p u p e e K e t a d o t
EXPRESS Cont. Circulation - 9,239
Spring Car Care
Friday, March 18, 2011
Bed Head
Moose are continuing their migration into southeast Saskatchewan. This cow moose took up residence in the yard of Ron Bilinsky’s acreage which is located near the Estevan Municipal Airport. This week's entry into the 2011 front page photo contest was submitted by Ron Bilinsky. If you would like to submit a photo email it to editor@estevanmercury.ca. The winner will receive a digital SLR camera. Please ensure that when sending photos they are sent at the highest possible resolution. Contest sponsored by: *
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Page 2
McGill U fined $2 million for tuition hike PROVINCIAL SOUTHEND, SK, - A four-year-old boy is in hospital with serious injuries after being attacked by a sled dog on a northern Saskatchewan reserve. RCMP say the boy and a care-giver from the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation were helping feed about 14 musher dogs in the bush near Southend last Saturday. The boy had been told to stay in a truck, but got out and encountered one of the dogs that was off its leash. Police say the dog inflicted some injuries on the child before the care-giver could separate the two. The child was taken to the medical clinic before being taken by air ambulance to Saskatoon. The dog was struck by a motorist and died; the remaining animals were destroyed by their owner. The dog’s remains are being sent away for analysis. Southend is 220 kilometres northeast of La Ronge. NATIONAL OTTAWA - It’s a budget that could give Finance Minister Jim Flaherty nightmares, but a left-
leaning think tank says it’s one that would serve the country well coming out of recession. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is unveiling its annual “alternative federal budget” in Ottawa on Tuesday, a 38-page document that shows what fiscal policy may look like if Canada were governed from the left. The think-tank would roll back corporate tax cuts, create two new tax brackets for high-income Canadians, and cancel the F-35 fighter jet program. It would also establish a national carbon tax and a 28-per-cent tax rate for the oil patch. *** OTTAWA - There’s no need to fear that an earthquake in Canada could cause a nuclear accident like the one in Japan, experts say. Government data analyzed by The Canadian Press show that hundreds of small earthquakes have rattled Canada’s nuclear power plants over the years with no apparent harm. Both the federal regulator and Canada’s flagship nuclear company insist the country’s fleet of reactors can hold up to quakes large and small.
“The CNSC would like to reassure Canadians that nuclear power plants located in Canada are among the most robust designs in the world and have redundant safety systems to prevent damage in the case of an earthquake,” says a statement on the CNSC website. *** MONTREAL - Montreal’s McGill University will be fined more than $2 million for having drastically raised the tuition fees for its MBA program without the permission of the Quebec government. The provincial government announced Monday that the top-ranked university will see its public subsidy cut by roughly $2.1 million this year. In a province with the lowest tuition rates in Canada and a decade-long freeze on fee hikes, McGill has been pushing back. L a s t S e p t e m b e r, McGill began charging $29,500 in annual tuition for its two-year MBA program — nearly nine times higher than provincial limit that caps tuition at around $3,400 per year. INTERNATIONAL BERLIN - Chancellor Angela Merkel says
Germany will take seven of its 17 reactors offline for three months while the country reconsiders plans to extend the life of its nuclear power plants. Merkel said Tuesday that Germany will temporarily shut down reactors that went into operation before the end of 1980, affecting seven reactors. The decision comes amid fears sparked by the crisis under way at Japan’s tsunami-stricken nuclear power plant. Merkel spoke after meeting with the governors of states that have nuclear power plants. *** TOKYO - Japan has been rattled by a couple of aftershocks within minutes, causing buildings in Tokyo to sway. The first, measuring 6.2 in magnitude, struck Tuesday night off the coast of Fukushima prefecture, 200 miles (325 kilometres) northeast of Tokyo and near where a massive quake hit last week. Three minutes later, a second 6.0-magnitude quake rumbled under Shizuoka prefecture, 55 miles (90 kilometres) southwest of Tokyo. Friday’s huge temblor
spawned a tsunami that wreaked havoc along Japan’s northeastern coast, and officials believe it killed more than 10,000 people. *** ST. PETERSBURG, Russia - Icebreakers have been called in to free dozens of ships that are trapped in ice in the Gulf of Finland near St. Petersburg. The administration of St. Petersburg’s port said
Tuesday that at least 97 ships are still waiting for help, down from 160 ships two days ago. The eastern Gulf of Finland has not seen such thick ice since 1992, according to the Federal Agency of Sea and River Transport. Most of the trapped ships are cargo vessels, but some are passenger ferries. Many have been trapped for at least several days.
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1. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the first level of Girl Scouts? 2. TELEVISION: Who was best known in the role of Alice Kramden in “The Honeymooners”? 3. CHEMISTRY: What is the Latin name for iron? 4. ANATOMY: Where is the pituitary gland located? 5. COMICS: What is the dog’s name in the comic “Dennis the Menace”? 6. AD SLOGANS: What product was advertised by the slogan “A little dab’ll do ya!”?
7 . G E O G R A P H Y: What is the Canadian province known by the abbreviation NB? 8. FAMOUS QUOTATIONS: Who said, “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”? 9. MUSIC: Who wrote the song “Diamonds and Rust”? Answers 1. Daisy 2. Audrey Meadows 3. Ferrum 4. Base of the brain 5. Ruff 6. Brylcreem 7. New Brunswick 8. William James 9. Joan Baez
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Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. G.S.T. applicable to purchase price. Prospective purchasers must rely on their own inspections. Items will be sold in “as is, where is” condition. Items can be inspected at the Alcol Enterprises & Safe T Storage (55 19th Ave. N.E. Swift Current) during business hours (9:00 am - 5:00 pm). 6) Innovation Credit Union is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this ad. 7) Please submit any tenders before noon March 31, 2011 in a sealed envelope with a 5% deposit included. 8) All bids must be sealed and marked “Tender”
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(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
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5:00 p.m. - Browsing 6:00 p.m. - Live Auction Begins Proceeds to support Rotary Community Projects
Everyone Welcome For information call Charles Olsen - 421-9321
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‘EM WE MEND ‘EM Owners - Lance Mack & Yancey Hagel
MARCH 18, 2011
Member Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Member Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Audited by Audit Bureau of Circulations.
EXPRESS General Manager: Brant Kersey Editorial Staff: Peter Ng Norm Park Chad Saxon Jordan Baker Advertising Sales Manager: Janice Boyle Advertising Sales Representatives: Cindy Beaulieu Glenys Dorwart Deanna Tarnes Kristen O'Handley Production Department: Melanie Tribiger Jodi Gagnon Colleen MacDonald Simone Mantei Accounting: Kim Schoff Reception: Gayle Worsnop Classifieds: Carol Toth
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Perspective Expressed Opinions Jordan Baker Estevan Mercury Reporter
Missing the ‘extra’ hour of daylight It’s about time spring quits lollygagging and gets here already. Once February ends I have an expectation that the snow should disappear. It should realize it has once again overstayed its welcome and should leave us be until next winter. One time of the year I always look forward to is springing forward the clocks. That doesn’t happen here. I know it’s just a mental thing, but every year when the clocks go back to where they belong, it seems like spring is showing up much faster than it did just a couple of days before the time change. In a way I miss changing my clock. The clocks changed everywhere else in North America last weekend, turning March 13 into a 23-hour day. There is something about having the days instantly appear longer that I missed this year. One day the sun sets at 6:30, the next at 7:30. It makes you want to get outside and enjoy that extra hour of sunlight that you didn’t have just the day before. Of course the sun doesn’t actually hang in the sky an hour longer, it simply doesn’t rise as early. As something of a nighthawk, I’m good with that. I don’t need the sun in the morning. I’m not a morning person and feel the solar cycle should share in my dislike of mornings by remaining appropriately dim. In a strange way I feel as though I’m missing out on one of the fundamental signs of the next coming season, which is perhaps my favourite as long as the rain is kept in check.
Costs rising on the farm
Page 4
The only downside of the time change was losing an hour of sleep once a year, but you always knew your good karma for sacrificing that hour would come back around and you’d get the hour back for one glorious night in November when the clocks would fall back. The time change is just one of the many mental cues that I’ve developed over the years to signal the end of winter and the start of fine weather. These cues are important because they let me know I need things, like a new set of golf clubs. My clubs remains in Ontario and weren’t included in the move, mostly because of space restrictions. I will have to develop some new cues seeing as how I’m sticking with Saskatchewan for the long haul. Maybe I just need to buy a calendar. No matter what province you’re in, the spring equinox is this weekend. Weather, or temperature permitting, I like to enjoy mine on a deck with a cold drink.
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as 50 per cent in some cases. Those farmers have to feel significant pressure given the acres in question did not generate a crop last year. While the announced CI increases are one thing farmers have to deal with in budgeting for this year’s crop, it is not the only area where prices have bounced higher. Lingenfelter pointed to how diesel fuel is going up 20 per cent, and nitrogen fertilizer climbing 30 per cent higher than in the spring of 2010. Provincial New Democrat leader Dwain Lingenfelter was in YorFertilizer and diesel fuel are two of the major input costs when it comes to planting a crop, so farmers are going to have to kton recently calling for a rollback of the announced crop dig deeper into their bank accounts to seed in 2011. insurance premium increases on the 10 million acres of The increases may be tempered by near across-theSaskatchewan farm land which were too wet in 2010 to board increases in grain and oilseed prices, but those prices produce a can only be realized if crops are harvested in the fall. crop. Once again, the ability to seed is a question mark as The announced increase was pegged at an average of literally millions of acres were water-logged last fall, and 21 per cent. there was a record amount of snow this winter. Now that’s a pretty hefty increase in its own right. In broader terms of course, the cost increases are not When you think of anything you buy, if you suddenly heard isolated to farmers. it was going up 20 per cent, you would be shocked. We have all heard suggestions that gasoline prices In fact when gasoline recently jumped a few cents a will escalate further, and are likely to stay higher than in litre at the pumps, it was the hot topic of coffee shops pretty the past. well across North America. By CALVIN Food prices are also moving higher, and we all know So there is reason farmers have to feel the crop insurwhere housing costs have gone in the last couple of years. ance announcement is a big one, even with the promise of DANIELS Political uncertainty in the Middle East, rising food and some program enhancements coming with the premium Trader Agriculture energy demands from a growing population, and emerging hikes, especially given the 21 per cent is an average. Columnist economies are all pushing many of the staples of existence Averages are funny things because rarely does anyone pay that “average.” Most are either paying less, which is the good news, and business higher. Farmers may be facing it directly this spring, but the fact is, is while others are paying significantly more. Lingenfelter said he has “not found one farmer” facing an increase that we are all going to see our costs growing significantly faster than of only 21 per cent, suggesting most are 35-40 per cent and as much our wages in the immediate future.
By Samantha Weaver • That cork you pulled out of your wine bottle was made from the bark of a tree. The cork oak has to grow for 25 years before any cork is harvested, and then it’s stripped only every 10 years thereafter. • The coldest place on earth is a place known only as Ridge A in Antarctica. The average winter temperature there is -94 degrees F. • According to archaeological research, the bikini is nothing new; evidence has been found that the twopiece garment was worn
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in parts of Italy as early as 2000 B.C. • In 1950, 70 percent of all the cars, buses and trucks in the world could be found in the United States. • According to the
Consumer Electronics Association, the average television screen in United States homes is growing by 1 inch every year. • It was Ambrose Bierce, in his “Devil’s
Estevan University Women present
Sheila Fahlman
THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 Page 5 the symbol of his Playboy Thought for the Day: magazine? Evidently, when “I’ve done the calculation, the mogul was a small boy, and your chances of winone of his treasured pos- ning the lottery are identical sessions was a blanket with whether you play or not.” bunnies all over it. -- Fran Lebowitz *** (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
Ken & Sherry George Arcola, SK • Tuesday, April 12, 2011 • 10 am
Chair of G4G Regina
Speaking on Grandmothers 4 Grandmothers Monday, March 28, 2011 7:30 p.m. Estevan Art Gallery and Museum An International Women’s Day Event Funded by
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From ARCOLA, SK, go 4 km (2.5 miles) East on Hwy 13, then 0.75 km (0.5 miles) South, then 0.5 km (0.25 miles) West.
Everyone Welcome!
1987 Steiger 1000 Cougar 4WD • 1981 Steiger PTA325 Panther 4WD • 2008 Case IH 165 Puma MFWD • 1977 John Deere 3130 2WD • 2006 Case IH 2388 Combine • 2004 Case IH 2042 30 Ft Draper Header • Case IH 730 30 Ft Pull Type Swather • 2004 Westward 9352I 30 Ft Swather • 1995 International Eagle T/A Sleeper Truck Tractor • 1975 Dodge 600 S/A Grain Truck • 1981 Ford F600 S/A Grain Truck • Custombuilt 225 Bushel S/A Grain Trailer • 2011 Wilson Pace Setter 41 Ft T/A Grain Trailer • 1991 Flexi-Coil 5000 45 Ft Air Drill • International 4700 44 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator • Wil-Rich 41 Ft Deep Tillage Cultivator • Degelman 7000 Strawmaster 70 Ft Heavy Harrows • 2005 Ag Shield 7700 90 Ft High Clearance Field Sprayer • Brandt 4500 Grain Vac • Leon 850 8.5 Cy Pull Scraper... AND MUCH MORE!
Words cannot express our gratitude for the generosity of this entire community. The fund raiser for Riley was a huge success.
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Livestock producers
Protect your animals against anthrax Recent climatic conditions have increased the threat of anthrax to livestock in the Prairie provinces this summer. Consider the following measures to protect your animals.
Estevan Football Fundraising Supper & Auction Saturday, April 9 Cocktails 5:00 p.m. Supper at 6:00 p.m. Prime Rib meal catered by A Little Taste of Heaven Catering Inc.
Estevan Curling Rink Tickets - $50, ADVANCE TICKETS ONLY Tickets available at: Henders Drugs Val Paulson 388-2994, Wanda Harron 634-3147 Saskatchewan Roughrider Guest Speakers •Jason Clermont •Chris Getzlaf •Matt Dominguez with special guest emcee Michael Ball Various auction items from football organizations across Canada. Also, New Orleans Saints football, autographed by head coach Sean Peyton. All proceeds to beneÀt Estevan Minor Football & Elecs High School Football
Dictionary,” who defined “admiration” as “our polite recognition of another’s resemblance to ourselves.” • Ever wonder why magazine publisher Hugh Hefner chose a rabbit as
• Discuss vaccination with a veterinarian, especially if your herd resides in an area where anthrax has been found before. • Do not give the following to non-vaccinated animals: hay that is cut close to the soil or feed that had contact with soil. • Thoroughly clean and disinfect equipment and footwear that may have had contact with contaminated soil. • Wash clothes worn when tending to sick animals separately from the rest of your household laundry. • Report all sudden animal deaths to a veterinarian or the nearest Canadian Food Inspection Agency office. For more information on anthrax • visit www.inspection.gc.ca • call 1-800-442-2342.
