  挀漀渀琀 攀砀琀  猀  洀愀琀 攀爀愀氀   愀渀搀  洀礀  猀琀 愀爀 琀渀最  瀀漀渀琀  猀  漀爀 搀渀愀爀渀攀猀猀 渀  洀漀搀攀爀 渀琀 礀 ⸀   吀栀猀 猀  眀栀礀  䤀   挀栀漀漀猀攀  洀愀琀 攀爀愀氀 猀  愀渀搀  猀琀 爀 甀挀ⴀ 琀 甀爀 愀氀   猀栀愀瀀攀  昀 爀 漀洀  瘀氀 氀 愀最攀猀✀   琀 攀砀琀 甀爀 攀⸀   䌀漀洀瀀氀 攀琀 攀氀 礀  瀀琀 挀栀  爀 漀漀昀 猀  愀爀 攀  甀猀攀搀 渀  琀 栀猀        瀀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀   琀 漀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀  甀渀琀 礀  眀琀 栀  漀琀 栀攀爀   瘀氀 氀 愀最攀  栀漀洀攀猀⸀

㄀猀琀   䘀氀 漀漀爀   倀氀 愀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

吀栀攀  䜀爀 攀攀渀  儀甀愀礀  圀漀爀 欀猀栀漀瀀

匀琀 攀  倀氀 愀渀  ㄀㨀 ㈀

匀琀 攀  匀攀挀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㈀

匀漀甀琀 栀  䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

䔀愀猀琀   䔀氀 攀瘀愀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

愀愀ᤠ 猀攀挀琀漀渀  ㄀㨀 ㄀

倀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀  猀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀搀  戀礀 渀琀 攀爀 氀 漀挀欀渀最  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀ⴀ 爀 攀猀 渀  搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀琀   搀洀攀渀猀漀渀猀  愀渀搀  氀 攀瘀攀氀 猀⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  琀 眀漀 渀琀 攀爀 氀 漀挀欀攀搀  戀氀 漀欀猀  栀愀瘀攀  最愀瀀猀  戀攀琀 眀攀攀渀  攀愀ⴀ 挀栀漀琀 栀攀爀   愀渀搀  琀 栀攀猀攀  最愀瀀猀  愀爀 攀  挀漀洀瀀氀 攀琀 攀氀 礀  挀漀瘀攀ⴀ 爀 攀搀  眀琀 栀  最氀 愀猀猀  琀 漀  猀栀漀眀  栀漀眀  琀 栀攀礀  愀爀 攀 渀琀 攀爀 氀 漀挀ⴀ 欀攀搀  琀 栀甀猀  愀氀 氀 漀眀 渀最  搀爀 攀挀琀   搀愀礀  氀最栀琀   琀 漀  最攀琀  渀⸀   吀栀攀猀攀  戀氀 漀挀欀猀  愀爀 攀  挀漀瘀攀爀 攀搀  眀琀 栀  渀愀琀 甀爀 愀氀   猀琀 漀渀攀猀  眀栀挀栀  眀攀爀 攀  甀猀攀搀 渀  瘀氀 氀 愀最攀  栀漀洀攀猀⸀   吀栀攀  䘀爀 猀琀   琀 栀渀欀  琀 愀渀欀  栀愀瘀攀  愀渀  漀瀀攀渀愀戀氀 攀  昀 愀愀搀攀  戀礀  昀 漀氀 搀渀最  搀漀漀爀   戀攀挀愀甀猀攀  漀昀   琀 栀攀  眀攀愀琀 栀攀爀   挀漀渀搀琀漀渀猀 渀  猀甀洀洀攀爀 ⸀ 吀栀攀  猀攀挀漀渀搀  琀 栀渀欀  琀 愀渀欀  猀琀 甀搀漀 猀  愀  昀 氀 礀渀最  猀琀 爀 甀挀琀 甀爀 攀Ⰰ   琀 栀猀  戀氀 漀挀欀  眀氀 氀   戀攀  猀甀瀀瀀漀爀 琀 攀搀  戀礀  挀漀氀 甀洀渀猀  愀渀搀  甀渀搀攀爀 渀攀愀琀 栀  琀 栀攀  戀氀 漀挀欀  攀愀爀 琀 栀  眀愀猀  挀愀爀 瘀攀搀  漀甀琀   琀 漀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀  愀渀  漀瀀攀渀  氀 攀挀琀 甀爀 攀  栀愀氀 氀   愀猀  愀洀瀀栀琀 攀愀琀 爀 攀⸀   䠀愀氀 昀   漀昀   琀 栀攀  猀挀栀漀漀氀 ᤠ 猀  瀀琀 挀栀  爀 漀漀昀   眀氀 氀   戀攀  挀漀渀瘀攀爀 琀 攀搀  琀 漀  最爀 攀攀渀  爀 漀漀昀   琀 漀  愀氀 氀 漀眀  瀀攀漀瀀氀 攀  琀 漀  猀攀攀  氀 愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀攀  昀 爀 漀洀  瀀愀渀愀爀 漀洀 挀愀氀   愀渀最氀 攀⸀   吀栀猀  倀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀   眀氀 氀   戀攀  愀  挀漀洀戀渀愀琀漀渀  漀昀   洀漀搀攀爀 渀猀洀  愀渀搀  挀漀渀瘀攀渀琀漀渀愀氀猀洀  愀渀搀  眀氀 氀   戀攀  挀漀洀昀 漀爀 琀 愀戀氀 攀  愀渀搀 渀猀瀀爀 愀琀漀渀愀氀   昀 漀爀   愀爀 挀栀琀 攀挀琀 甀爀 攀  猀琀 甀搀攀渀琀 猀⸀


