Blockbook engl 102 (fall 2015)

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ENGL 102 (Language Structures and Drills I)

4 credits

Course Description This course is the first half of the Intermediate Language Structures and Drills sequence. It provides students with an overview of the English tense system in the active voice, and introduces them to basic patterns of sentence structure. It begins with a review of the simple and progressive tenses (present and past) and future forms with will and be going to, and then introduces the present perfect, present perfect progressive and past perfect forms. It also provides a review of direct question formation and simple noun phrase construction. Students are given practice in recognizing the basic clausal patterns of English, and expanding sentence skeletons with modifying adjectives and adverbials. Throughout the course, grammatical structures are presented through an active oral approach and reinforced through extensive drill practice, guided conversation exercises and daily written homework assignments.

Prerequisites: None

Goals and Performance Objectives

Goal 1.0

To provide students with a systematic review of grammatical structures essential for oral and written communication tasks at an intermediate level 1.1

Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the English tense system (i.e. be able to comprehend and use actively in speech and writing all of the verb tenses outlined in the first four chapters of Azar’s Fundamentals of English Grammar, 4th Edition). The following four tenses are not included at the intermediate level, but may be gradually introduced in the sequel course (ENGL 112), or postponed until the third semester (ENGL 211): future progressive, past perfect progressive, future perfect and future perfect progressive.


Students should be able to demonstrate fluency in the use of question words and forms that occur in conversational English, and be able to apply these structures in their writing.


Students should be able to recognize the basic clausal patterns of English sentences and be able to expand a basic sentence skeleton by adding optional modifying adjectives and adverbial phrases.


Students should be able to comprehend and construct complex sentences containing the following adverbial clauses: 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3


present and past time clauses future time clauses future if-clauses

Students should be familiar with the following basic grammatical terminology: 1.5.1

the parts of speech (i.e. noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, article, pronoun, conjunction, demonstrative and interjection)

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