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A beautiful resource that points young women to Jesus Christ. Offering spiritual encouragement and Biblical insight from Leslie Ludy, co-founder of Ellerslie Mission Society, and bestselling author of Authentic Beauty and When God Writes Your Love Story, Set Apart Girl promotes purity and godly femininity through podcasts, devotionals, blogs, articles and conferences.

Michelle Willis

Elizabeth Gavrilovic

becky jenkins

Jenna Hargis

Cheridene Boucher

Aretha Turner

Kristiana Burk

Anna Ursales


Ms. Determined

Lyndsie Cossel

Becca Topp

Ashley Casey

Rachel Loke

Whitney Hollingsworth

Jennifer Baker


Lindsay Conrad

Margarette Villegas

Yourichi Lebrun

Martina Krick

Kacey Williams

Stacy White

Dorothea Schulz

Jennifer Selver

Emily Prouty

Christine Melvin

Ceri Christiansen

Beverly Elcock

Carissa Cook

Bethany Shepherd

Robin Shaw

Hannah Sode

Alanna Love

Minnie Hoover

shelley brown

Jermaine Kong

Laurel Popejoy

Angelina Kirichenko

Tanya Michelle Dowell

Victoria Victoria

Victoria Wagler

Madelin Butler

Re Walton

ekua brenu

Colleen Meakins


Susan Catalan