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C o l o m b o A m e r i c a n o N a c i e n t e S c h o o l
In 2007, more than 100 million people voted to decide the “New Seven Wonders of the World”. The following list of seven winners is presented without any ranking at all, and aims to represent a global heritage. New Seven Wonders was a campaign that started in 2000 to choose the new “Wonders of the World” from a selection of 200 existing monuments. In fact, a lot of people don’t really know about the new 7 wonders of the world, because at the school, teachers only teach about the seven wonders of the ancient world. Therefore, children don’t have any knowledge about this new campaign and the current winners. Bearing in mind this is a new century and a brand-new time of modernization, it is our own responsibility to share and inform about these new seven wonders.
The popular proposal and further poll was led by a CanadianSwiss called Bernard Weber and subsequently organized by the New7Wonders Foundation with its headquarters are based in Zurich, Switzerland. The winners were announced publicly on July 7th, 2007 in Lisbon. As a matter of fact, the only surviving monument of the original Seven wonders of the ancient world was The Great Pyramid of Giza.
This majestic monument is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids located in Giza, Egypt. In fact, this is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one that is remaining largely intact. The others six seven wonders are Chichen Itza, The Coliseum in Roma, Machu Picchu, Petra, Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China. In Tocancipa there are few monuments distributed all around the town, where tourists can take photos and know much more about the culture of our city. For example, “La India Tocarinda” and “El Ollero” represent the ancient culture of the well-known Chibchas ancient tribes. Similarly, Christ the Redeemer, that is an Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, created by French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot, represents the religious identity of a huge country. All in all, the aforementioned monuments are the most important monuments in Tocancipa that represent our culture and our own identity. In conclusion, in Tocancipa there are monuments that encourages the tourism as the new seven wonders of the world do. People from Tocancipa well know about the monuments in the town, but they don't really have deep knowledge about the New Seven Wonders of the World because they were chosen in a new event that took place some years ago. We must do more research about these new things and events around the world since this is a new century of innovation and awesome discoveries.
By: Moises David Martinez
VIDEO-GAMES History and Influence around the World Video-games represent a big leisure industry around the globe, being nowadays one of the biggest entertainment media, even bigger than movies’ and TV’s business. Nevertheless, there are people who hate and defame the video games, but what they do not really know is that these games can be a good activity because with them you can have fun and even these games could help you out in different aspects of your life. Video-games are everywhere and are going to be, in a near future, a new kind of art. In this article I am going to analyze its importance in our world. First, to see the importance of video-games, we need to understand what a video-game is. A video-game is an electronic media where a person interacts moving a character with a controller around a map on a screen. You can use a video-game on a game console (desktop or portable), a computer, and a VR (Virtual Reality) console or even in your cellphone. Video-games, like other kinds of art, have multiple genres: Classic platform games like the popular “Super Mario” saga, Action, Shooting, Role Play, Sports, Driving, Simulation, etc… There are games with a great story and an intriguing narrative, and also there are games with only entertainment purposes almost ignoring a clear objective. Video-games are for everyone who enjoys playing. As far as the first video-games are concerned, they were created during 50s and 60s, but they weren’t so popular until 1972, when the American company “Atari” released “Pong”. Other companies released their “Pong” copies, but Atari had kept innovating and evolving in the early video games industry. Later on, in 1977, Atari created their masterpiece, the “Atari 2600”, a game console that featured the best games of that time. Unfortunately, and due to a market saturation, it was unleashed the denominated “1983 Videogames Crisis”. That was a crisis that ushered a downright decline of sales and negative reputation of video games that almost implied its death. In 1985, the Japanese company Nintendo created the game “Super Mario Bros”. That game was so successful that people started thinking that video-games could have further potential again. And they were completely right, given that video-games returned to their old glory days, and the rest, as they said, it is history. Nowadays, the most relevant feature in video games is the eternal fight that we are witnessing between the PlayStation by Sony and the Xbox by Microsoft. Today video-
games are a great part of the pop culture. In Tocancipa, especially in Tocarinda locality, it is frequent to see locals that provide Xbox services in where young people hire a console for a short time. Despite all the physical and psychological disadvantages of playing video games and apart of all the criticism and lies that multiple adults’ groups propagate, video-games are funny and healthy media concepts that have saved lives around the world due to strategies and things that people learn while playing. Video games are even used for optical therapy in some hospitals. Not so bad at all, isn’t it? To conclude, what will be our generation without video games? Or what was going to be the past generation without video games? Video games were and are everywhere and are one of the greatest entertainment media for decades in spite of its detractors. However, the next game that will be released could change the perspective of video games in a positive or negative way. Nonetheless, video games always have innovated even in the minimum pixel and that that the most important feature.
By: Julian Rodriguez
Virtual Realty
Virtual reality is a fiction environment made with computer that shows scenes or places, giving the sensation of being into a real and tangible environment. This environment provides a very pleasant sensation with the help of a helmet and a pair of specialized glasses. The virtual reality was created by Palmer Luckey some years ago and since then it has been used by software engineers in the creation video games and simulation of planes, tanks, water experience and more.
