After receiving an anonymous letter two weeks earlier, unpleasant ghosts from the past began to reemerge to the surface. Every night for the last couple of weeks, James had been experiencing a reoccurring nightmare about Emilia, and he felt like Emilia was trying to tell him something. Those nightmares were born from the depths of his soul, coming to him silently and unguarded to unlock the ugliness he had not realized inside. Despite this, his soul still whispered a hope that the answer to those dreams promised him the chance of a full recovery from his haunting sleep.
Doctor Jonathan kept assuring him that the dreams were a connection to the human subconscious, successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The doctor believed that each picture James had seen in the dream was a form of unspoken emotion about Emilia. Like Jonathan, Richard also agreed that James was suffering from compassion fatigue syndrome