2014 Set Apart Girl Conference

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setapartgirl CONFERENCE


with bestselling author LESLIE LUDY & other guest speakers

Come Away JUNE 6-8, 2014


My beloved spoke, and said to me, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” SONG OF SOLOMON 2:10

JOIN US IN Windsor, Colorado or Host your own LIVE simulcast

a note from leslie

Join me for this life-changing weekend! Connect with like-minded sisters from all around the world and experience soul-stirring Truth in this powerful event for women and girls of all ages. This conference provides an amazing opportunity to “come away� with Jesus, and learn what it means to not just fit Christ into your life, but to build your life around Him. No matter what failures or struggles you have faced, if you take the message of this weekend to heart, it can revolutionize your walk with Christ and awaken you to the sacred call He has placed on your life. This beautiful weekend will refresh and revive your spiritual walk and give you a vision for set-apart femininity that is both beautiful and practical. You will gain Biblical inspiration for important areas such as purity, pop-culture, godly relationships, gaining victory over sin, overcoming fear, and building daily intimacy with Jesus Christ. Discover what it means to practically live out set-apart femininity and build a Christ-honoring lifestyle. This event is for all ages! Please join us in Windsor, Colorado or host a simulcast of this event in your hometown!

read + learn more

@ setapartgirl.com read Leslie’s online magazine & browse countless resources


Forsaking Worldly Pursuits to Follow Our Beloved With Leslie Ludy In today’s world we are constantly baited to spend our best hours on worldly, shallow pastimes. Many of us spend far more time on social media or on selfish personal pursuits than we do at the feet of Jesus. But God’s Word says that “in His presence is fullness of joy” and “at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) This message presents an amazing opportunity to “come away” from worldly and unfulfilling time wasters, helps us exchange spiritual apathy for passionate devotion to Christ, and offers practical ways to build our daily lives around intimacy with the King of all kings.

INCORRUPTIBLE BEAUTY Cultivating Christ-like Femininity With Leslie Ludy

Feminine beauty has been redefined and warped by our culture. Sensuality, pop-culture preoccupations, and selfish pursuits have become the new normal for modern young women. But God’s pattern for radiant, Christ-like femininity is completely other than the sensual and destructive womanhood of today’s world. This message presents a beautiful and refreshing picture of what Christ-like femininity really means, and offers Biblical principles for cultivating this incorruptible beauty in every aspect of your life.


Do you long for a deeper relationship with Christ, but struggle with feeling distant from Him? In this powerful message, Joanna Weaver shares some of the most common roadblocks in our lives that hinder intimacy with Christ and offers practical ways to overcome them, helping you draw closer to Christ than ever before.


Exchanging Anxiety for Unwavering Faith With Leslie Ludy Fear quickly destroys our faith, paralyzes our spiritual growth, and hinders our intimacy with Christ. As women, we are often persuaded that being fearful is “normal” or even “wise”, but the Bible calls us to banish fear from our souls completely. This message exposes fear for what it is, and offers practical, Biblical Truth that helps us exchange fear for triumphant faith in our God and become strong and courageous in Christ.

PRACTICAL SET-APARTNESS Building a Christ-Honoring Lifestyle With Leslie Ludy

The Bible says that everything in our daily lives, small or big, should be done for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:1) Every decision we make is important in the sight of God. At each moment of the day, we must choose between glorifying God or coddling self. This message brings our daily habits and choices under the loving searchlight of God’s Spirit, and offers practical insights for honoring Christ in relationships, dress, friendships, family dynamics, decision-making, thoughts, words, and life pursuits.


Freedom from Bitterness and Resentment With Eric Ludy Is there someone in your life that you are struggling to forgive? The Bible says that if we harbor unforgiveness and bitterness in our hearts, it will put a wall between us and God, and hinder our intimacy with Christ. But when we have been deeply hurt, abused, wronged, mistreated, lied to, or disappointed by another human, true forgiveness can seem almost impossible. This message will introduce you to the secret of true forgiveness - it’s a God-imparted ability to let go of offenses and to forgive as Christ Jesus Himself forgave. This power is not found in human grit, willpower, resolve, and determination. It’s found only in Jesus Christ. He and He alone can turn our bitterness into love and set us free from the bondage of unforgivness and resentment.



