What's new? English Magazine Issue 15th / 2016

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What’s new? First issue appeared on October 2001. From that issue to this one, our 15th, we have published more than140 articles. As you probably know, this English Magazine was the first created in all Army Liceos as strategy to encourage students to write in English. Although, I have been editor since 2008 I could tell you that this is one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life, because the publication of this Magazine has let students to be witness of the boundless creativity that all of you have. Being aware as society change our English Magazine either. That is why, last year we launched the first virtual version in order to make reading a pleasure and not have the same overhead of size and complexity of print magazines I hope you will enjoy this 15th issue of “What’s New? This issue is a significant achievement and incentive for articles’ authors and all those involved in the process of editing our magazine. As always, we hope that you can find the articles of this issue engaging and that it gives you new ideas to write. Please, remember that you can also send your own submissions to your English teachers.

Sincerely, JANET GALINDO PORRAS Colegio de Bachillerato Patria Issue 15th 2016

What’s new? English Magazine

Articles Editor

Mario Alejandro Fernández 6A Andrea Tobar 6E Laura Ramírez 6E Nikole Ortegón 6B María Paz Daza Noguera 6 Emily María Orejuela Nicole Gabriela Gómez Natalia Sánchez López 7A Natalia Villegas Calderón 7C Samuel Gómez Guio 7C Laura Valentina López 8B Juan Esteban Villalobos8A Fátima Ramos Sánchez.8A Angie Catalina Medina 9A Jennifer Divantoque Amaya 9C Heidi Ariana Valenzuela Loeza 9D Ana Gabriela Castro Jáuregui. 9B María Fernanda Camacho 10 A Guillermo Andrés Campo 10E Sebastián Sánchez 10 C Dayana Moreno Andrade 10D Silvia Fernanda Correa Forero 10 Oscar Alejandro Murillo 10D Betsy Riátiga 11c Sebastián Cáceres Yopasa 11ºC Francisco Javier Montoya 11C Katalina Carvajal 11C

Carolina Higuera Amelia Barros

Our partners

Issue 15th – 2016 Colegio de Bachillerato Patria General director Luis Alberto Ardila Silva Editor-in-chief Janet Galindo Editorial Marcela Gil Shirley Stand Ángela Castrillón Sergio Gómez Fajardo Janet Galindo Lady Salas Carolina Higuera Amelia Barros Raúl Borbón Ana Lucia Sánchez

Features Editor Sergio Gómez Fajardo Digital Media and Online publishing Sergio Gómez Fajardo Contributors-Colegio de Bachillerato Patria Diana Hernández Tobar Myriam Sandoval Quijano Orlando Espitia Fonseca Cristian José Rubiano 6B

David Muñoz -Liceo Pichincha Diana Torres -Liceo Francisco José de Caldas Ana María Vega-Liceo Francisco Julián Olaya Orlando Arturo Céspedes-Liceo General Serviez Lizeth Obregón García -Liceo Santa Bárbara Daniela Chaparro - Liceo Gustavo Matamoros León Andrea Belalcazar - Liceo Pichincha


Regular Contributors An amazing journey 1-2 Good Friend 3 Our Partners I dare you 4 Grammar and spelling B contest 4 Prueba Saber 2016 5 Thoughts of a young reader 6 A new language, a new experience 7 Experience in English classes at the LGML 8

TEACHER’S ARTICLES Can you really tell if a kid is lying? 9-10 How I became an English teacher 9-10

FEATURES Sixth Graders’ poems 11-12 Seventh Graders 13-15 Eight Graders 16-17 Ninth Graders 18-20 Tenth Graders 21-25 Eleventh Graders 26-28

Our achievements 29 What if? 30-31

AN AMAZING JOURNEY One afternoon I was called to the General Director’s office. As soon as I came in and sat down, I heard this question: “Would you like to travel to Canada with the students?” It took me by surprise because I was not expecting that to happen, however I was overjoyed at the thought of having that kind of experience, which was very new for me, so I accepted it. I cannot deny that at the beginning of the trip, I was somewhat nervous since I had not traveled with a group of students before. That Monday, when I left my house in order to head to the airport, there was a mixture of feelings inside my heart because I had to leave my own children in Colombia to look after 18 guys for a month in another country. It was a huge responsibility but I committed myself with it and I did it with love.