The VR has many uses in this moment and currently it is the most common tool in the entertainment business, more specifically, in the universe of the videogames. As a matter of fact, the most popular game in the virtual reality is VRchat. This is an online game where you can to interact and speak with other people in the game.The VRchat was designed by Graham Gaylor and Jesse Joudrey. Also, you can find other games from different topics like sports, horror games, shooter games , adventure ones and a lot more.
! Other ways for entertainment are movies and videos. In the internet there are many videos of roller coasters, flying experiences in airplanes, objects in the ocean and extreme sports. Also, there are configured movies for the VR glass to get better experience to something that is very simple and habitual.
In sum, the VR is an innovative inventions in the sense of the entertainment since the big utilities that it has at the moment of being bored. This is a best way to watch a movie if you want to be closer to an actor. Also, if you want to experience a video game in a real way, this provides excellent possibilities. And obviously, This is the first choice of people who love new technology. By, Daniel Vasquez
The dogs: history, cares & adoption Long time ago, it was believed that the dogs were the man's best friend. Also, it was believed that it was the first domestic animal. There is also clear evidence that dogs started to interact with men long time ago providing help not only for hunting, but also for defending and protecting the livestock in farms. That is why, the dog and the men started walking together until they became close and inseparable friends. At the beginning, the men used to search for food by means of hunting in which the weapons used were not very developed. In that specific moment, the dogs showed up to help humans to hunt faster and better. For that reason, this relationship became stronger. Nowadays, there is a research that reports that living with a dog can provide many benefits for our emotional and mental health. As a matter of fact, children that grow with a pet are less exposed to different diseases and even they are much happier. Therefore, the dogs are adorable animals, in addition that are they are the best company for any person. Today they are a crucial part for families all around the globe. When you decide to adopt a dog, you must keep in mind certain aspects before taking this important decision. The first one is to get enough information about the place where you want to make the adoption. Keep in mind that if you do it at a hostel or refuge home, you'll be saving a life. The dogs in there are abandoned, injured or abused pets that are waiting for a home and for an owner that might love them. In addition, you must also know the responsibility that brings an adopted animal, so if you decide to adopt, you would have to take care of the animal for the rest of its life. Here, you’ll find some reasons why you had better adopt a dog in a shelter and not to buy it in a private place. First of all, adopting an animal is an opportunity for you and a second opportunity for the dog. An opportunity for you, because you will give home and fondness to an animal that has suffered the frightening
abandon experience and even the cruel mistreatment. Though, the most of animals that expect in a cage to be adopted are sociable and trusted, there are also some that are afraid or are easily scared due to the terrible situations they have faced. If you decide to adopt them, you will be able to live through the wonderful transformation of a traumatized animal that returns to recover the confidence. Those who buy puppies in pet stores, finance the cruelty of the farms since the dogs are cruelly ill-treated and inhumanly murdered. Some breeders who cannot sell their puppies are known for killing them in an inhuman way, using methods as the drowning. Another important aspect to keep in mind is the basic care during its development and parenting. It is described as follows: The shower: It’s very important for their health. If we brush them daily, they will remain clean and it will be only necessary to bathe them twice a month. Feeding: If they are given food three times a day when they are newborn, as an adult it will be enough with just one or two serves a day. Also, it is necessary to have water at your disposal, especially in summer days. Walks: Enjoy the walks with your dog since they need to exercise and socialize. So about 3 walks a day will be fine and better if you alternate them with long walks in the countryside.
 The dogs were the first animal to be domesticated, also these animals have been considered the best friend of men since they initially helped to hunt, and then they took more importance up to the point of becoming members of our families. Pitifully, today the number of abandoned animals is alarming in our country. But, given that the dogs are adorable animals and the perfect company for any person, you could search for an adoption place like shelters. So keep in mind a life is waiting for you. Give hope and happiness to a dog, adopt them, everyone deserves a second opportunity.
By, Valentina Cortes
Over the years the dogs have become the man's best friend. The dogs protect us and take care of us when we are sad. Also, they always remain with us and thanks to the affection, they are able to improve elders` lives with sincere friendship. In this article, the central subject is the importance of a dog in a person’s life, especially in children and in elders taking into account that the dogs help to improve the affective and social development of children. This is reflected positively in its later stages since the children learn many interesting things we are going to cover below.
The elderly for various reasons are left alone and these pets are a great company for them. These forsaken people can express their feelings, emotions and most importantly forget the loneliness and depression with the company of a dog. However, these animals, can cause diseases such as “zoonozis�. This disease is caused by viruses that many animals could have like the rage, which is a zoonotic disease too. This virus infects domestic animals and can be transmitted to people through contact with infected saliva. Also, there are many more of these diseases that can be contagious indirectly through contact with water or dead animals.
However, these animals also have health benefits. The daily interaction with a pet could help you decrease your blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and diminish probability of developing a heart disease. Besides, interacting with a pet can enhance your mood, help to reduce rejection and help prevent non essential medical visits. Also, interacting with animals can help you improve the physical condition of a person by means of the act of getting up to feed him, walk, clean and play with the animals. Similarly, this interaction helps to maintain an active
lifestyle since these animals prefer the outdoors areas given that it encourages pet owners to practice healthy activities.