Page 6
Only 2 weeks left
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Benson Consignment Auction Benson, SK • Monday, April 11, 2011 • 10 am
*Important Note* Previous advertisements stated this sale was held in Morden, MB on April 9, 2011. The correct location and date is Benson, SK on Monday, April 11, 2011. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
8 Parcels of Real Estate
Visit www.estevanmercury.ca
Southeast of Estevan, SK – 1,120± title acres
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Estevan Office: 306.634.9909 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Daryl Martin: 306.421.5066 Toll Free: 1.800.491.4494
Weyburn Travelodge Motel For Sale By
Bid Deadline Thursday April 7, 2011 Available for Inspection by Appointment Only. Please Call 1-306-842-1411. BUILDING DESCRIPTION * 36 Ft. x 292 Ft. * Contains 28 Fully Furnished Rooms * Recent Upgrades * All Rooms have Modern, Individual Combination Heaters/Air Conditioner Units * Doors have VIN Type Card Locks * Each Room is Equipped w/ 1 Piece Bathtub/Shower Unit w/ Sink, Toilet, Elec. Fan & Smoke Alarm CHATTELS INCLUDE *Modern Furniture *Commercial Washer/Dryer MOVING *Consultation w/ Building Movers hae Indicated the Structure can be Moved w/ an Estimated Cost in the Vincinity of $100,000 (Approx. 100 Km Radius of Weburn). Se e We b s i t e f o r T e r m s , Ph o t o s , & Fu r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n . BOX 3310 MELFORT SK S0E 1A0 TOLL FREE: 1-800-667-2075 PH: (306) 752-2075 SK PL 915407 AB PL 180827
w w w .h o d g i n s a u c t i o n e e r s .c o m
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) With change dominant this week, don’t be surprised to find new facts emerging that could put another slant on a situation and offer you another choice. Think it through before you decide. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) There could be some lingering problems from a previous matter that involved a decision you felt you had to make. Resolve the situation with your strong Taurean no-nonsense approach. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The Gemini’s carefully made plans could be undone by someone’s unexpected decision. Getting the full story behind that surprise move can help you decide how to deal with the matter CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Recently uncovered information might put a new light on a situation you thought had been resolved. Keep an open mind about possible changes that you might have to consider. LEO (July 23 to August 22) With a potential revision of an old agreement, you can’t beat the Big Cat for knowing how to sharpen a “clause” to the best advantage. Someone close could have the news you’ve been waiting for. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Certain issues in the workplace could put you in the middle of a dispute you’d rather not deal with. Express your honest feelings before the pressure to take sides builds up. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might feel uneasy disagreeing with someone you’ve been close to. But your rela-
tionship should be able to withstand and even thrive when confronted with your true feelings. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A romantic situation seems to be creating more confusion than
you can handle. If so, own up to your feelings. The sooner you do, the better your chances are for working things out. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) With change directing the Archer’s aim, consider a second look at your plans and see where they might benefit from a revision. A workplace matter is close to a resolution. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) New contacts help you learn
some important information about upcoming developments. The week calls for the Sea Goat to be more flexible than usual in a number of matters. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) With both change and uncertainty in your aspect, you might feel less confident in a previous decision. That’s OK. Check it out and see where it could be modified, if necessary. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Old relationships that seemed to be
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Thank You
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Page 7
We would like to thank everyone including our family, friends and the wonderful community we live in for making the fundraiser for Adam & Sherry Beatty such a success. The support we received from all was overwhelming. Special thanks to Crossroads for donating their services, the RM of Estevan for donating the use of the building, the ladies at long term care for tending bar and last but not least, to Adam’s brothers for all of their hard work at the fundraiser and for their continued support. Adam is continuing his recovery in Edmonton and is buoyed by the support of his friends, family and community at large. He would also like to encourage everyone to sign their organ donor card so others may receive the wonderful gift of a second chance at life. The Beatty Family.
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THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 sinking are buoyant again, and new relationships are benefiting from Cupid’s loving care. This could be a good time to make a major move. BORN THIS WEEK: While you prefer to tread your own path, you’ll go out of your way to help someone in need. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
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HOLY FAMILY RCSSD #140 R ooted in Christ, Serving in Love KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION For the 2011- 2012 school year ****************
St. Mary’s School
Sale Ends April 1, 2011
Ph: 634-2547 • 713 - 4th Street
Our Clients Asked & We Listened! Buy 1 Lotion Get 1 Half Price!
Buy Minutes and Get 50% More FREE!
Register by phone April 4 - 15 from 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:30 p.m. Call 634-3541 For further information, please contact Chad Fingler, Principal.
Open House - April 4/11 – 7:00 p.m.
******* Sacred Heart School/École Sacré Coeur English/French Immersion Register by phone April 4 - 15 from 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:30 p.m. Call 634-4249 For further information, please contact Mary Ellen Barreth, Principal.
FREE!! 634-8550 1-102 Souris Ave. N Estevan, Sask. Next to Boston Pizza
Open House - March 24/11 – 7:00 p.m. Children must be 5 years of age as of December 31/2011.
Page 8
Don’t Tell Her It’s Work
Izabell Taillon’s mother Crystal could not waste any time getting her daughter bundled up for some snow shovelling last week. The youngster arose early and was delighted to see it had snowed overnight. That meant she could grab her shovel and get busy. The duo were joined by baby sister Maya who was content to be the smiling supervisor.
Yacht Mop 12oz. cotton head C3H011
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SUBMERSIBLE SUMP PUMP 1/3 HP. 2300 GPH pumping capacity with Áoat switch. Durable construction, corrosion free. 2 year warranty. 97 347-3168
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Many types & proÀles available. Now stocking various lengths of Galvalume & white/white metal. Farm and industrial, galvanized, galvalume and coloured. 26, 28, 29 & 30 gauge metal ordered to suit your size and needs. Phone for pricing with your individual requirements!
Insist on CWD windows and doors. PVC Windows - Metal clad windows Patio and garden doors - Insulated steel doors
Call for comparative pricing!
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Some exceptions apply.
Southern Plains
•3.5 HP 5 gallon wet/dry vacuum 24” HOSE KIT 95 Fits 1 1/4” & 1 1/2” sump pumps
March 19, 2011
•Pedestal sump-pump 99 1/3 HP
Ph: (306) 634-5111 • Fax: (306) 634-8441 407 Kensington Avenue, Estevan Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Please recycle this newspaper!
Estevan Food Store
Due to Buying Group purchases we once again offer the
Truckload Sale LIFESTYLE I TWIN WAS $789.95 ............................. NOW $479.95 FULL WAS $929.95 .............................. NOW $564.95 QUEEN WAS $1039.95 ........................ NOW $634.95
Barcelo - Tight Top NON FLIP
F F O 45%
TWIN WAS $999.00 ............................. NOW $614.00 FULL WAS $1219.00 ............................ NOW $739.00 QUEEN WAS $1429.00 ........................ NOW $869.00
Hwy 39 East, Estevan
Annopolis Firm - Pillow Top FULL WAS $2299.99 ...........................NOW $1349.95 QUEEN WAS $2549.99 .......................NOW $1494.95 KING WAS $3499.95 ...........................NOW $1999.95
Phone: 634-4775
Hockey teen charged with assault for speering NATIONAL MONTREAL - Montreal Canadiens fans are hitting back at the National Hockey League after it gave a pass to a Boston Bruins player who put a Hab in the hospital. More than 1,600 Habs fans are expected outside the Bell Centre today for a peaceful protest of the NHL’s handling of the incident that left Canadiens forward Max Pacioretty unconscious on the ice last week. The protest is being spurred by a Facebook page whose organizers say they’re tired of hockey violence. *** BOCA RATON, Fla. - Gary Bettman fired a pre-emptive strike on the opening day of meetings for NHL general managers, announcing a fi ve-point plan to try to deal with the rise of concussions. It was an unprecedented move for the commissioner at a time when his league is under pressure to act on the hot-button issue. The GMs have gathered here to examine concussions for three days before deciding if they want to propose a rule change, but Bettman wasn’t content to wait. “There are a series of steps that we have been working on from a league perspective to address the issue of player safety,” he said Monday. *** E D M O N TO N - A teenage hockey player convicted of aggravated assault for badly injuring an opposing player with his stick during a game has been given a six-month conditional discharge. But he’ll have to donate $1,000 to the Edmonton Stollery Children’s Hospital and do 50 hours of community service in a hospital unit that treats trauma victims. The 18-year-old cannot be named because he was 17 when he speared Austin Hoekstra last year while play was stopped in a midget AA game. Hoekstra’s parents said they are satisfied with the sentence and hope it sends a message to other minor hockey players. INTERNATIONAL LONDON - Tickets
for the 2012 London Olympics went on sale Tuesday, and the first glitch in the system arose a few hours later. Fans with Visa cards which expire before the end of August were not able to process their orders. Visa is an Olympic sponsor and is the only card that can be used to purchase tickets. “It is an issue with Visa rather than the website or our systems,” London 2012 said. Tuesday marks the 500-day countdown to the opening ceremony for the London Games on July 27, 2012.
Page 9
THANK YOU ESTEVAN For voting Southern Plains Co-op
Best Bakery For voting Southern Plains Co-op
Best Gas Station Ave. SOUTHERN PLAINS 417 Kensington 637-4325
Natisse Stade & Ladan MacKenzie ....................................March 19, 2011 Lindsey Fraser & Geoff Ksenych .......................................... April 16, 2011 Janessa Walliser & Kevin Moffat .......................................... April 23, 2011 Brittney Andrist & Aaron Davis ................................................May 7, 2011 Melissa Hardy & Noel Krohn .................................................May 21, 2011 Emma Duchek & Shayne Suchan ..........................................June 4, 2011 Sarah Lalonde & Trevor Marshall .........................................June 11, 2011 Elyse Wilkinson & Tyler Mantei ............................................June 25, 2011 Erin Weinrauch & Kelsey Martin ...........................................June 25, 2011 Chantelle Mehler & Terry Fowler ..........................................June 25, 2011 Alyssa Knelsen & Lance Skoog............................................... July 2, 2011 Andrea Beahm & Corey Olson ................................................ July 9, 2011 Kristin Beahm & Brennan Miller............................................. July 16, 2011 Stacey Hanson & Josh Gustafson ......................................... July 16, 2011 Katie Kasal & Jared Puryk ..................................................... July 23, 2011
802 4th Street • 637-4320 Estevan, SK
Chelsey Colbow & Jeremy Istace .......................................... July 30, 2011 Renee Sears & Craig Tendler ............................................... July 30, 2011 Megan Smeltzer & Mason Schick.......................................... July 30, 2011 Vanessa Prentice & Les Oldhaver......................................... July 30, 2011 Tia Yunick & Cory Rucks .................................................... August 6, 2011 Kristen Fleck & Brandon Kerr ............................................. August 6, 2011 Brandi Barabash & Chris Mack ........................................ August 20, 2011 Heather Watts & Mike Irvine ............................................. August 27, 2011 Lacey Lischka & Michael Densley ................................ September 3, 2011 Michelle Babbings & Tom Avey .................................. September 10, 2011 Leah Himmelspach & Ryan Tetzlaff ........................... September 17, 2011 Crystal DuHamel & Cole Dunville ......................................October 1, 2011 Brittney Lafrentz & Trevor St. John ...................................October 1, 2011 Amy Clauson & Dustin Lesy ..............................................October 1, 2011 Twyla Dayman & Kevin Thompson .................................October 22, 2011
From large Dining weddings to smaller intimate affairs. E.B.’s Emporium Let us look after the catering can make your Special Event a Day to Remember!
From large weddings to smaller intimate affairs. 'DJ9BDJI= Let us look afterCI:GI6>CB:CI the catering
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We give you the freedom to be as involved as you wish, without giving up the wedding of your dreams. www.facebook.com/FlourishAndWhimsy We have rentals!
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Melanie Tribiger, WPICC • 421.0436
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634-8550 Mystic HD Sunless Spray Tanning Available
• Beautiful gowns for the graduate • Fancy attire - Mother of Bride • Jewellery - Tierras • Limited amount of white gowns for the bride Always that Personalized Service Appointments may be made.
Call 634-2654 to Announce Your Upcoming Wedding For Free!
Page 10
Early Safety Training Week
April 25 - 29 Location: Estevan Campus & Carnduff
Attention Students!! Early Safety Training is a collection of affordable safety training courses for youth 16-21 years old. With these safety tickets you will gain a leading edge in obtaining summer or full time employment. This training is highly recognized and valued by employers.
Saturday June 11, 2011
• Farm Equipment • Industrial Equipment • Vehicles • RV’s
The following classes are scheduled in Estevan and Carnduff during Early Safety Training Week: (All classes start at 8:30 am unless otherwise stated) • Apr. 25 (Estevan) – OH&S(am)/WHMIS(1 pm) • Apr.25 (Carnduff ) - Confined Space • Apr. 26-27 (Estevan) – CPR/1ST Aid • Apr. 26 (Carnduff ) – H2S Alive • Apr. 27 (Carnduff ) – OH&S(am)/WHMIS(1 pm) • Apr. 28 (Estevan) – H2S Alive • Apr. 28-29 (Carnduff ) – CPR/1st Aid • Apr. 29 (Estevan) – Confined Space Students who successfully complete the package of four courses in the Early Safety Training Program within one year may submit an application to Southeast Regional College to receive a bursary of up to $200. Completed package must include WHMIS, CPR/1st Aid, OH&S, plus one elective. Assistance will not be provided when training is paid by an employer.
For more information or to register call
Sale to be held at
Box 831, Estevan, SK S4A 2A7 Ph: (306) 634-9512, (306) 421-2928, (306) 487-7815 Licensed, Bonded & Insured P.L. 311962 www.MackAuctionCompany.com
Safety & Environmental Services
Cundall, Baumgartner & Co. Barristers and Solicitors announce the retirement of its partners and the closing of their of¿ce on March 31, 2011. Lyle and Robert wish to thank their many clients for
)LUHÀJKWLnJ 7UaLnLnJ Will train at your location by appointment
3LpHOLnH &RnVWUXFWLRn Available by appointment
March 2011 Sun 13
Mon 14
For pipeline safety concerns or emergencies call toll free 1-866-PIPELINE (1-866-7473546) Before excavating call Sask 1st Call at 1-866-828-4888 for a free locate. SOURIS VALLEY PIPELINE LTD. 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE
SOURIS VALLEY PIPELINE LIMITED 26 12th Street, N.E. Weyburn, Sk. Canada S4H 1K2 Phone: 306-848-0206 Fax: 306-848-0293
15 Global Ground Disturbance Lampman
Thu 17
Rigging & Hoisting Lampman
H2S Lampman 27
24 hours’ cancellation notice is required. No-shows will be billed for the full cost of the course.
3S7 I53 7UaLnLnJ Available by appointment
the opportunity to be of service.
• Souris Valley Pipeline Limited operates a High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Pipeline in Southeast Saskatchewan, a component of the gas is Hydrogen SulÀde (H2S). • As a member of Sask 1st Call, Souris Valley Pipeline would like to remind you to call Sask 1st Call at 1-866828-4888. • Statistics show that a signiÀcant cause of pipeline ruptures is due to third party damage.
Firstaid/CPR/AED Lampman
29 Global Ground Disturbance Lampman
April 2011 Sun
Confined Space Lampman
11 Global Ground Disturbance Lampman
H2S Lampman
1 H2S Lampman
Rigging & Hoisting Lampman
Firstaid/CPR/AED Lampman
Firstaid/CPR/AED Lampman 24
H2S Lampman
Fall Protection Lampman
Confined Space Lampman
Pre-registration is required for all courses. To register call Tricia at the Lampman ofÀce: (306)487-1550 or (306)487-2281, or e-mail: tstinson@carsonenergyservices.com
Page 11
The City of Estevan invites tenders to complete the following works: Tender ES.05.2011 - Intersection Development at Kensington Avenue and Rooney Road/Nesbitt Drive Tender packages are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Lower Level – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact Jankit Patel at 634-1820, Fax 636-2199 or e-mail: engtech3@estevan.ca Interested Contractors are invited to submit sealed envelopes marked with the respective Tender Number to the following by 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 12, 2011. Legislative Services Business Division, Main Floor – 1102 Fourth Street, City of Estevan, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 12, 2011 in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Estevan, Saskatchewan. The City of Estevan reserves that right to reject any or all tenders, and the lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Public Notice is hereby given that the City of Estevan has received an application for relocation of a new pre-assembled single-detached residential dwelling to the following property: 1)
Legal Description: Lot 8, Block 167, Plan 99SE16042 Civic Address: 1760 Wellock Road The above noted property is zoned Residential low density-Single detached Zone in which ‘Single-detached dwelling units’ are permitted uses of the zone. The application/proposal may be reviewed by contacting the Land Development Services Manager at 634-1821. Any questions or written submissions regarding the relocation proposal may be forwarded to the Land Development Services Manager, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 0W7, on or before the 31st day of March, 2011.
NOTICE OF TREE PRUNING Southeast Tree Care will be performing their annual trimming and pruning of both City property trees and elm trees until the end of March. Southeast Tree Care is striving to achieve the natural form of the trees. We welcome your questions, call 634-7348 Be aware that Elm trees cannot be trimmed from April 1st to August 31st of every year. The City of Estevan is seeking Certified Fitness Instructors to lead evening fitness classes. If you are Certified or would like more information on becoming Certified, please contact Nathan Jesse, Aquatics & Programs Manager, at (306) 634-1880.