Discipling Today’s Young Women with Leslie Ludy Join Leslie as she shares practical, Biblical principles for reaching today’s young women with the message of Christ-centered femininity. Whether you are a parent, a leader, or a young woman who is wanting to impact her friends for Christ, this session can equip you to become effective in ministering life-transforming truth to today’s teens and young women.

GOD-SCRIPTED LOVE STORIES Testimonies from the Set-Apart Girl Team

Join us for this encouraging and inspiring message as three members of our set-apart girl team share their own God-written love stories, answer questions, and offer Biblical principles for building a romantic relationship upon God’s patterns and not the world’s.

Special performance by: HIS LITTLE FEET, INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S CHOIR His Little Feet International Children’s Choir was founded in 2009 by Mike and Christa Hahn. The first choir, which toured the United States from November 2010 to May 2011, consisted of 15 children from the Hope for Haiti Children’s Center in Quanaminthe, Haiti. Since then, the two subsequent choirs have consisted of children from Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, and India, and have served as a voice for orphaned and vulnerable children all over the world. His Little Feet networks with various national organizations in order to equip their audiences to SPONSOR (support a child overseas), GO (serve children locally and globally), and ADOPT (give a permanent home to a child).




Leslie Ludy is a bestselling author and speaker with a passion for the Gospel, the vulnerable, and Christ-centered living. She and her husband, Eric, have been writing and speaking together for the past sixteen years. Widely known for their bestselling classic, When God Writes Your Love Story, Eric and Leslie have become foremost voices on some of the most poignant issues facing the Church today, such as relationships, purity, holiness, and living a fully consecrated life for Christ. Together, they are the authors of eighteen books that have been translated into over a dozen languages around the world. Eric Ludy is the director of Ellerslie Mission Society. Leslie’s books for young women include Authentic Beauty, Set-Apart Femininity, Answering the Guy Questions, Sacred Singleness, and The Lost Art of True Beauty. Her setapartgirl website and online magazine provide ongoing encouragement, resources, and discipleship to hundreds of thousands of young women around the world. For more information, visit www.setapartgirl.com.

JOANNA WEAVER, AUTHOR & SPEAKER Joanna Weaver is known for her transparent and life-changing books Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World, Having a Mary Spirit, and Lazarus Awakening. Translated into several languages, these books have sold over a million copies. DVD-based curriculum featuring Joanna teaching is available for the first two books, with the third curriculum releasing late 2014. Joanna has also written the award-winning book, With This Ring: Promises to Keep and At the Feet of Jesus, a devotional to inspire and deepen intimacy with God. Sharing God’s love and amazing grace with women is one of Joanna’s greatest joys, but being a pastor’s wife and mother of three is her highest calling and deepest delight. Joanna and her amazing husband John live in southwest Montana.

ERIC LUDY, PASTOR Eric Ludy serves as the President of Ellerslie Mission Society. He is also the teaching pastor at the Church at Ellerslie and lead instructor for Ellerslie Leadership Training. Eric is a bestselling author of more than a dozen books and a highly respected voice in the Church today, especially on the issues of Biblical sexuality, manhood, prayer, and the deeper Christian life. For the past eighteen years, Eric has been a popular speaker at colleges, conferences, and events, and has been a guest on nearly every major radio platform.

SET-APART GIRL TEAM, SPEAKERS The Set Apart Girl team is a group of faithful, like-minded young women who faithfully serve this ministry through design, photography, administrative help, editorial work, and writing contributions. We have witnessed their lives as they walk unreservedly for Jesus, with a passion to see Christ-centered femininity alive in this generation. They are living examples of radiant, godly femininity and we know you’ll be inspired and encouraged by their testimonies.