The journey started








all it,


teachers who had



sent to Vancouver -



improve their English an


skills by taking



started the training course


in May and I arrived

there with the students in June. As

they were busy studying and I

was in charge of the students, we had a few chances of spending time together but despite this, we hanged out a few times. On the other hand, Vancouver is a multicultural place where one can see how respectful, organized and tolerant people are. In the Institute where my students took the English course, we had the opportunity to meet people from different countries and as we were in homestays, we stayed with people from Philippines, Germany and Canada. Therefore, we had to


adapt ourselves to the culture and the way our families did everything. This kind of experience, let us see life from a different perspective and how different we are.

I am grateful for the chance I had because it was very enriching since I was able not only to practice English but also to know a different culture, which is amazing, and get to know wonderful people my students, who are now part of my heart. Although there were difficulties with them, we were like a family, supporting each other all the time.

By Diana Hernรกndez Tobar English Academic Coordinator National Army School


Good Friend In my opinion a good friend is someone who makes you feel special, makes you believe that true love is possible and basically is the one who shares with you good and bad moments. First of all a good friend gives everything without waiting anything in return. For example, if you are in financial trouble your real friend lends you the money without asking you any support.

One the other hand a good friend is the one who not only tells you the truth, but also makes you face it; is the one who advices you when it is necessary, is the one who guards you when everybody blames you and makes you feel quilt. Finally, I want to express that a good friend is someone vital in our lives due to he or she will stay with you when the rest of people have gone. Also, is the one who with a simply hug, makes you feel that life is beautiful and lets you know, how! Indispensable is God in our lives. In few words, “Whoever has a friend has a treasure�, take care of him/her, because somehow is God who puts him in your path. Myriam Sandoval Quijano National Army School



I Dare You Have you ever thought about ignoring the whole world, staring at night sky, ignoring your social media raking and the constant updates of the ones you follow? I am sure you have not, because your brain is no longer, what it used to be. You may think this is just random speaking but, believe or not, it´s actually coherent. Because the only reason why you have never thought about something like this, is your need for new information. Your brain has become addicted to it; and to prove I will dare you to stay still just for 3 minutes, just to show you how addicted you are to new information. By David Muñoz 11th grade Liceo Pichincha GRAMMAR AND SPELLING BEE CONTEST In my two short years of experience at the Liceo Francisco Jose de Caldas, I have attended to two Spelling bee contests. The first one was celebrated in October 2013, and it was amazing since our school invite other nearby schools to participate. Apart from it, English Teachers Department plan and include, the “Grammar English Olympics” for different levels. However, this year the English department is going to add a talent show based on musical activities. It will be represented by the students of our Army schools and some other invited schools of the region. Thus, they promote not only English but also a great coexistence.

By Diana Torres - Ninth grade. Liceo Francisco Jose de Caldas


Prueba Saber 2016

Last 28 September 2016 in all the schools of our country, students of third and fifth grade took “Prueba saber” for establishing the academic performance of the children in mathematics, language subjects, including science.

The most important aspect is that we wish the students of Liceo Francisco Julian Olaya got the best results because it is an opportunity to show our knowledge and good level in all these subjects. Good luck for everybody! Bye Ana María Vega Rodríguez Liceo Francisco Julián Olaya


Thoughts of a young reader

Hi there! Well, today I am going to write about something important for the society, books. Why is this so important? Because books are the way to remember, who we are and what we did through the history of the human being. As you know, reading is a very cool hobby; pitifully now, no one wants to do it. However, Why? Maybe it is, as we prefer spending more time using our cellphone rather than reading a book, especially we, the teenagers. Therefore, my invitation today as a young reader, is for you. Pick up a book! No matter what genre, no matter if is a short or long book, the only important thing here, is that you start reading. Maybe it is time to use less your cellphone, and much more the imagination.