SASKATCHEWAN LOTTERIES COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM The City of Estevan, Leisure Services Division is accepting applications from organization’s within the City of Estevan who are involved in sport, culture and recreation and are seeking Ànancial assistance. Non proÀt organization’s whose sole purpose is to provide sport, culture and recreational programming may be eligible for funding. The grant must be used for program development. The Application Deadline is Friday March 25th, at 4:00 pm for programs or projects held from April 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011. For further information or to receive a grant application, please contact the Leisure Services OfÀce at:
Taxpayers are encouraged to take advantage of the 2.5 % pre-payment discount the city offers on 2011 Property Taxes if paid in January. Please note that you will not receive a prepayment notice. If you wish to take advantage of the January discount please stop into City Hall or call 634-1812 or 634-1811 to determine what your 2011 discount will be.
CITY OF ESTEVAN TENDER The City of Estevan invites tenders to complete the following works: Tender ES.08.2011 The Sanctuary Cremation Garden at Estevan Cemetery Tender packages are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Lower Level – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact Justin Hender at 634-1818, Fax 636-2199 or e-mail: eng.tech@estevan.ca Interested Contractors are invited to submit sealed envelopes marked with the respective Tender Number to the following by 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 19, 2011. Legislative Services Business Division Main Floor – 1102 Fourth Street, City of Estevan, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 19, 2011 in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Estevan, Saskatchewan. The City of Estevan reserves that right to reject any or all tenders, and the lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted.
CONSTRUCTION ON CITY-OWNED PROPERTY Council passed a bylaw to regulate and control construction on City roadway allowances and other City owned property. Bylaw #2011-1847 was passed by Council at the March 7, 2011 regular meeting and is therefore effective immediately. Private and public property owners, including crown corporations, are required to complete an application for submission to the City prior to proceeding with any construction project that may impact City owned property. Whether it’s a small do-it-yourself construction project or a larger project you plan to hire a contractor for, you are required to complete an application. There is a $100 fee for each successful application and a performance deposit of $5,000 held in trust by the City until the construction project is properly completed. Once the project is completed, City ofÀcials will inspect the site to ensure that the City property was left in a satisfactory condition. The performance deposit will be returned if the site is deemed satisfactorily completed or a portion of the deposit may be held back until properly completed. The referred application is available at City Hall or you can Ànd the application on-line at www.estevan.ca and selecting Engineering Services and subdirectory General.
What’s Happening At The Estevan Arts Council Koncerts for Kids is pleased to bring in Special Event: TED OUTERBRIDGE – TIME CAPSULE. Ted Outerbridge, “master illusionist” returns to Estevan and continues to delight his audiences in well over 100 Canadian cities from coast to coast. Doors open at 7:00 pm with show to begin at 7:30 pm at the Estevan Comprehensive School on Thursday, March 31st. Tickets available at the door or avoid line-ups and purchase in advance at Henders Drugs. ADMISSION: $20.00 and for those 13 and under $10.00. Brothers from Different Mothers, the Ànal concert of the season is scheduled for TUESDAY, April 12, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Westview School. Please, if you are ticket holders or have a Koncerts concert brochure, disregard those dates and, instead, mark your calendars for TUESDAY, APRIL 12th Learn more at www.differentmothers. com
City of Estevan, Leisure Services Division 701 Souris Avenue, Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 2T1 306-634-1880 • leisure.ofÀce@estevan.ca
Property Tax Discount
The City of Estevan invites tenders to complete the following works: Tender ES.02.2011 - 2011 Watermain Replacement Program Chinook Bay George Street - Dufferin Avenue to Bannatyne Avenue Tender ES.03.2011 - Duncan Road Watermain Replacement & Storm Sewer Construction Tender ES.04.2011 - Souris Avenue Watermain Replacement & Road Improvements (SeventhStreet to King Street) Tender packages are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Lower Level – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact at 634-1818, Fax 636-2199 or email eng.tech@estevan.ca. Interested Contractors are invited to submit sealed envelopes marked with the respective Tender Number to the following by 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 26, 2011. Legislative Services Business Division Main Floor – 1102 Fourth Street, City of Estevan, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, April 26, 2011 in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Estevan, Saskatchewan. The City of Estevan reserves that right to reject any or all tenders, and the lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted.
2011 Discounts March 1.5% April 1 % May .5 % Tax notices will be sent out in June, once taxes have been levied.
At The Library..... Library Board Members Wanted! If you are an Estevan resident, over the age of 18, and care about your community’s public library services you are encouraged to join the Estevan Public Library Board. Contact Kate-Lee Donohoe, Secretary of the Board, at 636-1627 or kdonohoe@southeast.lib.sk.ca for more information.
Stars for Saskatchewan – Join us for some traditional folk music (British Isles / French Canadian) when BLACKTHORN is scheduled to perform at the Estevan Comprehensive School. Performance to take place at 2:30 p.m. Learn more about these spectacular performers at www.blackthornband.com. Visual Arts – Classes are in the planning stages for April. CLAY COMBO (parent/child) workshops for the younger kids and Exploring with Clay for the 8-12 year olds will run April 9th. Our February Break ART & ACTION CAMP was a huge success and we are planning another for SPRING BREAK (April 26, 27 and 28). AVOID disappointment and register early! Energy City Film Circuit present MADE IN DAGENHAM on April 10th – 3:00 pm at the Orpheum Theatre. A dramatization of the 1968 strike at Britain’s Ford Dagenham car plant where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination. In reality, these ladies were directly responsible for equal pay legislation across the globe – no small feat in any era, but especially so in the male-oriented corporate world that existed in Britain in the late 1960’s. Further details at www.estevanartscouncil.com or call the ofÀce 634-3942
Spring City Wide Registration Wed., March 30 • 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Souris Valley Aquatic and Leisure Centre Watch for more details
CITY OF ESTEVAN TENDER The City of Estevan invites tenders to complete the following works: Tender ES.06.2011 - Intersection Improvements at Fourth Street and Second Avenue (North Side) Tender packages are available at the Legislative Services Business Division – Lower Level – City Hall. For further information regarding this tender please contact Justin Hender at 634-1818, Fax 636-2199 or e-mail: eng.tech@estevan.ca Interested Contractors are invited to submit sealed envelopes marked with the respective Tender Number to the following by 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, March 29, 2011. Legislative Services Business Division Main Floor – 1102 Fourth Street, City of Estevan, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 Public opening of tenders shall take place at 2:30 PM local time, Tuesday, March 29, 2011 in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Estevan, Saskatchewan. The City of Estevan reserves that right to reject any or all tenders, and the lowest tender may not necessarily be accepted.
Page 12
Friday, April 15, 2011 Featuring:
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider and special guest
Kim Mitchell
Tickets: $60.00 each plus ticket agency fees, available at: www.Ticketmaster.ca or charge by phone at: 1-800-970-7328
Corporate Box & Spectra Place Seat Holder Pre-Sale: March 1 &2 Bruins Season Ticket Holders Pre-Sale: March 3 & 4 General Public Sales: Saturday March 5 at 10 am
PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS The City of Estevan gives notice that it is seeking proposals for the purchase and development of a City-owned parcel legally described as: LOT 1 BLOCK 31, PLAN #102049488 ESTEVAN, SASKATCHEWAN SURFACE PARCEL #165160346 Civic Address: 97 King Street (east) Parcel Details: Parcel Size: 68.402m X 71.189m Area= +-0.485ha [+-1.198 acres] Zoning: COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL/HIGHWAY ZONE [C3] Interests/Restrictions: 10.0 m wide Utility/Pedestrian Access Easement. Site access limited to Johnston Road. Utility Services: To be pre-serviced [2011] with water/sanitary sewer to property line. Franchise utilities will be Purchaser’s own responsibility. Conditions of sale: Land Sales/Development Agreement Proposal/Offers must include a proposed purchase price in addition to a detailed description of the intended use and preliminary development plan for the site. The City reserves the right to select the proposal(s) that best suits its development vision for the parcel and may reject any and all proposals. Highest or any offer/proposal not necessarily accepted. Written offers/proposals must be submitted to the City Clerk’s ofÀce, Legislative Services, City Hall, 1102 Fourth Street, Estevan, Saskatchewan on or before 12:00 p.m., Thursday March 31, 2011. For further inquiries please contact the City’s Land Development Services Manager at 634-1821.
Duties and Responsibilities: The successful candidate will demonstrate excellent interpersonal communication skills. This person will handle incoming telephone calls, general public inquiries and complaints, and will communicate via radio transmissions with members on patrol. Must be able to work independently under stress as well as produce a high degree of accuracy. Application packages can be picked up at the Estevan Police Service or mailed out upon request. Please return the completed package with an updated resume in a sealed envelope to: Chief of Police Estevan Police Service 301-11th Ave., Estevan SK S4A 1C7 Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Position: Police Constable The Estevan Police Service is accepting applications for a Police Constable. Application packages can be picked up at the Estevan Police Service or mailed out upon request. Chief of Police Estevan City Police Service 301 - 11th Avenue Estevan, Sask, S4A 1C7 Only successful candidates will be contacted.
Parcel shown cross-hatched
ESTEVAN POLICE SERVICE NICE TO KNOW No person shall ride, drive or park upon any sidewalk or boulevard in the City that is not accessible from a public highway by a curb crossing. Please do not park your vehicle, trailers or campers on a city boulevard. Fines are $40 and can be charged until vehicle/trailer is removed. Special Constable A. Fischer, Bylaw Enforcement
CASUAL RECREATION LABOURER Make a difference every day. The City of Estevan www.estevan.ca a vibrant and growing community in Southeast Saskatchewan, with excellent educational, medical and recreational facilities, a strong business and industrial sector and only 10 minutes north of the U.S. border, requires Casual Recreation Labourers to join our team. POSITION TITLE: CASUAL RECREATION LABOURER REPORTS TO: FACILITY MANAGER BUSINESS DIVISION: LEISURE SERVICES The successful applicant will perform janitorial cleaning services as well as labourer tasks on construction and maintenance projects. The successful applicant shall possess a Grade 12 Diploma or GED Equivalent, First Aid & CPR “C”, WHMIS and a Valid Class 5 Drivers License. Previous labourer experience is considered an asset. For further information, please visit our website at www.estevan.ca
Page 13
Five steps to avoid engine overheating It is a common sight many an automobile owner is all to familiar with: A car is stranded on the side of the road with the hood open and smoke billowing out as an exasperated driver looks on shaking his or her head. An overheated engine can render a car useless in a matter of minutes. A vehicle is propelled by an engine that ignites gasoline and causes controlled explosions within. An engine can produce quite a lot of heat. Compound this with external temperatures and an overheated engine may occur. Other mechanical factors can also cause an engine to overheat. These include a faulty thermostat to regulate coolant supply to the engine and even an
inoperable radiator fan. Experts say an average car engine is designed to operate within 195 to 220 F. Anything above that could cause engine failure. Overheating can cause a lot of damage to a car. It may damage and burn holes in the parts. Rings, pistons or rod bearings may become impaired, or one can blow a head gasket. Coolant is designed to protect an engine to a point, but it can also become compromised under high heat. Boiling coolant may cause the radiator and hoses to burst. The best way to avoid engine and vehicle trouble due to overheating is to prevent an engine from becoming overheated in the first place. Here are strategies to employ.
1. Ensure that coolant levels are maintained and there are no leaks that would cause coolant to drip out. Be sure the right coolant is being used for the particular vehicle. 2. Dirty, inadequate motor oil cannot dissipate heat as well as clean oil. Check the oil level and viscosity. Change the oil before a long trip or if it looks past its prime. 3. Confirm radiator
hoses are in good working order and do not look worn out. 4. Have a mechanic check that a radiator fan is working and that there is adequate air flow through the radiator. 5. Be aware of engine temperature by watching the gauge on the dashboard. If an engine seems like it’s about to overheat, here are some steps to take.
• Slow down, and pull into the right lane. Turn on the heat in the car and open the windows. This may draw heat out of the engine block, while maintaining a slow pace can continue to draw air over the engine. • Pull over and open the hood to allow the engine to cool. • Top off the radiator with coolant. Water can also work in a pinch. • Take frequent breaks
during long road trips to allow the engine to cool down for at least 15 minutes. • Be sure to clear the radiator from obstructions, including leaves or insects that may have collected. Men and women without auto maintenance experience should not touch anything under the hood. Consult with a mechanic to determine engine overheating causes.
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Page 14
How often to change motor oil? Much confusion or misinformation exists about how often drivers need to change their vehicle’s motor oil. Though it pays to change motor oil to keep the engine operating optimally, such changes don’t need to be done as often as the average driver thinks. As engines have become smaller, more fuelefficient, longer-lasting, and better for the environment, engine maintenance guidelines have changed. And motor oils have changed as well. There are additives to help reduce engine wear and maintain the oil’s viscosity, and detergents in today’s motor oils help wash engine
parts and prevent sludge from forming. For years the 3,000 mile oil change interval has been the standard practice. While this may have been adequate for older cars and less advanced motor oils, today’s vehicles can actually go much longer between oil changes. Drivers looking to prolong oil changes can turn to their owner’s manual for the suggested oil change schedule for the make and model. Many have guidelines depending on how often a motorist drives his or her vehicle. Those that routinely drive through muddy or dusty areas may
want to change their oil more frequently. Others may be able to change the oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. Drivers should not be scared off by the look of their oil. The detergents and additives in motor oil are created to suspend debris in the oil so it doesn’t foul up engine parts. Therefore, the oil may look darker.
This does not necessarily indicate that the oil needs to be changed more frequently. Stick to the schedule in the manual. Individuals seeking confirmation that they can go longer durations between oil changes can have a motor oil analysis done. This will confirm the quality of the oil after having driven a certain amount of miles. The 3,000 mile oil change interval is no longer the industry standard thanks to advancements in both engine and motor oil technology. Chances are most vehicles can go longer between oil changes and still continue to drive well.
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445 4th Street, Estevan
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Bring your car to us for guaranteed quality repair. We use the latest equipment and technique to restore your car to its pre-accident condition, as quickly as possible, at a fair price. Our entire staff is committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction. We’ll work with your insurance company, take care of all the paperwork and keep you informed through every stage of the repair process. From start to finish, our most important job is making our customers happy!
• Courtesy Vehicles • Collision Repair • Custom Paint
Bounce in to get your car tuned up for Spring Driving!
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Appointments not always necessary!
1139 5th Street Downtown Estevan 634-2823 Your friendly neighborhood auto repair shop.
* 5 Journeymen Autobody Repair and Paint Specialists on Staff * State-of-the-art Paint Booths 1010 6th St., Estevan • Ph: 634-6060; Fax: 634-8340
* Hook® Frame Rack
Check out:
www.estevanmercury.ca for photos from around your community!
Page 15
Peace of Mind Driving Inspection
- Includes rotation of 4 tires - Oil change including Mopar Àlter and up to 5 liters of premium oil (Diesel Trucks and vehicles requiring synthetic oil extra)
Car washing dos and don’ts Car enthusiasts will tell you that one of the best ways to maintain that new car look is to keep up with a frequent washing schedule. Removing road grime and other plagues of automotive paint on a routine basis keeps a car looking its best. There are some rules of the road when maintaining the exterior of a vehicle to ensure the finish remains in pristine condition. Keep in mind these dos and don’ts. DO use products specifically designed for automobiles. Household cleansers may be good at removing dirt, but they may also strip off the protective wax on the car. DON’T wash the car while it is hot, after it’s been sitting out in the sun a while or directly after it’s been driven. The warmth can cause the water and soap to dry faster, leaving unsightly deposits.
DO wash off dead insects, road salt, mud, etc., as soon as possible. Otherwise these substances may stick to the paint and cause erosion.
DON’T assume the rain will clean the car. In areas with acid rain, it’s actually essential to rinse a vehicle off after it rains to prevent
damage. DO move the sponge lengthwise along the vehicle. Swirling the sponge may cause tiny scratches.
Spring is Finally Here
• Oil & Air Filters • AC Delco and Mobil 1 Engine oils • Hitches • Mud Flaps • Windshield Wipers • PolyMatrix Bling Clean • AC Delco Interior Cleaners • Step Tubes • Bug DeÁectors • Ventvisors • Mirror Covers • Fuel Doors
Your distributor of the best chrome cleaner
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Most Gasoline Engines - $149.95
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See us for professional, affordable service for all vehicles. From chips and cracks to shattered glass, we will replace any window in your vehicle.
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TRANSMISSION Ltd. 237 3rd Street, Estevan www.roystransmission.com
Receive a free Mopar Prize with the above service
plus enviro, materials and taxes
Auto Glass Repair & Windshield Replacement
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Most Diesel Engines - $199.95
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Windshield Specialists
- Extensive written 45 point inspection of major components courtesy of our Factory Trained Technicians
Ph: 634-7903 Fax: 634-9838
Locally owned & operated by Licensed Mechanics
If you haven’t shopped Power Dodge you may have paid too much!