n is g


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a c

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e D 3rd

This part of the project involves developing a 20m-by-30m l andscape with three thematic zones. The students are asked to follow a particular compositional technique in designing this outdoor public space. “

Ye a

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䰀䄀一䐀匀䌀䄀倀䔀  䐀䔀匀䤀 䜀一  ⠀ 倀䄀刀吀  䤀 ⤀

吀栀猀  氀 愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀攀  搀攀猀最渀  戀愀猀攀搀  瀀爀 漀樀 攀挀琀   愀洀猀  琀 漀  挀漀洀戀渀攀  琀 栀爀 攀攀  琀 栀攀洀愀琀挀  稀漀渀攀  琀 漀  瀀爀 漀瘀搀攀  猀瀀爀琀 甀愀氀 Ⰰ   瀀栀礀猀ⴀ 挀愀氀   愀渀搀  洀攀渀琀 愀氀   愀挀琀瘀琀攀猀⸀   吀栀猀 猀  眀栀礀  琀 栀攀爀 攀  愀爀 攀  搀攀猀最ⴀ 渀攀搀  琀 漀漀  洀愀渀礀  猀挀攀渀攀  愀猀  娀攀渀  最愀爀 搀攀渀Ⰰ   䰀愀戀礀爀渀琀 栀Ⰰ   䄀  琀 攀洀瀀ⴀ 氀 攀ⴀ 猀栀愀瀀攀搀  愀洀瀀栀Ⰰ   䘀氀 礀渀最  戀爀搀最攀Ⰰ   䜀氀 愀猀猀  昀 氀 漀漀爀   戀爀搀最攀  攀琀 挀⸀ ⸀   䄀  琀 攀洀瀀氀 攀  猀栀愀瀀攀搀  愀洀瀀栀  爀猀攀猀  琀 漀眀愀爀 搀  琀 漀  猀欀礀  愀渀搀  愀氀 猀漀 琀   栀愀猀  愀  昀 漀挀愀氀   琀 爀 攀攀  愀渀搀  稀攀渀  最愀爀 搀攀渀  昀 漀爀   瀀爀 漀瘀搀攀  猀瀀爀琀 甀愀氀   愀琀 洀漀猀瀀栀攀爀 攀  琀 漀  挀爀 攀愀琀 攀  洀攀搀琀 愀琀漀渀  愀爀 攀愀⸀   䄀氀 猀漀  氀 攀瘀攀氀   搀昀 昀 攀爀 攀渀ⴀ 挀攀  眀愀猀  搀攀猀最渀攀搀  昀 漀爀   瀀爀 漀瘀搀攀  渀攀眀  攀砀瀀攀爀攀渀挀攀猀  琀 漀  瘀猀琀 漀爀 ⸀


n is g

a F

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Students are expected to combine all three parts at the end of the semester “ and present it as a whole. Two units will be developing this last part of the project separately. So students are expected to design an artisan facility that was placed on the land that they designed in the previous step of the project and also relate the facility and the land. This facility should be refer to the place to communicate, place to view and place to contemplate.

