The Greenhouse

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By Design Wales

Design-led service innovation: training for public authorities, design centres and third sector bodies. 2012 November 20th 22nd 2013 February 5th 7th May 14th 16th

The Greenhouse has been created by Design Wales and the National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR). Contact Details Design Wales, Cardiff Metropolitan University 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB +44 (0) 2920 416 720

What is The Greenhouse ? The Greenhouse has been created by Design Wales and PDR to help organisations quickly build their knowledge and expertise in design-led service innovation. By taking part in this intensive, three-day course you will learn how to run designled innovation projects within your organisation. As well as learning from experienced practitioners in an internationally renowned design centre, you will also be given copies of the Greenhouse process, tools and methods. These will be licensed for you to use within your own organisation after the Greenhouse workshop.

What to expect The Greenhouse is not a conference. You will be expected to work hard, engage with your team mates and apply what you learn. In return we will provide you with the tools, skills and knowledge to apply design-led innovation within your own organisation. To ensure the Greenhouse delivers a practical learning experience the workshop activities are structured around a current design challenge facing a national charity or public body. An enthusiastic and hands-on attitude is a must.

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What is design-led service innovation ? “Thanks for equipping us with the tools necessary to implement service design here in Poland.” Karolina, participant

Design-led service innovation is a creative and user-centred approach to solving the problems organisations face when trying to develop viable new services. Services operating within the public and private sector can use design processes to engage their users in the innovation process. Organisations that approach innovation in this way often deliver improved services, more efficient interactions and at a reduced cost. The Greenhouse provides a safe environment to develop these design skills that are valuable for anyone seeking to create a more innovative environment for business and for public services.

3 Reasons why you should care about service innovation: “Thank you for the wonderful time in Cardiff, loads of new knowledge, experience, brilliant service design tools and of course for your wonderful hospitality.” Edward, participant


Public services need to find and deliver innovative new services that reduce costs, meet citizens’ needs and matches their increasing expectations.


“All the ideas were relevant and as an organisation we have got something out of all of them…I was impressed by the fact that the ideas were very practical and feasible and shows how much work the team put into it.” Michael, client

Service innovation has been identified by the European Commission as a key competitive advantage for doing business in Europe; how is your region supporting this?


The majority of SMEs offer similar products and services and compete mainly on price, resulting in stagnant economic development.

Who delivers the Greenhouse ? DESIGN WALES


Building on 17 years experience in the delivery of support programmes and leading networks in the UK and Europe, Design Wales is an international centre of expertise for the development of design support programmes and related national and regional policy.

The Greenhouse workshops are delivered by senior design professionals with extensive experience of high profile service design and innovation projects.

Design Wales leads several international networks and has been influential in the development of the latest generation of innovation policies at a European level (SEE Project). Working at a policy and programme level, Design Wales highlights the importance of design in the development of manufactured products, both public and private sector services and for addressing wider societal issues. Design Wales is a key part of the National Centre for Product Design & Development Research (PDR), a design and innovation research institution established by Cardiff Metropolitan University in 1994. With an industry-facing culture PDR is the ideal environment to experience the benefits and potential of design. With around 30 staff and 15 PhD research students our activities range from original research, user insight and analysis through to design, prototyping and low volume manufacture under the integrated themes of research, design practice and knowledge transfer.

Paul Thurston Paul leads the Design Wales’ Service Design Programme and has extensive experience of working within both industry and the public sector. Before joining Design Wales, Paul spent five years as head of design at Thinkpublic in London. Gavin Cawood Gavin is operations director at Design Wales and has led a portfolio of projects, including the SEE Project and Design Advisory Service as well as establishing PDR’s reputation as a leading knowledge transfer centre. Andrew Walters Andrew has assisted numerous organisations in planning and implementing user research. Andrew leads PDR’s user-centric design services for industry and was vital in bringing a new user-testing lab to PDR. Guest speakers from leading Welsh design agencies and public bodies will also present inspirational case studies of specific projects in The Greenhouse.

Design Wales also deliver the Service Design Programme for the Welsh Government 04 - - 05

Agenda The Greenhouse programme includes a combination of teaching from experts in service and user-centred design, and workshops; where the tools will be used and live research tasks will be conducted with service users, staff and the general public.

POST WORKSHOP At the end of the workshop delegates will be provided with the following materials in physical and digital formats: * * * *

ARRIVAL Evening drinks reception with The Greenhouse team and delegates. Pecha Kucha presentations from all delegates and facilitators.

Greenhouse workbook Greenhouse tools Greenhouse process documentation Visual illustration of the Greenhouse experience * Completion certificate from Cardiff Metropolitan University A working lunch and evening dinner will be provided on all three days.

DAY 1: UNDERSTAND Introduction and workbook user-centred Briefing from activity and

to The Greenhouse tools / Presentations from design practitioners / the client / Workshop start of live project.

DAY 2: DISCOVER Defining the challenge and creating a research plan / Service staff and user research in the field / Sharing and collating insights / Guest speakers / One-to-one sessions focusing on your challenge.

DAY 3: DESIGN Ideation process / Rapid prototyping of service concepts / PDR Design filter / Presentation to client.

Register now

The Greenhouse is designed for programme managers and policy makers working in the fields of design, innovation, service delivery, economic development and business support. To register at any of the upcoming Greenhouse events please email: to request a booking form.

The registration fee includes accommodation for three nights and food throughout event, staying in a 3* city centre hotel. 20th - 22nd November 2012 5th - 7th February 2013 14th - 16th May 2013

Cardiff – UK Cardiff is a beautiful and historic city with excellent parks, rivers and friendly locals. To find out more about the city, go to;

Individual places on the Greenhouse cost £1,495 Group tickets for three places are available at a discounted rate of £3,995 **If booked before 28th September 2012 a 10% reduction will be applied to your booking Due to the nature of the Greenhouse places are limited to a maximum of 12 per-session, so please book early.

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Contact Details Design Wales, Cardiff Metropolitan University 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB +44 (0) 2920 416 720

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