MATT’S CAR WASH LTD. • High Pressure Spot Free Rinse • 9 Car Bays • 2 Truck Bays • Computerized Timers • Loonie, Toonie & Quarters SELF SERVE WATER DISPENSER With over 30 years experience to give you the wash you want! 128 Souris Avenue N., Estevan
ur O n I e l c i h e P u t Yo u r V s! d n a H d e c n e Exp e r i s
gnostic Complete Dia All Drivetrain Suspension
Brakes Exhaust Tow Package Installations
634-7977 441- 4th Street, Estevan www.highenergyperformance.ca Monday - Friday 8 a.m. -5:30 p.m.
Page 16
THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 7+( 75$'(5 )5,'$< $8*867
6287+($67 75$'(5
Estevan Arts Council Stars for Saskatchewan presents BLACKTHORN Celtic Folk Group Celebrating the traditional music of Ireland and Scotland as well as Folk Music of English and French Canada Sunday, April 3, 2011 2:30 p.m. Estevan Comprehenesive School - Estevan, Sask. Advance Tickets: Seniors/Adults $20 Teen $15 Child $7 Door: Seniors/Adults $25 Teen $15 Child $8 Tickets at Henders Drugs Present ticket for 10% off at Granby’s
CUSTOM BUILT READY TO MOVE HOMES: R. Barkman Construction, Cromer, Manitoba. Quality workmanship and materials. Please Phone Randy at 204662-4561 for Estimates and Design or Stop in to Visit Our Homes.
The P.C. Party of Saskatchewan has helped build our province and we want to continue working for you Check us out on our new website at pcsask.ca We believe there is a better way of governing Saskatchewan “For the Right Reasons” Contact us at: Phone: (306) 652-2044 Email: pcsask@sasktel.net AT T E N T I O N R E S I D E N T I A L SCHOOL SURVIVORS! If you received the CEP (Common Experience Payment), you may be eligible for further cash compensation. To see if you qualify, phone toll free 1-877-9881145 now. Free service!
CARD OF THANKS Geraldine (Starr) Smith and family would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to our family and friends who sent flowers, cards, food and prayers after the passing of Duane Smith, our loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. The numerous phone calls and special visits were much needed and appreciated during this sad time in our lives. A special thank you to the nurses who cared for Duane during his stay at the Regina General Hospital. As well, a special thank you to Dustin Hall of Hall Funeral Services for his compassion and support after Duane’s passing. A special thank you to Pastor Krauss for his compassion and the ladies of the Lampman Faith Lutheran Church for the lovely lunch after the service. May God Bless You All. - Geraldine Starr Smith; Kelly Smith & Family; Steve and Amanda Smith & Family; Rick and Katherine Smith & Family; Candice Ballachay & Family.
Remember your loved ones with a memorial tribute in the Southeast Trader Express
Naturally attractive, sweet, 32, caring, loving, petite, a true farm girl from humble beginnings. Has made a very successful life for herself. She is a country loving person, who is looking to spend the rest of her life with a man out in the country. She is looking for a stable caring relationship. Children ok. Must be a horse lover, enjoy some travel, sports, and a happy home life Matchmakers Select 1888 916 2824 www.selectintroductions.com
Customerized memberships thorough screening. Guranteed service. All ages, nationalities, occupations & provinces
“CONNECT WITH YOUR FUTURE” Learn from the past, Master the present! Call A True Psychic NOW! $3.19 min. 1-877-478-4410 (18+) 1-900-783-3800 Answers to all your questions!
APPLIANCE REPARIS Repairs to Household: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Fridges Call Rene at 306-455-2707 Cell: 306-577-5487
Classifieds Work!
Repeat the Same Ad in the
REGISTER NOW! Saskatoon Active Adult Large Ground Level Townhomes www.diamondplace.ca
FOR SALE: New 1215 sq. ft. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath modular home. Includes fridge and stove. $4750 down; $852 per month - Includes lot rent. Phone 1-403-397-8525. HOUSE FOR SALE: 1040 sq. ft. 4 bedroom home. Hot tub room; new appliances; upgrades; large yard; close to schools. Phone: 634-7348.
OUT OF TOWN LAKE ALMA: Heated house for sale or rent. Summer parking for 2 RV Trailers. Small deposit will hold until spring. Phone 306-869-2988.
80% COMMISSION TRAVELONLY has 500 agents across Canada. Business opportunities with low investment, unlimited income potential, generous tax/travel benefits. Run your travel company, full-time, part-time from home. R e g i s t e r f o r F R E E s e m i n a r, www.travelonly.ca, 1-800-6081117, Ext. 2020. EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to operate a Mini-Office Outlet. Work from your own home and be your own boss. Free online training, flexible hours, great income potential. Telephone, computer, and high speed internet needed. Teach over the internet. Join the health and wellness industry. Great for baby boomers and stay at home moms. www.freedomhealthy.com
BUSINESS SERVICES WANTED TO RENT WANTING TO RENT Farmland within 10 miles north of Bienfait or Estevan. Phone 634-3105 or Cell 421-0679.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Guaranteed Record Removal since 1989. Confidential, Fast, Affordable. Our A+ BBB Rating assures EMPLOYMENT/TRAVEL & FREEDOM. Call for your FREE INFORMATION BOOKLET. 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1 866 972 7366). www.PardonServicesCanada.com
FINANCIAL SERVICES $500 LOAN, NO CREDIT REFUSED. Fast, Easy and Secure. 1-877-776-1660 www.moneyprovider.com DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce/eliminate interest, regardless of credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call:1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member
Find what you’re looking for in the classifieds.
Classifieds: Small ads with big results!
CHARGED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Businesses/Private Parties placing ClassiÀed Advertising (Want Ads) in either The Estevan Mercury or the Southeast Trader Express and requesting these ads to be BILLED TO AN ACCOUNT WILL BE CHARGED THE FOLLOWING RATE: $9.95 for the First 20 Words + 20¢ for Each Additional Word ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO 5% GST Please remember … Each Abbreviation Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, you just make your ad more difÀcult to read) Web Sites (i.e. www.world.ca) count as three words
1/2 Price! Our ClassiÀed Sale Never Ends!
FOR SALE: 10 Acre Parcel of Land, 2 miles west of Estevan in the valley. Phone 634-7920 or 421-1753.
CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian pardon seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation? All CANADIAN/AMERICAN Work & Travel Visas. 604-2826668 or 1-800-347-2540.
FOUND: At SGI Parking Lot - Set of keys with brown leather tag. Stop by to claim.
At the Southeast Trader Express Pay Full Price for a CLASSIFIED in
FOR SALE: 1440 sq. ft Bungalow. Completely renovated, large fenced yard, great location. Phone 634-4648.
Available bachelorette
Sell Your Unwanted Items with an Ad in The SOUTHEAST TRADER EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS! Phone 634-2654 Today!
Estevan Mercury & Southeast Trader Express CLASSIFIED INDEX
Engagements Wedding Annivers. Anniversaries Birthdays Announcements Prayer Corner In Memoriam Cards of Thanks Coming Events Garage Sales Memorial Services Personals Health/Beauty Lost Found Introduction Services Readings Psychics Travel Health Spas Tickets Childcare Available Childcare Wanted
SERVICES Accounting/ Bookkeeping Appliance Repairs Auctioneers Bricklaying Building/Contracting Building Supplies Drywalling Building/Contracting Electrical Handyperson Hauling Cleaning Janitorial Landscaping Lawn & Garden Moving Painting/Wallpaper Renos/Home Improvement Roofing Snow removal Services for Hire Vacuum Services
Farm Services Feed & Seed Hay/Bales for Sale Certified Seed for Sale Pulse Crops/Grain Wanted Steel Buildings/ Granaries Farms/Real Estate Houses for Sale Antiques Apts./Condos for Sale For Sale/Miscellaneous Out of Town Furniture Cabins/Cottages/ Musical Instruments Country Homes Apts./Condos for Rent Computers/Electronics Firewood Duplexes for Rent Sports Equipment Houses for Rent Farm Produce Mobiles/Pads Hunting/Firearms Housesitting Plants/Shrubs/Trees Wanted to Rent Pets Rooms for Rent Wanted to Buy Room & Board Auctions Shared Accomm. Adult Personals Mobile/Mft. Homes Domestic Cars for Sale Recreational Property Trucks & Vans Parts & Accessories Revenue Property Automotive Wanted Garages RVs/Campers/Trailers Real Estate Services Boats Investment Opport. Snowmobiles Business Opportunities Motorcycles Hotels/Motels ATVs/Dirt Bikes Business Services Utility Trailers Financial Services Oilfield/Wellsite Equip. Industrial/Commercial Heavy Equipment Storage Career Opportunities Space for Lease Professional Help Office/Retail for Rent Office/Clerical Warehouses Skilled Help Farms for Sale Trades Help Farms/Acreages Sales/Agents for Rent General Employment Land/Pastures Work Wanted for Rent Domestic Help Wanted Mineral Rights Career Training Tutors Farm Implements Livestock Memorial Donations Obituaries Horses & Tack
Notices to Creditors Assessment Rolls Tax Enforcement Tenders Notices/Nominations Legal/Public Notices Judicial Sales
DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM We help Canadians repay debts, reduce or eliminate interest, regardless of your credit. Steady income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering bankruptcy? Call us first 1-877-220-3328 Free Consultation. Government approved program, BBB member
600 SQ. FT. RETAIL Storefront Available today. $1200 per month. Utilities included. Phone 306-4213749.
FOR RENT: 80 Acres, approximately 5 miles Northeast of Estevan. Cash rent of $35/acre. Call Dawn: 780-361-8200.
STEEL BUILDINGS PRICED TO CLEAR Holding 2010 steel prices on many models/sizes. Ask about FREE DELIVERY! CALL FOR QUICK SALE QUOTE and FREE BROCHURE - 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.
ACREAGE AUCTION Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - 10:00 a.m. Stewart Stobart - 2 Miles South of Frobisher, Sask. and 21/2 West. NW33-2-4W2, RM of Coalfields. Approx. 1120 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedroom House, 160 Acres. www.mackauctioncompany.com Mack Auction Co., 306-487-7815, PL311962.
HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours Available. Call 1-866-652-6837 www.thecoverguy.ca
FREE CATALOGUE 1-800-353-7864 HALFORD’S - Butcher Equipment and Supplies, Leather, Beads, Craft Kits, Animal Control Equipment + Trapping Supplies. Order from our new web store and get free shipping until August 31, 2011. www.halfordsmailorder.com
LAND FOR SALE: 158 Acres/ 125 Cultivated in RM of Benson #35. SW 15-05-08 W2. 2008 FVA 45,200. $5,000/yr. oilwell lease payments. $180,000. Phone 4632796.
FARMS / REAL ESTATE SERVICES BEAUTIFUL Quarter Section, spruce and maple trees, new 1756 sq. ft. 3 bedroom ranch home, barn, corral, 12000 bus. grain storage, rental revenue, fenced pasture. 12 mile south of Arcola. Phone 306-577-9660. cathieb@xplornet.ca SIX - 10 Acre, One - 20 Acre Parcels for sale, 1/2 mile west of Bienfait. Phone 634-3105; Cell 4210679.
NEED A HOME PHONE, cable TV or high speed internet? We can help. No credit checks, Call today. 1-877-852-1122. Protel Reconnect, available in most areas. NEVER SHOCK CHLORINATE AGAIN! New! Continuous Shock C h l o r i n a t o r. P a t e n t P e n d i n g Canada/U.S.A. No mess, effective year round for smell, iron bacteria, slime. Inexpensive. Phone 1-800BIG-IRON; www.bigirondrilling.com SAWMILLS - Band/Chainsaw SPRING SALE - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. MAKE MONEY and SAVE MONEY In stock ready to ship. Starting at $1,195.00. www.NorwoodSawmills.com/400OT 1-800-566-6899 Ext.400OT
AUCTION: Home Quarter w/ House, Hog Barn Sells By Online Auction March 24th, Glenacre Pork, Glenavon, Sask. See: www.hodginsauctioneers.com for details.
ADULT PERSONAL MESSAGES D AT I N G S E R V I C E . L o n g term/short-term relationships, CALL NOW. 1-877-297-9883. Exchange voice messages, voice mailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Live adult casual conversations 1on1, 1-866-311-9640, meet on chat-lines. Local single ladies. 1877-804-5381. (18+)
ADULT PERSONAL MESSAGES “LIVE Hot Talk! 4 New Services 1-866-732-0070 **************** LIVE! 100’s of Girls! 1-888-628-6790 **************** Hot Live 1-on-1 Conversation! 1-877-290-0553 **************** You Choose!! Live!! 1-888-544-0199 18+2
Regina & Sasktoon
SLASH YOUR Heating Costs! Call Colin 306-634-2587 or 1-800-5610700. www.portageandmainboilers.com <http://www.portageandmainboilers. com>
CERTIFIED SEED FOR SALE PEDIGREED SEED For Sale: Certified Strongfield Durum, Reg. & Certified Kyle Durum - All high quality from 2009 harvest. Certified Sorrel Flax. Reg Needham, Oxbow, Phone 483-5052, Cell 483-8790.
LIVESTOCK 44th Annual Alameda Bull Sale, Alameda Auction Mart, Saturday, March 26, 2001. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Featuring 68 Bulls - Charolais, Black Angus and Red Angus. More information, please call: Brad Knutson at (306) 594-7637 or Missy Hull (306) 483-8986. View catalogue at: www.naslivestock.com or www.bylivestock.com NORDAL LIMOUSIN & Angus Bull Sale - Saturday, April 16, Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon. Selling 40 black & red polled 2 yr. old Limousin, 30 Black & Red Angus yearling & 2 yr. old. Contact Rob Garner, Simpson, Sask., 306946-7946.
Classifieds … The Ultimate Network for People Services
WANTED: all wild fur, coyotes etc. Shed horns and antlers, old traps. Phone 306-278-2425 or 306-2782299.
DOMESTIC CARS G U A R A N T E E D A P P R O VA L DRIVE AWAY TODAY! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates, over 500 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery OAC. 1-877-796-0514, www.YourApprovedOnLine.com
SEPT. 16TH, 17TH & 18TH
Classifieds ads: Small ads with big results!
FOR SALE: 1989 Ford F-150 170,000 km, remote start, power doors and windows - $2,750. Phone 461-9428 or 471 -8071.
2012 BRIER MARCH 3RD TO 12TH FRONT ROW TICKETS AND 9 NIGHTS HOTEL For reservations call Dash Tours & Tickets at 1-800-265-0000 ONE CALL and YOU’RE THERE!
FOR SALE 24” x 35”
ALUMINUM PRINTING PLATES Ideal for Farm and Oilfield Use
25¢/EACH PHONE: 634-2654 Estevan Mercury A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE Get Your First Month Free. Bad Credit, Don’t Sweat It. No Deposits. No Credit Checks. Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll-Free 1-866-884-7464. DEBT CONSOLIDATION PROGRAM Helping Canadians repay debts, reduce/eliminate interest, regardless of credit. Steady Income? You may qualify for instant help. Considering Bankruptcy? Call:1-877-220-3328 FREE Consultation Government Approved, BBB Member DISCONNECTED PHONE? ChoiceTel Home Phone Service. No One Refused! Low Monthly Rate! Calling Features and Unlimited Long Distance Available. Call ChoiceTel Today! 1-888-3331405. www.choicetel.ca FOR SALE: 8’ x 12’ wood building, metal covered, insulated, wired for heaters and lights, mounted on steel skid. B.O. Phone 306-6344809 or 634-6966. FOR SALE: One slightly used Rainbow vacuum. Complete with all attachments. Latest model, with 2-speed motor. Certified air cleaner. Phone 306-612-1844.
Call 634-2654 to place your classified ad.
