Five ‘no regrets’ moves for superior customer engagement

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Five ‘no regrets’ moves for superior customer engagement Tom French, Laura LaBerge, and Paul Magill

Customers are demanding very different kinds of relationships with companies. Here are some ways to jump-start customer engagement across your organization. No organization can avoid coming to customer engagement for the entire grips with the rapidly evolving behavior organization. To do so, the function must of consumers and business customers. be pervasive—able to influence touch They check prices at a keystroke and are points it doesn’t directly control. Over the increasingly selective about which past year, we’ve seen a wide range brands share their lives. They form impres- of companies try to address customer sions from every encounter and post engagement in more integrated ways, withering online reviews. As we noted in but many executives have told us they a McKinsey Quarterly article last year, simply don’t know where to begin. these changes present significant organi- The spectrum of organizational choices zational challenges, as well as opporis broader than ever, and companies tunities. The biggest is that all of us have are struggling to determine the appropribecome marketers: the critical moments ate role of marketing for their business. of interaction, or touch points, between What’s more, senior executives often view companies and customers are increasany internal effort by the marketing funingly spread across different parts of ction as a “land grab.” Given the absence the organization, so customer engageof solid return-on-investment data ment is now everyone’s responsibility.1 (see “Measuring marketing’s worth,” on, they may In many companies, the marketing express skepticism about marketing’s function is best placed to orchestrate place in the new environment.

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