Ye a

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1st floor plan

site plan

Casa Calzolaio is a shoe design facility that were separated into three part ; place to communicate, place to view and place to contemplate. Block pieces are organized from public to private to define relation ships and transfer between private and public at the same time. This organization is also provide privacy for the accomodation part. Interior parts are connected to eachother with glass bridges to make smooth transitions between these semi close shapes.

ground floor plan section bb

east elevation

north elevation


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o i c

The studio will first investigate the experience of a subject and its relation to the place (object) through concentration on void – the space between – and with consideration for a phenomenological approach. Space is molded by emotions (we feel), sounds (we hear), stories (we listen), images (we see), memories (we remember) as well as the surroundings. These experiences are constructed at both conscious and unconscious levels and students are expected to narrate their explorations in formal and spatial composition. The investigation will continue with formal experiments and the project process is concerned with the exterior of the inside as well as the interior of the outside. Architectural notions such as scale, proportion, spatial and formal quality will be methodologically questioned through the understanding of urban terminology

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Ye a

rP ro j



匀倀䔀䌀唀䰀䄀吀䤀 嘀䔀  倀䠀䔀一伀䴀䔀一伀一匀  䰀䄀一䐀 䌀伀一䌀䔀倀吀 㨀   䌀漀渀琀 爀 愀猀琀

䌀漀洀洀漀渀  䄀爀 攀愀猀

─㄀㈀⸀ 㔀

吀䠀䔀䴀䔀㨀   䘀挀琀漀渀愀氀   瀀攀爀 挀攀瀀琀漀渀 渀  挀渀攀洀愀

䈀甀氀 搀渀最  䄀爀 攀愀猀

─㄀㠀⸀ 㔀


嘀䤀 匀䤀 伀一㨀   伀甀爀   搀攀猀最渀  瘀猀漀渀 猀  琀 漀  戀爀 攀愀欀  琀 栀攀

圀愀琀 攀爀

瀀攀爀 挀攀瀀琀漀渀  漀昀   最攀渀攀爀 愀氀   攀搀甀挀愀琀漀渀  愀渀搀  最漀 戀攀礀漀渀搀  琀 栀攀  愀爀 挀栀琀 攀挀琀 甀爀 愀氀   搀攀猀最渀  戀礀  栀攀愀爀 琀 Ⰰ   琀 漀  戀攀  愀戀氀 攀  琀 漀  搀攀瘀攀氀 漀瀀  瀀攀爀 挀攀瀀琀漀渀 渀  琀 栀攀  搀爀 攀挀琀漀渀  漀昀 氀   渀攀眀  攀砀瀀攀爀攀渀挀攀猀⸀

倀刀䤀 一䌀䤀 倀䰀䔀匀㨀                     ⴀ 刀攀氀 愀砀  愀渀搀  䌀漀洀昀 漀爀 琀


䜀爀 攀攀渀  䄀爀 攀愀猀

─㘀㈀⸀ 㔀 䴀漀爀 瀀栀漀氀 漀最挀愀氀   搀愀最爀 愀洀

伀瀀攀渀  匀瀀愀挀攀猀                                䜀爀 攀攀渀  匀瀀愀挀攀猀  Ⰰ                             䠀愀爀 洀漀渀礀  漀昀   一愀琀 甀爀 攀

ⴀ 䄀挀挀攀猀猀戀氀琀 礀    䴀甀氀 琀瀀氀 攀  攀渀琀 攀爀 愀渀挀攀猀                                                              嘀愀爀漀甀猀

䈀漀甀渀搀愀爀 礀  瀀昀   匀攀

ⴀ 唀猀攀昀 甀氀 渀攀猀猀                                䴀甀氀 琀ⴀ 昀 甀渀挀琀漀渀愀氀   匀瀀愀挀攀猀                               刀攀猀瀀漀渀搀渀最  瀀氀 愀挀攀猀                                愀挀挀漀爀 搀渀最  琀 漀  爀 攀焀甀爀 攀洀攀渀琀 猀

䈀甀氀 搀攀搀  䄀爀 攀愀猀

嘀攀栀挀氀 攀  刀漀愀搀猀

倀愀琀 栀眀愀礀猀 ㄀㨀 ㈀   䴀愀猀琀 攀爀   倀氀 愀渀  䴀漀搀攀氀

䴀漀爀 瀀栀漀氀 漀最挀愀氀   搀愀最爀 愀洀


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Definition of ‘Academy of the Conscious / Unconscious’ is made through series of activities. Building program will be confirmed through discussion of master plan vision. Students are required to develop their own building program according to the theme they choose. Design process will include the question of what the academy must be (programmatically), and how it should be situated, and architecturally articulated in relation to environment as well as how such an institution play an important role in the city.

Ye a

rP ro j



Tenerbris is horror part of this campus and main aim is to get experience while they are taking classes. It is kind of learning type while you can live this experience which related with lesson. In Tenebris, eerie and depressed ambience emotions are required in the best possible and useful way. Interior circulation has unique form to provide orientation and guidance for experienced guys. Enterance are provided by interlocked to building part. Interior courtyards are occured by slopped walls and this slopped walls provide sun control. Massive shape of building also give direction to the wind. Skylight and its follower atriums are provided indirect daylight to give horror effect.