Senchuk’s Super Deals! Used Cars
2010 Lincoln MKZ, Loaded w/Power roof, Navigation, 25,000 km .....................................................................$35,995 2010 Lincoln MKS, Loaded w/Power roof, Navigation, 25,000 km .....................................................................$39,995 2008 Honda Accord EX, 2 Door, Full Loaded w/Navigation System, Power Moonroof, 84,000 km ........................$19,995 2004 MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE, Leather, Fully Loaded, V8, 72,000 km .................................................................................$16,995 2002 FOCUS SE, 4 door, only 65,000 kms ........................................SOLD
Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans
2010 F150 Kingranch Supercrew 4X4, loaded with only 14,000 kms ...........................................................$42,995 2010 Escape XLT 4X4, 3.0L V6, Loaded with only 6,000 km, Silver ...................................................$28,995 2009 ACURA MDX, All Wheel Drive, Fully Loaded, 7 Passenger, 70,000 kms ......................................................................................$37,995 2009 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC LIMITED 4X4, V8, w/Leather, Moonroof & Heated Seats, Only 20,000 kms .....................................SOLD 2009 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC XLT 4X4, V8, Black, Only 14,000 km ........................................................................................$27,995 2009 F-150 SUPERCREW XTR 4X4, 5.4L, 126,000 kms...............$22,995 2008 EDGE LIMITED ALL WHEEL DRIVE, Loaded, w/Navigation & Power Moonroof ...........................................................................$26,995 2008 RANGER SUPERCAB 4X4, Sport, Only 43,000 kms ............$17,995 2008 Escape XLT 4X4, 3.0L V6, Loaded, Pwr Moonroof, Only 55,000 km ...............................................................................$19,995 2008 Chevrolet Equinox LS 4X4, Loaded with 80,000 km............$15,995 2008 Escape XLT 4X4, Loaded with 110,000 kms, warranty up to 160,000 kms ................................................................................$15,995 2007 Expedition Eddie Bauer 4X4, Loaded with 100,000 kms .....$27,995 2007 Chevrolet Uplander EXT, V6, Auto, Loaded, 101,000 km ....$10,995 2007 F150 Lariat Supercrew 4X4, Loaded w/Leather, Bucket Seats, 110,000 km...............................................................$21,995 2007 Explorer XLT 4X4 V8, leather, 7 passenger, 78,000 kms .....$19,500 2002 Ford Ranger Regular Cab 2WD V6, Auto, only 41,000 kms ..$5,995
Senchuk Ford Sales Ltd.
Your home of after sales service
118 Souris Avenue North – Estevan, Sask.
Page 17
Payment for Classified Advertising Must be Made in Advance Prepaid Rates: $7.95 per week for up to 20 words Please add 20¢ for each additional word Remember To Add 5% GST! Cash – Cheque – Visa – MasterCard Note: No refunds are issued for Classified Advertising. If you Cancel your Ad before expiry, Credit will be given which may be applied to future advertising. *** • CHECK YOUR ADS • We will only accept responsibility for errors the first time an ad appears • PLEASE NOTE • Rewording or Changing an Advertisement After it has been Printed in the Paper Requires Payment for a NEW AD – No Credits Are Issued for Ads That Are Changed – • Cancellation of Advertisements • Must be received by 43:00 p.m. Wednesday for the Trader and 4:00 p.m. Friday for the Mercury ****************
EXPRESS Business Office located at 68 Souris Avenue North in Estevan (Across from the Water Tower) Please Phone 634-2654 for further information Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday ****************
Use the Handy Form Below to Submit Your Advertisement to: The Southeast Trader Express Box 730, Estevan, SK S4A 2A6 or submit your ad through our website at www.estevanmercury.ca Please Select Your Category from the Classified Index A REMINDER … EACH ABBREVIATION Counts as One Word (You don’t save money by abbreviating, You just make your advertisement more difficult to read)
PLEASE PRINT: Name ________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ Telephone No. ________________________________ Number of Weeks ______________________________ Amount Enclosed ______________________________ VISA/MC No. _________________________________ Card Expiry Date: ______________________________
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The World’s Largest Shopping Centre is the CLASSIFIED SECTION of Your Newspaper
Page 18 THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 OILFIELD/WELL SITE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CAREER OPPORTUNITIES EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 40 ft. Flatbed gooseneck trailer, ball hitch, 3 axle. Very good condition. $12,500 - O.B.O. Phone 306-535-4748 or 306-7814359.
Deliver RV Trailers for Pay! Successful RV transport company seeking pickup owners to deliver RV’s from US to Canada. Paying top rates! www.horizontrasport.com/ Canada.
Used Cars
2010 CORVETTE 5,000 km .........................................................In Transit 2009 DODGE AVENGER, Silver Steel, 45,431 km........................$15,900 2009 DODGE CHALLENGER, Torred, 9,875 km ...........................$36,900 2009 DODGE CALIBER 23,320 km................................................$13,900 2006 PONTIAC GTO, Red, 13,013 km ...........................................$26,900 2006 CHRYSLER 300 TOURING ......................................................SOLD
Used Trucks, SUVs & Vans
2010 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN, Black, 11,905 km .........................SOLD 2010 GMC ACADIA SLT ................................................................$42,900 2010 DODGE RAM, 3500 DUALLY SLT, White.............................$47,900 2010 RAM SPORT Fully Loaded, 15,000 km........................Call For Price 2010 CADILLAC ESCALADE “In Transit” ......................................$34,313 2009 CHRYSLER ASPEN HYBRID................................................$47,900 2009 GMC YUKON, White, 19,476 km ...........................................$45,900 2009 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN .................................................$19,900 2009 DODGE JOURNEY RT ..........................................................$26,900 2008 TOYOTA TUNDRA LIMITED .................................................$32,900 2008 DODGE DURANGO LIMITED DVD, 45,000 km ....................$32,900 2008 CADILLAC ESCLADE EXT Totally loaded............................$52,900 2008 BUICK ENCLAVE, 147,202 km ................................................SOLD 2008 DODGE RAM 1500, Black leather, 103,000 km .......................... $24,900 2008 JEEP COMPASS LTD., 70,000 km ...............................................SOLD 2008 JEEP COMPASS SPORT 31,000 KMS Green .........................SOLD 2008 PONTIAC MONTANA, Burgundy, 79,921 km ........................$15,900 2008 DODGE DURANGO, Charcoal, ext warranty ........................$29,900 2008 JEEP LIBERTY LIMITED 77,108 km .....................................$24,900 2008 DODGE DAKOTA 41,372 km ................................................$20,900 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 5500 miles custom .........$9,900 2007 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE 1500, White, 99,871 km ..............SOLD 2007 CHRYSLER ASPEN, Silver, 42,700 km ................................$28,900 2007 GMC YUKON, Blue, 152,736 km...........................................$28,900 2007 DODGE NITRO, 36,000 km ...................................................$19,900 2007 DODGE RAM LARAMIE Quad cab 62,879 kms, leather.......$22,900 2007 DODGE RAM 1500, Quad Cab, 20” Wheels..........................$17,900 2006 DODGE RAM 2500, Quad Diesel, 197,672 km......................$22,900 2006 DODGE RAM 2500, Black, Mega Cab, 142,457 km .............$20,900 2006 DODGE RAM 1500, Red, Reg. cab, 59,108 km ....................$19,900 2006 CHEVROLET UPLANDER, Silver, 103,000 km.......................$9,900 2005 CHEVROLET UPLANDER, White, 99,976 km ........................$7,900 2005 CHEVROLET UPLANDER, Beige, 101,846 km ......................$7,900 2003 FORD SRW SUPER DUTY, 163,360 km ...............................$12,900
DRIVERS/OWNER Operators Wanted. Truck contractors need drivers with log haul experience and clean driver’s abstract. Owner operators needed with 6, 7, 8 axle log trailers. Visit: www.alpac.ca or call 1-800-661-5210 (ext. 8173). EXPERIENCED FINISH GRADER Operators required by Knelsen Sand & Gravel Ltd., a successful well established company. Send resume to: bernardw@knelsen.com or fax 780-928-3656.
Find your career in the Classifieds! DOMESTIC CARS
MEAT CUTTER - St. Paul Co-op, St. Paul, Alberta. Located two hours NE of Edmonton with all services. Full-time position, complete benefit package, opportunity for advancement. Apply Dwayne Odgaard, fax 780-645-3270. Phone 780-645-3351.
RECplex Aquatic Centre Join our Dynamic Aquatic Team * Senior Instructor Guard Positions – Post Secondary Students * Duration: May 9 to August 31 *Competitive Hourly Wage * Salt Chlorination * Solar Heat Send Applications to: Town of Tisdale, Recreation and Parks Department Attn: Dwight Olson, Recreation and Parks Manager Box 1057 Tisdale, Sask. S0E 1T0 Phone – 873-2154 / Fax – 873-4147 / Email
SOUTHWEST SASKATCHEWAN GENERAL MOTORS DEALERSHIP is seeking quality people to join our team -competitive wages -great benefits package -friendly community Sales Consultant: -training will be provided. however, retail experience is an asset. Certified GM Technicians: -fast paced, state of the art modern facility. Please contact us at 306-297-2772 or email resume with references to
Speedway Moving Systems Requires O/O for our 1 ton fleet to transport RVs throughout N. America. We offer competitive rates and Co. Fuel cards. Paid twice monthly-direct deposit. Must have clean abstract and ability to cross border. To inquire call 1866-736-6483
Classifieds Work DOMESTIC CARS
Family Owned Dealership Since 1937 1021 - 4th STREET, ESTEVAN
PHONE: (306) 634-3629
USED CARS 2009 DODGE CALIBER SXT - NEXT TO NEW, 300 kms.............. $17,900 2009 CHRYSLER 300C, Loaded, 8,300 km ................................... $32,900 2009 PONTIAC G5, 2 Dr., 9,000 km ............................................... $12,995 2007 FORD MUSTANG GT Convertible ......................................... $20,900 2006 MUSTANG GT Auto, Loaded Convertable..............................$17,995 2003 AUDI A4 QUATTRO, AWD, 91,000 km ................................. $16,900 2002 NEON RT, 52,000 km............................................................... $6,995 2001 VOLKSWAGON GOLF, Mint ................................................... $7,995
USED TRUCKS/VANS 2009 DURANGO SLT, Loaded, DVD, Leather, 38,000 km............. $33,900 2009 DODGE RAM 1500 CREW CAB SPORT, Loaded ................ $31,900 2009 RAM 1500 4x4 crew cab Laramie 19000 kms........................$38,995 2008 DODGE 1500 QUAD CAB SLT ............................................. $21,500 2008 COMPASS LTD, Leather, Sunroof, 42,000 km ...................... $18,995 2007 ASPEN, loaded ...................................................................... $28,995 2007 TOWN & COUNTRY, Loaded ............................................... $18,995
TRAILERS/MOTORHOMES/RVs 2009 ROCKWOOD, 31 Ft. .............................................................. $29,995 2008 RPM TOY HAULER, 26 Ft. .................................................... $28,500 2008 ROCKWOOD WINDJAMMER, 28 Ft. .................................... $22,980 2007 TRAIL LITE, 31 Ft. ................................................................. $18,600
409 Kensington Avenue ~ Estevan, Sask. Phone: 634-3221 If you haven’t shopped POWER DODGE you may have paid too much!
TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’s 08 GMC Sierra Crew Cab SLE Z-71 1/2 ton 4x4 factory warranty...........$27,995 08 Chev Silverado E/Cab 2500 HD 4X4, Factory Warranty .......... $186 bi-weekly 08 Chev Silverado E/Cab LT 4X4, Flexfuel 1/2 ton, Factory Warranty ..... $25,995 08 Dodge Nitro SLT AWD 4Dr., Factory Warranty, sunroof .................... $21,995 07 Ford Escape LTD 4dr 4WD Factory Wty, loaded, sunroof, leather .... $20,995 06 GMC Sierra E/Cab SLE 2500HD 4x4, Warranty ................................. $17,995 03 Chev Silverado Crew/Cab Duramax Diesel 2500HD LS 4dr, 4x4, wty...........$19,995 03 Hyundai Santa Fe, 4 Dr. Warranty, Fwd ............................................... $7,995 01 Honda CRV 4dr 4WD EX warranty.......................................................$11,495 01 Pontiac Montana SE, 4Dr., Extended Van, Warranty, 7 passenger .... $6,995 01 Pontiac Montana SE, 4Dr., Extended Van, Warranty, 7 passenger .... $6,995 00 Cadillac Escalade 4Dr., 4WD, Warranty............................................... $9,995 00 Pontiac Montana Van 4dr Extended Van Warranty 7 passenger ....... $4,995 99 Chev Tahoe 4 Dr., 4X4 LT, Warranty, Leather...................................... $9,995 98 GMC Jimmy Envoy 4dr 4x4 Warranty .................................................. $6,995 97 Ford F150 Reg/Cab Long Box, Warranty............................................. $4,995 96 GMC Sierra SLE E/Cab 2WD 1/2 Ton, 6.5 Diesel, Warranty ............... $6,995 95 Ford Aerostar AWD 4Dr, Warranty....................................................... $2,995
Most of Our Vehicles are Covered by Lubrico Powertrain Warranty
Prices Reduced! ~ We Take Trades Reasonable Offers Considered PHONE COLLECT FOR KEN OR DESIREE: 634-7231 AFTER HOURS: Cell: 461-7805
421 - 4th Street – Estevan, Sask. e-mail: saleslongcreekmotors@sasktel.net web: www.longcreekmotors.carpages.ca
We offer: *Excellent wages & bonus potential *Modern equipment to operate *Heated shop Please submit your resume in confidence to: Chad Haskey Box 729, Wadena, SK S0A 4J0 - Email: chadhaskey@sasktel.net
P: 306-338-2773 F: 306-3382793
GENERAL EMPLOYMENT #1 IN PARDONS Remove Your Criminal Record! Get started TODAY for ONLY $49.95/mo. Limited Time Offer. FASTEST, GUARANTEED Pardon in Canada. FREE Consultation: 1-866-416-6772 www.ExpressPardons.com
DOMESTIC HELP Journeyman Technician required immediately for large volume G.M. dealership in central Saskatchewan, town of 2000. Flat rate shop with lots of hours; $31/hr plus bonus, pension plan and health plan. Good sports community, great place to raise your children! Send resume to: Watrous Mainline Motors, Box 70, Watrous, Sask. S0K 4T0. Call Don Campbell or Gerald Merrifield. 306-946-3336. dcampbell@watrousmainline.com or gerald@watrousmainline.com
LONG CREEK MOTORS 09 Chev Impala LS, 4 Dr., Factory Warranty, Loaded ................. $134 bi-weekly 08 Pontiac Grand Prix SE 4dr factory warranty ...................................... $12,995 06 Chev Optra 5 4dr H/B LS Warranty load......................................................$8,995 05 Chev Impala, 4 Dr., Warranty...............................................................$8,995 04 Pontiac Grand Am GT 2dr warranty, sunroof ...................... $84.00 bi-weekly 02 Olds Alero 4dr GL warranty...................................................................$4,995 95 Lincoln Continental 4Dr., Warranty, Loaded, Sunroof ........................ $4,995
If you are a hard working, mechanically inclined person with farm machinery experience we would like to talk to you. Class 1A license is preferrede, but not required.
Classifieds work!
Auto Sales & Service Since 1970
Mechanic/Machine Operator
WELDERS: Seeking apprentices, journeymen welders or equivalent for custom manufacturing. Competitive Wages, Benefits & Apprenticeships. Apply to: Do All Metal Fabricating, Estevan, SK Email: jhoward@doallmetal.com Fax: 306-634-8389
441 - 4th Street - Estevan 634-7977 highenergy@sasktel.net www.highenergytrailers.ca
2011 TARNEL 20’ Full Tilt
5,900 REG. $7,200
2011 Haulmark 7X16 ............................................................................CALL 2011 Tarnel 30’ Goose..................................................................... $10,500 7X14 - Loaded ................................................................. REDUCED $6,400 7X14 Cargo ......................................................................................... $6,200 5X10 Rainbow, Open .......................................................................... SOLD 2011- 12’ Open Sled........................................................................... $2,400 2011 - 6X12 Silver, Barn Doors......................................................... $3,900 2010 - Newman Aluminum 11’ ............................................................CALL 2010 - Newman 10’ Aluminum Tilt............................................... $1,849.00 2010 - Tarnel 4 Place ......................................................................... $3,900 Tarnel 30’ Goose, 20,000................................................................... $9,899 Tarnel 20’ Equip, 14,000 .................................................................... $4,490 Used Aluminum Bike/Sled ................................................................ $2,699 Tarnel 20’ Deck Over ......................................................................... $5,590 2011 - Tarnel 18’ Flat Deck................................................................ $3,490 2005 Chevy Uplander Minivan...........................................................$5,900
VEHICLE RENTALS LATE MODEL VANS Very well equipped, great for family functions, school sports teams, hockey teams or a night out with the gang.
