ENGLISH 112 (Language Structures and Drills II) Peter Lambe, Spring 2015
CHAPTER 7 Modal Auxiliaries (Supplementary Notes)
Overview of English Verbs Primary Auxiliary Verbs be (main verb and helping verb) have (main verb and helping verb) do (main verb and helping verb) Modal Auxiliary Verbs Modals with a Fixed Form Verb Patterns Features of Modals with a Fixed Form Phrasal Modals with be and have Verb Patterns Features of Phrasal Modals with be and have Summary Chart of Modals and Similar Expressions (Azar) Summary of Language Functions (1) ability (2) possibility (3) permission (4) polite questions with I (5) polite questions with you (6) advice (7) necessity (8) lack of necessity (9) prohibition (10) logical conclusions (11) giving instructions (12) making suggestions (13) stating preferences