Blockbook engl 211 (fall 2015)

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ENGL 211 (Advanced Grammar and Writing)

2 credits

Course Description This course consists of two interconnected components – an academic writing component conducted through a series of weekly workshops, and an advanced grammar component. The grammar component begins with a review of the English tense system and includes structures not covered at the intermediate level: the future progressive, future perfect and future perfect progressive. The remainder of the grammar component focuses on multi-clause sentence structures essential for academic writing. Students review the use of coordinating conjunctions in compound sentences, and gain extensive practice in analyzing and constructing complex sentences containing noun clauses, adjective clauses and a wide range of adverbial clauses. Conditional clauses may also be included. The writing workshops provide students with a developmental, step-by-step approach to academic multi-paragraph report/essay writing at an advanced level.

Prerequisites Successful completion of ENGL 112 and ENGL 111 (with a grade of 60% or higher)

Goals and Performance Objectives

Goal 1.0

To provide students with a systematic review of grammatical structures essential for oral and written communication tasks at an advanced level 1.1

Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the English tense system in the active voice (i.e. be able to comprehend and use all of the verb tenses and modal constructions outlined in Betty Azar’s Understanding and Using English th Grammar, 4 Edition).


Students should be able to comprehend and produce sentences in the passive voice, and understand the importance of such structures in academic and scientific writing. (Although the passive forms were covered in ENGL 112, the students should be able to use them appropriately in the academic writing tasks of ENGL 211.)


Students should be able to recognize the basic clausal patterns of English sentences and be able to expand a basic sentence skeleton by adding optional modifying adjectives and adverbial phrases.


Students should be able to comprehend and construct sentences of two or more clauses. 1.4.1

Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the use of coordinating conjunctions in forming compound sentences.


Students should be able to demonstrate mastery of the use of subordinating conjunctions, and should be able to comprehend, analyze and produce complex sentences containing the following dependent clause structures:

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