LEARN FROM HOME EARN FROM HOME CanScribe Career College offers online courses: Medical Transcription and Computers. Great work at-home opportunities. Enrol today! 1-800-466-1535 www.canscribe.com info@canscribe.com
Call 634-2654 to place your classified ad in the Southeast Trader Express
hit by a car. Wait to See: Suzanne tells Theo where he can find their grandson. ONE LIFE TO LIVE Tess witnessed a kiss between Charlie and Echo. Todd hovered between life and death after the shooting. Dorian advised Langston to get over Ford since he was busy with Tess.
ALL MY CHILDREN Angie returned to Pine Valley and asked Jake and Amanda to be her baby’s godparents. Madison apologized to Ryan for not telling him sooner that he was her unborn child’s father. Jake defended Cara when her professionalism was called into question. Ricky found Zach’s letter stashed away in Griffin’s bag. Emma blamed Ryan after a delusional Annie was taken away by the authorities. Wait to See: The bachelors of Pine Valley are up for auction. THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Stephanie and Brooke were back to being enemies again. Thomas told Ridge the real reason why he made a move on Brooke. Taylor was excited to be Stephanie’s closest ally again. Thomas went against Ridge’s orders and made a shocking announcement at a press conference. Madison mistakenly leaked one of Forrester’s secrets. Taylor relished the fact that Ridge and Brooke’s marriage was coming to an end. Wait to See: Nick receives a surprising phone call.
Business & Services Directory DAYS OF OUR LIVES EJ couldn’t help himself and finally kissed Taylor. Imposter Rafe found an old photo of himself at the police station. Gabi recognized the thief on the surveillance footage as her brother, Dario. Jennifer and Daniel discovered they had a lot in common, as they were both going through a divorce. Nathan accepted a job at a hospital out of town. Sami was shocked by Rafe’s temper after she told him that Dario was moving in with them. Wait to See: Vivian is determined to find out Stefano’s secret. GENERAL HOSPITAL Jason discovered that Johnny was the one who set off the car bomb that almost killed Sam. Michael was determined to prove that he had what it takes to be a member of his father’s organization. Sam got a blinding headache while searching for the Balkan alone. Elizabeth received Aidan’s DNA test results. Josslyn was diagnosed with kidney cancer. Meanwhile, tragedy stuck again in Port Charles when Elizabeth’s son Jake was
Professional Directory ACCOUNTING
THE TRADER EXPRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 Page 19 THE YOUNG AND Aubrey allowed Rama ing him not to testify or THE RESTLESS to live at the mansion in Heather would be killed. exchange for her silence. The police arrived at Jana went to a church Shane kept Gigi in the Sharon’s house to arrest looking for information dark about Jack. Clint was Adam for perjury. Phyllis on Daisy’s baby. Wait to arrested during Ryder’s secretly boarded a plane See: Abby gets in trouble custody hearing. David to Thailand to search with the law. did everything he could to for Adam. Meanwhile, get back to Llanview. Wait Adam had some hard to See: Joey learns about questions for Koa about Aubrey’s past with Ford. Skye. Chance received a (c) 2011 King Features threatening message warn- Synd., Inc.
An Association of Professional Accountants 1123 - 4th Street Estevan, Saskatchewan Phone: 306-634-7331 Facsimile: 306-634-2373
Real Estate Appraisals & Consulting
Ph: 634-6388 – Cell Ph: 421-9347 Fax: 634-6389 email: lareine@sasktel.net
1132 - 4th Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0W7
Trailblazer Scooter • 13 in. Black Tires • Full Suspension • Deluxe Light Package • 1.2 HP @ 8 MPH • Power Seat or Lge. Batteries
OPEN THURS: 12:00 - 8:00 CALL: 306-483-2430 TOLL FREE: 1-800-472-5063
CONTRACTORS R. POOLE CONSTRUCTION Randy Poole Specializing In: • Vinyl Siding • Soffit and Fascia • Windows and Doors • Metal Window Cladding .... and much more!
NOW - Continuous Eavestroughing Beat the Rush and Book your FREE ESTIMATES now! Home: (306) 634-4247 Cell: (306) 421-0084 30 Years of experience brought to your home.
RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Interior • Exterior WORK Oilfield
• Interior Design - NEW SERVICE • Top Grade Materials - Interior Walls • Specialized Coatings - Stucco, Siding, Brick • Drywall Repair • Spray Painting - Doors, Trim, Cabinets, Ceilings, etc. • Textured Ceilings • Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing & Much More FREE ESTIMATES • CALL 421-8883 jspropainting@live.ca Serving Southern Sask.
TREE CARE Tree Problem? No Problem! • Tree Removal • Trimming • Stump Grinding • Hedges Call Ralph Turner
Locally Owned & Operated Midale, SK
POLARFOAM SOYA • Zero Ozone Depletion Substance • Ecological Insulation • High R Value per inch • Adds strength and support • Does not support growth of moulds • Adheres to wood, metal, concrete We also install a CLASS 1 Fire Rated product useable in Oilfield applications.
CUFCA Certified Installers
Mel Siever, B.Admin., CMA Jim Vermeersch, B.Ed., CGA Donna Fonstad, Dipl. Acct., CGA Ryan Siever, B.Sc., CA
LaReine Appraisals
Cell: 306-461-6875
Siever Vermeersch & Fonstad
STAR DRYWALL & INSULATORS LTD. Estevan, SK Phone & Fax (306) 634-3546
This Space Reserved for Your Directory Advertising Phone 634-2654 to place your ad today!
Page 20
STAGECOACH ... PRESENTS CASINO EXPRESS...TO DEADWOOD GULCH RESORT 4 DAYS - 3 NIGHTS $56.00 U.S. in meal coupons $40.00 in gaming coupons (Cash Back) $10.00 Value in Free Slot Tournament $6.00 Black Jack Play $11200 U.S. Value, You Get Back Monday Departures
• Duty free with a $50 draw • Free hors d’oeuvres every night • Draws for prizes • FREE Spearfish Canyon trip with Homesteak Gold Mine & Spearfish shopping • Draw for $100 Gift Certificate
Departs: Regina, Weyburn, Estevan and all along route: Apr. 8, 22; May 13, 20, 22, 27
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For more information … STAGECOACH TOURS & CHARTERS 42-10th St., Weyburn, Sask. S4H 2W5
1-306-842-8900 Toll-Free: 1-866-879-2191
“Only Pack What You Can Carry: My Path to Inner Strength, Confidence and True Self-Knowledge” by Janice Holly Booth (National Geographic Books, $24) Reviewed by Larry Cox Janice Holly Booth describes herself as an “average working woman who doesn’t have a trust fund to scoop from, or a second income, or even any particularly good survival skills.” Nevertheless, she embarked on an adventure that many might consider unthinkable. For five years, she packed only what she could carry and traveled solo throughout the world.
Traveling alone, especially for a single woman, requires an ability to face fears: fear of risk, fear of the unknown and, most daunting of all, the fear of being alone with ourselves. Even after considering all of the dangers, the former CEO of the Girl Scouts Pioneer Council in North Carolina took a deep breath and left everyone and everything behind as she struck out on her grand adventure. How and why she did it and what she eventually learned about herself is the foundation of “Only Pack What You Can Carry,” one of the most fascinating and exciting travel books of recent months. While hiking through Northern California, gal-
5 – 22ND Avenue S.E. P.O. Box 964 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Tel.: 306-842-6100 Fax: 306-842-6101
An Estevan N.D.T. Company requires the services of a person to work in the oil patch in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. The position requires an individual to work under the supervision of a Level II Radiographer in the process of weld inspection (x-ray). Experience as a CEDO would be ideal but we will train if required. Our company has a drug and alcohol policy in place. Please forward confidential resume to: Frank #112 - 100 4th Avenue Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 2N1
loping across the fields of Ireland, sharpening her circus skills on the trapeze, experiencing the desert of Joshua Tree National Park and horseback riding on the beaches of Costa Rica, she sharpened her self-confidence and learned that exhilaration and danger often co-exist. She also discovered the value of solitude and self-discovery. Booth reveals that by traveling alone, she became a stronger, more confident person. The ultimate lesson she learned, however, was that doing something by oneself and for oneself is often the most transformational step of all. For anyone who has dreamed of hitting the road alone, this book could be the ultimate inspiration. As Booth proves, anything is possible if we dare to take chances. (c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.
Needed Immediately! Tremcar West Inc. Tanker Trailer Repair Shop
ALUM WELDERS AND GENERAL LABOURERS Wages will vary according to skill and experience. Welders Wages $ 24.00 - 28.00 per hour. General Labourer wages $ 14.00 - $20.00 per hour Experience in tanker trailer repair would be an asset. Please send your resume to Suzanna: Fax:(306) 842-6101 or Email: nostadts@tremcar.com . Must have a valid drivers licence. Hours of operation : Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00 p.m. Shift work is an option as well as overtime . Dental and prescription plan . Work is full-time and 95 % indoors.
We have an exciting opportunity for a Used Truck Sales Person in Estevan. In this position you will be using your sales and marketing skills to forge strong relationships with customers who rely on your expertise and service for their success. You will be qualifying and serving a wide range of customers with different needs. Your approach begins with genuine care to understand the challenges faced by your customers. Your key initiatives will be to assist your customers in identifying underlying issues and to recommend viable solutions. During your Àrst year, you would develop a plan to aggressively improve performance, implement strategies to satisfy customer needs, forge relationships, and develop a quality customer database. You are an enterprising team player who enjoys healthy competition and collaboration. You are conÀdent knowing your long-term success begins with the success and satisfaction of your customers. We offer an attractive compensation package that correlates with performance. Are you up to the challenge? If you have the desire and skills to make this happen we want to speak with you. Please submit your résumé and a cover letter to:
Careers Human Resources Department Email: careers@frontierpeterbilt.com Fax: (306) 244-2879
Canyon the fastest growing Fracturing Company in Canada has joined the Estevan Community! If your looking for a career with a leading organization that promotes relationships, success, innovation and community values then we need to talk!
“DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?” Fluid Frac Division
Coil Division
x Supervisors x Supervisors x Crew Cab Operators x Coil Operators x Data Van Operators x Blender/Chemical Operators Mechanical Division x Licensed Mechanic x Pump Operators x Iron Truck Operators Applicant requirements:
x Self Motivated x Work Fexible Hours x Safety Focused
x Clean Class 1 License (Driving Positions ONLY)
x Current Abstract x Team Enabled
Why Canyon? Canyon is a dynamic, rapidly growing company powered by motivated and successful people. Canyon’s business continues to be conducted with integrity and consistently reflects the value of our diverse workforce, customers and suppliers. Our premium compensation package contains an industry leading benefits plan, including RRSP matching and a confidential employee and family assistance program. If you value success achieved in an ethical environment, built on strong relationships please contact us. We thank all applicants; however only those selected for an initial interview will be contacted.
Send a resume to email: hr@canyontech.ca Fax: (306) 637-2052 or call 1-866-977-FRAC
Shopping? Check out our Classified section online www.estevanmercury.ca
Best Western Hotel March 29, 30 & 31st
Page 21
Career Opportunities CLUBHOUSE MANAGER REQUIRED Stoughton Golf & Country Club requires a clubhouse manager for the 2011 season. Please send resume to Box 513 Stoughton, Sask. S0G4T0
or drop off at CIBC in Stoughton attention: Collene Verbeem on or before March 31, 2011
For more information contact Dan Coderre 306-457-2449 or Gloria Knous 306-457-3259
Pipeline Crew Foreman & Labourers Foreman - must have 5 year experience, all safety tickets and clean drivers abstract Labourers - must have all safety tickets and clean drivers abstract We offer competitive wages & an excellent benefits package.
Days Inn, Estevan is looking for
Contact Mike Brasseur at 461-8111 or Brad Alberts at 461-8153 or drop off resume at 403 Kensington Ave.
for full time permanent employment. College education as a cook or at least 4 years of previous experience is a must. Responsibilities: prepare and cook meals, supervise helpers, estimate and maintain inventory. Salary $14.30 Can./hour
Fax resume to (306) 634-8733.
Oungre Memorial Regional Park Concession Manager
1305 - 9th St. Estevan, SK.
is looking for a
Carrier for two small routes. • 1200, 1300, 1400 blocks of 7th & 8th Street. 9 papers. • 500 - 700 blocks of Albert Street, 600 - 700 Isabelle Street, 500 - 600 Eva Street. 22 papers.
Full time position available. Experienced Drilling Rig Workers needed for long-term work in the following positions:
• Relief Rig Manager • Driller • Derickhand • Motorhand • Floorhand • Leasehand Competitive wages in excess of CAODC rates plus an additional $3 per hour retention bonus to be paid at break-up. At Technicoil Coporation there is room for advancement, excellent wages, benefits and on the job bonuses. Pre-employment testing and current safety tickets required. Please submit resume and safety tickets: H2S PST, First Aid. In Person:
All our carriers have an opportunity to win $100 at the end of each month. If interested call Gayle at
Fax: Email: Website:
5416 – 39139 Highway 2A Blindman Industrial Park Red Deer, AB T4S 2B3 403-309-3320 employment@technicoilcorp.com www.technicoilcorp.com
Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Duties include but not limited to: Food preparations Purchasing and inventory management Supervision and scheduling of staff Customer service Postal services Reservations Catering
Candidates must be personable, neat and prepared to work in a team environment. Successful candidates will be required to attain their certiÀcate in the Food Safe Course within a reasonable length of time. Please send resume together with references, to: Oungre Memorial Regional Park Box 69 Oungre, Sask. S0C 1Z0 Attention: B. Persson *Only those interviewed will be contacted.
Oungre Memorial Regional Park is now accepting applications
for the following summer positions:
Pool Staff
Concession Workers Maintenance/Grounds Workers
EXPERIENCED INDIVIDUALS with Coil Tubing and Service Rig experience. Class 1 or 3Q Driver’s License required. Our PUMPING AND STIMULATION SERVICE DIVISION is hiring
Preferences will be given to students currently enrolled in post-secondary education programs which will continue in the fall; and students presently in Grade 12 who plan on pursuing post-secondary education studies in the fall. Apply in writing indicating work preferences and send attached resume including three references to:
Oungre Memorial Regional Park Manager Box 69 Oungre, Sask. S0C 1Z0
EXPERIENCED INDIVIDUALS with experience with Coil Support Pumping, Acidizing, Remedial Cementing and Nitrogen. Class 1 or 3Q Driver’s License required. At Technicoil there is room for advancement, excellent wages, benefits, and on the job bonuses. Please submit your resume and current safety tickets: H2S, PST, First Aid, 5 year Driver’s Abstract to: In person: 5416-39139 Highway 2A Blindman Industrial Park Red Deer, AB T4S 2B3 Fax: 403-309-3320 Email: employment@technicoilcorp.com Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
is looking for individuals to fill the following full time positions:
TRUCK DRIVERS • 1A licence • 3A licence • Resume & driver’s abstract required
LABOURERS CONCRETE FINISHERS Competitive wages are offered and a benefit plan is available. Interested individuals can fax, email or drop off resume to: 314 - 6th Street, Estevan • Ph: 634-3442 or fax resume to: 634-4643 Email: construction@glenpeterson.ca
Page 22
Career Opportunities continued Days Inn, Estevan is looking for
3 Room Attendants/ Housekeepers for full time, permanent employment. Completion of Secondary School is preferred but willing to train. Applicant must have a Áexible schedule & be willing to work late evenings & weekends. Position is 40 hours per week with the possibility of overtime. Duties to include: • sweep, mop, wash, wax and polish Áoors • dust furniture and vacuum carpet, area rugs, drapery, etc. • make beds, change sheets and distribute clean towels and toiletries • attend to guests’ requests for extra supplies • stock linen closet and supplies area • clean, disinfect and polish kitchen and bathroom Àxtures and appliances • wash windows, walls and ceilings • report and store lost and found items • may provide basic information on facilities • may handle complaints Salary $11.00 Can./hour
Fax resume to (306)634-8733
1305 - 9th St. Estevan
Weatherford Completions Systems is seeking an individual to fill the following full time position:
Administrative Assistant For the administrative position, prior office experience and excel skills would be an asset. Candidates must also have excellent customer service, communication and organizational skills and possess the ability to work both independently and within a team environment.