It can be concluded that a pet has advantages and disadvantages in a person's life. The main disadvantage is that they may cause different diseases, but they can be prevented if proper precautions are taken. The main advantage, on the other hand, is that pets are a crucial help in the affective and comprehensive social development of children. Also, dogs help reduce depression and stress in people because they require our full attention. It means, they are a positive distraction for people who possess them, for this reason, the can make you forget all your problems. They will always be your best friend without asking anything in return, you will have loyalty and they will help you when you have problems. So, if you have a dog, you can surely tell you are happy!!
Dogs in Tocancipa are found abandoned either because they were born in the streets or because they were abandoned by their owners. In some other cases, they get lost of their owners. I think dogs deserve to have a good quality of life and also they deserve to be treated very well. In a town like Tocancipa, that has very good incomes, dogs could be assisted so that they could have health and shelter. Statistically, there are roughly 100 dogs in Tocancipa of which 40 dogs live in the streets and do not have good health. They are reportedly abandoned by its owners and sadly some of them are later poisoned. Leaving the dogs in the streets is not a good decision whatsoever, given that they could bring further problems that might affect the population. Tocancipa is municipality with excellent incomes, but the public administration do not give enough attention to this problematic. Dogs, as any other human being, will need special attention. For example, if we found an abandoned dog with strong disease, that dog would need a special attention. As a matter of fact, in Canavita sector, a dog was found with a strong disease but it never received any kind of treatment. There is another aspect to keep in mind. The dogs don’t have good health because there are not enough veterinarians. I would like to help to all dogs that live in the streets of Tocancipa since there is only one veterinary in downtown Tocancipa. Nevertheless, the mayor has a working group that collaborates helping the dogs in their diverse problems. I would like to highlight the importance of being aware of these animals since many of them are living in very bad conditions and starving to death. So, please, do not abandon them and consider the adoption as a proper way to help a dog find a family. 
 Finally, Tocancipa has good incomes, and with them, it could be a foundation where the abandoned dogs from the street could receive good health, good food, and hygiene services. They deserve to be respected worthily since they are living beings.
Narly Tatiana Sanchez Lizcano

Cats: The ideal pets Cats are animals that have a contradictory history since there in not any documented source that ratifies where they come from. Also, they have suffered continuous changes, mainly by religious beliefs, but it is believed that they could coexist with man from about 9.500 years ago. The cats, as any other animal, need basic cares like the alimentation or a shelter where to live. Also, these animals are extremely clean and have a great self-care. This is why they are characterized by their easy domesticity. Similarly, they are very autonomous at the time of their own decisions in terms of their alimentation, play time and place to sleep. Also, their natural behavior can be changed by teaching them to do so. The cats are affectionate and they love the people so much. They will demonstrate it with so much affection. Also, they are very territorial and ,therefore, they are overprotective. That is a normal behavior form their own nature, although not all can demonstrate that characteristic. In some cases, there have been some cats that have protected their owners from thefts and even from attacks by other animals. In conclusion, the cat is the best choice because they are very careful and selfemployed. Besides, they are very interesting, loving and adorable no matter its appearance. It is not really necessary to spend great time of quality with them because they are the owners of all their time. Similarly, the cats are small machines full of love, tenderness and lots of fun.
By, William Andres Vargas Acero
ATTENTION! This tournament is the best in the whole universe. The Europe Champions League gathers the best soccer teams from all leagues in Europe being this the most prestigious football tournament for clubs worldwide. The most winning team in this tournament is Real Madrid with 12 Championships. The Champions league is contested annually between the months of June and September. You can find very exciting matches and well-known teams in the Champions League such as Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus and Liverpool among others. The Champions League is the most transmitted tournament in the world given that you can see the best players such as Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Similarly, the most watched matches of this tournament are the semifinals and the final with an estimated of 360 million viewers.
The winner of the Champions League will play against the champion of the Europe League, to know what team will represent Europe at the world Cup for Clubs. The current champion Real Madrid, with 12
titles, has an outstanding striker who is Cristiano Ronaldo with over 120 goals in the competition. Real Madrid has been champion thirteen times in the Champions League because it has shown team work and effort. TocancipĂĄ organizes a nationally recognized championship called Pony Futbol. This tournament is very similar to the Champions League in how exciting the games are. The winner of the Pony Futbol will represent Cundinamarca in a national tournament in the city of MedellĂn. In there, you could witness the great talent that some participants have, being this experience the beginning for some future professional players. If you have the chance to see the champions league, you would get to know which club manage to be the best. The Champions league is one of the best soccer tournaments because this event gathers the best soccer players of the entire world. In the Champions League you can clearly see the rivalry among many players. Every child's dream is to play in the Champions League and win it. But to achieve this, it is necessary
to devote
hard-work, to be disciplined, and more importantly , to be humble.