Orlando Arturo Céspedes Sánchez – 9th Liceo General Serviez


A new Language , A new Experience The greatness about learning a new language, not necessarily English, is being able to communicate the ideas with people from other countries, with different cultures and mindsets.

When you learn another language, your experience and knowledge becomes bigger since you are open to embrace diversity and history from other cultures as well as perspectives of your own language and culture. That is why; being a bilingual or multilingual person can open the door to other opportunities such as studying, living abroad, or simply a reason to brag. Further than that, I would like to invite you to learn just for fun, because it will give you a better experience. However, now people use different methods to learn a foreign language such as watching movies with subtitles, listening to music, reading books to help themselves. Others, like me use “motivation”. I started to learn English because I wanted to understand the lyrics of the songs so it was not a stressful situation when I had to study in school. Moreover, you have to take in account that you are going to make a lot of mistakes at the beginning, but that is the way we actually learn. Never forget to have a lot of fun while learning, ask questions, do researching , practice writing, listening and speaking and don’ t lose that motivation because you are going to need it to be really fluent. Finally, I would like to tell you that not forget to make a good use of our mother tongue too and to appreciate and respect the accents and variations that exist in our country because that is how we preserve culture and how we really learn. Lizeth Obregón García -11th Liceo Santa Bárbara


EXPERIENCE IN ENGLISH CLASSES AT THE LGML The experience that a student can have at Liceo Gustavo Matamoros León School is something remarkable. I will talk about the English education here, where we as students take the English classes as necessary for our life. We work very hard each day, strengthening our English skills through some projects proposed by the English teachers in order to improve and be excellent in the English subject. Regarding reading skill, we interpret stories, explain readings and read books in English, which are great activities to learn vocabulary, practice grammar and increase comprehension. A way of practicing our speaking skill, teachers give us a specific topic where we take the favorite part of it, we have to talk in a minute, by heart, and depending on how extensive and good pronunciation it is, we get scored. On the other hand, a teaching strategy for students have been created to reinforce and learn English. It is the “levels of learning”; in each one of them, we learn more about grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. It has been great working with this system, because it allows us to feel more comfortable, go forward with classmates, and have the opportunity to advance to the next level. Nowadays, English is important for our life because it is a requirement to enter to the University or to get a job. For these reasons, it is imperative to take advantage of what our school offers. In addition, because English teachers work very hard to teach us in an excellent way, they let us to participate through different activities inside and outside the classroom which make the teaching learning process easier, fun and interesting Finally, I can say that I study at the best school “Liceo Gustavo Matamoros León”, with plenty of activities to love English.

Daniela Chaparro -10th LGML


TEACHERS’ ARTICLES begin to tell lies as Young of two years of age.

Can you really tell if a kid is lying?

So now, let us take a closer look at the younger children. Why do some but not all young children lie? Good lying requires two key ingredients. The first key ingredient is theory of mind, or the mind reading ability. Mind reading is the ability to know that different people have different knowledge about the situation and the ability to differentiate between what I know and what you know. Mind reading is important for lying because the basis of lying is that I know you do not know what I know. Therefore, I am lie to you. The second key ingredient for good lying is self-control. It is the ability to control your speech, your facial expression and your body languages, so you can tell a convincing lie. In addition, we found that those young children who have more advanced mind reading and self-control abilities tell lies earlier and their lies are more sophisticated.

Did you ever lie as a child? Kang Lee, a developmental researcher, has been studying how children learn to tell lies and tell us a story from Mr. Richard Messina, who is his friend and an Elementary School Principal. He got a phone call one day, the caller says “Mr. Messina, my son Johnny will not come to school today because he’s sick”. Mr. Messina asks “who am I speaking to, please?” and the caller says, “I am my father”. This story sum up very nicely three common beliefs we have about children and lying. One, children only come to tell lies after entering Elementary School. Two, children are poor liars. We adults can easily detect their lies and three, if children lie at a very young age, there must be some character flows with them, and they are going to become pathological liars for life. It turns out all of the three beliefs are wrong. It has been found that regardless of gender, country, religion, children at two years of age, 30 percent lie, 70 percent tell the true, the truth about their transgression. At three years of age, 50 percent lie and 50 percent tell the true. At four years of age, more than 80 percent lie, and after four years of age, most children lie. As we can see, lying is really a typical part of development and some children