Apex Distribution Inc. is a dynamic, employee owned oilfield supply and service company nationally recognized as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. We are committed to providing superior customer service to the oilfield markets of Western Canada. We are looking to fill the following positions in Estevan, SK. Apex Distribution is focused on producing dramatic results for our investors, customers and manufacturers. The organization has developed a technically diverse team recognized for a high level of customer service. We expand our business as market conditions dictate and pursue opportunities that best fit all our stakeholders. Candidates must have • A proven track record of achievement. • A passion to become a partner in a growing company. • An ability to excel in a fast-paced, creative environment. • Experience an asset but willing to train. •Wages to commensurate with experience •Great bonus opportunities •Ownership opportunities
SEEKING MECHANICALLY INCLINED PERSONS Service Technician Duties include: Repair service and testing of all types of small oilfield equipment including pumps, control valves, chemical injectors and gauges. Most work is in a shop environment, but some field labor may be required. Mechanical aptitude is a requirement for this position. Instrumentation Personnel Looking to hire journeyman and apprentice instrumentation persons. Duties include: Repair, installation and calibration of all types of instrumentation equipment. Any other types of related experience would also be considered an asset. Interested applicants please forward resumes: Attention: Ken Wallewein Fax: (306) 634-2797 E-mail: ken.wallewein@apexdistribution.com All enquiries will be held in strict confidence. We thank all interested applicants for applying, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted
Penta Completions requires a
Warehouse/Yard Assistant for our Estevan operation. Duties Include • Shipping & Receiving • Inventory control • Invoicing • Some on call work is required
Requirements • Valid Class 5 drivers licence • Computer experience would be an asset • Successful candidate will earn a current WHMIS and TDG certificate
Submit resume including references to: Penta Completions Supply & Services Ltd. 58 Devonian Street P.O. Box 667 Estevan, Sk. S4A 2A6 Fax: 1-306-634-6989 or Email: lhaukeness@pentarods.com
Interested individuals can apply in person: 108 Perkins Street Estevan, SK Completions Systems
TRICAN WELL SERVICE LTD. is one of Canada's fastest growing well service companies, providing a comprehensive array of specialized products, equipment and services utilized in drilling, completion, stimulation and reworking of oil and gas wells in the Canadian and International marketplace. At Trican, we base our recruitment practices on the belief that a company's greatest asset is its people. Trican provides services in Fracturing, Cementing, Acidizing, Coiled Tubing, Nitrogen and related services in our field bases ranging from Fort Nelson, BC to Estevan, Saskatchewan.
Exciting Opportunity in one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies!
Permanent Full-Time
Essential Coil & Stimulation Services is a company recognized for safety and excellence with in the oil and gas industry. We strive to provide a good working relationship with our customers. Currently we provide services throughout Alberta and Southern Saskatchewan. Essential Coil offers competitive wages, scheduled days off, group beneÀt plan and employee savings plan. If you are an energetic team player with superb attention to detail and strong communication skills, we invite you to apply for the following positions at our Weyburn location:
Coil Tubing Operators Coil Tubing Helpers Class 1 driver’s license is preferred, but all class of drivers are welcome to apply. Previous oil Àeld experience & valid tickets are an asset Email or fax your resume & a current driver’s abstract to: tschwab@essentialcoil.com Fax: 306-842-8906
A valid Class 1 required as well as prior experience in the above pressure pumping operations. Class 3 and selected Class 5 licenses will be accepted. On the job training from the ground up. Seasonal positions available.
Trican offers a dynamic work environment and a competitive salary and benefit package. Please apply in person to any of Trican's field bases or forward your resume and references, in confidence to:
Trican Well Service Ltd. Box 849, Estevan, SK S4A 2A7 Fax: (306) 636-2669 • Email: rfisk@trican.ca
Book your career ad here! Call one of our Sales Representives today.
Do you have a passion for golf? For great service? Do you take pride in your efforts? Then we would like to reward you with a position at the Estevan Woodlawn Golf Club. Along with complimentary golf privileges, you will be employed at a wonderful facility surrounded by fantastic members, guests and fellow staff members. Apply for one of the following:
1. Pro Shop Assistants and Back Shop Attendants required. Full and part time positions available. Duties include customer sales and service, data entry, tee management. Email resume to: woodlawngolf@sasktel.net. Attention: GM - Brian Dueck or fax to: 306-634-2816. 2. Food & Beverage Head Cook, Cooks, Food Prep Worker, Bartenders and Servers required. Full and part time positions available. Food Safe/Serve it Right courses beneficial. Email resume to: woodlawn@sasktel.net. Attention: GM - Brian Dueck or fax to: 306-634-2816. 3. Greens & Maintenance Technicians required. Full and part time positions available. Duties include semi-skilled labour, operation of machinery. Contact Bob Currie, email resume to: bjc.wgc@sasktel.net or fax to: 306-634-2816.
• To keep the edges of lettuce from browning, tear it or use a plastic knife sold just for this purpose. Metal will make the edges brown. • “If you want samesize cookies, roll and freeze your dough for 1015 minutes. Most doughs will harden enough to slice into perfectly uniform slices, and the freezing doesn’t really affect cooking time too much. (Watch your first batch, though.)” -- R.L. in Missouri • “Shaving cream can be used as a spot remover for many carpets. Use only a small amount, and follow up with a damp cloth.” -D.L. in New Brunswick, Canada • “To prevent a skin from forming on the top of a can of leftover paint, you can inflate a balloon and stick it in the can, cut a piece of wax paper to fit or store the can inverted, so that the skin will form on the bottom and stay there when you flip it.” -- W.B. in Alabama Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com.
Career Opportunities
Page 23
Heavy Duty Mechanic Required Successful applicant must have a Heavy Duty Journeyman Mechanic ticket.
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Pump Unit Mechanics Required * Experience preferred but not required. * MUST be mechanically inclined. First Aid & H2S certiÀcations preferred but will train. Permanent full time position. Valid Driver’s license required. * Competitive wages, full beneÀt package. Apply in person or fax resume to 306-634-7090. Hank’s Maintenance & Service Co. Ltd. Box 1040 Estevan, Sask. S4A 2H7 No Phone Calls Please.
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Page 24
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The Southeast
A Monthly Newspaper for the Agriculture Industry Issue No. 138
March 18, 2011
A Supplement to the Southeast Trader Express
Farm Family Of The Year Estevan and area’s Farm Family of the Year, the Walleweins, from the left: Helen and Gilbert, son Kevin and his wife Brenda, MLA Doreen Eagles who made the presentation; son Ken and his wife Julie-Anne.
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Page 2
Walleweins nab Farm Family title for 2011 By Norm Park For Agri-news They farm about 2,300 acres of good soil just north of Benson and they’ve been doing it for two generations, heading into three. They do it with efficiency and the love of producing fine crops on a regular basis. That’s why the Wallewein family was named the Farm Family of the Year at the 46th annual Farmers’ Appreciation Dinner held in the Days Inn Plaza on March 3. Gilbert and Helen Wallewein have made room for sons Kevin and Ken to assume more management
of the family’s operation while they seek out semiretirement. But of course, once a farmer, always a farmer. Gilbert Wallewein noted earlier that he had tried other forms of employment with the PFRA and Husky Oil prior to making the purchase of his first parcel of farmland, a half-section in 1962. Since he had grown up on a farm, the lust for the land never left him, so the move toward setting up a producer practice was almost inevitable. Four daughters, along with the two sons, made the family compact complete.
The four girls later moved on to other professions, but Kevin and Ken, along with their wives, Brenda and Julie-Anne have completed the family circle again and all were honoured at the appreciation event cohosted by the Estevan and District Board of Tourism, Trade and Commerce and the Estevan Exhibition Association. At one point the family partnership expanded to over 3,500 acres, but the group has since scaled it back a bit in the name of efficiencies and lifestyle. The presentation, made by Estevan MLA Doreen Eagles, included
the fact that when the earlier generation Walleweins made that first foray into farming, it included a mixed operation that included cattle, hogs, chickens and turkeys among other things. But that concept was eventually abandoned in favour of the straight grain and oilseed operation. The family also believes in giving back to the community. It was noted that Gilbert had served 34 years on the RM of Benson council while Helen, who left a professional career in health care, served on school and church boards. Ken Wallewein noted in his acceptance speech
that “We’re not the largest farm out there, but we’re committed to the effort and we’ll keep a viable operation.” It was also noted that the next generation of Walleweins is expressing interest in keeping the family business moving forward. The commitment to farming was a fact of life for all of them, Ken said, including his sisters Debbie, Denise, Lynn and Loretta as they grew up in the agricultural environment. “We know we all go farming on holidays and weekends,” Ken said with a chuckle. Ken also said that the family realized, along with other farmers, that there isn’t enough room in the industry perhaps for all the quality people who might be interested in it, but for those who are able to get into it, he figured it was well worth the efforts. The evening’s program included an address by outspoken radio talk show host John Gormley who spoke about the new positive attitude that has taken over in Saskatchewan. Also on the agenda were three young public
speakers from the OutramMadigan 4-H Club. Keira Phillips was the youngest, the cloverbud presenter, who recited a poem about her favourite word which was yes. Abbie Brokenshire, a junior division presenter, discussed the effects of sugar on our lives while intermediate level speaker, Janae Wanner, addressed the topic of bullying and how to deal with this growing problem in today’s society. Alf Tide served as emcee for the evening’s event that attracted over 300 people as the business community turned out in large numbers to mingle with their agricultural partners for a full evening of fun.
Watch for the next edition of AgriNews on April 15th 2011
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4-H speakers from the Outram-Madigan Club presented their speeches to an audience of over 300 at the annual Farmers’ Appreciation Dinner. The youngest member was Keira Phillips, a cloverbud; while Abbie Brokenshire (left) represented the junior division and Janae Wanner (right) was an intermediate level presenter.
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Published monthly in Southeast Saskatchewan by the Prairie Newspaper Group., a subsidiary of Glacier Media. The Glacier group of companies collects personal information from our customers in the normal course of business transactions. We use that information to provide you with our products and services you request. On occasion we may contact you for purposes of research, surveys and other such matters. To provide you with better service we may share your personal information with our sister companies and also outside, selected third parties who perform work for us as suppliers, agents, service providers and information gatherers. Our subscription list may be provided to other organizations who have products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to participate in such matters, please contact us at the following address: The Southeast AgriNews, Box 730, Estevan, Saskatchewan, S4A 2A6; or phone (306) 634-2654. For a complete statement of our privacy policy, please go to our Website at: www.estevanmercury.ca The Southeast AgriNews is owned and operated by Boundary Publishers Ltd., a subsidiary of Glacier Ventures International Corp. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Publications Assistance Program toward our mailing costs.
Editor: Norm Park Publisher: Peter Ng Advertising Manager: Jan Boyle email: normpark@estevanmercury.ca 68 Souris Avenue, Estevan Phone: 634-2654 Fax: 634- 3934
Page 3
Canola producers hear upbeat news about market conditions By Norm Park For Agri-news The focus was on canola, but a good segment of a recent seminar held in Estevan also focused on general market conditions, heading into a new crop year in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission (SaskCanola) and Franck Groenewg of Edgeley, their representative in southeast Saskatchewan, held the seminar in the Days Inn Feb. 17 with about 30 local producers in attendance. Marlene Boersch of Mercantile Consulting Venture of Winnipeg was the key presenter in the morning session, giving the group a glimpse into all crop prospects for the coming year. Weather, political conditions and economics all weighed into her thoughts and presentation. Boersch took a general optimistic route through her address, noting how current world supplies of basic grains, lentils and oilseeds are low, so expectations are higher with regards to prices and demand, which is expected to increase by about three per cent. By the time 2017 rolls around, Boersch said, the agricultural community will have to be producing 2.7 billion tonnes of food with each domestic farmer feeding 155 people according to statistical
SaskCanola’s Patricia Flaten with southeast agricultural specialist Elaine Moats (right). extrapolations. In fact, demand will grow by 23 per cent over the next seven years, Boersch said. And with 2.7 billion or 39 per cent of the world’s population living in China and India alone, the pressure on farmers will be intense since the middle class income in those two countries is growing by between nine and 15 per cent yearly. “They can pay for it now and that means world grain production will have to go up because right now demand is greater than production,” Boersch said. She also noted that only a small segment of the world’s population is seeking higher grade grains. “Here in Saskatchewan
you are sitting on a big resource, but how are you going to manage it?” she asked local producers. “There will be occasional down slopes, but remember the general rule that the trend is your friend and for some time now, the trend has been up.” Corn received some additional attention, even though it is not a favoured crop in this area of the coun-
try. She said its additional use as a source for biofuels, has put pricing pressure on this product. To a lesser extent, the same types of pressure are being put on canola crops, but canola is not an important factor in ethanol production in Canada. She noted however, that since corn, canola and other crops are subsidized in the United States and some other countries, their biofuel
policies mean that these crops can be grown elsewhere for biofuels at a profit for farmers since it lessens their country’s reliance on oil imports. Boersch said the world’s supply of corn is now down to less than 18 days, the lowest it has been since 1974. So the demand is on for more corn, but there is increasing pressure to produce more lentils, peas, grains and oilseeds, Boersch said. She said oilseed production is down in China, wheat production is down in North America and Europe as well as in many areas of Africa. In his remarks to producers, Groeneweg noted that 1.76 cents per bushel check off on canola provides the commission with $3 to $4 million per year to use for development programs in concert with the Canola Council of Canada. He said canola production was 12 million tonnes and the target was for 15 million by 2015. “This is the Cinderella crop for Prairie producers,” Groeneweg said. He went on to say the development of more crushing plants and the use of the
canola meal for value added products, all goes toward making canola an extra valuable crop. Tiffany Martinka, an agronomist with the Canola Council of Canada, made an afternoon presentation regarding impacts on yields. She said that a good stand of canola is imperative to reaping major success at harvest. In other words, a good start on the crop is vital. She also noted how spacing, targeted plant populations and survivability factors all weigh into the picture as the crop season plays out. Elaine Moats, crop development specialist for Saskatchewan Agriculture, and Chris Hotzapfel from the Agricultural Research Foundation at Indian Head, also made presentations focusing on local crop conditions and immediate area concerns as they related to canola. Patricia Flaten, research manager for SaskCanola, served as co-ordinator for the event, the first one staged in southern Saskatchewan this winter since the four previous session had been held in the central part of the province.
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Viterra signs agreement with Canadian railways Viterra Inc. announced Feb. 18 that it has signed a memoranda of understanding (MOU) with Canadian National Railway (CN) and Canadian Pacific (CP) aimed at improving logistical efficiencies in Western Canada’s grain handling system. The MOU’s focus is on supply chain optimization and performance and establishing further accountability. “This is an important step towards definitive operating agreements that will benefit all stakeholders in Canada’s grain industry, from farmers to destination customers. Viterra is dedicated to driving excellence in Canada’s transportation supply chain, the company said in a release. The company has made a series of infrastructure investments over the last several years to promote the efficient movement of grains and oilseeds. “We are pleased that CN and CP share our commitment and through joint collaboration, are taking measures to improve rail service delivery,” said Bob Miller, Viterra’s senor vice-president, North American grain. The respective parties seek to establish specific metrics to measure performance in areas such as order placement and handling, country execution, transit and port performance. As a leading agribusiness, Viterra loads more than 160,000 railcars and 300 ships in Canada annually. Viterra has extensive operations across Western Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand, with Adelaide, Australia as the base for its southeast Asian operations while Regina serves as its Western Canadian headquarters. The company’s international presence extends to offices in Japan, Singapore, China, Switzerland, Italy and Ukraine. Viterra noted they operate three distinct businesses with the first being grain handling and marketing, the second being agri-products and the third, value-added processing.