By Cristian Daniel Jimenez Canesto
FIFA World Cup 2018 This is the moment to know
reason, the FIFA World Cup cre-
more about the valuable and
ates a unique environment with
prized FIFA World Cup. In this
an awesome cultural exchange
article, you will find fun facts,
that enriches the social back-
history, experiences and all
grounds and creates cultural
that you need to be prepared
bounds in every corner of the
for this new coming version.
The FIFA World Cup 2018 will take place in Russia, and will bring together the best national soccer teams from all around the world. And more importantly, it will gather soccer lovers from all around the planet Earth.
The FIFA World Cup 2018 will be the 21st world cup version in the history; being the first world cup held in Europe since the one that was held in 2006 in Germany. The best national teams in the world will be face to face in the competition, in where they will compete in a knockout round. In there, the best national teams from the 5 continents will try to reach the biggest soccer trophy. One of the most difficult elimina-
tory is the South American one because it brings together multi-
Every four years it is celebrated
champion teams like Brazil and
one of the biggest sports events
Argentina. That is really difficult,
in the history. This event is tele-
because over more eight selec-
vised for more than a billion peo-
tions have been crowned cham-
ple in the five continents, in which
pions in the history of the FIFA
they can watch the most impor-
World Cup and just five selec-
tant matches. For this
tions have been proclaimed
champions more than once time.
Colombian national team wins, all
It means that just the best selec-
the people go out to the streets to
tions in the world can compete a
celebrate the victory. I well re-
win the tournament.
member when I was 12 years old and saw for the first time the Colombian national team in a World cup. It was an awesome event that changed my life. It’s for these reasons mentioned above, that the World Cup is an event that change us, make us happy, and envelop us in a cloud full of dreams, hope, expectation and promises. And everything through a ball, the emotions of the soccer lovers reach an extraordinary level of happiness.
The competition creates a huge
enlightenment in all the fans, creating feelings of glory and victory throughout the world, especially in our municipality, Tocancipá. As
a matter of fact, when the
By: Juan Andres Chavarro Santos
The American Sylvester Howard Roper (1823-1896) invented a two-cylinder engine to steam (powered by coal) in 1867. This can be considered the first motorcycle. After several years, it was created the first sport bike and the firsts motorcycles used primarily as a means of transport. Afterwards, high-speed racing motorcycles were created with more aggressive driving characteristics. Nowadays, the motorcycles are means of transport with a large number of applications and presence in the city. That is why, the number of bikers and fans are getting bigger, so the world of motorcycles now has great transcendence between us. For that reason, every day this world needs more and more qualified technicians. These are some examples of the best motorcycles:
 Aprilia (the Aprilia RSV4 have been evolving in an accurate, incessant and logical way over the years, inheriting all the experience that the Italian manufacturer has accumulated in the Superbike World Championship). Honda (more stylized forms, aerodynamic and penetrating design, ready to compete; a new engine 4 in line of 600 cc, more powerful and lighter, with Dual Sequential Fuel Injection, with the smallest dimensions within its category). Yamaha, Kawasaki (Kawasaki has also made this bike more comfortable with newly designed seats and luggage racks that adapts better to the bike's sporty design. The engine is still 1,043 cc and 142 CV). Ducati (In 2008 Ducati announces the launch and commercialization of the 1098R, necessary to approve the 1098 to run the World Su-
perbike Championship. It is the first street cylindrical in surpassing 180cv and also the first to mount a real control of traction as standard). The market of motorcycles in our country has a noticeable growth since there is an urgent need to have a specialized engineering work, with the necessary skills to diagnose in an effective way the problems, fix and provide maintenance to the latest motorcycles. Students must have the ability to recognize and learn the operation of all parts of a motorcycle, as well as to make adjustments to the standards and requirements of various manufacturers. In addition, they will know the national market of motorcycles and technical uses of driving without risks, through field practices. The sport bike is the best means of transport, since you can travel with great speed and you can enjoy a great adrenaline. The best bikes to travel are the BMW K 1600, BMW R 1200 RT, Harley Davidson Electra-Glide, Honda Goldwing GL 1800 A, and they are priced over 29.000€.
These motorcycles have a very high price, since they have the best cranks and can go at a great speed. The people have a low perception of these motorcycles as accidents occur every day because the riders travel at a high speed and have no precaution. However the autonomy and speed to move within a city is one of these features that make riding a motorcycle a great experience. Derly Johana Pulido Chaparro
The coliseum
The coliseum is the best place for having fun in all TocancipĂĄ because having this municipality lots of people, it was necessary to have a place where to have some leisure time. The coliseum is the unique place in here that provides enough room and tools to practice sports. It is a place of interaction among different people, from infants to elders. In there, they can practice different kinds of activities, including practicing some sports in the available fields or playing in the parks or in the sandbox with children from different ages. Similarly, people can practice sports with personalized teachers, thanks to the creation of an official program where the athletes can practice sport and learn to be the best. In order to subscribe, you should submit some personal documents and deposit some money for your own insurance. The coliseum, as an entertainment area, provides many different attractions such as a magnificent sandbox, that was made in March of 2018. Also, there are two available parks, specially for kids. On the order hand, the young people go to the coliseum to practice sports in the specific fields of volleyball, basketball and soccer. It should be noted that the coliseum has three basketball courts , three microfootball pitches and one soccer field, so that in the people could practice sports in their free time. During the recent years several directors have been in charge of directing and managing the resources of the coliseum. Currently, Henry Herman Prieto Valbuena is the director of the “institute of recreation and sports. His date of pos-
session� was January 1st 2016 and ever since he had led the administration of coliseum for over two years. In the coliseum there is a program created by professionals who are responsible that people could practice sports with personalized teachers in private classes in an established schedule. If you are interested, what you have to do is to subscribe in the official offices presenting some documents. It should be noted that this municipality is one of the only ones in incorporating people from babies until elders in different recreation and sports programs. The babies can practice artistic gymnastics and autochthonous games while the elders can practice any sport suitable for them. All in all, any person can visit the coliseum either to have some leisure time, or to practice any sport with a strict schedule and hard work. Therefore, the coliseum is the best place for interaction between people from different and backgrounds. The institute of recreation and sports of Tocancipa is recognized nationally and internationally because is one of the municipalities that has shown great outcomes in sports areas such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, chess, ping-pong and many more. Finally, I invite to all families in order that they will visit this place and enjoy everything for free.
