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A beautiful resource that points young women to Jesus Christ. Offering spiritual encouragement and Biblical insight from Leslie Ludy, co-founder of Ellerslie Mission Society, and bestselling author of Authentic Beauty and When God Writes Your Love Story, Set Apart Girl promotes purity and godly femininity through podcasts, devotionals, blogs, articles and conferences.

Bellevue Reporter

Lydia Karstedt

Emilee Schlottman

Sarah Jonassen-Miller

Hazel D'Beloved

Debbie Talley

suzi goodrich

Katie Aylsworth

Dina Simamora

Suzanne Daniel

Irene abc

Rosianne Monteiro

Summer Walker


Samantha Berry

Callie Stoker

Casey Dellinger

Carol Giacomino Repetti

Megan Chalfant

Meghna Jaglan

Nensy Juliyanti

Kai Escabillas

OTC Beauty

jessica morris

Christine Perry

Justine Leveille

Janet Grab

Rebecca Melton

Aloma United Methodist Church

francis recana

Edy Saputra Yu

Angela Alvarez

Trishonna Benton

Jennifer Caramb

Ainslie Sercombe

Sheila Dunlap

Stefanie Thomas

blabla raaa

Farha Kukihi

Tammy Underwood

G Porkeebear

Amanda Miller

Jennifer Kinal

Ar.Md Arshad Khan

Poenariu Beatrice

Alicia Hill

Kate Kupenova

Cynthia Hernandez