Worksheet on adjective clauses computerized

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ENGL 112 Sample Questions on:

Adjective Clauses

Multiple Choice

I. Mark the correct answer on the answer sheet provided. 1.

The dormitory _____________________________is really noisy. A. B. C. D.


We are studying sentences _________________________ A. B. C. D.


which contains adjective clauses. that contain adjective clauses. whose contain adjective clauses. that contains adjective clauses.

I have to return the book ___________________ A. B. C. D.


whose umbrella I accidentally picked it up after the meeting. whom I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting. whose umbrella I accidentally picked up after the meeting. whose I accidentally picked up his umbrella after the meeting.

I read about a man ___________________ A. B. C. D.


which I had borrowed it from my roommate. I had borrowed it from my roommate. that I had borrowed it from my roommate. I had borrowed from my roommate.

I have to call the man ______________________________ A. B. C. D.


who's residents come from many countries whose his residents come from many countries whose residents come from many countries whose residents comes from many countries

whom keeps chickens in his apartment. who keep chickens in his apartment. that he keeps chickens in his apartment. that keeps chickens in his apartment.

Which of the following has a correct structure? A. B. C. D.

The man whom I was telling you is standing over there. The man about who I was telling you is standing over there. The man I was telling you about is standing over there. The man that I was telling you about him is standing over there.

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