By : AndrĂŠs Mateo Orjuela Suarez
THE SYMPHONIC BAND OF TOCANCIPA AROUND EUROPE The symphonic band of Tocancipa has a very important position in the national musical field, becoming one of the most representative bands in Latin America . This outstanding band has highlighted the Colombian pride all around the world. I participated in the World Music Contest that took place in Kerkrade Holland, competing against great bands from different countries such as: Singapore, Germany, Great Britain, among others. The symphonic band of Tocancipa is part of the School of Music and Artistic Education of the municipality of Tocancipa being one of the most recognized and important groups in the symphonic movement of the country, standing out for the recognitions obtained at national and international level. The symphony band has been under the direction of the best teachers and has been supported by the municipal mayor's office. Therefore, the symphonic band has managed to train great musicians from different ages and musical levels. In such a way, through each musical note you can listen to quite a few years of experience of professional musicians through their very own instruments and, in simultaneously, the passion of a many apprentices who start to interpret their very first melodies.
! In Colombia, The symphonic band of Tocancipa has gained a significant prestige as it has participated in many events, contests and tours of great importance, winning in each of these categories great music recognitions in different parts of the country such as: Paipa (Boyacá), Anapoima (Cundinamarca), El Retiro (Antioquia) Samaniego (Nariño) Ibagué (Tolima) and San Pedro (Valle). Nevertheless, It has
not only been highlighted at the national level, but also it was has been awarded at the "III Ibero-American Congress of composers , arrangers, directors and instrumentalists of bands and ensembles ", held in Cordoba Argentina in 2006 and on November 2009. I represented Latin America at the 38th International Symphonic Bands Competition Villa de Altea in Spain, obtaining the Second Prize in its category under the baton of Javier Ignacio Alzate. It is important to note that he brought to the country the first achievement of a municipal band outside our country. Being one of the most important national bands, the Tocancipรก symphonic band decided to take on a new challenge, the World Music Contest, one of the most famous international music festivals in the world where more than 200 bands from the 5 continents participated in Kerkrade Holland. With the eyes set on this objective, the teacher Diego Fernando Lopez Criollo with effort, dedication but above all discipline, prepared the band for months for this event. In such a way a band of 70 members was formed after passing rigorous tests and long hours of rehearsal. But not only the musical field was a challenge, to acquire a compulsory musical equipment required by the contest, the symphonic band worked in different activities to pay for it by their own means.The symphonic band overcame all the challenges, no matter how much effort it took. The dedication and sacrifice were important to meet the objectives proposed by the teacher and its members. To be part of the School of Artistic Training of Tocancipa is really a privilege, since it supports the initiatives of the Symphonic Band of the municipality to be recognized nationally and internationally. The mayor of the municipality affirms that each project that has been approved has had great results in the country and abroad as showed in the World Music Contest. The members of the symphonic band of Tocancipa and all their support group had as a result of their dedication and vocation the first place. Upon arriving in Colombia, they were recognized nationally, making known the culture and talent of the people living in the municipality of Tocancipa. By, Karoll Castro
SEBASTIAN YATRA Sebastian Yatra is a singer and composer of Latin pop and romantic reggaeton from Colombia. He began his career in 2015 with the song "El Psicólogo”, which had great reception among the young public. His artistic name “Yatra” , which means happiness, was suggested by his mother Adelaide Giraldo when Sebastian was 12 years old. It all started when he wanted to join a group theater in the school. After a great deal of effort and dedication, he managed to get the main role. In that very first performance he was asked to sing, dance and act because the play was a musical. After that experience, he decided to be a singer and after some year he got it. Sebastian Yatra is now 23 years old, he was born on October 15, 1994 in Medellin Colombia. Sebastian says that when he was 3 years old he had to leave Colombia because of the violence and drug trafficking directed by Pablo Escobar.
ian's parents decided to leave to Miami for protection of his family and in there he lived 17 years where Sebastian developed his passion for music. Up to 2018, he has more than 33 songs in which the most prominents are “Por perro (2018)”, No hay Nadie más (2018)”, Como mirarte (2017)” and Para Olvidar (2016). Each song reaches the heart, where love flows and where each song shows that Sebastian Yatra is not like other musicians who only care about money.
