English 101
Presentation Guidelines
English 101~ “A Significant Moment” Oral Presentation TASK: You will prepare and present a 2-4 minute speech based on a significant/unforgettable moment you have experienced using power point. This assignment will make count towards the SPEAKING AND LISTENING section of your mark as described on the course outline ( 5% for each presentation). GUIDELINES: o Your speech will provide a detailed account and reflection upon an important moment you have experienced in your lifetime. Please note that while it may be, it is not necessary that this moment be one that has been life-altering/shaping. This means that it could be just a good memory you had from something you experienced in the past. o Your speech must be between 2 and 4 minutes long (yes, it will be timed and this will count towards your mark on the assignment). This translates into approximately 300-500 words, but obviously varies depending on the pace at which individual students read. o There is nothing to hand in for this assignment. The product IS your speech. o In addition to presenting your speech, you will also be required to provide feedback to each of your classmates on THEIR presentation (how this will happen will be explained soon!) o You may choose a “fictive” significant moment, however, do not cross the boundaries!!! o Points of assessment are : 1. Time (should be between 2-4 mins, no more, no less…) 2. Content ( content is related to the assignment requirements) 3. Teacherly Presence ( eye contact, no reading off paper/screen, using hand gestures etc.) 4. Use of Visuals ( do the visuals add to what you are saying) 5. Interest ( is it original???) Any Q’s, don’t hesitate to ask…