When children lie, their facial expression is typically neutral, however, behind this neutral expression, the child is actually experiencing many emotions, such as fear, guilt, and shame and maybe a little bit of liar’s delight. Unfortunately, such emotions are either fleeting or hidden. Therefore, it is mostly invisible to us. In the last five years, Kang Lee, has been trying


to figure out a way to reveal these hidden emotions, developing a new imaging technology he has called “transdermal optical imaging” which extracts transdermal images of facial blood flow changes associated with the various hidden emotions. Therefore detects people’s lies.

that bad experience made me change my mind and I decided to learn English because I believed it would be good for my life, but what I never thought was that learning English helped me to be a confident and outgoing person. So, I set off my journey to become an English teacher and now I clearly remember my first English lesson when my teacher brought two of the most advanced students and I asked me to catch up with them and he’d shown us how to do it. By doing that, little by little the teacher made us to think in English, read in English and forget our nationality, so we did not have to translate everything to understand what the people said. After a few weeks and sooner than I imagined, it was a truth, I was able to speak and write in English. It was a wonderful feeling, like freedom.

This technology is used in health care to monitor the heart rate, stress level, mood and whether or not they are experiencing pain. Therefore, with transdermal optical imaging technology, the polygraph and other many new applications, I hope we can stop lying. Taken from Developmental Researcher, Kang Lee TED talk.com Compiled by Orlando Espitia Fonseca


Overall, learning English has not been an easy task for me because learning it never ends. Now, I can tell you with persistence you can defeat your fears, and learn something new. That is how I became an English teacher.

Learning something new can be a scary experience for almost everyone. Thus, I consider being an English Teacher has been one of the challenging things in my life. Firstly, because when I was a little girl, I rejected to participate in English class and secondly because I used to be a shy person, so I failed my 8th grade. However,

By M. Andrea Belalcazar M. English Teacher Liceo Pichincha






ALL MY EXPERIENCE IN UNITED STATES WITH MY DAD AND SISTER On June of 2015, my dad was kidnapped for two days and that experience made him a different person with us. He was scared of many things on the street and his job, eventually he had to ask for political asylum in the United Stated because he was afraid what could those people make us again. When we arrived there, first, we met some of my father’s cousins and we stayed with them, and then we had to move to Key Biscayne, which is an island of Miami, it is a beautiful and safe place to live in. In my opinion, I disliked the people who live there because they just care for money and that was unpleasant. The school was hard for me, because the English I had learned in my previous school in Colombia was too basic in comparison of all schools in United States, so I was registered in ESOL (English for Speakers of other languages class. That is a class for all foreign people who do not know perfectly the English language. However, being there let me go to many places and parties with my friends from Spain, Argentina and Russia; it was an amazing and very instructive opportunity since I could practice my English. That was a very beautiful experience for my family, and me because we knew many places of United States, and we learned more about the English. Natalia Sanchez Lopez - 7A



London is a beautiful city it is famous because of its history, the royalty and its amazing tourist attractions. The weather is mostly cold and rainy, but in summer, it is sunny. It is an interesting city to study and learn, as it is free (between the age of 12 to 17), if you get the opportunity to live in London, you still get to know different cultures because this city is multicultural, plus you can travel all around the world from here. However, the transport, the food and housing are expensive but in my opinion if you get the chance, you must take and you will not regret it. My experiences in London were great, the school was fun, for example you can have cooking lessons, my favorite classes were math and music, the teachers and partners were fun and interesting. People in London are kind, meaning that making friends is easy for example my best friends were Andria, Ali, Germany, Edgar and Alfie, they will always be for you when you need it. London is a multicultural city, so most of my friends are from all places and cities of the world. It was amazing all things and facts I learned of all the cities they came from. The culture is completely different, instead of taking a bus you can take the underground or a train, the streets are clean and it is safe. NATALIA VILLEGAS CALDERON - 7C


