Blockbook engl 101 (fall 2015)

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ENGL 101 (Communication Skills I)

5 credits (10 instructional hrs/week) Oral Skills Lab (5 instructional hrs/week) Reading and Writing 1 (5 instructional hrs/week)

Course Description This is a four-month course in communication skills designed for students in the first semester of the PreProfessional Program. It emphasizes the development of general listening and speaking skills essential for oral communication tasks inside and outside of the classroom. It also includes integrated reading and writing sessions in which students develop their reading and critical thinking skills while gaining practice in the academic writing process. Through extensive reading and composition practice, students gain mastery of the organizational patterns of paragraph writing in a variety of rhetorical modes. The course is divided into two components: an Oral Skills Lab and an Integrated Reading and Writing Component. The approach is multi-skilled; all four language skills are systematically developed and integrated in the classroom. Prerequisites: None Goals and Performance Objectives Goal 1.0

To help students improve their listening comprehension skills 1.1 1.2

Goal 2.0

To help students improve their oral communication skills 2.1

2.2 2.3


Goal 3.0

Students should be able to comprehend an extended conversation between native speakers delivered at a normal speed. Students should be able to comprehend general and academic lectures geared towards a university level audience.

Students should be able to express themselves with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations on practical, social and professional topics. Students should be able to demonstrate a reasonable degree of accuracy in pronunciation to fulfill communication tasks at an intermediate level. Students should be able to deliver a short oral presentation (5-10 minutes) on an academic topic of their choice. This presentation should follow a structured outline and make use of visual aids as appropriate. Students should be able to participate in discussion groups, demonstrating their ability to communicate on concrete topics related to their particular interests and special fields of competence.

To help students develop reading and critical thinking skills essential for academic writing at the paragraph level 3.1

Students will develop critical thinking skills necessary for the academic handling of text. They should be able to: 3.1.1 3.1.2


Make predictions about, analyze, and draw conclusions from information presented in various rhetorical forms of academic text. Recognize, state, and support their own points of view in writing, making use of the various methods of development and strategies that Englishlanguage writers use in academic discourse.

Students will learn how reading can be a basis for generating writing. They should be able to:

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