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Page 4
5 1 8 h c r Ma 1 201
Six steps to build a farm safe team By Theresa Whalen CFA farm safety consultant Most farmers say safety is an important and essential core value in their operations. But building safety into everyday work plans for themselves, their families and employees is often a different story. Sometimes it’s tough to know the best way to pass on the safety ethic. But it can be done in six steps. The first step is to identify work expectations. Write a work procedure for each major job on your farm. In it, describe job responsibilities and duties, giving specific performance objectives, standards or requirements for each including safety expectations. This will include describing the quantity and quality of results with emphasis given to critical behaviours. Be sure that you and the worker each have a copy of the written job description. Use it for training and annual performance evaluations. Second, set up to succeed. Successful work has two primary ingredients, the first being the right workers using the right tools. Select and place workers based on matching their capabilities and competencies with the job. Ensure they have or get proper task instructions, skill training or coaching as needed and give a full review of related policies, procedures and practices. Empower workers by giving
them knowledge, responsibilities and authority to succeed at their job. This also means ensuring they have the proper materials, equipment, resources and environment to do the job effectively and safely. Third, monitor and measure performance. The best way to monitor and measure performance is through simple observation that concentrates on objective, measurable job related factors such as attendance, accuracy, quantity and quality of work, safety behaviours and other performance requirements. Evaluate their work and offer both positive comments and areas where improvement is needed. Document your findings as part of your employment business records. Fourth, provide performance feedback. Provide ongoing feedback to their work in general, pointing out both problems and progress. Use facts, figures and specific incidents to discuss job performance so as to avoid getting personal. Ask questions to ensure two-way communications — as they say, “learn to listen and listen to learn.” Strive for agreement on how the person is performing and why — and how they can improve. Fifth, practice workplace coaching. Always set a good example as to how to do things safely. When a worker’s behaviour needs to be changed to become safer, correct the behaviour through re-instruction, reminders, reviews,
refreshers and reinforcement using a mutual problem-solving approach. Base rewards on results and performance improvements by giving immediate recognition for desired (efficient, safe, productive) behaviour. Make a habit of reinforcing positive performance to make positive performance a habit. And finally, stimulate continual improvement. Get to know your workers and find out what motivates them. Demonstrate your concern for their health and well being, career development, professional growth and life-long learning. This means giving them the knowledge, tools and support to work safely. If something goes wrong, help your workers learn from experience by tracing incidents from consequences back to basic causes. Help them enjoy a safe and productive workplace. Plan Farm Safety is the three-year theme of the Canadian Agricultural Safety campaign that was launched in March 2010. Each aspect of the theme will be promoted over the next three years. In 2010 the campaign promoted the planning with safety walkabouts and safety planning. This year the focus will be on the farm part of the program, including implementation, documentation and training. In the third year, emphasis will be on safety including assessments, improvements and further development of safety systems. For more information visit www.planfarmsafety.ca
Safety planning includes your animals Safety measures on farms include those for the animals and farmers and ranchers in Saskatchewan are being reminded to start planning now to ensure their animals will be safe in the event of the anticipated high spring runoff. Recent forecasts indicate some areas may experience above average runoff this spring, especially in the southeast sector. There is potential for flooding in several regions, the forecasters and analysts said. The Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) reminds producers to move livestock to locations where they will not be affected by high water levels or
flooding. Muddy or washed out roads will impact access to livestock. The location of feed supplies, grain bins and machinery should be considered in the event of severe flooding. “Last year there were reports of animals being stranded in pastures or having to swim to safety because of severe flooding,” said Kaley Pugh, manager of Animal Protection Services at the Saskatchewan SPCA. Producers need to have plans in place to ensure animals have access to adequate feed and clean water throughout the next few months. “Once water levels have subsided, producers
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animals in small towns and rural locations. The associations works with producers and pet owners to ensure humane treatment of animals in all stages of their lives. When they uncover situations of abuse or neglect, the SPCA has the capability of laying charges under the Animal Protection Act.
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registered as a charitable organization in 1928 and is dedicated to animal welfare. It is governed by a volunteer board of directors and is headquartered in Saskatoon. The Saskatchewan SPCA is responsible for the investigation and resolution of complaints concerning the possible abuse or neglect of
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Recognizing Agricculture Safety Week In Our Community
critical. “We encourage all producers in flood prone areas to have emergency plans in place to relocate their livestock, feed and equipment in advance of the potential spring flooding,” MacPherson said. The Saskatchewan branch of the SPCA was
still have to be vigilant,” Pugh said. “Inspect feed supplies for evidence of mould, and watch for signs of floodrelated illnesses, such as foot rot or pneumonia.” Chad MacPherson of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association agrees that advance planning is
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Page 5
5 1 8 h c r Ma 1 201 Province recognizes Ag Safety Week As spring approaches, the a number of groups are drawing attention to the importance of the safety and well-being of farmers, ranchers, their families and their employees. Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud and Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Minister Don Morgan have proclaimed March 1319 as Agricultural Safety Week in Saskatchewan. “This proclamation reminds all producers about the importance of farm safety,” Bjornerud said. “It is important to recognize safety hazards on the farm and take the necessary steps to protect our producers and their families.” Saskatchewan Agriculture provides funding to
Safety is a personal matter
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Safety planning practices and training are very important aspects of safety in the workplace; but when you get right down to it — your safety is a choice you make for yourself. It’s personal. “Farm safety is not an act of fate,” said Marcel Hacault, executive director of the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA). “Most farm-related incidents are the predictable consequence of particular acts or omissions. If something is predictable, then it is also preventable.” Plan Farm Safety is the three-year theme of the Canadian Agricultural Safety campaign that was launched last March. Each aspect of the three-word theme was to be promoted in one of those years. The 2010 campaign promoted the planning part of the process with safety walkabouts and planning for safety. The second year, this year, focuses on the farm and that includes implementation, documentation and training. Next year the emphasis will be on the safety aspects of the project itself including assessments, improvements and further development of safety systems.
“The bottom line is that each person must assess their situation and consciously decide to do their work safely,” said Hacault. “They have to decide to turn the machine off before working on it. They have to decide to wear their seatbelt. They have to decide to block the wheels before unhitching the wagon. These may not seem like big decisions, however they can mean the difference between life or death.” Each year in Canada an average of 115 people are killed and at least 1,500 are hospitalized for farmrelated incidents, according to the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting (CAIR) program. In 2006 a total of 13,801 Canadian farms reported one or more medically treated or lost-time injuries, said a report from Statistics Canada. CAIR studies have also shown that farm-related injuries and fatalities don’t just happen by chance, they are the result of a chain of events typically numbering from 15 to 25. The good news is that there are many opportunities to interrupt the sequence and break the chain of events, altering the outcome. Here are four questions that can help you assess your risks as you do your farm work: What are the hazards? Am I or anyone else at risk? What preventative measures are available? Can anything further be done to make this job safe? An easy way to remember the four questions is the
acronym SAFE, meaning: see, access, fix, evaluate. “Farmers and farm workers have a dual role in risk management,” said Hacault. “They can be a source of risk when they do things carelessly; and they are also the most important part of the strategy for dealing with risk. That’s why it is so important for owneroperators to lead by example and always insist that work is done in a safe way.”
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the Agriculture Health and Safety Network, an affiliation of the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (CCHSA), to deliver safety initiatives and services for farm and ranch families. More than 200 rural municipalities also contribute funding to these projects. “Raising awareness about health and safety on the farm is always a priority for us,” Morgan said. “We are working with partners and stakeholders to reach the very important goal of eliminating injuries and fatalities in the agricultural sector.” Agricultural Safety
Week is held in conjunction with Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, which is sponsored by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA), Farm Credit Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA). Agricultural Safety Week is supported by many agricultural organizations within the province, including the Farmers with Disabilities Program of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council and the Saskatchewan Alliance for Safety and Health in Agriculture.
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Page 6
Make your safety plan work for you by Theresa Whalen CFA Farm Safety Consultant “When you identify and control hazards on your farm, you can prevent an incident,” said Ron Bonnett, Canadian Federation of Agriculture President. “Nothing happened because you followed your farm safety plan and it worked.” “Plan • Farm • Safety” is the three-year theme of the Canadian Agricultural Safety campaign. Each aspect of the theme is being promoted with a year-long campaign. Last year the campaign highlighted “plan” with safety walkabouts and planning for safety. This year, the focus is on “farm” including implementa-
tion, documentation and training. And next year, emphasis will be on “Safety” including assessment, improvement and further development of safety systems. The year-long “farm” campaign was launched with Canadian Agricultural Safety Week (CASW), March 13 to 19. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) and Canadian Agricultural Safety Association (CASA) deliver CASW in partnership with Farm Credit Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Prevention and problem solving bring benefits not only of better knowledge, skills and attitudes, but also better quality, productivity and cost control without losses due to injury or
illness. Here are six key questions to ask yourself as a general guide to this process. 1. What could go wrong? Agriculture has many variables such as weather, equipment and human resources, among others. Try to anticipate possible problems. 2. What skills and abilities do your workers have? Find out. Offer upgrade opportunities. Keep a record. Offer incentives. 3. How have you prepared to minimize the variables? Set priorities in terms of how serious it might be if it happens, and how probable it is that it might happen. 4. What are your contingency plans in the event of an incident? Write them down and let everyone you work with know where they are.
5. Are you prepared to learn from the close call? Note lessons learned and share them with the people who need to help improve safety on your farm. 6. Do you involve everyone in identifying and controlling safety risks? Hold regular safety meeting. Depending on the number of employees, set up a safety committee. Listen. Learn and act. In farm safety, the old adage, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true as ever. And it all starts with a plan followed by action. For more information on this and other farm safety topics visit www.planfarmsafety.ca .
Cultivating a safety attitude Effective agricultural safety practices require skill and positive attitude. It is not enough simply to know how to do things safely — you also have to have the drive to actually do it. You have to walk the talk. So how do you create a great safety attitude in your farm operation? Well, the first is to lead by example, give feedback, provide training, involve employees and offer safety incentives.
Leading by example is by far the most powerful way to establish acceptable and expected safety behaviour on your farm. If the employer makes it clear that the safe way is the only way to work on his or her farm, then employees follow suit. Feedback involves letting the worker know how well his or her performance meets the expected work standards, but first you must let them know what the expected stan-
dard is. Training is an important means of influencing how people think and behave. It not only shows them how to do the job, but also establishes possible consequences of their behaviour to themselves and others. Make sure workers know how to do the whole job safely, not just the one or two steps that they did wrong. Employee involvement in farm safety is an effective way of changing
Include kids in your farm safety plan by Theresa Whalen CFA Farm Safety Consultant Unlike most other industries, in farming, the workplace is also usually the home. Adults frequently work with their children nearby and that can increase the risk of children getting injured. “Farm life can put families in situations that are uncommon to the average household,” said Greg Stewart, president and CEO of Farm Credit Canada (FCC). “As a result, learning to recognize hazards and practicing farm safety is essential, especially with young children around.” Each year in Canada an average of 115 people are killed and another 1,500 are hospitalized due to farm-related incidents. A study done by the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting (CAIR) program found that between 1990 - 2005,
there were 217 children aged 14 or younger killed on Canadian farms. An alarming number of them, 99, were five or under. For children aged 14 and under, machine runovers were the predominant cause of death (42 per cent), followed by drownings (15 per cent), machine rollovers (11 per cent), animal-related injuries (seven per cent), and being caught in or under a non-machine object (five per cent). For this age group, the first three causes, (machine runovers, drowning sand machine rollovers), were associated with two-thirds of all child deaths. To make your farm more child safe, here are several things you can do to protect them and yourself: • Inspect your farm for hazards that could lead to injury. Involve your children in the inspection and explain the potential hazards.
• Build a fenced-in safe play area for young children and ensure they are supervised at all times. • Give older children age-appropriate tasks. Remember they are children - not small adults. • Make sure children receive and understand safety training before each activity. • Never allow extra riders on any equipment! • Check your provincial laws to learn the legal age for operating farm machinery. • Fence farm ponds and manure pits. Supervise children in and around water. • Teach children the safe way to handle animals. Keep livestock in appropriate pens or fenced areas. • Keep work areas neat and clean and machinery in good repair. • And most importantly, be a good role model for safe practices. Kids learn by example.
worker beliefs by increasing understanding, and offering a greater sense of support and pride in their work. And finally, safety incentives based on things that workers have to learn, do or remember can be effective in improving farm safety behaviour. For example, a worker could be
sent for specialized safety training paid for by the farm. This will give the worker some time away from the farm routine, enhance their employable job skills and make them a more capable and valuable employee on the farm. It is important to remember that rewards should be based on correct
actions rather than based on not having incidents, because that could discourage accident reporting. By getting to know your employees and what is important to them, you will learn the best way to encourage and motivate them into becoming more safety conscious on your farm.
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Page 7
Crop insurance improvements include record levels of coverage On Feb. 24 federal Agricultural Minister Gerry Ritz and Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Minister Bob Bjornerud announced the 2011 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Program, which includes record provincial funding, record coverage levels, an enhanced unseeded acreage benefit and other program improvements. “Crop insurance is the first line of defence against risk for Saskatchewan farmers,” said Ritz. “Our government is pleased to work with Saskatchewan’s to improve this stable, bankable and predictable program for producers.” “We are continually working to improve the Crop Insurance Program for producers,” Bjornerud added. “The increased coverage and new program enhancements will help producers better protect their crops against risks, such as excess moisture.” Coverage levels are increasing by $42
per acre to $173 per acre on average, up from $131 per acre in 2010. This is the highest average crop insurance coverage ever offered. The 2011 provincial crop insurance budget is a record high $161 million. In 2011, the unseeded acreage benefit will increase to $70 from $50 per eligible acre. The seeding intensity calculation has also been revised to help producers facing excess moisture challenges. For young producers beginning a new contract, it will now be easier to transfer yields and premium discounts earned by family members of the same farming operation. This will allow many young producers to have immediate access to improved coverage and reduced premium based on their family farming history, as opposed to the previous method of using area averages. The 2011 Crop Insurance Program
also includes: increased establishment benefit values for large green lentils, canola and identity-preserved canola; an enhanced forage insurance program; and an expanded number of crops eligible for the crop averaging program. “After last year’s record rainfall, we are pleased to see an increased unseeded acreage benefit,” David Marit, president of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) said. “This, along with record high coverage levels and other program improvements, will help address the needs of Saskatchewan producers.” “Livestock producers depend on forage production to maintain their herds and the improved forage insurance program will help them better guard against risk,” said Jack Hextall, chairman of the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association. “Canola is a major crop in Saskatchewan and vital to the success of many pro-
ducers’ operations,” SaskCanola chairman Brett Halstead said. “We are pleased to see increased establishment values for canola, an increase in coverage levels and other program improvements that will benefit canola producers.” “We are pleased crop insurance continues to make improvements to the program to help pulse producers manage their risks,” Saskatchewan Pulse Growers chairman Murray Purcell said. “Increased unseeded acreage benefits, coverage levels and establishment values are important steps to helping our producers and industry continue to grow in Saskatchewan.” The deadline for customers to apply for, make changes to or cancel their crop insurance contract is March 31 of this year. Detailed program and contract information is also available at any crop insurance office, at www.saskcropinsurance.com or by calling 1-888-935-0000.
Machinery runovers are preventable by Theresa Whalen CFA Farm Safety Consultant Machinery runovers accounted for almost 20 per cent of all work-related fatalities on Canadian farms between 1990-2005. Overall, unmanned runovers were most common (37 per cent), followed by bystander runovers (27 per cent), fallen operator runovers (19 per cent), and extra rider runovers (15 per cent), reports a study by the Canadian Agricultural Injury Reporting (CAIR) program. Runovers are entirely preventable. Preventing them needs to be part of your work procedures laid down in your farm safety plan. Runovers are a significant cause of death among all age groups accounting for 42 per cent of fatalities among children aged 14 and younger; 10 per cent among adults aged 15 to 59; and 23 per cent among adults 60 and older, the CAIR study
reports. With children, 55 per cent of all runover deaths were due to bystander runovers. Forty-one per cent of the children were killed when they fell from a machine where they had been an extra rider. “Most children con-
sider it to be great fun to ride on Daddy’s knee while he drives the tractor,” said Marcel Hacault, executive director of CASA. “But Dad needs to wake up! That tractor is not a toy. The farm is not a playground. Children need to be supervised at all times in a safe play
area and never be permitted to be an extra rider. Love your children enough to say ‘No’, and choose other time to spend with them.” Most adults aged 15 to 59 were run over by machines with no one in the operator’s seat (46 per cent). The practice of
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extra rider (nine per cent) runovers. In adults aged 60 and older, most runovers involved unmanned machines (56 per cent), followed by fallen operator runovers (25 per cent), bystander runovers (15 per cent) and extra rider runovers (three per cent).
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bypass-starting a tractor by short circuiting its ignition system is associated with a very high incidence of fatal unmanned machine runovers. Other significant causes of death were from being struck by a machine (23 per cent) the operator had fallen from, as well as bystander (19 per cent) and
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