THE IMPORTANCE OF READING Reading is one of the most useful and important skills that human beings can do in whole life. Reading can make people to be more productive because, we learn many useful things for our lives. That is why, in our school we have to read different books. When we read always we need attention, concentration, reflection and with all of these elements a person can have better results in the school or work life. The reading is one of the activities that differentiate human beings with other species that live our planet Earth. Finally, remember what Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer said: “The memory that a book, let us, is even more important than the book itself”. Samuel Gómez Guio 7C

Maybe one day, just maybe! I will go to the moon and right after I declare myself the


queen of the Milky Way. I will do what Cheesy & Hopeless Dreams. everyone would do; cover the whole moon

with tons of cheese, so little kids can have a beautiful childhood knowing that the moon, in effect, is actually made from real cheese. Then I will definitely go to the sun with some close friends so we can make some







sticky melting

chocolate on a big-300km-long cracker. On my next move, I will visit Jupiter and Saturn to collect shiny diamonds so I can keep them selfishly to myself without letting anyone know… However, do not get excited too soon, after waking up I will realize it was a dream and cry like there is no tomorrow till the day I die. Maria Andrea M. 7E




Music is a type of art in which sounds and silences understood by rhythms and melodies are mixed, and in some cases, words like the songs. These rhythms make you feel different emotions, from joy to sadness, from love to solitude, among others, but can also make you think or even dance. Music is necessary for humans, because it adds a “magical” touch to life. The songs often express what we cannot but still felt. Music releases us from our suffering and makes us have a good time. It is also the solution to all:  You feel bad. Put up some music.  You are in a good mood. Dance with music.  Do you feel misunderstood? Compare your point of view with a song.  You are in love. Listen to romantic songs. Do not cast the music of your life. Enjoy life with music. LAURA VALENTINA LÓPEZ ARDILA 8B




My grandma uses honey and lemon when we fly. My mom says, “If you have the flu, you have to drink this remedy”. Nevertheless, to be perfectly honest, I do not like because it is too much sweet. I had the flu for over five months, so I went to my grandma’s house and she prepared this remedy just taking one lemon and cutting it. She took onetablespoon honey, then she rummaged it and finally she forced me to drink it. Although I did not like it, it did work. People have used lemon with honey as a natural remedy to treat to remove the flu. Another powerful remedy from my grandma is the vinegar gargle. If you feel sore throat, deal with chamomile vinegar gargle. The vinegar has a very strong odor, but if you have a sore throat, you could try it and see the powerful results. To prepare it, just take one tablespoon, chop it down and with the resulting powder make gargles. Fatima Ramos Sánchez. 8A


In Colombia, we have many home remedies; I discovered other interesting examples taken from the Colombian home remedies: Jaggery An example might be jaggery, and we use it when we have the cold. Cinnamon If you have a stomachache, you should use the cinnamon. It is used like a stimulant; also, if you have high cholesterol. It seems that this remedy has been used for a long time. If you want to do it, you just have to make an infusion, using warm water and the cinnamon; you can make it by your own. It is quite easy. This can help you if you need urgently a remedy, but you don’t have money for it; so you just have to look for cinnamon, and start to boil some water. Give a try it is cheap and effective. Juan Esteban Villalobos 8A



Blood sports have become a topic for debate in recent years. As society, we use blood sports with animals as way to entertain people. However, I am totally against them since it is a cruel and inhuman way to treat animals. To begin, animals are innocent living creatures that do not have the ability to think on what is happening on these shows. For example, when people use bulls in sports like tauromachy, the bull just simply follows a red cap and follow his instinct, but it does not know what he is doing. On the other hand, there are people who work on it, and have made this activity as a way of living and earn money. Therefore, they encouraged people to attend to this kind of event. To conclude, in my opinion killing animals in this way it is unfair and cruel act, and people who works on this spectacles, could change their way of life taking care of the same animals. Angie Catalina Medina 9A