ELLA POWELL, WORSHIP LEADER Ella Powell is a singer and songwriter who was born and raised in southern Finland. At the age of 10 she became a popular child singer, and eventually began longing and training for a successful secular music career in the USA. God, however, had other plans. At the age of 23 she had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, who lovingly led her away from a life of seeking her own glory, and into a life of deeply desiring to share the love and glory of her Savior through her musical gifts. Ella has been writing and singing Christ-focused music ever since. She and her Australian husband Matt, along with their two young daughters and baby son, now live in Windsor, CO, where Ella is loving motherhood as well as writing and recording for her King.

So much to look forward to! PERSONALLY CONNECT

with like-minded sisters in Christ of all ages, from all over the country and all over the globe!


book signing with Eric & Leslie Ludy

JOANNA WEAVER will be here with an encouraging and challenging message that will lead you closer to Christ

FELLOWSHIP COFFEE & TEA with the setapartgirl team LEARN MORE about ELLERSLIE LEADERSHIP TRAINING - it may be the perfect fit for you!

BE REJUVENATED in your walk with Christ and be freshly inspired to surrender all to Him!

your conference

FRIDAY (June 6th)


1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Registration opens 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Optional: Tea with the Team! You are invited to join our setapartgirl team for a fun hour of tea, treats, and fellowship. 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. Dinner (on your own, restaurants nearby) 6:45 – 9:00 p.m. Welcome, Worship, and General Session with Leslie Ludy “Come Away - Forsaking Wordly Pursuits to Follow our Beloved” 9:15 – 9:45 p.m. Optional: Devotional time with the setapartgirl team

SATURDAY (June 7th) 6:45 – 7:15 a.m.

Optional: Early morning prayer with Eric Ludy

7:15 – 8:00 a.m.


8:00 – 9:30 a.m. General Session with Leslie Ludy “Incorruptible Beauty - Cultivating Christ-like Femininity” 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. General Session with Leslie Ludy

“Overcoming Fear - Exchanging Anxiety for Unwavering Faith”

11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Workshops “Set Apart Girl Leadership - Biblical principles for discipling today’s young

women,” with Leslie “True Stories of God-Scripted Relationships” with Elsje, Lauren, & Heather - sharing truths/principles from their pre-marriage relationships

12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:15 – 2:15 p.m.

General Session with Leslie Ludy

“Practical Set-Apartness - Building a Christ-Honoring Lifestyle”

2:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Optional Session: What is Ellerslie?

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

His Little Feet concert

4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

General Session with Joanna Weaver

“Roadblocks to Intimacy”

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.


6:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Group Photo

7:00 – 9:30 p.m.

Worship, General Session with Eric Ludy

“Power to Forgive - Freedom from Bitterness and Resentment”

9:45 – 10:15 p.m. Optional: Devotional time with the setapartgirl team

SUNDAY (June 8th) 6:45 – 7:30 a.m.

Optional: Prayer with the setapartgirl team

7:30 – 8:30 a.m.


8:30 – 9:45 a.m.

Book signing with Eric and Leslie Ludy

10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Worship and Message with Eric Ludy



Windsor, Colorado


In the cozy confines of the Ellerslie Campus Chapel, nestled right up against a beautiful lake, at the base of the majestic Rocky Mountains - this is one way to get a foretaste of heaven. This is where the live event is happening, which will stream around the world. We know that not everyone can make it to Colorado, but if you are able to attend this conference in person it is our goal to treat you like royalty! Space is limited to just over two hundred set-apart girls, so the atmosphere is intimate, small, and perfectly perfect. If you have always wanted to be in Colorado in late spring (which, by the way, is extraordinary), then this is your great opportunity.

