Chapter 10 notes (passive) feg (3)

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ENGLISH 112 (Language Structures and Drills II) Peter Lambe, Spring 2015

CHAPTER 10 The Passive (Supplementary Notes)

Three Types of Main Verbs Transitive Verbs Intransitive Verbs Linking Verbs Active and Passive Sentences Formation of Passive Sentences Changing from Active to Passive Tenses Used in the Passive Simple Present and Simple Past Present Perfect and Past Perfect Present Progressive and Past Progressive Simple Future (with will and be going to) Future Perfect Modal and Phrasal Modal Constructions Tenses Not Normally Used in the Passive Additional Notes Using the Passive in Academic Writing The Stative Passive Participial Adjectives Other Constructions with the Passive get + past participle (passive) Forms with used to used to + infinitive (modal) be used to + noun phrase/gerund (passive) get used to + noun phrase/gerund (passive) be supposed to + infinitive (modal) OVERVIEW OF ENGLISH VERBS


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