This project is continue of the previous big scaled cinema campus project. This campus has academic aims but there is also a visitable place by other students, professors and also tourists due to it is unique and quite interesting parts there are.


n e

l a c i og

h c te

l o n

c a pr

: s it ce

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�The students are asked to design a mixed use building consisting areas for living working and public zones. They should propose alternative solutions for living proposing a dialogue between different concepts of lifestyle responding to the needs of different user groups such as students, young professionals and families. The building should consist community areas and shared spaces, meeting points and playgrounds which work as public zones. It is expected to question the ecological design theme from an urban, architectural and spatial point of view and to develop innovative and creative design strategies for the site context, natural shading and cooling, orientation and exploitation of natural light and ventilation.

Ye a

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Te r


Pr oj



Quad Rangle

site analysis

site plan

site section

circulation diagram

housing units unit A1 2+1 94x4 = 376msq unit A2 2+1 82x10 = 820msq unit B1 1+1 53x8 = 424msq unit C1 1+0 32x2 = 64msq unit D1 3+1 128x6 = 768msq office&co-working units

TOTAL area = 3.782msq (2.637 housing+1.148 other)

meeting room 24x2=48msq seminar room = 50msq private office 30x3=90msq wc 2x9=18msq co-working area = 500msq community areas sport center =45 msq multipurpose hall= 108msq kindergarden = 490msq cafeteria = 256msq restaurant = 120msq bar= 77msq

program diagram

ground floor plan

1st floor plan

units plan

concept diagram

2nd floor plan

Quad Rangle ([WHQVඈYH Green Roof






façade solution


structure diagram

section aa ecostrategy section diagram

section bb

west elevation

south elevation

east elevation

north elevation

11 n o

l a ic g o



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m o z la


n h c

ac r p

: s it ce

i t a v y a g c o Ex l o & e a h c S r A en i ior

r e t n e C

“Ancient Klazomenai, one of the 12 Ionian cities, extending from Urla Çeşme Peninsula to İzmir Bay has mainly its remains at Urla pier region and Quarantina Island. The studio task will be to design Klazemonia archeology and excavation center aiming to inform public about the local cultural history and ongoing archaeological work. The students are asked to design a mixed-use building. The Building program will include visitor center, excavation areas, exhibition areas, conference hall, working spaces and accommodation for archeologist’s, pier and other related facilities. It is expected to question sustainable design theme from an urban, architectural and spatial point of view and to develop innovative and creative design strategies for the site context, natural shading and cooling, orientation and exploitation of natural light and ventilation.”

Ye a


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nP ro j



1st floor plan

Urla �s one of the twelve Ion�an c�ties wh�ch has strong comb�nation of nature, sea and un�que archaeolog�cal past have been the cradle of c�v�l�zations for centur�es. It has �ts own un�que context and concept. Th�s v�s�tor center project (wh�ch takes �nto cons�deration th�s values) has a monumental and mulifuncional bu�ld�ng wh�ch a�ms to create a square �n the heart of the c�ty, ded�cated to the Klazomena� anc�ent c�ty, Ion�ans, Pers�ans and compulsory guests of Quarantine Island, w�th a respectful approach to Urla. It a�ms to blend all th�s nature, h�story and cultural �nfrastructure.

urban strategy ground floor plan

site plan

programmatic diagram site analysis

site sections

concept diagram

section aa

section bb

section cc

The tumulus idea, the main concept of the project,has a catalytic effect to reduce the appearance of buildings. Place the circulation and structuring to subterranean is aimed to establishes a connection between the past and present by integrating the main axis with nature. The divided structures are positioned relative to the axes, thus the sights are occured according to the wide corridors that buildings created. These views direct the visitor to the seaside or archaeological site. Thus, mysterious volumes hidden under a green roof open and turn toward to the sea as a part of the scenery and serve as an invisible bridge between the sea and the city

ecostrategy diagram

radiation analysis optimization

west elevation

seperation diagram

circulation diagram

north elevation

structure diagram

south elevation

east elevation

吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀 䌀䄀䰀  䐀刀䄀圀䤀 一䜀匀

吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀 䌀䄀䰀  䐀刀䄀圀䤀 一䜀匀

吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀 䌀䄀䰀  䐀刀䄀圀䤀 一䜀匀

吀䔀䌀䠀一䤀 䌀䄀䰀  䐀刀䄀圀䤀 一䜀匀

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