ANIMALS EXPERIMENT, IS IT OK? An animal experiment or an animal test is any scientific experiment in which an animal is involuntary used to check a medicine. I think the animal experiments to prevent the human disease should be achieved with a very rigorous control because we need to think how the animals feel. First, scientists infect animals with a disease to study, not to cure and cause that the animal infected suffer pain, distress or lasting harm. As a result, this practice has made other species spread the disease and worsen the solution because there is no control in this activity. On the other hand, some people argue that the animal experiment leads to the cure of humans’ diseases. In addition, it is a good practice because it prevents that deadly virus spreads. In conclusion, in my opinion the experiment with animals could be done if people took into account animals as living creatures that feel. In addition, experiment with animals must have rigorous control by the appropriate societies. Jennifer Divantoque Amaya – 9C PROGRESS OR LIFE? Today, there have been doing experiments with animals to make further progress in medicine. In my opinion, I agree to a certain point. To begin some animals are used to test vaccines; for example, rats have been useful to tests the malaria vaccine. In this sense, using these type of animals, scientist can prove if the medicines work or not. However, scientists have used other animals to alter their genetics in order to improve the species. As a result, they have create uncontrolled species that may affect future. For example the African Bee. In conclusion, in my view scientists should use rats or cockroaches because they are the most prolific species and they are not endangered animals. Heidi Ariana Valenzuela Loeza 9D



Some people think that the historic buildings do not matter in our life or society. In my opinion, preserving the historic buildings does really have a big importance, since this helps us to keep our history and culture. Firstly, for years the historic buildings help us to understand and know our ancestors, culture and origin. For example, the downtown of Bogota shows what Bogota was before, and Cartagena with is Fortresses and Monuments, including the old town of Cartagena were designated a UNESCO World Heritage. For this reason, the more historic buildings are in a city the more tourists would visit us. On the other hand, some people think that the historic buildings could be rebuilt for some new and modern buildings. However, in my opinion, I would say that these buildings should be used as institutions for the future generations. To conclude, to my view it is very important to preserve the historical buildings because it help us to increase tourism and other ways such as cultural and social aspects. Ana Gabriela Castro Jรกuregui. 9B




Last year, I told my mom that I wanted to travel to Canada, so she made it possible. Thus, this year, On June 6, 2016 one of my dreams come true. I was at the airport with my mom, my sister, my grandmother and one of my best friends. A bit later, the other partners who were traveling with me, including my best friend finally arrived. I remember in Bogotá’s airport, we all got lost but after a few minutes walking all around, we found how to get to the gate. Then, the flight started and it lasted about 13 hours to arrive to Vancouver. As soon as we arrived there, the coordinator of the group divided us. My roommate and I went to our homestay, where Ms. Grace was waiting for us. The following day, we saw that all food was very different from Colombian food we got scared. Our lunch was very small and weird, but we decided to taste it. While I was eating, I put something horrible in my mouth, so I cried because I did not like what I was eating. Therefore, my roommate and I decided to buy some snacks, cookies to have for our own breakfast and lunch because we knew that we would have dinner outside. However, One day, Mrs. Grace thought that all the cookies that we had bought were for her and took all of them and we got depressed. To conclude, I felt that my Canada trip was amazing, obviously without thinking about the food. I just want to thank to my roommate, my new friends who made this experience the happiest of my life and to the teacher Diana who was more than a teacher, my sister. María Fernanda Camacho 10 A


Tommy was born in August 11 of 2013; Everything started the 18th of May ,

he lived with my family and me by

this day we were in the final exams of

approximately a year and a half. I

the second term. It was a cloudy and


rainy day but this day was the

memories because I gave everything for

volleyball school’s championship. In








spite of the weather I was excited and Tommy does not live with us anymore,

anxious because it would be our last

for reasons that at this moment I still

match. The other teams had already

do not know, because some day I

arrived and we knew that they were

arrived home and he was not there.

very good players, althought we were a little nervous we knew we would

Because all of this, I decided to adopt a

give the best of us.

cat, and I called him Tommy in honor

The time passed very fast , the

of him.