Similarly, Sebastian Yatra has a song with the international company Coca-Cola, where he wants to highlight the beautiful moments that are spent with the family, which are full of hapinnes, where the family is the pillar of each person, the most important thing in life because it is our support and our best friends. Sebastian Yatra also has a song to help the neediest children in ChocĂł,
partment of Colombia, seeking to raise funds to contribute to a good development on these children. In conclusion, Sebastian Yatra is the best composer and singer where in each song he tries to demonstrate all love, passion he has for his career.
Sebastian Yatra is not
only successful for his music but for his personality, since he is a very happy, funny and an outgoing person. He really knows where he comes from and where he is going. Sebastian Yatra is a complete artist in every sense of the word. He thinks not only in his well-being but also in the others’ wellness. Sebastian Yatra is one of the best singers of this year, because in his songs he does not speak badly of a woman: He just sings about beautiful things that love brings. Also, he sings about the lack of love but those songs are not rude. His music is worth listening to and you can dedicate his songs to important people in special moments. By:Andrea Yakeline Becerra Sanchez.
Pop Music Before you start reading, I am going to define what pop music is. Pop music is a genre of popular music that is originated from the United States and The United Kingdom during the 50’s. Pop music is eclectic, and often borrows elements from other styles of music such as urban, dance, rock, Latin, and country. Likewise, there are core elements that define pop music like repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and hooks. If you hardly ever listen to this kind of music, I invite you to give it an opportunity and listen to this amazing genre very often. This genre can convey quite a few emotions by mean of their lyrics, their instruments, their voices, among others. You can listen to this genre in your daily life in Tocancipa in which you can find an specific song for every moment of your day.
! In 1960, the introduction of portable radios meant that first world teenagers could listen to music outside their houses. Also, multi-track recording and digital sampling started to being used as methods for the creation and elaboration of brandnew pop music. By the early 80s, the promotion of the pop music had been greatly affected by the rise of music television channels like MTV, which favoured those artists such as Michael Jackson and Madonna who had a strong influence. Pop music has been dominated by the American and British music industries, whose influence has made pop music something international in the world. However, most countries currently have their own way of producing local versions of their trends, therefore their own local characteristics. Some of these trends have had a signifi-
cant impact of the development of the genre. That is why, this amazing genre has several influences which can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
! In this part of the text i am going to detail three wonderful examples of 3 women that are the best exponent of pop music all around the globe. And I'll give my opinion of the why:
Ariana Grande: For me this singer is everything. That why of many reasons there I'm going to give some. She has one of the best voices or the best in the current music industry. Her albums hav great quality and her singles have everything we want in a song. She is a humble person, comprehensive and with a big heart with the people and especially with her fans. At her young age of 24, she managed to accomplish a lot of things that many artists have not been able to do in years, to the point that several people call her “The pop princess�, (with only 6 years of musical career). If you've
not heard it, do it, you will love her. I strongly recommend her. Katy Perry: This singer is a fabulous woman who has beautiful messages in her songs and spectacular rhythms in her albums. It is quite impossible that you've not listened to a song from her, and if you haven't, you should try since i am sure you will enjoy it. She has got an overwhelming success due to her passion, love and commitment when she makes all their artistic master pieces. Lady Gaga: This singer is a monster in the music industry because she has a spectacular voice, excellent quality of albums and an outstanding composition in her incredible songs. Also, if you want to hear something more rock but with a base of pop, she is the best choice. Apart from that, she is unique in her great extravagance, that is why it is worthwhile to listen to her every second.
