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Table 11. Program No. 5. Financing and Monitoring of the proposed actions

technical standards, quality certifications, among others. Sign (10) cooperation agreements with local authorities, public and private entities, and NGOs for joint tourism development Formalize (5) alliances or agreements with national and international market channels to access strategic information for the promotion and positioning of the destination Cooperation agreements signed number 0 10

Alliances or formalized agreements number 0 5 Medium term (2-6 years)


Medium term (2-6 years)

5.3.5. Financing and Monitoring of proposed actions

Any planning process requires monitoring and follow-up of the results and sources of funding for the implementation of the proposed actions. This program offers actions to obtain investment resources for tourism development and the implementation of monitoring, control, and accountability mechanisms. In this specific case, creating a stamp of tourist promotion for the District that affects the contracts signed by it, is an important proposal. A Tourism Tax for visitor is another option, it would be colleted by hoteliers; it would charge staying in any type of regulated accomodation. Also, the adaptation of Tourist Control Points in the accesses to Minca, Buritaca, Mendihuaca, Don Diego, and Quebrada Valencia as a strategy of control and regulation of the tourist activities carried out in these sectors, guaranteeing, in turn, the collection generation for the execution of sustainable tourism development projects in the beneficiary communities. It also proposes the District Tourism Fund creation to secure the investment resources required for the execution of plans, projects, and actions aimed at the sustainable tourism development of the District and the promotion of entrepreneurship. The main sources of fund funding will be the Tourism Promotion Stamp, the income generated by the Tourist Control Points, the jetties and dispatch points, and own resources of the District Mayor's Office, the local mayors' offices external organizations through cooperation projects. The management of international cooperation resources will require technological tools that facilitate the process. Therefore, acquiring one that makes the report of opening calls for the subsidy to tourism and cultural development projects of the main cooperation funds is taken into account.

Table 11. Program No. 5. Financing and Monitoring of the proposed actions.


Create (1) Tourism Promotion Stamp (ProTurismo) as a source of revenue for the development of tourism in the region Create (1) Tourism Tax for visitor who spend nights in the destination

indicator Unit of measure Baseline (2021) Goal to 2030

Tourist Promotion Stamp imposed and in force number 0 1

Tourism Tax into force number 0 1

Create and operate (5) Tourist Control Points Tourist checkpoints created and operated number 0 5

Create and operate the District Tourism Fund District Tourism Fund created and in operation number 0 1

Deadline for action

Medium term (2-6 years) Short term (1-2 years) Short term (1-2 years) Short term (1-2 years)

Acquisition of computer tool or subscription for the periodic report of calls for international cooperation available for the financing or subsidy of tourism projects Implementation of the system of evaluation, monitoring, and control of the execution of the proposed actions available online for citizen consultation Computer tool acquired number 0 1

System deployed and available number 0 1

Short term (1-2 years)

Short term (1-2 years)

5.4. INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT FOR COMPETITIVENESS This Axis aims to strengthen the different aspects that impact the destination competitiveness; achieve the data consolidation and information based on representative samples for the decision-making process; reduce the high levels of informality in the workplace and in the provision of tourist services that affect the service quality and therefore the travelers' satisfaction; diversification of nature tourism in its different typologies and the local population participation in this type of inniciatives; the professionalization and digitalization of the sector and the improvement of innovation, quality, ordering, and tourism safety.

The axis contains the following programs:

2.7 Innovation and New Tourism typologies 2.1 Investment in Infrastructure for tourism

2.6 Sector Professionalization 2.2 Formalization

and Decent Employment

2.5 Territorial

Planning, Information System and Tourism Security

2.3 Incentives and

investment promotion

2.4 Support and financing of productive projects

Figure 27 Axis No. 2 Programs Integral Development for Competitiveness.

5.4.1. Investment in Infrastructure for Tourism

This program aims to allocate resources for the construction of public infrastructure or the facilities required to expand the sector's capacities or the attention and service to visitors, that is, elements that facilitate the tours and the enjoyment of the resources offered by the destination.

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