match’s emotion , the words of our coach , the adrenaline was very intense , the simple fact to be in representation of the school was a honor , in spite of the mistakes we won all the matches , we were very happy ,it was a nice feeling, but the most important thing was that we had fun working as a team. Silvia Fernanda Correa Forero-10th Oscar Alejandro Murillo Cortes-10D


I remember when I was in seventh grade at Bachillerato Patria School. I learned to love this place, so my best memories are when I met the good things of the people here, when I made wonderful friends who are still with me. The moments when I learnt to express myself, made me a secure girl. Seventh grade’s classes awoke my knowledge and security But today, I remember fondly the teachers and their scolding I realize that their great work helped me to arrive at this point, so with God’s help I only want to pass to my next year “eleven grade”. For all children especially those who are in sixth and seventh grade, I want to share a reflection, “enjoy high school, live these days like never before, never waste your time and always study hard, because one day without knowledge is an eternity lost”. I wish that students’ heart were always full of true happiness. God bless “Bachillerato Patria School”

Dayana Moreno Andrade 10D



Who has not dreamed about being in a car that drives for itself? Now we can do it! On October 14, 2015, Tesla sent a software update for their Model S, which would change the automotive industry forever. The name of the new feature in the update is Autopilot. It allows the driver to relax and let the car do everything. The car "reads" the road and knows where the lines are, the cars on a side, in front and behind you, the speed limit and more. This thanks to all the sensors and cameras that the makers put around the vehicle. It is not a perfect system. If the road does not have sidelines the car returns to normal mode, and sadly, this feature has already "cause" one death.

Tesla said at the launch of this update it is a beta version, and drivers always have to pay attention to the road, but some people take the relax word way too serious and forget about the surroundings. On the internet, we can see many videos showing how great this system works but also how sometimes the car gets off the roads or does not see a car in front of it. No matter what happens this was the start of autonomous driving, the start of a brighter future. Sebastiรกn Sรกnchez 10 C



The White Nights Festival in St. Petersburg, Russia is an annual international arts festival during the season of the midnight sun. It consists of a series of classical ballet, opera and music events and includes performances by Russian dancers, singers, musicians and actors, as well as famous international guest stars. It takes place at the “Mariinsky theatre” and the “Mariinsky concert hall”. The artist director of the festival is Valery Gergiev -2 of May of 1953. He is the orchestral and artist director of Russian opera. He is the general director of the theatre mariinsky and is associated with the opera metropolitan, the Philharmonic orchestral of Rotterdam and the orchestral symphony of Londres.

During the festival, there are daily evening performances at the Mariinsky theatre (either ballet or opera) and almost daily evening performances (either classical concert or opera-in-concert). Usually, evening performances start at 7pm, but sometimes may also start at 6pm or 8pm. In addition, there are morning or daytime performances as well, they can start either at 12 noon, 2pm or at 4pm. In my opinion the stars of the White Night’s Festival is a beautiful costume representation of the people of ST. Petersburg city. It is a performance full of love and the dance combine passionate movements which make it a great option to view it alive. Guillermo Andrés Campo Benjumea 10E



ARE WE READY FOR A NATURAL DISASTER? A terrible earthquake happened in April 2016 in Ecuador, this disaster shook the entire people in the world, but at the same time, it made people in our country requested for help in order to get information about prevention measurements. Nowadays, Colombia does not have any useful prevention program. In my opinion, the only program is useless because it is about practicing simulations, which are not close to reality. Furthermore, Colombian people do not have awareness of real consequences coming after a natural disaster. In spite of the disasters during latest years, the government thinks it is not necessary to take action for the future, and it forgot about Armenia’s earthquake. Finally, I think it is necessary to become aware of disaster prevention and prepare all the necessary actions to avoid death on a massive scale for future generations. Katalina Carvajal 11C




Did the intervention of the authorities solve the problem or

To begin with, eleven grade is an

make it worst?

experience in which you have made

The authorities in Bogota dismantled

the most of it, because it is the last

the Bronx Street; located in the

year.However, this time I have come

center of the city and guarded by

to tell you about testing knowledge,

people called “Saya Yines”. This place

which is a very important factor for

was considered the “street of horror”,

our professional future, due to these



results can lead us into a good school


and so to have adequate professional

blackmail, fraud, manslaughter; and

training. Moreover, the ICFES test is

others like drug pushing.