If you have reached this part of the article, it is because you like, or would like to listen to this genre of music. Although this kind of music has been criticized many times, it is because those people are just accustomed to the average music. All of us have listened to a pop song in our lives, then why not listen to it even more, devotion more time, and understanding all the details these songs can expresses . Give it a try. By, Esteban MariĂąo
The Coca Cola Company Coca Cola is the most famous soda in the world and even today it can be found anywhere all around the world. Its origins date back to 1886 in Atlanta (USA) where in a surprising way, a medical syrup created by the pharmacist John S. Pemberton, became the most famous soda. At the beginning, the syrup meant to help people with digestion problems, but then that syrup became one of the most famous drinks. In it's beginning, Coca Cola was sold at a price of 5 cents per glass, reaching only 9 units per day, but that was only the beginning. The trademark and logo, The Coca Cola Company, was designed by Frank Robinson and John Pemberton, in 1893 in the Office of the Registry of Industrial Property of the United States. Afterwards, in 1897, Coca-Cola began to be sold for the first time outside the United States. In the first years of the 20th century more than 400 plants bottled Coca-Cola in the United States, Panama, Canada and Cuba. This is how the most important beverage company in the world was born. Currently, average sales have up to 1,900 million drinks per day due to the fact that CocaCola Company has more than 24 million points of sale in 200 countries, directly employing more than 71,000 people. In addition to selling CocaCola, Coca-Cola light, Coca-Cola zero, Fanta and Sprite, Coca Cola Company also sells more than 500 brands and 3,500 products, including carbonated or noncarbonated beverages, water, juices and coffee. Where Coca-Cola is most consumed
Lina Mariana Moreno Monroy
is in America due to the strong increase in sales in the last years. As a matter of fact, there have been increases in sales that grew 5.4% per year. Similarly, in Mexico the sales exceeded the 3,000 million boxes, and I'm Brazil, the market is approaching the sales of 2 billion boxes. Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador are over 1,000 million boxes too. However, being the most popular soda in the world, it does not mean that it is sold in all countries due to the marketing difference. For example, in Cuba, Coca Cola stopped producing its products in 1959 when they began to produce national products and in North Korea, the multinational bottling company has never operated. However, that country produces its own version of the American beverage
In South America, Colombia is a privileged country for Coca-Cola sales, as it is not only the third most populous country and the fourth largest economy in Latin America, but also the largest Coca-Cola market after the United States. Also, Colombia is considered one of the 25 most important markets in the world. This is proven by the 46,9 millions of Colombians who drink of Coca Cola. Also, there are 5.182 collaborators in the country, distributed in 7 points of bottling plants located in Bogotรก, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Barranquilla, Cali, La Calera and Tocancipรก respectively. In Colombia, there are 401.234 points of sales and 24 distribution centers.
Lina Mariana Moreno Monroy
In Tocancipå a bottling plant was inaugurated with an investment of more than 250 million of dollars. This plant has an approximate area of 27 hectares that made of this investment the most modern non-alcoholic beverage factory in the region, with a state-of-the-art technology and environment-friendly features, has led the investment in this town. The project has new technologies and the highest standards of engineering and architecture that optimize non-renewable resources. For example, the ceilings of the structure of the plant have an area of 70,000 square meters and are designed to collect annually around 60,000 cubic meters of water. Also, the construction has engineering advances to optimize the use of daylight and substantially reduce the energy consumption with which an energy saving is projected between 20% and 40%. In conclusion, The Coca Cola Company has the best drinks on the market. The commercialization of Coca Cola has been massive all around the world, because every second of the day, people consume around 8.000 drinks manufactured by the Coca Cola Company. In such a way, we can tell that this business in the United States represents a large percentage on the world´s economy. All in all, Coca Cola is a delicious and refreshing drink that goes perfectly with any food and dish, which is why Coca Cola is a perfect traditional drink.
Lina Mariana Moreno Monroy
PSYCHOPATHY Is evil a disease?. If evil is a mental disease, in some cases pathological, it could be compared with mental illnesses, such as the psychopathy. The psychopathy represents one of the most terrible and dangerous mental illness since murdering and lacking of empathy are main characteristics of its behavior. As far as the definition is concerned, this is a mental disorder where there are abnormal and antisocial manifestations. The psychopath people could look like average people, but instead, they lack of conscience and empathy, making them manipulative, volatile and often criminal. Thus, how does a psychopath behave in the society? Garrido (2000) divides the psychopathy in two main dimensions: The emotional and interpersonal area and the lifestyle area. In the emotional area, there are signs like egocentricity, the tendency to manipulate and the lack of guilt, while among the behavioral factors, there is a need for stimulation, impulsiveness and criminal behavior. On the other hand, in the lifestyle area, the psychopath can be bewitching and have an important job, be married and have children. However, the essence is hidden and dark. For example, AndrÊi Chikatilo, a serial Russian killer, was a devoted student who got three degrees: Engineering, Marxism-Leninism and Language and Russian literature. He got married and had two children. Also, he was a stable and hard-working husband, a father who never raised his voice in front of his children, a respected member of the communist party who used to read the newspapers and kept abreast of current events. However, he killed roughly 56 innocent people. This is the huge difference between these two kinds of dimensions: The interpersonal and the lifestyle area. Now, there are some behavioral traits that define a psychopath as such. The individual, by definition, has problems understanding the emotions of other people and the his very own emotions. This trait could explain why they are so selfish, and why they so callously disregard the welfare of others. Also, that could explain why they commit violent crimes at up to three times the rate of other people. Besides, psychopaths hold a big power to manipulate other people, they do anything to get a personal gain. Also, they are very irresponsible, narcissistic and self-centered with an exaggerated sense of selfimportance in which they need an excessive admiration or infatuation with themselves. They are also pathological liars and, as it is aforementioned, the look like average people. As a matter of fact, Jeffrey Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial killer and sex offender, who committed the rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys from 1978 to 1991. This case illustrates how the behavioral traits shape the psychopaths’ personality and their further actions to commit.
