Chapter 2 notes (past time) feg

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I ate you ate he she ate it

we ate you ate they ate

Using the Simple Past The simple past tense expresses an action that finished at a specific time in the past. The specific time may be written in the sentence or understood from the context.

now specific time X

My plane landed at 4:45 pm.

(action finished at 4:45pm)

Ahmed ate a large meal last night.

(action finished last night)

Marie Curie discovered radium in 1902.

(action finished in 1902)

I visited Dubai on January 14th.

(action finished on Jan 14th)

We wrote a grammar test yesterday.

(action finished yesterday)

Sami went to his office a while ago.

(action finished a while ago)

Our neighbors built a new garage recently.

(action finished recently)

Last Tuesday I was at the clinic. Dr. Khan gave me a prescription. (action finished last Tuesday, the time is understood from the previous sentence) Yasser fell while he was running down the stairs. (action finished during the time Yasser was running down the stairs)


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