very easy for a good reader. This test















evaluates not only the ability to read


and understand what you are being

social problem in our city. As a result,


crimes like burglary, bank robberies,

answering all the questions taking


the time for each test. Because this






important role for the proper solution

hear the testimonies of many who

of the test and if you cannot properly



manage and distribute your time,

fortunately ran lucky and managed

you are in risk of not achieving to

to get out, perhaps like some other

answer completely your test. Finally,

single looking for a loved one.

another factor is important to have

The mayor's office has implemented a

good meals and good rest the day

series of aid for displaced people but

before because it will help us to be

it has failed to eradicate the problem



because now everywhere in Bogota



we are exposed to be victims of any






even near schools. It is chilling to place







pushing is now located elsewhere,




secondly in

Sebastian Caceres Yopasa 11ºC

By Francisco Javier Montoya 11C



for the

ROCK & POP AT PATRIA SCHOOL “Music can change the world because it can change people.” ― Bono

About 3 years ago a rock & pop Band was born in Bachillerato Patria School, students made it up. Through this project, many kids of the institution can demonstrate their musical abilities, through the music they learn to be better people. “Sonido Alterno”, is a new way to demonstrate that music is an important tool for training students at Bachillerato Patria School. Under the direction of Lic. Daniel Esteban Suarez who has managed a diffusion process, assembly, musical training and positioning in major music festivals at institutional level. For example, in 2015, “Sonido Alterno” participated in the first Festival Music of the song and Social Dance, in the Patria Theater. In addition to this, the band has participated in the David Ríos León Gymnasium, Los Andes School, and in the first artistic contest of the Liceos Del Ejercito in Villavicencio city, where students achieved to demonstrate a high musical level, and commitment for their artistic expression. Finally, “Sonido Alterno” invite all students to participate in the great project that offers the opportunity to enjoy the best of Music. By Betsy Riátiga 11c


OUR ACHIEVEMENTS Illustration 1 First and Third Place



11 B

WHAT IF...   

“Crocodiles were red, round and without eyes… they´d be tomatoes” – Juliana Velez “Pablo Escobar had been born in Chile… Pinochet would have killed him at first” – Brian Alarcon “Colombian people adopt Japanese culture?... we would have discipline” – Carolina Diaz

11D "glasses had not been invented Probably there would be more people with Chinese eyes" - Juanita León “People around the world were properly educated We wouldn't kill with each other’s” - Sebastian Cartagena “Death were taken away from humanity Life itself would be taken away since one is nothing without the other” Samuel Correa “Capriles won the elections in Venezuela.Venezuela would be a good "vividero" -Santiago Rodriguez “The women weren't so complicated The world would be so pacific” - Sergio Barragan “Humans were twice as intelligent? People would give love twice” - Valentina Dussan “Pablo Escobar weren't born Probably Colombia wouldn't have the bad reputation that today it has” - John Espinosa “We were in the 50s Probably we all would be black and white” - Juan León “All the aquatic animals became terrestrial animals probably the evolution theory would be improved” Carlos Lopez “Religions had not been created...People would not have been divided and killed with each other’s.” - Cristina Moran



‘’My parents told me they are not my parents...I would be sad and start to look for my real ones” - Ciro Galeano “I didn’t meet My friends... I would feel empty” – Mariana Alvarez “I didn't have the opportunity to study...I’d found the way to improve my knowledge” – Claudio Serrano “Didn’t have the opportunities I have… probably I wouldn’t be the person I aM.” Sebastian tibaquira “The money didn't exist... we would define ourselves for what we really are and not for what we have.” - Karen Tarazona Jesus had never been born... this world would be more miserable than it is. Juan Carlos Holguin “Guns didn't exist... wars would be fought with sticks and stones.” - Julian Bonilla “Nobody believed in God...probably no one would taste hope” - Daniel Bonilla “Love were a gun... probably the third world war would be based



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