In Colombia, there has been two cases of psychopath killers. The first one was Pedro Alonso López, knows as a “El monstruo de los Andes”. This was one of the most dangerous psychopaths frightened Colombia in the 80's. He was sentenced for killing over 110 girls, but it is thought he had over 300 murders, in which he raped and mutilated little girls while traveling throughout Colombia, Perú, Ecuador and probably other countries. Aside from local accounts, López's crimes first received international attention from an interview conducted by Ron Laytner, a longtime freelancer photojournalist who interviewed López in his prison cell in 1980. The second Colombian serial killer was Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos, also known as La Bestia ("The Beast"). ) He was born on January 25, 1957 and is a Colombian rapist and serial killer. In 1999, he admitted he had raped, tortured and murdered 138 children and teenagers. His victims, based on the locations of skeletons listed on maps that Garavito drew in prison, have been found after some time of long search. Therefore, local media has categorized him as "the world's worst serial killer." Also, according to some judicial bodies, Luis Alfredo Garavito is regarded as the "second serial killer of the world." In such a way, the judicial body ruled a verdict of 1,853 years and nine days in jail. So, how a psychopath kill? “The torture and death of the victim does not free the psychopath from his stigma, but relives his personal tragedy”. All begin with a cruel fantasy that lead him to isolation and frustration. For the future serial killer, these violent dreams bring him greater loneliness and isolation,. This loneliness causes him to seek relief in new bloody fantasies. It happens in several cases that the psychopath keeps so-called “trophies" product of the crimes, which he uses to feed and maintain his dark fantasies. In sum, the psychopaths represent one of the most dangerous problems in the society, by things like murdering and lacking of empathy. None of us is free to live this reality, either in our family, in our relationships or in our work. By Luna Torres.
Inventions Did you know that the wheel was created before 3500 b.c? And Did you know that the wheel was qualified as a critical invention for the human development?. Nowadays, and thanks to the wheel, machinery and transportation could be manufactured among other things.
The inventions of the world have existed for a long time thanks to humans and their imagination. The main purpose of inventions is to help humans to live and be better. Unfortunately, they often use these inventions to damage the environment or
even to kill animals and other human beings. Inventions are not perfect from the first moment, because it's not easy to create something out of nothing. For example, a very famous invention is the car, but it is not perfect because it has many problems and has caused many deaths.
Inventions also help the human being to earn money to survive, inventions can be very expensive or very cheap depends on what you do, for example one of the inventions more expensive in the world is the TV but that was in ancient times now they are cheap, or can the invention also be strange and expensive, or simple and cheap for example the ball. There are inventions that make a town famous, for example pots of mud in Tocancipa. The inhabitants of Tocancipa used to exchange pots by salt or other products, that would help them survive They traveled great distances to reach areas of Exchange as Facatativá, Zipaquirá, Nemocón Ubaté y Tunja.
I think the inhabitants of Tocancipa were very creative people, and they could become famous because they were experts in the pottery of Colombian culture. I also prefer those pots because the food was better cooked in there and the flavor is more delicious. By, Manuel
Politic in Colombia 60 years ago there was a coup by the general army, Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, where after that he governed four years like any other president and handed over the power, votes were held in the country in 1970, when Rojas and Pastrana competed for the power, Rojas had a large part of the percentage, apparently Rojas Pinilla won in the first round, but Pastrana in a despicable act stole the elections, changing the votes and deceiving the country. It is at that moment when the problems for the country began.
The country knew what was happening, it generated anger and resentment in the hearts of the colombians, that's when the guerrilla M-19 “April 19 movement� was born, it was the day on which the votes were held. These guerrillas were gaining strength and acceptance the people; they began with small acts like stealing the milk from the trucks that transported to give it to the poor people. Pastrana’s government was over, and the Turbay government came when Turbay arrived, the M-19 Was already a very powerful guerrilla, so much so that Turbay declare them your public enemy number one. Is at that moment that the subversive group M-19 begins to strengthen
Turbay attacked both the M-19 that took him almost to the point of extinction, tortured it’s militants, the families of the militants but it was those things that filled the guerrilla with courage to continue fighting for social equality, for a fairer country, for a country where the rights of the citizens were respected, then they were excited to plan the taking of the palace of justice. The M-19 had to hurt the government, and that was the way to do it
The M-19 carries out the capture of the palace with weapons, called operation Antonio NariĂąo for human rights. They must hurt the government; and it was an act that the government took advantage of, in the palace there were records with investigations of high "military of high rank, and different politicians, the army set fire to the first floor of the palace where the archives were and told the city that it had been the M-19 that had provoked it, the events culminated 27 hours later, leaving a balance of 98 dead, 4 including eleven magistrates, eleven people were also considered missing since their whereabouts were unknown.
This was a devastating and historic event for the history of Colombia, a fact marked by the government's and the assassinations by the two sides. This fact not only affected Cundinamarca, but also the entire country, several changes were made in the judicial method of the country, for example: Creation of high courts such as the Constitutional Court, changes in the way of election of magistrates in the high courts and the subsequent conformation of a National Constituent assembly were facts that modified the judicial system in Colombia, after the seizure of the Palace of Justice by the M-19 on November 6, 1985, 30 years ago.
That's Colombia, a country governed by the oligarchy, a country where the needs of the people are secondary, where the really important thing is that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer an impossible war to win, a country there is no way back, a country that is condemned to be Colombia.
By Nestor Monroy
Centro Colombo Americano Skills 1 - 3 Escuela Sol Naciente 2018