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Table 22. Program No.16. Market intelligence

4.3 City Brand Management 4.1 Market



4.2 Destination positioning in specialized markets

Figure 29. Programs of Axis No. 4 Tourism Promotion and Destination Positioning programs.

5.6.1. Market intelligence

This program must establish the actions to be followed to obtain reliable and valuable information about the local visitor market (number of visitors, sociodemographic data, preferences, trends, etc.). Then, focus the promotion and communication efforts on what you want to show about the destination and on the correct market segments that help conserve and preserve the local heritage. In Santa Marta, the creation of the Tourist Information Network is strategically proposed as a tool for the integration of the Tourist Control Points and the Tourist Information Points with the different tourist attractions. With this Network, it is intended first to provide key information to tourists, visitors, and locals about the different routes, plans, packages, and tourist products offered in the District by agencies and establishments accredited for the provision of tourist services; and second, collect information about visitors arriving at the destination through rapid surveys and other market research tools. New tourist information points located at important points of tourist flow must be built and adecuaciónd through alliances and agreements with hotels, agencies, and tourist establishments that wish to be part of the Network. Conduct and disseminate market intelligence studies that guide the development of specialized tourism products for specific segments with a particular interest in the enjoyment and conservation of natural capital (e.g., "sustainable" tourists). As well as implementing periodic satisfaction surveys to visitors through tourism information points, digital platforms, electronic applications or smart tourism tools.


Conduct and disseminate (3) market intelligence studies that guide the development of tourism products for specific segments Market intelligence studies conducted and disseminated number 0 3 Medium Term (2-6 years)

Table 22. Program No.16. Market intelligence.

Indicator Unit of measure Baseline (2021) Goal to 2030 Deadline for action

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