Cost: On-Campus $199/person Off-Campus $99/person

FIRST STEP: Register online at:

www.setapartgirl.com Need to book your airport shuttle or find a local hotel? Find information on our registration page!


see website for details


R Host your own simulcast


Host your own setapartgirl event in your community (home, church, school, etc.) via live simulcast! This option has a million different possibilities. Consider your community the canvas and God the Painter. It could be just you and your best friend sharing the weekend together in Toronto. It could be you and your five closest friends in Turkmenistan. It could be you and fifty of your dear sisters in Christ in Tanzania. Or, if you really want to dream big - you and fifty thousand other girls exuberantly packed into a football stadium in Timbuktu (though you might want to check and make sure they have football stadiums in Timbuktu before you start telling people about it). Sessions included in the live simulcast:

FRIDAY NIGHT General Session

Session One with Leslie Ludy - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Mtn Time*

SATURDAY General Sessions

Session Two with Leslie Ludy - 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Mtn Time* Session Three with Leslie Ludy - 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Mtn Time* Session Four with Leslie Ludy - 1:15 - 2:15 p.m. Mtn Time* Session Five with Joanna Weaver - 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Mtn Time* Session Six with Eric Ludy - 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. Mtn Time*


A high-speed Internet connection will be required, as well as an appropriate viewing screen and audio amplification to meet the demands of your particular viewing audience.

Cost: $79 (any size group)

Flip to the next page to read what last year’s hosts are saying about their events!


Please visit our website to register to host this event in your area via live simulcast!


* Please note that schedule is subject to change and any worship time will NOT be streamed. If you have specific time zone requirements or are hosting overseas, simply indicate this on your registration form and we will contact you to set up a feed-schedule that will work for your area. If you are up for it, our setapartgirl team will work alongside you to help you make your God-sized dream a reality. So, prayerfully consider becoming a 2014 setapartgirl Simulcast Hostess and let God perform the impossible in your community. Please email conference@ setapartgirl.com if you have any questions, or register now at http://www.setapartgirl.com/conference/2014.


MARILI SAYS: I would like to thank you on behalf of the ladies that attended

our simulcast in Edenvale, South Africa. I was just reminded again during our conference weekend that God is sovereign and worthy of our whole lives. We had about sixty ladies come to our church... I know that many of the ladies were deeply impacted by the messages. Personally this was really rewarding spiritually. Although I have been acquainted with the Set Apart Girl ministry for a few years, it was encouraging just to reaffirm what I already know to be true... With such strong testimonies one can only be encouraged to give more of yourself to Christ in pouring out to others!

BETHANY SAYS: When my friend, Melissa, told me about the conference I

said right away that I would go. I was excited because I needed a breakthrough and hoped this might be it. But at the same time, I was terrified because I knew a breakthrough could mean reliving the pain of the past. God was so gracious to me though. I did get my breakthrough, but instead of feeling all of that pain again, He just took it away. I sat at the foot of the cross that weekend and He lifted so many weights off of my shoulders. I came away feeling so happy and free. Renewed. Since surrendering those things to Him, He has just been showing Himself to me in small ways and in crazy-blow-you-away kind of ways!... I don’t think I can really pull out one thing or one session as my favorite, because everyone who spoke touched my life deeply. There were so many nuggets of truth in every session. So many basic truths, yet so life changing.


Day at Ellerslie Conference Monday, June 9, 2014 at the Ellerslie Campus in Windsor, CO 8.15 a.m. - 3.15 p.m.

Join us in Windsor for a special bonus day with Eric Ludy (available only to setapartgirl conferees). Get a taste of Ellerslie Training by experiencing a typical day on our campus, filled with worship, prayer, stillness, and powerful teaching. Whether you are interested in the Ellerslie Training program or simply wanting a super-charged day of spiritual thunder and inspiration, we invite you to spend a day with us at Ellerslie! COST: $40 per person

(Includes two meals and optional one-night lodging on campus if space is available.)



Bestselling Author

Register now @ www.setapartgirl.com Please email us at conference@setapartgirl.com with any questions!

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